

Wikipedia has lots of information about Fremantle. And here, Freopedia has a bit of information about Wikipedia.

How does Freopedia relate to Wikipedia?

If an article exists on Wikipedia, you should add to it there and put the {{Wikipedia}} template]] on the equivalent page here. For this page, that displays as follows:

Wikipedia logo
Wikipedia has an article about Wikipedia.

You may wish to contribute to that article in preference to this one, so that your contributions may be of use to the greatest number of people.

Of course, anything that is not suitable for Wikipedia can be added here on Freopedia instead (within reason).

If something is not accepted on Wikipdia (i.e. it's not notable), then you are encouraged to add it here. That way, the general information about Freo, the things that are considered useful and notable by non-Freo folk, are kept in the 'big encyclopaedia in the cloud', and more detailed stuff, the local-knowledge-only, is kept here.

The {{Wikipedia}} template is used to add pages to the above list. It is added automatically to buildings, streets, and people pages.

What topics are on both projects?