
Paul Hasluck

Birth:1 April 1905 in Fremantle
Death:9 January 1993 in Subiaco
Authority control:Wikidata: Q1382174
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Paul Hasluck was born in Fremantle in 1905, the "second of four surviving children of English-born parents Ethel Meernaa Hasluck and his wife Patience Eliza, née Wooler".[1]

Husband of historian Alexandra DARKER (1908-1993) the mother of Rollo (1941-1973) and Nicholas (1942-). He was also Governor-General.


Hasluck, Paul 1939, Into the Desert, Freshwater Bay Press, Claremont.
Hasluck, Paul 1969, Collected Verse, Hawthorn Press.
Hasluck, Paul 1971, An Open Go, Hawthorn Press.
Hasluck, Paul 1975, The Poet in Australia, Hawthorn Press.
Hasluck, Paul 1984, Dark Cottage (poems), Freshwater Bay Press.

Political writing

Hasluck, Paul 1942, Black Australians: A Survey of Native Policy in Western Australia, 1829–1897, MUP, 2nd edition, 1970.
Hasluck, Paul 1948, Workshop of Security, Cheshire.
Hasluck, Paul 1970, The Government and the People, Australian War Memorial, Volume I: 1939–41, 1951, Volume II: 1942–45.
Hasluck, Paul 1953, Native Welfare in Australia, Brokensha.
Hasluck, Paul 1976, A Time for Building: Australian Administration in Papua-New Guinea, 1951–1963, MUP.
Hasluck, Paul 1979, The Office of Governor-General, MUP.
Hasluck, Paul 1980, Sir Robert Menzies, Melbourne University Press, 1980.
Hasluck, Paul 1980, Diplomatic Witness: Australian Foreign Affairs, MUP, 1980.
Hasluck, Paul 1980, Shades of Darkness: Aboriginal Affairs, 1925–1965, MUP, 1988.
Hasluck, Paul ed. 1980, The Chance of Politics, Text, 1997.


Hasluck, Paul 1994, Mucking About: An Autobiography, MUP, 1977.
Hasluck, Paul 1995, Light That Time Has Made, NLA.


Hasluck, Paul 1928, 'Guildford, 1827-1842', Early Days, vol. 1, part 2: 1-19.
Hasluck, Paul 1927, 'The first year in the north-west', Early Days, vol. 1, part 4: 1-16.
Hasluck, Paul 1929, 'Early settlers on the Murray', Early Days, vol. 1, part 5: 16-30.
Hasluck Paul & F. I. Bray 1930, 'Early Mills of Perth', Early Days, vol. 1, part 8.
Hasluck, Paul 1931, 'Farming in the forties: the Burges journals, Early Days, vol. 1, part 9.
Hasluck, Paul 1931, 'The voyage of the Ivy, 1871', Early Days, vol. 1, part 10.
Hasluck, 2/hasluck1.htmlPaul 1933, 'Glimpses of early Perth and Fremantle, 1829-1839', Early Days, vol. 2, part 13: 36-49.
Hasluck, Paul 1934, 'Travels in Western Australia, 1870-74: extracts from the
journal of Thomas Scott', Early Days, vol. 2, part 15.
Hasluck, Paul 1977, 'The founding of the Society: some personal reminiscences', Early Days, vol. 8, part 1.
Hasluck, Paul 1977, 'The early years of John Forrest', Early Days, vol. 8, part 1.


  1. Sir Paul Meernaa Hasluck (1905–1993), Australian Dictionary of Biography

Albrook, Malcolm 2017, bio in ADB.

Bolton, Geoffrey 2006, 'Sir Paul Hasluck: the opportunities of his career', Early Days, vol. 12, part 6.

Bolton, Geoffrey 2014, Paul Hasluck: A Life, UWAP.

Ryan, Peter (December 1995, 'The clear voice of hope', Quadrant, 39, 12: 77 (review of Light That Time Has Made)

Peter Ryan 2004, 'Paul Hasluck', Brief Lives, Duffy & Snellgrove, Sydney: 91-104.

Editor of Early Days 1993, 'Obituaries: Sir Paul and Dame Alexandra Hasluck', Vol. 10 Part 5.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 6 May, 2020 and hosted at (it was last updated on 26 October, 2023), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.