
Table structure:

  1. type - String
  2. title - String
  3. authors - List of Page, delimiter: ;
  4. date - String
  5. publisher - String
  6. location - String
  7. image - File
  8. url - URL
  9. wikidata - String
  10. fremantle_brn - String

This table has 50 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page type title authors date publisher location image url wikidata fremantle brn
'Tis but a shadow (edit) newspaper article ‘Tis but a shadow Betty McGeever 2023-04-08 Fremantle Herald Fremantle


A Colony Detailed (edit) book A Colony Detailed: The First Census of Western Australia 1832 Ian Berryman 1979 Creative Research Perth


A Community Enterprise (edit) book A Community Enterprise: the History of the Port of Fremantle 1897-1997 Malcolm Tull 1997 International Maritime Economic History Association St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada


A Descriptive Vocabulary of the Language of the Aborigines (edit) written work A Descriptive Vocabulary of the Language of the Aborigines George Fletcher Moore 1842


A Most Industrious Tradeswoman (edit) written work A Most Industrious Tradeswoman: Mary Higham, Nineteeth Century Merchant of Fremantle Geoffrey J. Higham 1994 The Gayton Squirrel Trust Winthrop


A New History of Western Australia (edit) written work A New History of Western Australia Tom Stannage 1981 UWA Press


A Ticket to Ride (edit) book A Ticket to Ride: A History of the Fremantle Municipal Tramways John Chalmers 1997 Electric Tramways Society
Freotopia tramways img chalmers.jpg


A walk along the river in North Fremantle (edit) blog post A walk along the river in North Fremantle Garry Gillard 1 December, 2009


A walk along the Swan River to Melville (edit) blog post A walk along the Swan River to Melville Garry Gillard 19 February, 2010


At Last She Moves (Webster, 1885) (edit) newspaper article At Last She Moves (Webster, 1885) Phillip Webster 1885-05-08


Beyond the Round House (edit) written work Fremantle: Beyond the Round House David Webb David Warren 2005 Longley Fremantle


Captain Richard Griffith Johns by Lee-Anne Percival (edit) article Captain Richard Griffith Johns (1849-1883) Lee-Anne Percival


Changing Fremantle (edit) written work Changing Fremantle M.J. Edmonds K.G. Bott J.E.V. Birch E.S. Morris Robin McKellar Campbell 1973 Fremantle City Council


Characters of the Buffalo Club (edit) poem Characters of the Buffalo Club Gaylene Rosier


City of Fremantle and Town of East Fremantle Street Names Index (edit) dataset City of Fremantle and Town of East Fremantle Street Names Index 2016 Fremantle History Centre


City of Fremantle Memorials, Plaques, Sculptures, and Statues (edit) dataset City of Fremantle Memorials, Plaques, Sculptures, and Statues Sabrina Bednarski 2016-08-15 City of Fremantle


Colebatch, the Blood-Spiller (edit) newspaper article Colebatch, the Blood-Spiller! Uses a de facto Military Force at Fremantle John Curtin 1919-05-09 The Westralian Worker Perth


Defending Fremantle (edit) written work Defending Fremantle, Albany and Bunbury, 1939 to 1945 Graham McKenzie-Smith 20009 Grimwade Publications


Diary of Ten Years Eventful Life of an Early Settler in Western Australia (edit) written work Diary of ten years eventful life of an early settler in Western Australia and also A descriptive vocabulary of the language of the aborigines George Fletcher Moore 1884


Dictionary of Western Australians (edit) book Dictionary of Western Australians Rica Erickson 1979


Early Colonial Taverns and Inns (edit) article Early Colonial Taverns and Inns Trevor Tuckfield 1975 Royal Western Australian Historical Society


Early Days of Fremantle (edit) article Early Days of Fremantle Joseph Keane Hitchcock 1919 The Fremantle Times Fremantle


Fighting for Fremantle (edit) book Fighting for Fremantle: The Fremantle Society Story Ron Davidson Dianne Davidson 2010 Fremantle Society
'Fighting for Fremantle' cover.jpg


Four Years Report (edit) newspaper article Four Years Report on the Colony of Western Australia William Milligan 1835-09-05 Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal


Fremantle Hospital: A Social History to 1987 (edit) book Fremantle Hospital: A Social History to 1987 Phyl Garrick Chris Jeffery 1987 Fremantle Hospital
Fremantle Hospital A Social History.jpg


Fremantle Walks (edit) book Fremantle Walks David Hutchison 2006 Fremantle Arts Centre Press
Freotopia fremantlewalks 1.jpg


Giant Lettered Sheds (edit) book Giant Lettered Sheds: Life in the Port City of Fremantle in the 1950s Carl Edwards 2010 Book-Pal


Guns, Graves and Dreaming (edit) book Guns, Graves and Dreaming Tim Johnson 1992 John Curtin Senior High School


Heartbreak Hill (edit) newspaper article Heartbreak Hill Steve Grant 28 March 2015 Fremantle Herald


Henderson & Coy (edit) written work Henderson & Coy Robin McKellar Campbell 2017 Faculty of Architecture, UWA
Freotopia books img henderson&coy.jpg


Inns and Outs of Fremantle (edit) book Inns and Outs of Fremantle: a Social History of Fremantle and its Hotels 1829-1929 Allen Graham 2023 Xlibris
Freotopia books img innsandouts.jpg


John Boyle O'Reilly (play) (edit) play John Boyle O'Reilly Lois Achimovich 1989 Fremantle
Freotopia people loisachimovich img JBO7.jpg


Philaleth's letters to the editor (edit) letter Philaleth's letters to the editor George Fletcher Moore 1833


Producing gas from Xanthorrhoea (edit) collection Producing gas from Xanthorrhoea Henry Wray


Sea Rescue for Signal Station (edit) newspaper article Sea Rescue for Signal Station Brian Mitchell 2 February 2015 Fremantle Herald


Street names - words which clash on the phone (edit) newspaper article Street names - words which clash on the phone 1908-01-11 The Empire


Swan River Colony 1829-1850 (edit) article Swan River Colony 1829-1850 Pamela Statham 1981 UWA Press


The Arthur Head Project (edit) written work The Arthur Head Project: Principles for the protection and development of Western Australia's most significant historic site Fremantle City Council 1983 November Fremantle City Council
Freotopia books img ahpcover.jpg


The Bateman hardware enterprise in Western Australia (edit) essay The Bateman hardware enterprise in Western Australia 1834 (?) to 1981 Charles W. Henderson 1981 University of Western Australia
Bateman essay - 01.png


The Chief (edit) written work The Chief C.Y.O'Connor Merab Tauman 1978 University of Western Australia Press


The Clubs (edit) book The Clubs David Parker Ron Davidson 2010 FotoFreo Fremantle


The Coming Colony (edit) book The Coming Colony: Practical Notes on Western Australia Philip Mennell 1892 Hutchinson & Co. London


The History of Fremantle: The Front Gate of Australia, 1829-1929 (edit) book The History of Fremantle: The Front Gate of Australia, 1829-1929 Joseph Keane Hitchcock 1929 Fremantle City Council


The Western Gateway (edit) book The Western Gateway: A History of Fremantle John K. Ewers 1971 Fremantle City Council and University of Western Australia Press
Freotopia books img ewerscover.jpg


Victoria of Victoria Square (edit) newspaper article Perth Names. Victoria of Victoria Square Cyril Bryan (Cygnet) 1939-02-04 The West Australian Perth


Victoria Quay and its Architecture (edit) written work Victoria Quay and it's Architecture: It's History & Assessment of Cultural Significance David Hutchison Jack Kent Agnieshka Kiera Russell Kingdom Larraine Stevens Tanya Suba 1991 City of Fremantle
Freotopia port img vq1991.jpg


WABI (edit) dataset Western Australian Biographical Index Rica Erickson Et al. 1979 SLWA


Wharf Rats and Other Stories (edit) book Wharf Rats and Other Stories: 100 Years of Growing up in Fremantle Karen Lang Jan Newman 2004 Fremantle Primary School


When war came to Fremantle (edit) written work When war came to Fremantle, 1899 to 1945 Deborah Gare Madison Lloyd-Jones 2014 Fremantle Press Fremantle


Wicklow, Crimea, and the Last Frontier (edit) written work Wicklow, Crimea, and the Last Frontier Peter Conole 2019 FamilyHistoryWA