
Table structure:

  1. wikidata - String
  2. image - File
  3. named_after - Page

This table has 12 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page wikidata image named after
Beaconsfield (edit) Q4876020
WTF Charlie's Team Christ the King Church.jpeg
East Fremantle (suburb) (edit) Q3717659
East Fremantle Town Hall (1).jpg
Fremantle (suburb) (edit) Q5501469
00 1626 Fremantle Markets.jpg
Hamilton Hill (edit) Q5644998
Newmarket hotel Hamilton hill gnangarra-11.jpg
Hilton (edit) Q14935811
OIC hilton mount carmel church front 1.jpg
North Fremantle (edit) Q7055450
Dingo flour gnangarra.jpg
O'Connor (edit) Q7071724
Commercial buildings along Stock Road, O'Connor, December 2021 05.jpg
Palmyra (edit) Q7128451
Millers' Bakehouse Museum, Palmyra, April 2020 02.jpg
Samson (edit) Q7410349
Samson Park 2010 SMC.jpg
Frederick Samson
South Fremantle (edit) Q7567315 Fremantle
Spearwood (edit) Q3966132
Spearwood city of cockburn gnangarra-10.jpg
Eucalyptus doratoxylon
White Gum Valley (edit) Q7994742
Pitts Lane, White Gum Valley.jpg