Suburbs of Fremantle: Beaconsfield · Fremantle · Hilton · North Fremantle · O'Connor · Samson · South Fremantle · White Gum Valley

- Wikipedia article: Beaconsfield, Western Australia
- Wikidata item: Q4876020
- Agnes Street
- Annie Street
- Barfield Place
- Beard Street
- Butterworth Place
- Carr Street
- Carrington Street
- Clontarf Road
- Curedale Street
- Davies Street
- Edmund Street
- Fifth Avenue
- Hampton Road
- Howell Vista
- Keady Way
- Lefroy Road
- Martha Street
- McCleery Street
- Reuben Street
- Solomon Street
- South Street
- Trafford Street
Beaconsfield is named after a property known as 'Beaconsfield', located in the area in the 1880s. The name was officially adopted for the Post Office in August 1894. The origin is unknown, but is probably from the English town (in Bucks) or after Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, created Earl of Beaconsfield in 1879. Heritage Council.
The suburb is bounded by Hampton and Healy Roads, and South, Carrington, and Jean Streets.
[[../hotels/beaconsfield.html|Beaconsfield Hotel]]
[[../churches/stpauls.html|St Paul's Beaconsfield]]
[[../churches/beaconsfieldcongregrational.html|Beaconsfield Congregational]], 184 Hampton Rd, Beaconsfield
[[../schools/beaconsfield.html|Beaconsfield Primary]] (former)
[[../churches/christtheking.html|Christ the King]]
[[../parks/jamesmoore.html|James Moore Pioneer Park]]
[[../parks/brucelee.html|Bruce Lee Oval]]
[[../parks/davispark.html|Davis Park]]
[[../people/lefroy.html|Henry Maxwell Lefroy]]
[[../people/daviesgeorgealfred.html|George Alfred Davies]]
[[../people/curedale.html|George Curedale]]
[[../cinemas/beacon.html|Beacon Cinema]] (not in Beaconsfield)
References and Links
This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 17 July, 2019 and hosted at (it was last updated on 15 April, 2024), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.