2011 Heritage Festival
- 27 May 7:30PM Songs & Stories with Bernard Carney
- 28 May Lunchbox Heritage
- 28 May 3:00PM Restoring St Pats
- 29 May Noon Open Heritage Doors
- 29 May TBA Lunatics and Artists
- 31 May 7:30PM Heritage QandA
- 1 June 6:45PM The Making of Montessori
- 2 June 3:15PM Fremantle's Underbelly
- 2 June 7:15PM Fremantle Heritage Awards
- 3 June 3:30PM Fremantle Club Crawl
- 4 June 2PM & 3PM Don's Tram Tours
Part of the 2011 Fremantle Heritage Festival.

Fremantle’s Troubadour Bernard Carney will open the evening by telling stories and singing songs from his 4 decade career in the WA music industry. After the interval Bernard will be joined by David Hyams and friends to perform songs from his brand new CD.
It promises to be a night of great music seasoned with yarns and nostalgia.
This event will be held in the stunning Fremantle Town Hall.
The room will be setup with cabaret tables, so bring a plate of snacks, there will be a bar (no BYO) and book stall selling Fighting for Fremantle.
Date: Friday 27th May 2011. Doors Open: 7:30pm
- Members / Cons: $14.95 in advance; $19.95 on the door.
- Full $19.95 in advance $24.95 on the door.
- Tix from Jon 0417 901 809
- Info: jonstrachan@dalystreet6162.com