(Redirected from Dalgety Woolstores)
  1. Queen Victoria Street
  2. Beach Street
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-32.04741, 115.750732

The former Dalgety Woolstores (now an apartment building called Heirloom) are located between Beach Street and Queen Victoria Street, with frontage to both streets.

The original building (and a later renovation) was designed by Hobbs, Smith, and Forbes in 1922–23.[1]

During WWW2 it was commandeered by the US Navy:[2]

Designation - Dalgety's Buildings.

Leased or Constructed - Leased.

Location - Queen Victoria Street - Fremantle.

Use: Administrative Office U.S. NSD. Navy 137; Ship's Store; Ship's Store Bulk Storeroom; C&SS Issue Room. Stationery Storeroom; Receiving Section; Radio & Radar Storeroom.

Area sq. ft. See next page.

Type of Construction - Brick

Personnel - See below.


(1) NSD. Administrative Office - 8,354 sq. ft. Personnel: Officers 21, enlisted men 19, civilians 58. Too small for efficient operation; civilian personnel sufficient; facilities poor.

(2) Clothing & Small Stores Issue Room - Personnel: Officers 0 and enlisted men 1. Too small; Stores O.K. to meet present demands. Ship's Store Issue Room & Storeroom - Personnel: enlisted men 2. Ship's Store Bulk Room - Too small for proper storage. Personnel needed. Personnel: enlisted men 2. Space used - 4,876 sq. ft.

(3) The stationery storeroom comprises 2,229 sq. ft. Classes in this storeroom consist of 18, 28, 37, 51, 53, 54, 64, and 72. Storeroom is too small and totally inadequate for maximum operation. Personnel: 2 enlisted men and 1 civilian. Radar & Radio - Class 16 material. Storeroom 2, 134 sq. ft. Personnel: 1 enlisted man. Stores sufficient to meet demands. Receiving Section - Contains 11,751 sq. ft. Totally inadequate for the volume of material handled. Personnel: 6 enlisted men and 1 civilian.

Apartment building inside a former woolstore, Beach Street. Architect: Cameron Chisholm Nicol. Developer: Match (M/Group). Financier: Sirona.

This was Dalgety's woolstore. Which in 1927 looked like this:

Photo courtesy SLWA: 014484PD: Dalgetys Wool Store, Fremantle, 1927 at State Library of Western Australia. This is now (2022) 'Heirloom Apartments by Match'. (Sounds like Arpège by Lanvin :)


References and Links



This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 27 February, 2022 and hosted at freotopia.org/buildings/heirloom.html (it was last updated on 31 March, 2024), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.

  1. Register of Heritage Places - Permanent Entry, Dalgety Wool Stores (fmr).
  2. Base Facilities Report, US Navy.