


[[../index.html|Freotopia]] >


(and Lieutenant-Governors) of the Swan River Colony, and the State of Western Australia

James Stirling, Lieutenant-Governor 1828-1832, Governor 1832-1839

John Hutt, 1839-1846

Andrew Clarke, 1846-1847

Frederick Irwin (acting), 1847-1848

Charles Fitzgerald, 1848-1855

Arthur Kennedy, 1855-1862

John Hampton, 1862-1868

Benjamin Pine, 1868-1869

Frederick A. Weld, 1869-1875

William Robinson, 1875-1877

Harry Ord, 1877-1880

William Robinson, 1880-1883

Frederick Napier Broome, 1883-1890

William Robinson, 1890-1895

Gerard Smith, 1895-1901

Arthur Lawley, 1901-1903

Frederick Bedford, 1903-1909

Gerald Strickland, 19909-1913

Harry Barron, 1913-1917

William Ellison-Macartney, 1917-1920

Francis Newdegate, 1920-1924

William Campion, 1924-1931

n/a*, 1931-1948

James Mitchell, 1948-1951

Charles Gairdner, 1951-1963

Douglas Kendrew, 1963-1974

Hughie Edwards, 1974-1975

Wallace Kyle, 1975-1980

Richard Trowbridge, 1980-1983

Gordon Reid, 1984-1989

Francis Burt, 1990-1993

Michael Jeffery, 1993-2000

John Sanderson 2000-2005

Ken Michael, 2006-2011

Malcolm McCusker, 2011-2014

Kerry Sanderson , 2014-2018

Kim Beazley, 2018-present

  • The post of Governor was not filled between 1931 and 1948. Sir John Northmore was administrator until 29 June 1932. He was Lieutenant-Governor until 10 July 1933, and was succeeded as Lieutenant-Governor by Sir James Mitchell until 4 October 1948. Mitchell was appointed Governor from 5 October 1948.

References and Links


Government House page for former governors - much better than this one.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 29 June, 2021 and hosted at (it was last updated on 26 July, 2023), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.