
Fremantle History Society 2024 AGM

Event Details
Start:2024-07-23 17:00 +0800
End:2024-07-23 19:00 +0800
Location:Fremantle History Centre
Organiser:Fremantle History Society

The Fremantle History Society's 2024 AGM will be held on Tuesday 23rd July at the Fremantle History Centre from 5.00 -7.00 pm. There will be drinks and nibbles of course — contributions to supper most welcome.

Our speaker for the evening is Dr Steve Errington. Steve is a former vice president of the Fremantle History Society and is the Immediate Past President of the Royal WA Historical Society. He has published seven books on aspects of WA history including histories of the South Fremantle Football Club where he is now a Life Member, and of the Round House where he was for many years a volunteer guide.

While researching the history of the Round House – the Swan River Settlement’s most important gaol – he started collecting details of its inmates with the idea of listing them in an appendix. However, it transpired that its seven or eight cells accommodated 2,400 individuals before the Fremantle Gaol was replaced in 1856 by a much bigger gaol in Perth.

Hesperian Press has now published their details in a separate volume, Locked up in Fremantle 1829 to 1856. For hundreds of people (especially visiting sailors) there is no other printed record that they were ever in Western Australia. For others the book might reveal embarrassing episodes from their family history.

In a short talk Steve will discuss what the details tell us about law and order in our early years. Copies of both Round House books will be available at a discount at the meeting.

Following the talk we will hold the AGM. The agenda will be as follows:

  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes of AGM 25th July 2023
  4. Business Arising
  5. President’s report for the year 2023/2024, Jude Robison
  6. Treasurer’s Report, Pam Harris
  7. Election of 2024/2025 Fremantle History Society Committee
  8. General Business