
Ron and Dianne Davidson Scholarship

The first Fremantle History Society Research Scholarship was won by Jillian Barteaux, announced at Fremantle Studies Day 2014, and read to the Society at Fremantle Studies Day 2015. It was published in Fremantle Studies, 10:

Barteaux, Jillian 2019, '"Bright breezy bracing South Beach": the history of a seaside playground', Fremantle Studies, 10: 1-17.

The second scholarship was awarded to Natasha Meston in 2016 for 'The Amateurs of Perth: Fremantle Symphony Orchestra' which was presented at Studies Day 2017 and published in Fremantle Studies, 11:

Meston, Natasha 2022, 'The City of Fremantle Symphony Orchestra: a history', Fremantle Studies, 11: 55-80.

The third scholarship was awarded to Cate Pattison in 2018 for research which was published in Fremantle Studies, 12:

Pattison, Cate 2023, 'A job at the Imps: The State Implement and Engineering Works, North Fremantle 1913-1986', Fremantle Studies, 12: 51-75.

No scholarship was awarded in 2020 due to the Covid epidemic.

In 2021 the scholarship was renamed the Ron and Dianne Davidson Research Scholarship and was awarded to Dr Dorothy Erickson for her paper, 'Fremantle through artists' eyes and artifacts'. It will appear, deo volente, in Fremantle Studies, Vol. 13.

In 2023, Caroline Ingram was the winner. She will be investigating the life of Margaret Cody who, in 1871, was the second woman to be executed in Western Australia for murder.



The Fremantle History Society (FHS) is again delighted to be offering a one-year scholarship valued at $2,000 for a research project relating to the history of Fremantle.

Purpose: The purpose of the scholarship is to encourage new, high quality research which will contribute to the understanding of the history and heritage of Fremantle.
Whilst the successful applicant will be expected to produce a work of academic quality based on factual research, they are also encouraged to pursue a topic, or angle on a topic not covered in existing literature.

Recipients' Obligations: The successful recipient is expected to undertake a new piece of research into an aspect of Fremantle’s history and/or heritage.  Where pertinent to Fremantle the greater Fremantle area will be considered appropriate.
Conditions of the scholarship require the findings are made publicly accessible, including inclusion in the Fremantle Studies Journal the year after submission.
The format of the final piece is negotiable but is expected take the form of a monograph of between 5,000-8,000 words. Photographs and/or sketches are encouraged if they would enhance the final product.
A less conventional format may be considered.  However, a referenced synopsis of the research findings must also be completed and lodged with the Fremantle History Centre, City of Fremantle Library.
The research must be new and it must result in a high-quality piece of scholarship including appropriate referencing.

Number and Value: One scholarship of $2,000 is available.

Eligibility Requirements: A wide range of applications are encouraged, from community members, students, local historians, academics or individuals interested in Fremantle’s history.  The common aspect is enthusiasm about the prospect of completing a high-quality work celebrating Fremantle’s past.

Body responsible for selection: An independent scholarship selection committee will assess the applications and prepare a report for the FHS Committee for consideration.

Selection criteria:
Proposals will be assessed against the following criteria

  • The research should be new or takes a new perspective on past research.
  • The proposal should be intrinsically connected to Fremantle.
  • The applicant can demonstrate the ability to complete the work to a high standard within the nominated time frame.
  • There needs to be an innovative or creative approach to the chosen topic/theme.
  • Confirmation the proposed study is a piece of original work, not published elsewhere or submitted for another publication.

Application procedures: Applicants are required to complete the FHS History Research Scholarship Application Form enclosing a research proposal (250 words), curriculum vitae and a sample of writing as attachments. Applications must be received by the Secretary of the Fremantle History Society, or PO Box 1305 Fremantle 6159 by Friday 22 September 2023.

About the Fremantle History Society:  The FHS is a community group that seeks to promote interest in, research on and publication of the history and heritage of Fremantle.
Society activities include 9 general meetings a year, a quarterly newsletter, site tours and an
annual Fremantle Studies Day for research presentations. The primary objectives
of the FHS are to:

  • encourage community involvement in the study of Fremantle history and cultural diversity through research, oral history and writing
  • disseminate information about Fremantle in a variety of ways
  • promote the identification and preservation of historical evidence relating to Fremantle, and
  • encourage the commemoration of important events, places and people in appropriate ways.

19 August 2023: Scholarship applications open
22 September 2023: Applications close
29 October 2023 (Fremantle Studies Day): Scholarship recipient announced
30 June 2024: Progress report
25 October 2024 (Fremantle Studies Day): Presentation of findings
17 December 2024: Submission of completed work

Application form.

Please send this application to the Secretary of the Fremantle History Society by email: or post: PO Box 1305 Fremantle 6159 by Friday 24 September 2021.
Please attach: Proposal (250 words), curriculum vitae and a sample of writing.
In signing this application you confirm the proposed research project is new work and has not been submitted elsewhere or previously published.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 19 August, 2023 and hosted at (it was last updated on 9 November, 2023), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.