The Fremantle History Society was established 12 October 1994, with Dianne Davidson (d. 13 October 2021) as president (1994-7), and has a website, a Facebook page, and these aims. The current president is Jude Robison, and all details of current and past committees and election results are on the Committees page. AGM details are on the Events page.

Fremantle Studies is the FHS journal, published every two years or so. A simple subject index is included here.
Fremantle Studies Day is held annually by the FHS. At the event authors present papers that are published in the journal.
Newsletters are published four times a year, and are almost all available here. There is an incomplete index (1994–2004).

The aims of the Fremantle History Society are to: 'encourage community involvement in the study of Fremantle history and cultural diversity through research, oral history and writing; disseminate information about Fremantle in a variety of ways, in particular through public forums and liaison with other history and heritage groups and schools in the area; promote the identification and preservation of historical evidence relating to Fremantle; encourage the commemoration of important events, places and people in appropriate ways; (and) arrange social gatherings for its members'. Founded December 1994. The Society works in conjunction with the Fremantle City Council's Fremantle History Centre and the Fremantle Social History Museum, both of which have representation on the Society's committee.[1]
Contact details
- PO Box 1305 Fremantle WA 6959
- secretary.fhs@gmail.com
See: Fremantle History Society events
Monthly meeting on the 4th Tuesday (or Sunday) of the month; Fremantle Studies Day held in September or October annually.
Quarterly newsletter (Editors - Anne Brake, Ron and Dianne Davidson); Fremantle Studies (biennial publication) edited by Anne Brake, Kris Bizzack and Dianne Davidson.
Bernadette Flynn published an article about the Society in the October number of the Newsletter of the Federation of Australian Historical Societies.
Reece, Bob 2017, 'The Fremantle History Society, 1994-2014', Fremantle Studies, 9: 79-87.
This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 13 January, 2015 and hosted at freotopia.org/fhs/index.html (it was last updated on 5 June, 2024), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.