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Dubois (duBois/Du Bois) Agett arrived with his family and several servants on the Egyptian in 1830. The Erickson Dictionary records that he had been a member of the Stock Exchange in London, and may have been misled about what to expect. He was granted land but attempted and failed at farming and other business ventures and had to take a post as a Customs clerk, retiring in 1853 before his death in Fremantle in 1866 at the age of 70. His wife Eliza, born 1800, lived until 1883, dying in North Fremantle, having given birth to eight children.
Ian Berryman notes that 'Agett gave his address as York in June 1832 and July 1832 (CSR 23/58, 23/68). He had earlier held a grant on the Swan River'.
The 1832 Census (Berryman) shows the family (parents and six children) arriving on the Egyptian (in February 1830). Du Bois [sic] is said to be from London, his wife Eliza from Greenwich, the two oldest children, Richard and George, born Lewisham, the next three, Henry, Frederic [sic], and Edwin, born Clapham, Charles born Havre de Grace, France (now known as Le Havre). 'Eliza' was born 13 October 1830, after arrival.
A descendant, Jeremy Masters, informs me that the girl was later called Mary Ann. He thinks it is likely she was so called from birth, and that 'Eliza', actually her mother's name, was a scribal error on the part of the census-taker. She is shown in Erickson as Mary Ann, born 1830, m. McBryde Anderson BROUN.
Another daughter, Emma, was born 1824, according to Erickson, m. Thomas [[../people/lockyerpaul.html|Lockyer]]. However, the entry for [[../people/brounpeter.html|McBryde Anderson Broun]], who married Mary Ann, states that she (Mary Ann) was the only daughter of Eliza and Dubois.
AGETT du Bois, b. 1796 d. 25.12.1866 (Frem), arr. 13.2.1830 per Egyptian with family & several servants. M. Eliza b. 1800 d. 29.6.1883 (Nth. Frem). Chd. Richard b. 1818 d. at Amoy of fever (Inq. 4.2.1857), George b. 1821 d. 1859 (Police Const. d. Toodyay), Emma b. 1823/4 d. 1903, Harry b. 1824 d. 1853 (Victoria), Frederick b. 1825, Edwin b. 1827, Charles b. 1829. Mary Anne (W.A.) b. 1830. Ex member of Stock Exchange London. Granted land at the Swan & Avon districts but failed in his farming & business ventures. Entered Civil Service as Clerk Customs Dept. Retired 1853. Frem.
AGETT, Emma. b. 1824, dtr. of du Bois m. 1845 Thomas [[../people/lockyerpaul.html|LOCKYER]].
AGETT, George. b. 1821. d. 31.10.1859 (Toodyay), 2nd son of Du Bois Agett. Sgt. Police Toodyay 1857 (Alm).
AGETT, Mary Ann, b. 1830, dtr. of Du Bois, m. 1852 McBryde Anderson BROUN.
LOCKYER, Thomas. b. 1820 (England), d. 6.9. 1880 (Perth ), son of Paul & Keziah, arr. 12.2.1830 per Hooghly with parents, m. 2.1845 Emma AGETT b. 1824 d. 26.2.1903 (Northam), dtr. of Dubois & Eliza, she arr. 13.2.1830 per Egyptian. Chd. George Brookes b. 1847 d. 1893 (Roebourne), Horace Bassett b. 1848 d. 1901, Alfred Brookes b. 1850 d. 1908, Eliot Agett b. 1855. In 1840s worked for Pratt & Dempster at Northam. By 1848 he was tenant farmer. Bt. Town Lots 1856. Independent farmer & grazier at "Oakfield" by 1860s. Was burnt out in 1864. Assisted son George in North West pastoral venture. ?Boarding housekeeper Fremantle 1868. Then built home, cnr, Elder & Hay St. Perth. Employed 17 T/L men 1859-1874 at Northam. Wesl.
BROUN, McBryde Anderson, b. 9.11.1826, d. 7.12.1866 (Perth), eldest son of Peter & Caroline, arr. with them 1.6.1829 per Parmelia, m. 19.7.1852 Mary Ann AGETT b. 13.10.1830 (Frem) d. 7.2.1871 (Frem) only dtr. of Dubois. Chd. Eliza Caroline (Bessie) b. 1853 d. 1879. To England 1839 per Champion to complete his education & returned 6.1846 per John Bagshaw. Apptd. Clerk in Col. Sec's Office 6.1847. Visited China per Empress 10.1849-4.1850. Appointed Registrar of Convict Dept. in W.A. 11.1853 a position he held at time of his death of sunstroke.
References and Links
Berryman, Ian 1979 ed., A Colony Detailed: The First Census of Western Australia 1832, Creative Research, Perth.
Thanks to Jeremy Masters for information and correction.
This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 3 August, 2023 and hosted at freotopia.org/people/agett.html (it was last updated on 14 March, 2024), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.