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Hardey Memorial Church

14 Edward Street, Cottesloe

The Hardey Memorial Church was erected in 1904 to commemorate John and Joseph Hardey, pioneers of Methodism in Western Australia.

Heritage Council:
Physical Description
1995 Comment
Hardey Memorial Church: historical and architectural significance.
Constructed 1904. Hardey Memorial Church - Cottesloe Christian Church Gothic Revival style with a parapetted gable and decorative pinnacles. The tuckpointed brick facade using English and stretcher bond has been painted. 'Pressed and run' stucco moldings, quoining and architraves decorate the facade. The other walls are 'cut and struck' jointed brickwork . The nave walls are buttressed. Simplified lunette windows with a quatrefoil window to the main facade are leadlight with stained glass floral patterns. The roof is a replacement of corrugated asbestos
2002 Reassessment: This building has heritage value (historic, aesthetic and social) to the Town of Cottesloe. Late Victorian Romanesque style. Reason for Inclusion 1. The place is of higher-order local cultural heritage significance, being classified as Category 2 in the Town’s Municipal Inventory (MI). 2. In 2005 the Town undertook a review of MI Category 2 places towards the Heritage List for LPS3. The study recommended that the property be retained as Category 2. 3. The place contributes to the character and amenity of the street, locality and overall district.
The name of Hardey has been connected with Methodism in WA as far back as the beginning of the colony. The two English brothers John and Joseph Hardey landed at Fremantle in 1830 stepping ashore from their chartered ship Tranby.
The building was built by Mr C. Turville, Cottesloe builder, on land donated by Hardey descendants Richard and Robert Hardey. The foundation stone was laid in 1904. The inscription reads "Laid to the Glory of God in memory of John and Joseph Hardey, pioneers of Methodism in this state."
First service was on March 5 1905. The foundation stone for the church hall was laid in 1920. The original organ had been rescued from the old Orient liner Oriziba. For many years the old Tranby Bell was used at the church. It is now in a courtyard at Wesley College, South Perth. Marchant James p 54.
The Reverend W.R. Lang was minister in 1924-27.

References and Links

Heritage Council (as above).


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 30 May, 2022 and hosted at (it was last updated on 7 December, 2023), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.