See also: churches (as organisations).
This page is an overview of the church buildings that have existed Fremantle; for the religious organisations that inhabit them, see Religion.
[[assemblyofgod.html|Assembly Of God]]
[[efreobap.html|Baptist East]]
[[bictonuniting.html|Bicton Uniting]]
[[efreocath.html|Catholic East]]
Christ The King]]
[[christianscientist.html|Christian Scientist]]
[[churchofchrist.html|Church Of Christ]]
[[johnston.html|Johnston Memorial]]
[[efreometh.html|Methodist East]]
[[../notredame/index.html#chapel|NDU Chapel]]
[[bakerst.html|Presbyterian Baker]]
[[efreopres.html|Presbyterian East]]
Salvation Army]]
[[scots.html|Scots Presbyterian]]
[[stmarys.html|St Mary's North]]
[[stpatricks.html|St Patrick's]] Basilica
[[stpauls.html|St Paul's Beaconsfield]]
[[stpeters.html|St Peter's East]]
[[stpetersstmarks.html|Sts Peter/Mark]]
[[../buildings/seamenschapel.html|Seamen's Chapel]]
[[wesleysouth.html|]]Wesley South
[[wesleynorth.html|]]Wesley North
Anglican Rectory, Cantonment Street
Congregational Beaconsfield, 184 Hampton Rd, Beaconsfield
Congregational, North Fremantle, Swan St; no longer exists
Christian City Church, aka c3 church, evangelical, 230 Hampton Rd, new building; previously met in [[../cinemas/beacon.html|Beacon Cinema]]
Evangelical Church, Doonan Street (the original name of Holdsworth Street)
Evangelist (Russell W. Sage) 57 Market Street
Flying Angel Mission, 76 Queen Victoria Street
Four Square Gospel Mission used the former National Bank building 16 High Street as its Temple for two years from the latter part of 1937 (NDU info).
Jehovah's Witnesses, 90-92 Edmund St, White Gum Valley
Lutheran. There was a Lutheran congregation which met in Gold (George) St c. 1904. It moved to 2 Josephson St in 1910. In 1930 those premises were sold to Joyce Bros, after which they met at a private property until 1939.
Potter's House, 28 Queen St
Quakers, 58 Chester St, South Fremantle (private house)
Rajneeshees, (formerly) 6 Collie St ([[../buildings/tradeshall.html|Trades Hall]])
Salvation Army North Citadel, Perth Road (Victoria Avenue, Stirling Hwy)
SDA, Sewell Street, East Fremantle
St Barnabas, cnr Wiluna Avenue (Onslow) and Hope Street, [[../places/whitegumvalley.html|WGV]], demolished 1922
St David's Anglican Church and hall, Douro Road, South Fremantle
St Patrick's Church - which preceded the Basilica in Adelaide Street.
Stella Maris, 16 Queen Victoria St (not a church but an agency for the care of seapersons)
Taoism, 75 Riverside Road
Uniting Church, third [[../buildings/courthouse.html|courthouse]], 22 Marine Terrace
YMCA, Quarry Street (demolished)
YWCA East, 1944, led by Gladys Locke, meetings held at her home, [[../buildings/woodlawn.html|Woodlawn]], 1954-1978
Churches elsewhere
Mosman Park
Mt Lawley
North Perth
Peppermint Grove
References and Links
Errington, Steve 2016, [[../books/errington2016.html|'Places of worship in Fremantle, 1829 to 1900']], Studies in Western Australian History, 31: 145-158.
Strong, Rowan 2012, 'Religious lives in Fremantle', in Paul Arthur Longley & Geoffrey Bolton, Voices from the West End: Stories, People and Events that Shaped Fremantle, WA Museum: 64-85.
Many of the 'other churches' in Fremantle are from a list in the Library Local History Collection, though I continue to put up whatever else I find.
This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 9 January, 2021 and hosted at freotopia.org/churches/index.html (it was last updated on 20 November, 2023), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.