54 High Street

Happy New Year Buffs,
It is twenty twenty-five and we're all making a slow, waddling beginning to the year. Mid-waddle, we announce the first fundraiser of the year, to cover the renovations that began today and the first knocking of our creditors:
Postdiluvian Buffs :: Flood Raising
Saturday 11th of Jan, 7pm - $10 members, $15 non-members
The Buff Club was established by the Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes. The term "antediluvian" to denote they existed "before the Flood of Noah", as an ancient and mysterious order. Last month we experienced a New Flood which destroyed the ceiling and carpet in the band room. In honor of this flood, this year, and the changing climate, we would like to announce a shift in the narrative. Our Antediluvian Order is now thoroughly a Postdiluvian Club, making us the living inheritors of the joys and burdens of the past, the Postdiluvian Buffs.
The timeline for the works is the 5th to 11th of January. We invite members to please attend, whether to lend a hand or to just enjoy the sound of hammers (ear plugs supplied).
There are many ways to get things done. It so happens that the DIY spirit is nearest at hand, and any support or company is a blessing to us waving hammers. Appreciate your interest as we dedicate space to this project. On theme, we reflect on the third creed of the old order Buffaloes:
"Justice, Truth, and Philanthropy"
Last months Dead Merch Fair was a sweaty success story. It was excellent to see the different creative projects of the membership bubbling along in the same space. The balcony bench was also opened for business and many a people watcher has rested laurels there since.
This month is a quiet one on the events, as we have entered the calm waters at the end of the silly season. We have a bit of trouble affording the essentials during these quiet times, but we are taking the opportunity to do things like the reno.
Please get involved if you have any ideas on how to bring more life to the club, particularly during the daylight hours. We would love to see the Buff involved in darts and pool leagues once more, if anyone is game. We'll include some of our long standing day events and raffles in the events list below.
Aside from that, you can help by grabbing a membership if you haven't, attending an event, or lending us your assistance in any of the current volunteer works.
Volunteer Works
As one member once commented, “the Buff really has no ceiling”, referencing the sheer possibilities of the place. The Buff flooded not long after, with water running through the lower mainstage. Due to Chrissy times, we've only just finished plans on sorting it.
We'll shut down part of the bar from Sunday 5th to Saturday 11th to replace the stage and some ceiling. The club will still be open, though one side of the bar will be cordoned off.
Carpenters, builders, plasterers, electricians and any trades with relevant skills will be welcomed with open arms and cold beers this week. We plan to re-build the stage with a greenroom and better sound treatment. We'll also strip the carpet out and sand the floor.
Please contact: jacobedwards@gmail.com if you are able to help in any way.
Donations of material that would be helpful:
- Fixings, screws, bugles, wall plugs etc
- Ply wood or chipboard flooring sheets.
- Theatre curtains (fireproof)
- Floor sander and sanding paper
- Floor treatment products and application accessories
- Plaster board sheets. 6 sheets, 1200x2400.
- Gyprock filler, tape and application accessories.
- Liquid nails, silicons, adhesives.
- Skip bin, Ute/van for waste disposal.
- Lights, switches, cables etc.
- Sound treatment panels.
- Food? Rations for the soldiers would be appreciated.
The reno will be finished (mostly) by the day of the fundraiser. So, we'll get to set it up in the new digs and then celebrate. Your support would be appreciated, and meaningfully builds the venue as member-run NFP.
Raffles Arcana
We'd like to take the space to highlight some of the raffles and events that have been running since long before the current committee came on board. We've finally figured them out enough to present them here:
Meat Raffle - Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Tickets are $2 each and we sell 30 tickets per tray at a cost of $30 per tray.
Member Number Raffle - Weekly
Drawn on Sunday afternoon, members have to be present to win. If member not present it’s carried over to the following week. Goes up $10 per week.
Envelope Raffle - Weekly
Drawn on Sunday afternoon, yellow envelopes with numbers 1-28. $2 for five numbers.
Stubby Club - Monthly (1st Saturday)
Members pay $25 for a number from 1-32 or can purchase a second number for $10, this allows them to drink for free for 1 hour (Middy’s, Stubbys or 15ml spirits) + hot dog!
First prize $150, Second prize $50 and Third, Fourth, fifth and sixth prize $25 drink vouchers.
Stubby Club Raffle - Monthly (1st Saturday)
$1 per ticket, $25 prize money x however many sold (ie $100 sold = 4 x $25 prizes).
Upcoming events
We coast now into the new year- or rather, stutter and trip over debris from the ceiling. Here are the bands that will be joining us:
JANUARY 2ND, 3RD, and 4TH: Missed opportunities as the marvellous monthly Woody Campfire Bonfire Night, track picks of DJ Elle Cee (that I personally enjoyed) and night of punk-rock madness with Town Bike, Last Ditch Effort, The Grots and Incomplete have already passed us, signalling the last hurrah for our old mainstage. But, coming up! -
JANUARY 9TH: The time comes again for the room to fill with feelings, for the monthly Room Full Of Feelings poetry night hosted by the lovely @ilovepissinginpublic - don't let the username fool you.
JANUARY 11TH: Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No- well, maybe. Burgeoning melodic-hardcore band Kestrel help us fill our space with sound.
JANUARY 16TH: Modulations II. Modulations was his father's name. A cocktail of live acts and hot DJs to spin you around before this year kicks in.
JANUARY 17TH: The mortar of local talent that is Sleep Police invite your ears to let them grace you.
JANUARY 18TH: A showcase of experimental animation and film, a true chance for revelry in the artistic and the kooky
JANUARY 24TH: Two-floor fundraiser for Palestine- the most important thing we can do as a club against the threat facing the people of Gaza.
JANUARY 25TH: Traditional favorite Fisherman Style returns with more Reggae DJ goodness to heal the soul.
JANUARY 31ST: The Drowners and Montana Wildhack join forces to close out the month in style.
Thanks for sticking with us, as always, and we hope to see you here, keeping us afloat into 2025. As for our regular events-
MONDAY: Yoga with Veronika - Upstairs, 6PM, $10 Members, $15 non. BYO Yoga Mat.
TUESDAY: Life Drawing - Upstairs, 6:30PM, $20, BYO Materials. Casual Choir - Upstairs, 4:30PM.
WEDNESDAY: Yoga w/ Veronika (see above), Permaculture Workshop - Upstairs, 4PM.
EVERY SECOND THURSDAY: Stock Soup Free Community Meal. Upstairs, 5PM.
Happy New Year, and much love from the darling ol' Buff.