
Town Lot 103

The Original town lots were surveyed by J.S. Roe in 1829.

Pakenham Street.

The first owner of Lots 102 and 103 was [[../people/thomsonrobert.html|Robert Thomson]]. He exchanged them 31 March 1831 with [[../people/scott.html|Daniel Scott]] for Scott's Lots 104 and 105 (Mitchell). Thomson wanted to be on the main street to run his hotel the [[../hotels/stirlingarms.html|Stirling Arms]] (which he did from 1 January 1830, when his licence was among the first four granted): he may have begun trading on Lot 105 while it was still in Scott's ownership. Scott may have wanted to be slightly nearer the river, which was at the end of the street.

[[../people/dashwoodgeorge.html|George Dashwood]] was a Lieutenant on [[../people/fremantlecharles.html|Charles Fremantle]]'s ship [[../ships/challenger.html|Challenger]] when the latter came to claim western New Holland for the British Empire in 1829. When Dashwood returned with the ship briefly in 1832, he made some sketches of Fremantle, two of which are extant. Errington (2017) writes that it 'shows the [[../hotels/stirlingarms.html|Stirling Arms Hotel]] and part of Harbourmaster [[../people/scott.html|Scott]]’s house'. If Dashwood was sitting where Leake Street meets Pakenham Street, that would be the hotel on Lot 105 in the middle of the drawing, on the corner of Pakenham and High Street, and the house cut off by the righthand side of the drawing would be Daniel Scott's – as shown below in this 1844 map redrawn by Robin McKellar Campbell.


References and Links

Fremantle History Centre. Look for the PDFs called:
Purchasers of Fremantle Town Lots 1829-1837
Purchasers of Fremantle Town Lots 1855-1879

The Dashwood drawings are in the Art Gallery of WA, and are republished in Errington (see below). The map was courtesy of the FHC, City Library.

Errington, Steve 2017, [[../fhs/fs/9/Errington.html|'Fremantle 1829-1832: an illustrated history']], Fremantle Studies, 9: 15-29.

Mitchell, Peter, personal communication, publication forthcoming 2023. The Thomson details above are from his painstaking research, for which we are all very grateful.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 28 February, 2022 and hosted at (it was last updated on 28 February, 2023), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.