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Fremantle Timeline

Consolidated timeline from 1829

Timeline by individual years

The following timeline for the period 1829-1929 was published in The West Australian newspaper on Tuesday 4 June 1929, p. 18, in association with a report on the first meeting of the City Council. There is no attribution of authorship, but it was probably prepared by J.K. Hitchcock.

Important Events.

In chronological order are set out here under, the main events in the history of Fremantle from the day of its foundation in 1829:—

1829. Captain C. H. Fremantle, of H.M.S. Challenger, anchored off Garden Island on April 25. Fremantle on May 2 landed on Arthur's Head and took formal possession in the name of King George IV. Captain James Stirling, with 68 settlers, arrived at Fremantle on June 2 in transport Parmelia. Stirling landed on Rous Head and annexed the colony on June 18. First town allotments were sold on September 5.

1830. Colony's first newspaper, the Fremantle Journal, was published in February. Rockingham made disastrous landing at Clarence of members of the Peel Colonisation Company. A native was killed while robbing Butler's orchard at Melville in December and several days later Entwistle, Butler's servant, was killed by natives.

1831. A monthly service of boats between Fremantle and Guildford was commenced. A township called Kingston was opened for selection on Rottnest Island. Colony's first printing press was landed from Van Diemen's Land. The Fremantle Observer was printed on that press for many years. Colonel Latour's flour mill in Fremantle ground into flour first locally grown wheat. Round House on Arthur's Head was built.

1833. Colony's first horse race was held on South Beach on October 2.

1834. A postal department was started, mails between Perth and Fremantle being carried by a runner. First export of wool from the colony was made at Fremantle, 7,385 pounds being sent to England. 1835.

John Bateman, a pioneer of the port, was appointed Fremantle's first postmaster in January.

1836. The Lady Stirling, the first sea-going vessel to be built in the State, was launched in May.

1837. Tunnel through Arthur's Head was excavated. Fremantle Whaling Company was formed to take whales which were frequent visitors to Fremantle harbour. Whaling was then an important local industry.

1838. Native prison was established at Rottnest.

1839. First temperance society in the colony was established in Fremantle.

1840. Sailing ship Shepherd left for London with first full cargo of colony's produce to be sent abroad. Foundation stone of the old Wesley Chapel in Cantonment-street was laid by Governor Hutt.

1841. The Rev. George King, the first Anglican minister in Fremantle, took up his appointment.

1842. Foundation stone of the old Anglican Church in King's Square was laid on April 6.

1843. Census of population of Fremantle showed 387 inhabitants.

1845. H.M.S. Driver, the first steamer to visit Fremantle, dropped anchor in Gage Roads. First shipment of sandalwood was made from Fremantle in December.

1846. Two vessels built of jarrah were launched at Fremautle. First Roman Catholic place of worship, a house in Henry-street, was opened. Barque Unicorn sailed for London with produce valued at £30,000. First Town Trust was gazetted in April.

1850. First batch of convicts arrived in the Scindian on June 1.

1851. Erection of Convict Establishment was commenced, a considerable number of buildings being constructed to house the convicts, warders and soldiers and to provide means, for sustenance. Fremantle Literary Institute was established. The New Swan Lodge M.U.I.O. was formed.

1852. A water police force was formed. Building of the old Congregational Church was commenced.

1854. For first time population of Fremantle exceeded 1,000.

1858. Fremantle's most extraordinary building known as "Manning's Folly" was erected.

1859. Fremantle's population was 2,946 inhabitants.

1861. Volunteer military force was organised in Fremantle.

1862. Pearl shell from Shark Bay was exported for the first time.

1864. First shipments of wool from North-West reached Fremantle.

1865. First Freemasons' Lodge was formed.

1867. A year of shipping disasters, many vessels and their crews belonging to Fremantle being lost at sea and along the coast. Fremantle Herald was established. North Fremantle traffic bridge was open ed on October 2. First election for the Legislative Council was held on November 18.

1868. Arrival of the Hougoumont marked the end of the convict transportation period.

1869. Duke of Edinburgh visited Fremantle in February in H.M.S. Galatea. Telegraph line to Perth which was built by private enterprise was opened on June 21.

1870. Population of Fremantle was 3,796.

1871. Fremantle was declared a municipality.

1872. Xantho, first steamer to ply on coast, was wrecked while on a trip from Geraldton to Fremantle.

1873. West Australian Chamber of Commerce, the forerunner of the Fremantle Chamber of Commerce, was formed. First section of the old Ocean Jetty was completed.

1876. Six Fenians were smuggled from the convict establishment in April and boarding the American ship Catalpa ahead of their pursuers made good their escape.

1878. The s.s. Rob Roy began the first regular steamship service on the West Australian coast.

1879. First sod of the Fremantle to Guildford railway was turned.

1881. Railway from Fremantle to Guildford was officially opened on March 1. Prince Edward and Prince George visited Fremantle in H.M.S. Bacchante. Population of the town was 4,133.

1884. A vote of £100 the first money for street lighting, was passed by the Council for the erection of gas lamps.

1886. Fremantle Town Hall was officially opened on June 2.

1887. Ocean Jetty was extended by 1,000 feet.

1888. Fremantle telephone service was inaugurated.

1890. Beginning of season of prosperity owing to discovery of gold. Town water supply was commenced. First election for the Legislative Assembly was held in December. Presbyterian Church in South-terrace was opened.

1892. Work was commenced on the construction of the inner harbour.

1893. Business was dislocated as result of failure of banks in Victoria.

1895. Fremantle Oval was constructed from area previously known as the Barracks Field. North ward of Fremantle municipality broke away and became North Fremantle Council.

1897. Steamer Sultan entered the new inner harbour on May 4. East Fremantle was gazetted a municipality.

1900. Railway workshops were moved to Midland Junction, resulting in cousiderable loss at Fremantle. The annual ratable value of municipality was £110,000.

1901 Duke and Duchess of Cornwall visited Fremantle. Sir John Forrest laid the foundation stone of the Trades Hall. The town's population was 20,444

1903. First Harbour Trust was appointed on January 7.

1905. Fremantle tramways system was commenced.

1906. An outbreak of bubonic plague resulted in two deaths.

1908. Fremantle Fire Brigade made a permanent body and took possession of a new station in Phillimore-street. North Fremantle tram service opened in September.

1913. As a result of recommendation by Admiral Henderson work was commenced in May of constructing a naval base at Cockburn Sound.

1914-1918. Fremantle became important as the port from which were dispatched overseas men and produce to feed the armies fighting in Europe and Asia Minor.

1919. To commemorate fallen sailors and soldiers a citizens' committee decided to erect a memorial on Monument Hill. In May a clash between waterside workers and the police culminated in the reading of the Riot Act. The Prince of Wales visited Fremantle.

1920. Jubilee of Fremantle Muncipality was celebrated. It was estimated that the town's population was 25,534 people.

1924. Owing to strikes on the waterfront the shipping service between Fremantle and the Eastern States was suspended.

1925. Collapse of the traffic bridge occurred on July 23.

1927. Duke and Duchess of York visited Fremantle. First consignment of bulk petrol was brought to Fremantle on April 8.

1928. On Anzac Day a tablet on the memorial on Monument Hill was dedicated by his Excellency the Governor Sir William Campion. On Armistice Day the Lieutenant Governor (Sir Robert McMillan) unveiled the memorial. The annual ratable value was £196,000.

1929. Council petitioned Governor for Fremantle to be declared a city.

References and Links

Battye, JS 1924, Western Australia: A History from its Discovery to the Inauguration of the Commonwealth, Clarendon Press, Oxford.

Documenting a democracy -

Ewers, John K. 1971, The Western Gateway: A History of Fremantle, Fremantle City Council, with UWAP, rev. ed. [1st ed. 1948].

Hitchcock, JK 1929, The History of Fremantle, The Front Gate of Australia 1829-1929, Fremantle City Council.

Wikipedia List of Governors of Western Australia

Wikipedia List of Mayors of Fremantle

Wikipedia List of Mayors of East Fremantle


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 6 August, 2015 and hosted at (it was last updated on 25 January, 2024), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.