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aka Stanley Beer House, Bannister St, on the site of the present Hougoumont Hotel; it was the Duke of York Hotel, Italian Club, and (second) [[../clubs/fremantleclub2.html|Fremantle Club]] in between.
Western Mail:
The application of John Charles Brice for a renewal of the wine and beer license held by him for the Stanley Hotel, in Bannister-street, was also opposed by Inspector Back, on the ground that the hotel was not a fit house for a license. Constable Jones stated that the hotel was very badly conducted, being the resort of thieves, prostitutes, and blackguards. Sunday trading was carried on very extensively, but owing to the systematic manner in which it was done, it was impossible to detect it. Constable Corry also gave the hotel a bad name, but both he and Inspector Back spoke highly of the respectability of Mr. Brice himself. Mr. Moss, who appeared for the applicant, denied that Sunday trading other than supplying the wants of the boarders was carried on. Counsel commented severely on what he termed the "vicious and biassed evidence" of Constable Jones. If the statements made by this witness were true, counsel considered it a scandalous disgrace to the police force that no arrest had ever been made at the hotel in question and no charge had ever been laid against the landlord. The Bench decided to give the applicant another chance, but Mr. [[../people/fairbairn.html|Fairbairn]] remarked that if there were any objections raised next year he would not get off so lightly. The renewal was granted. Western Mail, Friday 10 December 1897, p. 51.
From 1902-1903, [Albert Karl Buderus von Carlshausen] was the licensee of the two-year-old Bayswater Hotel. Following this he ran the Star Hotel in Essex Street Fremantle for four years. In 1908, the Post Office Commercial Directory lists him as a gardener out at Jandakot. This obviously did not work out as from 1908 he ran the Duke of York Hotel in Fremantle. Albert married again in Fremantle on 1.7.1909 to Wilhelmina Augustine Hedstrom, born 24 May 1867, Westmanland, Sweden.
References and Links
Cail, Bert, et al. 2005, Prepared to Pioneer: A History of Wubin 1908 to 1939, Wubin Progress Association.
See also: [[../organisations/prostitution.html|prostitution]].
Western Mail, Friday 10 December 1897, p. 51.
This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 23 September, 2014 and hosted at freotopia.org/hotels/stanley.html (it was last updated on 30 November, 2023), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.