


Freotopia > ships > Marquis of Anglesea

Marquis of Anglesea Outcomes

An attempt to group passengers of the Marquis of Anglesea' (arrived 23 August 1829) with regard to whether they

1. were 'successful' in making some kind of go it in the Colony
2. left asap
3. died well before their three-score-and-ten allotment
4. left no trace


Edward Pomeroy Barrett-Lennard; successful landowner
Revett Henry Bland
; success story: farmer to banker
Henry L. Cole; a success story: seaman to Town Councillor
William & Jane Dixon & daughter Frances; successful publican, d. London 1875
William & Mrs Mary Ann Lamb & various chn; successful, but went to SA in 1849
William & Mary Nairn & 4 chn: Charlotte, James, Margaret, William; he died in Perth @ 65
Thomas & Matilda Wall & 3 chn: George, Mary Ann, & Matilda; carpenter; d. York c. 65-70.
William & Lucy Glover with child Thomas and nephew William; ancestors of Greg James
James Hampshire; apparently successful as a farmer (and explorer)
James Jenkinson; successful farmer, d. Mt Eliza OPH
William Littlemore; attempted suicide 1849, but d. 1860
John Welbourne; successful builder & publican, significant Guildford resident, lived to 70

Left asap

Robert Budd; dep. 1831
Daniel & Eliza Carter; dep. 1830, for NSW
Charles & Mary Chilcott & chn Charles, Langford, & Mary; dep. for VDL 1831
John Cleland; unsuccessful carpenter turned schoolteacher; left 1837 for Mauritius
John Burtenshaw Cox and wife Sophia & 2 chn; left for Victoria, probably asap
Robert Menli Lyon – real name Robert Lyon Milne; dep. 1834 for VDL
John & Elizabeth Miles; left after two years
Isaac & Hannah Nelson & 3 chn; left almost immediately
Robert A. Partridge (aka Richard); left after ten years
Arthur Price; left asap, after two years
Mary Ann Gibbs; dep. 1831
James Gill; James and perhaps also Matthew dep. 1830 for VDL
Matthew Gill; do.
James Langridge; dep. before end 1829

Died earlyish

Thomas & Elizabeth Dent & 3 chn: Thomas, Ann, & Elizabeth; publican wife-beater d. @ 49
Dr Thomas Harrison; died Albany @ 43
Thomas & Sarah Porley & 2 chn: Ambrose, Caroline; successful butcher, but d. @ 40
John Smith, Lautour settler, servant to Robert Partridge, drowned 1833 aged 28

No information

Nathaniel & Elizabeth Cowell, chn: Nathaniel, John, Frederick, Eliza, Phoebe, Felix; no inf.
Edward B. Leonard - nothing discoverable
John & Rebecca Simmons ('since dead') - nothing discoverable
James & Clarissa Brookes
Mary Burton, servant
Maria Harlow, maidservant
John Manzies
Henry Sawyer, employee of Daniel Carter

References and Links


See the Family History WA page for 1829 ship arrivals.

Wikipedia page for the ship.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 8 September, 2023 and hosted at (it was last updated on 9 September, 2023), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.