
R G Webb

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In 1897 he is recorded as a Land Agent, in occupation of 12 High Street.

The Call, 30 November 1923:[1]

R. G. Webb Is Back

"West Is Best"

Perth in the 'eighties and Fremantle in the 'nineties were years in which both centres were closely associated with the name of R. G. Webb. He was one of the first men whose outlook was big enough to pre-vision the West as a great pulsating oiaie. iuai was even before gold was discovered and when most people even doubted that the West would ever grow enough wheat for the community. With boldness he launched out on land schemes and undre his direction what are to-day Cotteslne and Cotteesloe Beach were sub-divided, and towns sprung into being.

Later he took over what is now known as Palmyra and Bicton, and here again people followed his lead and other centres of population began to grow. Many times Mr. Webb has gone abroad to America, to England and to the Continent; always after a few months stay his footsteps have strayed back to the sun-kissed West, and with each return the traveller remarks with ever-deepening fervor, "East or West — the West is best." Before making a run across to Sydney, Mr. Webb, who landed from the Narkunda, will spend some weeks at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Robert Spaven, at Crawley.


  1. R. G. Webb Is Back (1923, November 30). Call (Perth, WA : 1920 - 1927), p. 5. Retrieved June 25, 2024, from