


Marquis of Anglesea.
Arrived 1829 with 104 passengers on 23 Aug 1829 and was wrecked on 4 Sep. It was used as the Governor's residence, the Harbour Master's office, the post office, a prison for servants, and the colonial store. It was utilised as the first Colonial prison and accommodated up to 27 prisoners. (Statham-Drew: 177)

Round House.
Begun 1830. 18 January 1831 open for Colonial and indigenous prisoners.
Designed by Henry Willey [[../people/reveley.html|Reveley]] and built by Richard Lewis.

Daniel Scott's warehouse.
1850 Harbour Master’s Warehouse (unfinished woolshed and outbuildings)
Leased for five years from Harbour Master Captain Daniel Scott.
Between Collie & Essex Streets, now the site of Esplanade Hotel.
1850 Jun 25 Henderson/Manning, sappers & miners, EPF and convicts made it possible to relocate from [[../ships/scindian.html|Scindian]].
1855 First convicts transferred to the newly built Convict Establishment (Fremantle Prison).

Fremantle Prison.
1851 Construction begun on the Fremantle Prison (Convict Establishment)
1855 Started taking in convicts from the Woolshed leased premises.
1981 closed


Military Barracks.
1829 Aug 13 construction began on land bounded by Howick (Hay) Street, Barrack Street & St George’s Terrace. Soon after work started on soldiers quarters (63rd Regiment). Would have been a guard room set aside for confinement of military prisoners - short-term, not long-term accommodation. Government Buildings (Treasury, Titles Office, Post Office) were built on the site in 1874, thus barracks were demolished at some time prior to that.

1830 Perth Gaol
Cnr St George’s Terrace & Pier Street. Six cells. Colonial prisoners. Demolished in 1855.

1852/3 Riverside Police Station & Lock-up, Pier Street.
Land reclaimed from the river in 1858.

1854 Perth Gaol
Construction began. Beaufort & Francis Streets.
1856 Open for Colonial (i.e. non-convict) prisoners.
1858 Responsibility transferred to Imperial Convict Establishment. Exchange of convicts and Colonial prisoners so that convict parties in Perth could be accommodated closer to workplace.
1875 Returned to the Colonial Government.
1888 Closed.

1858 Deanery
Land which belonged to part of the barracks provided the site for the Cathedral Deanery. The ‘outlaw’ Aborigine Midgegooroo was shot by firing squad at the Pier Street gaol, 1833, which explains the persistent story that he was executed on the Deanery land.

References and Links

Thanks to Diane Oldman for suggesting this page and for providing much of the primary data.

Errington, Steve 2022, The Round House 1831-1856, Hesperian.

Errington Steve 2023, Locked Up In Fremantle 1829-1856: Prisoners and Patients on the Marquis of Anglesea and in the Round House, Hesperian.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 31 October, 2020 and hosted at (it was last updated on 3 April, 2024), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.