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Alfred Hawes Stone

Alfred Stone arrived from Kent in the colony 12 October 1829, on board the Caroline. As a solicitor, he was almost immediately made a JP by Stirling, and then appointed as Sheriff and High Constable of the Colony in March 1831, which meant he was the equivalent of Police Commissioner for Western Australia. He moved on to the position of Registrar of the Civil Court and eventually another eight public positions. He was appointed Chief of Police again 1857-58.

But it is for his photography that he is now perhaps chiefly remembered. The State Library has digitised three albums of his photos, which may be seen on the Library site. He took the valuable photo across the Fremantle Green reproduced in Dowson 2003: 83, and the photograph of Manning's Folly which is reproduced everywhere (including Dowson 2003: 95).

Jacqueline O'Brien and Pamela Statham-Drew gave us an excellent book about Stone (v. refs) in which many of his photos are reproduced. This might be an appropriate place to mention that one of the captions has an error. The photo shown across pages 82-83 does not show members of the EPF, as the text (dimly) suggests. I am not a military historian, and will not attempt to rehearse here the details of who the men in the photo are, merely leaving this note as a caution to any others who may continue the error. (See the bottom of this page for the photo.)

Discover 1860s Perth through a digitised album of photographs by A.H. Stone. The photographer passed the album to his son William Alfred Stone, who passed it on to his son Leolin Clive Stone, who died in 1955. It was then passed to Leolin's wife, Minnie Laurel Stone (nee Ashton), who gave it to her daughter Dorothy Croft (nee Stone). Alfred also pasted photographs of Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, English actress Florence Nightingale and the Ambassador of Siam.

His daughter Fanny married George Hampton, son of the unpopular Governor John Hampton, in 1868, on which occasion Stone presented her with the second photograph album noted below.

His house in St George's Terrace, Alpha Cottage, the first private residence on the street, was demolished c. 1896.

STONE, Alfred Hawes. b. 1801, d. 7.3.1873 (E.Perth), arr. 12.10.1829 per Caroline with servants, m. 4.7.1835 Sarah Maria HELMS b. 1811, d. 20.4.1872 (Perth), dtr. of Thomas & Sarah. Chd. William Alfred b. 1836, Maria Jemima b. 1837 d. 1902, Fanny Annette b. 1839. Employed 4 T/L men 1851, 1858, 1859 & 1864. Granted 5,320 acres at Beverley, 17 acres at Swan & 10 acres at Rottnest. JP 1829. Clerk to Magistrate 1830. Master of Supreme Court at Perth. Registrar Civil Court 1832. Agent Australian Life Ass. Co. 1855. Residence "Alpha Cottage" St. George's Terrace. Commemorated in 1979 in a brass plaque in Perth pavement for year 1836.

References and Links

Austen Tom 1988, The Streets of Old Perth, St George's Books, Bell Publishing Group, Perth.

Dowson, John 2003, Old Fremantle: Photographs 1850-1950, UWAP: 12, 83, 95.

Dowson, John 2017, 'Rare and important: early photography in Fremantle', Fremantle Studies, 9: 1-14.

O'Brien, Jacqueline & Pamela Statham-Drew 2012, Court and Camera: The Life and Times of A.H. Stone, privately published, distributed by Fremantle Press. Photo above of the book's cover.

SLWA blog entry

SLWA catalog entry for Stone album, originally given to son Wm Alfred Stone, later property of Dorothy Croft, donated to SLWA in 1976; catalog no. 6923B (204 photographs)

SLWA catalog entry for another Stone album, originally given to Fanny (Stone) Hampton, also later property of Dorothy Croft, digitised by SLWA in 2015; catalog no. 6909B (146 photographs)

SLWA catalog entry for another Stone album, catalog no. 3245B (39 photographs; not available online)

SLWA catalog entry for another Stone album, catalog no. 353B (100 photographs; not available online) "Album containing portraits of well known personalities in Western Australia from ca. 1860-1880"

Perth Voice, 'Demolition man'.

I'll add to this page all of the Stone photographs I can find elsewhere on this site.


Alfred Stone's photograph, 1861-2, from SLWA. The Library's caption says that the building to the left is the original army barracks, designed by Henry Willey Reveley, and that the earlier St George's Church (demolished 1891) may be seen behind it. The main building is The Deanery.

[[People/parks/img/green.jpg|File:Freotopia parks img green.jpg]]

This is Alfred Stone's 1860s (c. 1865) photograph of the Green. (Click/tap for larger size.) The thin white line extending across the middle of the photo out to the right is Cliff Street. All of the dark grassy area in the foreground is the Green. The building complex in the centre is George Shenton's house, with his stables on the right. Where the stables stood is now the site of the Dalgety building, where the MSC now has its offices, on the corner of Cliff and High Streets. Behind the Shenton buildings, to the right, is the Residency, which was demolished in 1967 for the railway line and a carpark. Hard to pick out in the photo at the rear, just to the right of the stables, is the first lighthouse.


Government House, Rottnest, 1864, photo by Alfred Stone, who is sitting on the steps.


This early 1860s photo by Alfred Stone shows George Shenton's house in St George's Terrace, with Dyer's property on the corner of William Street on the left, and the Perth Boys School on the right. (source: Austen: 7, from SLWA)

Mary Cooke Dixon, who married Stephen Monger, the son of John Henry Monger.

John Henry Monger's house corner of Mount Street and St George's Terrace. It was later the Mount Hospital.

This is a relatively poor reproduction of the photo I mention above in O'Brien & Statham-Drew's book – though a least it does not have the fold in the middle that the book does. It may well have been taken by Stone – and is indeed a very fine photogroph – but it does not show members of the Enrolled Pensioner Force.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 8 October, 2016 and hosted at (it was last updated on 7 April, 2024), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.