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Lt-Col. Edward Fox Angelo

Colonel Angelo (1836-1902) was in the 28th (Gloucestershire) Regiment, and a Crimean War veteran. He was Commandant of the Western Australian Defence Force from 3 June 1882 to February 1886 when he was appointed Government Resident (administrator) at Roebourne. Later, he was Superintendent of Rottnest Island 1890-98.


Captain Edward Fox Angelo (1836-1902), who claimed descent from the ancient Calabrian family of Tremamondo Malavolti [was married to] Mary Colquhoun, née Fraser. He served with the 28th and 1st Regiments in the Crimea and India in 1854-78, retiring as lieutenant-colonel to become commandant of the Tasmanian forces in 1880-82. Appointed inspecting field officer in Western Australia in 1882, he resigned to become government resident at Roebourne (1886) and Bunbury (1889) before ending his career as superintendent of the Aboriginal prison at Rottnest (1890-97). He left a reputation as a gentlemanly and conscientious official, but too much given to formality and fuss. Bolton, 1979.

Angelo’s time on Rottnest was not unpleasant. He entertained various distinguished guests, hunted and fished and engaged in artistic pursuits. ... He founded a Rottnest Literary Institute and wrote and published on various topics. The Superintendent also improved facilities on Rottnest, including construction of a good sewerage system and a new lighthouse. Conole & Oldman, below.

The death is announced of Lieut.-Col. Edward Fox Angelo, which took place at his residence, Peppermint Grove. Colonel Angelo belonged to an old military family, and was the son of Colonel Angelo, who commanded the 1st. Bengal Cavalry. He married the only daughter of Dr. A. G. Fraser, Judge, Poona, Bombay Presidency, and leaves a widow and ten children, four of whom are married. Colonel Angelo came to Western Australia in 1882, as inspecting field officer and Commandant of the Defence Forces. After his term of office expired, he was appointed Government Resident at Roebourne, in 1886, and after serving in that capacity for some time, he was appointed Superintendent of Rottnest Island, from which he retired after several years' service. Colonel Angelo was a man of many parts. He was a painter of no mean talent and possessed of considerable literary ability, much of which he devoted to the dissemination of the teachings of Anglo-Israelism, of which he was a deep student. On many occasions he used to occupy the pulpit in the non-episcopal churches in the city, Fremantle, and other parts of the State. Of late years, he led a very secluded life. angelo3As will be seen from the subjoined list of his military services, he spent upwards of thirty years of his life in the Army of the Empire : Ensign, 28th Regiment (Brabligean Slashers), December 14, 1854; Lieutenant, April 13,1855. Exchanged to the Royal Scots Regiment : Captain, February 9, 1864; major, October 1, 1877; lieutenant-colonel. March 2, 1878. Served with the 28th Regiment in the Crimea from August, 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol (medal with clasp and Turkish medal). Held the following appointments:- Adjutant and second in command, Deolee Irregular Force, I860; aide-de-camp to Major-General Frank Adams, C.B., 1867; station staff officer, Roorkee, 1871; Deputy-Adju tant-Quartermaster-General, Sangor district, 1871; Brigade-Major, Agra, 1874; Deputy-Assistant Adjutant - General, Oude Division, 1876; Commandant local forces, Tasmania, 1880; Inspecting Field Officer and Commandant, Western Australia, 1882.
The funeral of the late Colonel E. Fox Angelo, took place on Monday afternoon, and was very largely attended. The cortege left "Eversham," Shenton-road, Claremont, at half-past 3 o'clock, for the Presbyterian Cemetery, Karrakatta, where the remains were interred. The Rev. R. Hanlin officiated. The pall-bearers were:- Mr. R. Fairbairn, Mr. F. A. Moseley, Lieut.-Col. Campbell, and Mr. John Shearer. The chief mourners were:-Messrs. Charles, Clenell, William, and John Angelo, sons; Dr. Arthur Badock, son-in-law; and Clenell Badock, grandson. A large number of floral tributes were sent. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs. Bowra and O'Dea. Western Mail, Saturday 22 November 1902, p. 19

References and Links

Bolton, G.C. 1979, bio in ADB of Edward Houghton Angelo (1870-1948), eldest son of E.F. Angelo.

Conole, Peter & Diane Oldman, bio on the (archived) WA Crimean War Vets site, from whence the above photos come.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 11 February, 2016 and hosted at (it was last updated on 15 January, 2024), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.