


Freotopia > Fremantle Park > Bowling Club >

Bowling Club History

A meeting was held at the Cleopatra Hotel on 29 June 1896 (see the article in The West Australian, Monday 29 June 1896, reproduced below) to discuss the formation of a Bowling Club and a Tennis Club. A provisional committee of the Fremantle Bowling Club was elected at a general meeting on 13 August 1896 (see the article in The Inquirer and Commercial News, Friday 14 August 1896, reproduced below). It made representations to the Council, as a result of which Council resolved to lease a portion of Fremantle Park for three years for the purpose of forming a bowling green. At the same time, Council made a similar decision regarding the Fremantle Tennis Club (see Hutchison's history, page 10).


Fremantle Bowling Club 1905. Photograph from the Fremantle City Library Local History Photographic Collection: #1157. The Fremantle Bowling Club was established on 1st November 1896 when E Hinchcliffe, J Burwell, J Bassett, J R Wiltshire, J McH Clark and J Varley met and resolved its inauguration with J J Higham as President. J Bassett was appointed Secretary. The club was originally located on the tennis club site and moved to its current location in 1958.
(Caption accompanying the FHC image.) Note that newspaper articles reproduced below show that the Club - as an organisation - was in existence earlier in 1896 than November: the date of the first meeting to discuss its formation is Friday 26 June 1896, and the committee was elected 13 August 1896. See newspaper articles on this webpage.


Fremantle Bowling Club before 1924. Photograph by Nixon and Merrilees, from the Fremantle City Library Local History Photographic Collection, no. 1859. Text from the Library entry: The Fremantle Bowling Club was established 1.11.1896 on the site of the present tennis club. It moved further up Ellen Street in 1958. In the background extensions are being carried out to 31 Ellen Street.


Fremantle Bowling Club nd. Photograph from the Fremantle City Library Local History Photographic Collection: no. 1474D. Crowd at the opening ceremony for the 1923 season of the Fremantle Bowling Club.


Fremantle Bowling Club. Photograph from the Fremantle City Library Local History Photographic Collection: no. 1474A. The Library's caption reads: 'Bowling the opening bowl in 1924. The Fremantle Bowling Club was established on 1.11.1896. Taken 19 March 1924.'
[[Park/history/img/bowls1924:3.jpg|File:Freotopia park img bowls1924:3.jpg]]

Here is another photo taken from a viewpoint similar to the previous one. This one is no. 1474C.


The West Australian, Monday 29 June 1896, page 6.

A meeting of gentlemen interested in the formation of a Bowling Club in Fremantle was held at the Cleopatra Hotel on Friday night last. There was a large attendance, and the following gentlemen were appointed a committee to represent the Fremantle Tennis Club and the Fremantle Bowling Club, and to wait upon the Municipal Council for the purpose of obtaining a suitable site on which to establish a bowling green and tennis court. Messrs. A. J. Diamond, J. J. Higham, J. Bassett, R. J. Wiltshire, and F. W. Barwell. Mr. Barwell submitted plans for a bowling green and pavilion, the design of the latter being of a decidedly ornamental nature.
On Saturday the joint committee appointed made a tour of inspection of the parks and public reserves with the view of finding a locality suitable for a bowling green and tennis court. The majority of the committee favoured a portion of the Fremantle Park at the town end, and it was decided to write to and wait upon the Municipal Council with the view of obtaining assistance in getting a portion of the area set aside for the club's requirements.

The Inquirer and Commercial News, Friday 14 August 1896, page 12.

A meeting of the Fremantle Bowling Club was held in the Cleopatra Hotel last night, Mr. R. J. Willshire occupying the chair. The report of the provisional committee (Messrs. A. J. Diamond, J. J. Higham, M.L.A., F. W. Burwell, R. J. Wiltshire, and J. Bassett, secretary) appointed to interview the municipal council with regard to obtaining a grant of land in the park was submitted and showed that the council had granted the club's application. On the motion of Dr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Demel, the members of the provisional committee were accorded a vote of thanks, and elected as the general committee of the club. It was decided to at once set about collecting subscriptions for fencing in a corner of the park, and laying down a bowling-green. It was also resolved to form two grass tennis courts in connection with the bowling-green, and to request the club to carry out its promise of laying down two asphalt courts on the oval. The club has now over 50 members on its roll, and, in connection with the formation of the new grounds, which are estimated to cost about £200, a strong measure of support has already been promised.

The West Australian, 13 August 1896, page 6.

A general meeting of this club was held at the Hotel Cleopatra last evening. Mr. R. J. Willshire occupied the chair. The provisional committee presented their report, which showed that a site in the Fremantle Park had been granted to the club by the City Council, and would be ready to be handed over in a few days. On the proposition of Dr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Demel, a vote of thanks was passed to the provisional committee, and they were asked to continue their services to the club as a first committee. It was decided that the subscription be made payable at once and to take steps to form the ground without delay. The keen interest taken by its members augurs well for the future of the club.


Western Mail, Friday 26 February 1897, page 31.

The annual general meeting of the Fremantle Bowling Club was held on Tuesday evening at the Park Hotel. There was a large attendance of members, Mr. J. Willshire being in the chair. The principal business on the agenda paper was the election of office-bearers for the ensuing year, which resulted as follows : Patron, Mr. E. Solomon, M.L.A. ; president,Mr. J. J. Higham, M.L.A. ; vice-presidents, Messrs. R. J. Willshire and D. J. C. Goodsir ; committee, Messrs. J. C. Hinchcliff, J.McHenry Clark, J. J. Broomhall. J. Weir and Captain T. W. Smith ; secretary, Mr.Jas. Bassett; treasurer, Mr. T. W. Burwell ; auditors, Messrs. T. Birrell, Gray and W. Meadly. The inefficient supply of water has been a great drawback to the club, and this is the cause of only one rink being laid down. The green, however, is in splendid condition, and that members are taking a keen interest in the affairs of the club is evidenced by the large attendance at practice every evening.

References and Links

As above.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 19 November, 2016 and hosted at (it was last updated on 25 October, 2023), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.