
Nuclear disarmament

Fremantle has a long history of anti-nuclear activism.

Women's Action for Nuclear Disarmament archive

Women's Action for Nuclear Disarmament archive, c.1980s. Material in the Fremantle History Centre collection. Donated by Gail Green, 18 January 2023. Summarised here 15 June 2023.

Indian Ocean Zone of Peace

  • Indian Ocean Zone of Peace newsletter, sponsored by UNAA (United Nations Association of Australia) newsletter. September 1980.
  • Indian Ocean Zone of Peace conference. People's conference, 1986. Proceedings, minutes, organising committee.
  • Indian Ocean Peace Coalition newsletter, October 1980.
  • Letter from Peter Kaldor, re organising a meeting to stop the US base in Cockburn sound, 1 July 1980.
  • Report on conference held in Fremantle Town Hall. 19-21 September, year uncertain.
  • Letters, minutes etc. regarding funding of International Year of Peace funding for WILPF conference, 1986.

Australian Peace Committee, Western Australian branch

  • Australian Peace Committee, Western Australian branch newsletter. September 1984. Fremantle protest rally against warships.
  • Newsletter, November 1982.
  • 'Dialog', publication of the Australian Peace Committee. 1984.
  • 'Dialog', occasional publication/newsletter, A3 size. After December 1983.
  • 'Nuclear Menace in Our Backyard', Gail Green, 2000 Australian Peace Committee, Sydney.
  • Leaflet for launch of Nuclear Threat in our Backyard by Gail Green. Thursday 25 November, no year.
  • AGM Agenda and Chairman's Annual Report, 30 July 1981.
  • Brief report on Peace Committee Western Australian branch reformation in February 1979, written c.1980.
  • Undated leaflet 'Who Wants Peace? / Who Wants War?'.
  • Sticker, undated: 'I want to grow up, not be blown up.'

Fremantle People for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament

  • Fremantle People for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament, newsletter. Reporting on a meeting on 10 January 1984.
  • FPND newsletter. May 1984.
  • FPND newsletter. Likely 1984, next newsletter deadline given as 11 December. Reporting on rally on 17 November.
  • Fremantle People for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament, newsletter. November 1985. Changed their name from FPND to FPPND (added 'Peace').

World Peace Council (WPC) and Australian Peace Council (APC)

  • 'Peace Courier' newsletter, July 1981, 8 pages.
  • Three 'Peace Courier' international newsletters, February, March, and November 1982. 8 pages each.
  • 'Peace Courier' newsletter, May 1986, 8 pages. Probably of the Australian branch.
  • Statement from Bureau of the WPC Presidental Committee, Antananarivo, January 23-27 1981. 'Make the Indian Ocean and the Gulf a Zone of Peace'.
  • 'New Perspectives', Journal of the World Peace Council, March 1982.

Women's Action for Nuclear Disarmament

  • WAND logo letterhead, orange sticker, and A3 transparency (possibly for silkscreening t-shirts). Undated.
  • WAND newsletter, 10 September 1984. 12 pages.
  • WAND newsletter, 15 August. 16 pages.
  • Discussion paper on WAND. "A new women's organisation". First public meeting was June 1983.
  • Welcome letter template for WAND. 1 page. Undated, mentions 2nd Women for Survival National Camp at Cockburn Sound.

Other newsletters

  • 'Shackles: A Qarterly Rort', Fremantle Prison newsletter, First edition (Spring). c.1980s, 8 A3 pages. Bob Hind mentioned as prison librarian.
  • 'Trident', newsletter for Pacific Peacemaker. Bondi Junction NSW. Undated, likely early 1980s.
  • Campaign Against Nuclear Energy (CANE) October 1979.
  • Campaign Against Nuclear Energy (CANE) (probably July) 1982.


  • Badge collection, including sketch ideas. Undated.
  • Cartoon, various. Undated.
  • WFS, Women For Survival (Perth), newsletter, June/July 1985.
  • 'Survival News', includes 1984 calendar from April onwards. National newsletter, lists branches around Australian including WAND WA.
  • 'Survival News', newsletter. July 1984.
  • Letter from Senator Donald Chipp. Australian Democrats' policy. 27 August 1984. Welcoming new Anti-Nuclear Party.
  • Press release, Australian Peace Committee Combined Women's Action Group, peace camp at Point Peron, 7-8 May, year unknown.
  • Book of poetry, 'My country, the world', by Justina Williams. 2003, Lone Hand Press.
  • Submission to Fremantle Council from Workers Information and Research Centre Inc. (WIRC), 'Strengthening the Nuclear Free Zone Policy', March 1983.
  • WIRC draft report to the Fremantle Council, undated.
  • 'Papers in Labour History' No. 10, Deceember 1992, ISSN 1030-6218. Ed. Charlie Fox. Perth Branch, Australian Soceity for the Study of Labour History.
  • List of US Navy ship visits to WA May 1977 to July 1981. 11 pages (numbering inconsistent).
  • Leaflet 'Nuclear War on Perth', with maps. People for Nuclear Disarmament, Perth. Undated. Produced by Amalgamated Metal Workers and Shipwrights Union (AMWSU).
  • Various A3 and smaller posters advertising upcoming protests.
  • 'Ribbons of Peace' poem, 1 page (green). By Joan Williams. 1986.
  • "Sound Wimmin's Women's Womyn's Camp' newsletter. 13 pages. Undated.


  • Fremantle Gazette, 23 March 1983. Whole issue, various relevant articles.
  • Sydney Morning Herald article, 10 June 1892.
  • National Times article, 14-20 March 1982.
  • National Times article re Pine Gap, 18-24 March 1983.
  • Article. 8 October 1984. 'WAND chases CEP grant'. Unknown newspaper.
  • Daily News, 17 April 1980, article re Australian Peace Committee visiting Soviet Union, Vietnam, and Kampuchea.
  • Photocoyp of page 7, Sunday Time, 9 December 1984. Article re women camped at Point Peron.
  • Daily News, 22 July 1981, p22, 'Protesters phone US servicemen'.
  • West Australian, 23 October 1982, p30, 'US gives pledge defence'.
  • Sunday Times, 9 December 1984, p2, articles re peace camp at Point Peron.
  • 9 April 1984, unknow newspaper, 'Famous faces set against weapons', re Joanne Woodward leading anti-nuke campain.
  • West Australian, 7 May 1984. Article re protests on Garden Island causeway.
  • West Australian, 7 May 1984, p52, 'Peace protest at Base'.
  • Assorted newspaper clippings from unnamed newspapers (some international?) about anti-nuclear protests around the world.