
Main Page/Current Affairs & Projects

Current Affairs & Projects

You can edit this website! Anyone in the Fremantle community can add whatever content they want here. Find out how…

  • Upload your photos!
  • Photographs from the Fremantle Society Photographic Survey of 1978 are being scanned and uploaded here.
  • FreoWiki itself is still being figured out. We're trying to explain how you can get involved with adding your own content here: if you have a business, community group, or other interest in Freo, you can create your own area of FreoWiki, to show it to the rest of us!
  • We are attempting to compile a comprehensive register of significant buildings. Anyone can contribute information, photos, plans, or anything that will tell the stories of our built heritage.
  • Help map Freo by contributing to the OpenStreetMap!
  • Old editions of Fremantle, the Fremantle Society's newsletter, are being uploaded to this website and indexed. This is the beginning of a project to digitise the archives of the Fremantle Society.
  • Add your projects here!