
Mailing Lists

The mailing lists no longer exist. This page is retained for historical reference only.

There are three mailing lists so far, for the Fremantle Society and this wiki. If you would like one for your group, please leave a note on Talk:Mailing Lists.

See also

General discussion for anything to do with this wiki. The archives are publicly-viewable.

[ Information | Archives | Administration ]

The general announcement list for the Fremantle Society. All current and recently-lapsed members are subscribed, and anyone else may also subscribe if they would like to be kept up-to-date with the Society's activities. The archives are publicly-viewable, and for redundancy are also available on The Mail Archive.

[ Information | Archives: local or | Administration ]

The Fremantle Society Committee's general discussion list, open only to current members and cooptees of the Committee. Closed archives.

[ Information | Archives | Administration ]