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James Dobbins

James Dobbins was a soldier of the 63rd Regiment who settled in the colony. He married Jean, the daughter of George Bell Hodges Snr., and was involved with a hotel and store with the Hodges family at the [[../hotels/unitedservices.html|United Services]] Tavern in St George's Terrace.

DOBBINS, James, arr. 8.6.1829 per Sulphur, m. (Perth) 5.12.1830 Jean Margaret HODGES (widow with 4 sons). Pte. in 63rd Regt. He was discharged from the Army 1834 & in 1835 took over "United Service Tavern". Sailed for Mauritius per Emma Sherratt 21.7.1845 with Mr & Mrs Hodges.

He does not appear in the 1832 Census.

References and Links

[[../books/erickson.html|Berryman]], Ian 1979 ed., A Colony Detailed: The First Census of Western Australia 1832, Creative Research, Perth.



This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 23 August, 2023 and hosted at freotopia.org/people/dobbinsjames.html (it was last updated on 23 August, 2023), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.