


Freotopia > hotels > Rose Hotel (1)

(the first) Rose Hotel

69 John St, North Fremantle, 1892? - 1978. The current Rose Hotel is in Stirling Highway North Fremantle. The earlier Rose Hotel was a different building, in John Street (formerly Pensioner Road, now Tydeman Road).

This photo (c. 1903?) shows the first Rose Hotel in John St — not on the site where the present one was erected in 1927. This one (from newspaper references) was at 69 John St. The photo shows the corner of John Street (formerly Pensioner Road; this part is now Tydeman Rd) and Victoria Avenue, aka Perth Road (now part of Queen Victoria Street). Unfortunately, I don't know where I got this image. However, it can be seen that W.H. Raleigh was the owner at this time, which will date the photo. W.H. Raleigh was a candidate for North Fremantle in the 1903 elections. (West Australian, 25 August 1903, p. 8)

The building must already have been in existence for a few years before Adam Oliver was at last granted a publican's licence in about 1896, after several applications (see the newspaper articles below). Perhaps W.H. Raleigh was the next proprietor, as shown above.

I'm told by a family member that John Quinn ran the hotel with his wife from 1909 'for many years' - I'm guessing until 1928, when the licence was transferred to the new Rose Hotel (still standing in Stirling Highway) as I'm also told that the Quinns were misled in some way, and the licence went to someone else. The Quinns acquired a gallon licence to trade in a small store at the corner of Thompon and White Sts - which traded for many years as the Wine Mine.

Where the buildings in the photo stood is now the large intersection area where Queen Victoria St and Tydeman Road meet. It is one of the major corners on the Truck Route to and from North Quay, where the container terminals are located, so (I think) trucks coming from the port now roll over the site where the old Rose Hotel stood until 1978.

rose hotel

After ceasing to be a hotel, the building at 69 John St was a family home until 1978, when the Stirling Bridge was built, and Queen Victoria St and that part of John St, now Tydeman Road, became the major route to the northern side of the Port of Fremantle.


Excerpt from Fremantle Society Newsletter vol.1, no.4, p.3, 1973.


Adam Oliver applied for a publican's general license for the premises now occupied by him at North Fremantle, and known as the Rose Hotel. In this application similar evidence was given to that elicited at the hearing of the previous application, and the bench decided to refuse the license. West Australian, Wednesday 6 September 1893, p. 2.

MONDAY, DECEMBER 4th. [1893]
Adam Oliver, proprietor of the Rose Hotel, and the holder of an hotel license at North Fremantle, and Wm. Waldock, license of the Railway Coffee Palace at North Fremantle, each applied for publicans' general licenses for the premises now occupied by them respectively. Mr. Moss appeared for Mr. Oliver, and Mr. Shaw for Mr. Waldeck. In each case the application was opposed by Mr. Kidson (Kidson & Gawler) on behalf of ratepayers; by the Rev. W. H. Peters, Congregational minister, and by J. Hutchings, as a ratepayer. Petitions were presented for and against each application. The main argument in support of the applications were that the population of the locality, which was estimated at from 1,500 to 1,600, had made such increase in numbers that an additional license house was required. The opposing arguments were a denial of this contention. The Bench decided upon granting Mr. Waldock's application on the ground that the house was required and that its position was preferable to the Rose Hotel premises occupied by Mr. Oliver. The application of the latter, was therefore, refused.West Australian, Wednesday 6 December 1893, p. 7.

An adjourned sitting of this Court (consisting of Messrs. E. Fairbairn, R.M., W. L. Clifton and Jas. Lilly, J.'sP.) was held afterwards to consider the application of Adam Oliver for a publican's general license at the Rose Hotel, at North Fremantle. Mr. Moorhead appeared for the applicant, while Mr. Moss opposed on behalf of Mr. F. Mason, and Mr.Kidson for the Rev. Mr. Peters, Mr. Bick and others. Mr. Moorhead, in opening the case, said that there were usually two bodies who opposed the granting of licenses, one being the Church and the other the Licensed Victuallers' Association. The sensible remarks which had from time to time fallen from the bench at Perth had to a great extent caused this opposition to cease. Here, however, they had still one of the heads of the Hydra in the opposition of Mr. Peters ; but there was no opposition by the Licensed Victuallers Association. The application was supported by an influentially signed petition, containing among other names that of Mr. Congdon, the Mayor. Mr. Kidson and Mr. Moss both objected to the petition being put in. Mr. Moorhead suggested that, as the petition was not evidence, he would, nevertheless, hand it in for the inspection of the bench. Mr. Kidson and Mr. Moss again objected, but the bench decided to inspect the petition. After the applicant had given evidence, Mr. Kidson called John Bick, who said that no additional licensed house was required at North Fremantle and that the population was on the decrease. The Rev. W. H. Peters did not consider that another licensed house was required, and believed that the general feeling was similar. There had been no material increase in the population during the last six months. Mr. Waldock, the licensee of the Railway Hotel, also stated that the population had decreased. Mr. Drake, of the Swan Hotel, gave similar evidence. After the address of counsel and of Mr. Peters the Bench retired, and after a short absence resumed their seats. The Chairman said that the Bench had decided not to accede to the application, as they did not think that another licensed house was required at North Fremantle. The Daily News, Tuesday 12 June, 1894, p. 6.

FREMANTLE. [December 1895]
Adam Oliver applied for a general license for the Rose Hotel, Pensioner's Road, North Fremantle. He held a wine and beer license for the premises. Mr.  Horgan appeared for the applicant, while Messrs. Gawler, Moss and Lovegrove with the Rev. W. H. Peters opposed for various persons. Oliver said he intended to cater for the Perth Road and Brucetown trade. It was contended that not more than four houses had gone up at Brucetown since the applicant last applied, while the Perth Road traffic was well and amply supplied by the Swan Hotel some 100 yards from the Rose Hotel. Oliver said he had been four times refused a general license for the house which was situated opposite the Roman Catholic Church, the R. C. Sisters, School and the residence of the Sisters. Mr. Gawler presented a protest against further licenses for North Fremantle from seven out of nine local councillors. The Rev. W. H. Peters supported the objection as a ratepayer and as a Congregational minister. Further hotel accommodation was not needed in the town, while a most serious matter was that the Rose Hotel was situated right opposite the home and school of the Sisters of Mercy, and must if converted into a general public-house interfere with their work. A clergyman's house was protected by law from pollution by the close contiguity of an hotel, and he thought that the residence of noble women engaged in much the same work as the minister of religion was entitled to be safeguarded also. The Bench intimated that they looked upon Mr. Oliver as a man of unimpeachable character, but must refuse the application on the ground that the present hotels at North Fremantle fully met the requirements of the locality. Inquirer and Commercial News, Friday 6 December, 1895, p. 6.

Adam Oliver was at last granted a publican's general licence for the Rose Hotel between December 1895 and December 1897, as it was renewed on that later date.

FREMANTLE. [December 1897]

(Before Messrs. R. Fairbairn, J. Lilly, and E. Solomon.)
Publicans' General Licences Granted. — The following applications for the renewal of publicans' general licences were granted : — Bertha S. Hilmer, Railway Hotel, North Fremantle, George Plant, Victoria Hotel, High-street, Fremantle ; Stephen Starr, Pier Hotel, Fremantle ; Thomas Samson, Richmond Hotel, Richmond ; Lizzie Trump, Bruce Town Hotel, North Fremantle; Joseph Augier, Park Hotel, Fremantle ; Adam Oliver, Rose Hotel, North Fremantle ; Chas. Hy. Pierce, His Lordship's Larder Hotel, Mouatt-street ; Alfred A. Davies, Oddfellows' Hotel, South Terrace ; William Meadley, Esplanade Hotel ; David Hughes, Sea View Hotel, Mandurah road; Daniel Mulcahey, Commercial Hotel, High-street ; Michael Mulcahey, Terminus Hotel, Packenham-street ; Thos. O'Beirne, Club Hotel, High-street ; James Jackson, National Hotel, High-street; John Kennedy, Federal Hotel, William-street ; Henry Higgins, Cleopatra Hotel, High-street; Alfred Court, Freemasons' Hotel, South Terrace ; William Hall, Swan Hotel, North Fremantle ; George B. Beard, Beaconsfield Hotel, Beaconsfield ; Martin Jos. Murphy, Newcastle Club Hotel, corner of Market-street and South Terrace; and George Newman, Plymton Hotel, Plymton [sic]. The Daily News, Tuesday 7 December, 1897, p. 4.

Pensioners Road had been renamed John St by 1898.


... The health officer (Dr. Birmingham) reported as follows: ...
Rose Hotel. — We found this hotel in a very satisfactory condition. The yard is well-kept. There is no rubbish lying about, and there is no waste water, The proprietor has informed me that he disposes of the waste water by removing it to his garden at the rear of his yard. There is nothing to take exception to in the sanitary condition of the hotel. Daily News, Friday 14 April 1899, p. 1.

At the Fremantle Police Court this morning, before Mr. R. Fairbairn, R.M., Adam Oliver, licensee of the Rose Hotel, North Fremantle, was charged with having sold adulterated whisky on his premises. Mr. Wood, of the Crown Law Department, appeared for the prosecution. The defendant pleaded guilty, but stated that he was not aware that the liquor had been adulterated. The analyst's report was that the whisky was 32 degrees under proof. A fine of £12, with costs, was imposed.
Thomas O'Beirne, licensee of the Club Hotel, Fremantle, was charged with having sold adulterated rum, On the application of the defendant the case was adjourned for eight days.

Rose Licence Transferred
Permission was granted by the Licensing Court at Fremantle today to John C. Quinn, licensee of the Rose Hotel, North Fremantle, to transfer his licence to new premises to be erected in Victoria-avenue, opposite Congdon-street. The application was granted conditionally on the premises being completed by the end of the year. The board fixed a premium of £100, the chairman stating that this nominal amount was due to the fact that the new premises were being erected at the request of the board. The Daily News, Tuesday 6 March, 1928, p. 6.

References and Links

Note about the hotel being under threat in Fremantle, the newsletter of the Fremantle Society: Vol 1 No 4 1973.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 19 September, 2014 and hosted at (it was last updated on 30 November, 2023), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.