


Fremantle Stuff > hotels > Oceanic Hotel Mosman Park. See also: Oceanic Hotel Fremantle.

Oceanic Hotel Mosman Park

Thomas Molloy in 1908 built a two-storey hotel on the corner of Glyde and what was then (apparently) Keane (now Monument) Street. It still exists, but now in the form of separate dwellings. It was aka Mosman Park Hotel, and is now Mosman Park Apartments.


In 1908, businessman and entrepreneur Thomas Molloy provided another service to the growing community when he built the two-storey ‘Oceanic Hotel’ on the corner of Glyde and Keane Streets. The Oceanic Hotel catered particularly for families taking seaside holidays. Families particularly from the agricultural areas were regular guests at this hotel and in similar hotels in Cottesloe. The attraction of the location as a destination for holidaymakers was probably a significant factor in the decision to rename the district ‘Cottesloe Beach’ in 1908.

Heritage Council:
Statement of Significance
Its profile is a strong symbol in the subconscious of generations of local people.
This building was the local hotel for eight decades through periods of changing hotel use and patronage. Despite several modernisations the hotel's distinctive roof line remains intact and the basic structure of the building is also still in place. This building is an important part of the social heritage of Mosman Park.
Extensive modernisations to ground floor and removal of original timber spiral staircase, date unknown. Divided into apartments in 1997.
Two storey hotel building divided into apartments. Painted brickwork, orange tiles and metal balustrades to balconies. New brick walls and metal gates divide the grounds into private gardens. Two apartments are two storey, the rest single storey. The apartment on the corner is probably the most intact, it includes the dining room of the hotel. Ground floor had extensive modernisations during life as a hotel. Bedroom areas upstairs retain many original features. The building has a central, paved courtyard. The hotel was designed to face the corner of the site.

References and Links

Dowden, Sindy nd, 'Mosman Park: the past 100 years', available online from

Heritage Council entry.

Oceanic Hotel, Mosman Park.

Mosman Park Heritage Trail page.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 26 May, 2021 and hosted at (it was last updated on 19 April, 2022), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.