


Freotopia > hotels > licensees

Licensees 1897

Western Mail, Friday 10 December 1897, p. 35, 51.


The anuual sitting of the Fremantle Licensing Court was held on Monday. The Bench consisted of Messrs. R[obert] Fairbairn, R[esident] M[agistrate] (chairman), E[lias] Solomon and J[ames] Lilly, Js.P. [Justices of the Peace]


The following renewals were granted.

Bertha S. Hilmer, Railway
George Plant, Victoria
Stephen Starr, Pier
Thomas Samson, Richmond
Lizzie Trump, Bruce Town
Joseph Augier, Park
Adam Oliver, Rose
Charles Henry Pierce, His Lordship's Larder
Alfred A. Davies, Oddfellows
Wm. Meadly, Esplanade
David Hughes, Seaview
Daniel Mulcahy, Commercial
Michael Mulcahy, Terminus
Thomas O'Beirne, Club
Henry Higgins, Cleopatra
James Jackson, National
Alfred Court, Freemasons
John Kennedy, Federal
William Hall, Swan
George B. Beard, Beaconsfield
Martin J Murphy, Newcastle Club
George Newman, Plympton.


The Bruce Town Hotel became the Gresham, but is no longer a hotel.
The Victoria was where the P&O Hotel is now.
The Club is the Orient.
The Freemasons is now called the Sail and Anchor.
The Richmond, aka Bridge, is gone.
His Lordship's Larder is His Majesty's.
The Newcastle Club Hotel is now called the Newport.

John McCleery, Cliff-street ; Wm. Sandover and Co., Mouatt-street; Geo. A. Davis, High-street; Howard N. Sleigh, Plympton ; Jas. Moylan, Henry-street ; William F. Samson, Cliff street ; Faddy and Knight, Cantonment-road ; J. G. Thompson, Essex-street ; W. D. Moore, Henry-street ; T Henderson, Bay-street ; J. and W. Bateman, Mouatt-street ; J. Bateman, High-street.
Geo. A. Davis, High-street ; John V. Banfield, High-street ; Galtamo Gemetti Wilson, High-street ; Stephens and Steere, Henry-street ; Kate Costello, High-street ; N. W. Faddy, Cantonment-road ; Vidal and Holmes, High-street ; Ann Dalton, William street ; Peter Zappa, Packenham-street ; Mrs. Poole, Victoria-avenue.
A. J. Diamond, Cliff-street ; George Shenton, Cliff-street ; E. Strelitz, Mouatt-street ; Preston Bros., High-street ; Dalgety and Co., Dalgety-street ; Sydney Durrant, Cliff-street ; Joseph H. Knapstein, Cliff street ; Louis Demel, corner of Cliff and Dalgety streets ; Flindell and Fraser, Cliff-street.
Ann Dalton, William-street ; Stephens and Steere, Henry-street ; Vidal and Holmes, High-street ; Carl Muller, Packenham-street ; Raleigh and Rodgers, Henry street ; A. C. Letts, High-street.
Albert Beard, Star Hotel, Essex-street. Objections were raised by Inspector Back to the granting of renewals to George Haines, Welsh Harp Hotel, and John Charles Brice, Stanley Hotel, and the Bench decided to inspect these premises before dealing with their applications.
Daniel Hymus, Rockingham-road.
JamesDrake, High-street.
Samuel Poat, s.s. Water Lily, William Webster, s.s. Manx Fairy ; James Craigie, s.s. Eleanor.


Kate Costello, proprietress of the Crystal Café, Market street, applied for a hotel license. Messrs. Kidson and Gawler appeared to support the. application, which was opposed by Mr R. S. Haynes and Mr. F. W. Moorhead, on behalf of Mr. Jackson, licensee of the National Hotel, and others ; Mr. M. L. Moss, on behalf of the Wesleyan body ; and Mr. Beresford, on behalf of the Licensed Victuallers' Associatian, The applicant stated that she had accommodation for 90 boarders, and she was studying their convenience in applying for the license. Inspector Back said he was opposed to the granting of any hotel licenses. The application was refused.
Johannah Mary Bowe, widow, applied for a provisional certificate for a publican's general license for premises proposed to be erected at the corner of Beach and Edward streets, East Fremantle. Mr. Moss appeared to support the application, which was unopposed. Mr. O. N. Nicholson architect, produced plans of the building, which it was estimated would cost between £9,000 and £10,000. It was intended to erect a first-class hotel of three stories on a block of land of 102ft. by 188ft. In addition to the bars and ordinary rooms there would be 46 bedrooms and 5 parlours, and Mr. Moss remarked that it would be the best hotel in Fremantle when completed. The Bench granted the application. Robert S. Newbold made application for a provisional certificate for premises proposed to be erected on the Perth road, North Fremantle. Mr. Kidson appeared for the applicant, and opposition was afforded by Mr. Moss on behalf of William Hall, licensee of the Swan Hotel, Mr. Beresford on behalf the Licensed Victuallers' Association, and Mr. Lovegrove on behalf of himself. The hearing of the application had not concluded when the Court adjourned. The adjourned Fremantle Licensing Court was continued on Tuesday, Messrs. B. Fairbairn, B.M., E. Solomon, and J. Lilly, J.'sP., occupying the bench.
The hearing of the application by Robert S. Newbold for a provisional certificate for promises proposed to be erected on the Perth road, North Fremantle, was continued. It was contended by the applicant that another hotel was required at North Fremantle to provide good accommodation for visitors from the goldfields and Perth. The site of the proposed hotel was a quarter of a mile from any licensed house, and the estimated cost of the building was £3,500. Mr. Kidson supported the application, which was opposed by Mr. Moss and Mr. Beresford on behalf of other licensed victuallers, on the ground that ample accommodation for visitors existed in the other hotels in the district, and that the population, which had diminished during the past six months, did not warrant the erection of another hotel. Inspector Back estimated the population of the police dis- trict of North Fremantle at 4,500, but he did not think another hotel was required there. The Bench refused the application.
George Haines, licensee of the Welsh Harp Hotel, Packenham-street, applied for the renewal of the wine and beer license held by him in respect of the above-named premises. Inspector Back objected to the renewal of the license on the ground that the premises were in a dilapidated condition and not fit to possess a license. Mr. Kidson, on behalf of the applicant, pointed out that the premises were held by Haines under a lease from [51] the Stanley Brewery. This lease would not expire for three years, and counsel contended that great injustice would he done to the applicant if his license was taken away. There were other hotels in Fremantle in a far worse condition than the Welsh Harp, and Mr. Kidson considered the police were acting most unfairly in singling out his client's premises and allowing others equally as bad to have their licenses renewed without making any objection. Mr. Fairbairn, in announcing the decision of the Bench, said that at the last annual sitting the applicant was informed that unless something was done to improve his premises before the next sitting, the Court would probably refuse to grant a renewal. An inspection of the premises had been made and it was found that nothing had been done in the way of improving the hotel and the Bench therefore refused to renew the license. The house had been licensed for a good many years and if the premises were re-built the Bench would, doubtless, view favourably a fresh application.
The application of John Charles Brice for a renewal of the wine and beer license held by him for the Stanley Hotel, in Bannister-street, was also opposed by Inspector Back, on the ground that the hotel was not a fit house for a license. Constable Jones stated that the hotel was very badly conducted, being the resort of thieves, prostitutes, and blackguards. Sunday trading was carried on very extensively, but owing to the systematic manner in which it was done, it was impossible to detect it. Constable Corry also gave the hotel a bad name, but both he and Inspector Back spoke highly of the respectability of Mr. Brice himself. Mr. Moss, who appeared for the applicant, denied that Suuday trading other than supplying the wants of the boarders was carried on. Counsel commented severely on what he termed the "vicious and biassed evidence" of Constable Jones. If the statements made by this witness were true, counsel considered it a scandalous disgrace to the police force that no arrest had ever been made at the hotel in question and no charge had ever been laid against the landlord. The Bench decided to give the applicant another chance, but Mr. Fairbairn remarked that if there were any objections raised next year he would not get off so lightly. The renewal was granted.
Walter Raleigh was granted a renewal of a billiard table license for his premises in Henry street. David Hamilton, High-street, was also granted a similar license. This concluded the business of the sitting, and the Court rose.
Western Mail, Friday 10 December 1897, p. 35, 51.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 28 September, 2014 and hosted at (it was last updated on 28 November, 2023), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.