


Freotopia > hotels > licensees

Licensing September 1893

The West Australian, Wednesday 6 September 1893: 2.



(Before Messrs. R. Fairbairn, R.M., J. Lilly, E. Solomon, D. K. Congdon and Dr. Barnett, J's.P.)

New Applications.-William Waldock applied for a publicans' general license for premises situate at North Fremantle and lately occupied by Carl Müller. Mr. Shaw appeared for the applicant and Mr. Kidson to oppose, on behalf of the Licensed Victuallers' Association and ratepayers. The evidence of the applicant set forth that the population of North Fremantle had largely increased, that there was only one licensed house in the neighbourhood, and that the applicant was occupying the premises at the present time at a weekly rental of £4, from Mr. F. Mason, the owner. Under cross-examination, the applicant stated that Mason's Hall next door was used for church purposes. He put in a petition signed by over fifty ratepayers in support of his application.

Fred. Mason, owner of the premises, said that he was prepared to grant the applicant a lease of the premises. The population of North Fremantle had nearly doubled itself recently, and the house was required in the locality.

The Rev. W. H. Peters, congregational minister at North Fremantle, gave evidence against the application and produced a counter-petition by ratepayers. He also presented a resolution passed at a meeting of the members of the Church, asking the bench to refuse the application on the ground that the license was not required by the community.

The application was refused.

Adam Oliver applied for a publican's general license for the premises now occupied by him at North Fremantle, and known as the Rose Hotel. In this application similar evidence was given to that elicited at the hearing of the previous application, and the bench decided to refuse the license. Mr. Moss was for the applicant, and Mr. Kidson appeared, to oppose.

Renewals and Transfers.-The following applications were granted.-S. Weaver transfer of publican's general license, Club Hotel, Fremantle. (Granted to the end of the year only,) E. Ingram, transfer National Hotel, Fremantle. A. J. Diamond, spirit merchant's license. Attwell and Gunson, gallon license.

The following applications were refused : Joshua Davies, wine and beer and billiard table licenses, and William Edwards, eating house license.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 6 November, 2018 and hosted at (it was last updated on 28 November, 2023), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.