


Freotopia > hotels > licensees

Licensees December 1893

Inquirer and Commercial News, Friday 8 December 1893: 4.


Licenses Granted.

A. M. Josephson, Park Hotel, Publican's General ; Robert Drake, Swan Hotel do. ; Edward Cooke, Club Hotel do.; J . P. Hearns, National Hotel do.; E. W. Davies, Beaconsfield Hotel do.; M. W. Davis, Federal Coffee Palace (Hotel license.)

Club Licenses.— Fremantle Club; granted.

Fremantle Working Men's Club, Mr. G. Leake, instructed by Mr. J. T. Shaw, appeared for the Club, and Messrs. Kidson and Moss opposed it on behalf of Mr. Lohoar, licensee of the Pearlers Hotel and the Licensed Victallers Association. George Hogg, secretary, deposed that the Club had 35 members. The provisions of the statute had been complied with. Cross-examined by Mr. Kidson ; This was a new club ; the old club died yesterday. The inaugural meeting was held on 13th November. He read the minutes of the meeting. Dr. White was the president. In reply to Mr. Leake, Mr. Kidson said that he questioned the legality of the constitution of the Club. Mr. Moss said he objected on many other grounds. There was a reading room, card room and bar room. They had not actually got a strangers room. The reading card and bar rooms were strictly for the benefit of the members only. Up to the present they had taken strangers into the bar. It was under the same roof as Maggs' coffee rooms. They had no sleeping accommodation, but could obtain some. The committee were Messrs. J. King, Cruckshank, W. Lowe, R. H. Holmes and J. T. Shaw. The Club furniture belonged to Mr. Maggs. Rule 9 certainly provided for the admission of honorary members at a subscription of 2s. 6d. per month. It was not intended to have an unlimited number of honorary members. Rule 5 provided that any person should cease to be an honorary member after three months. The committee controlled the funds and purchased the liquor. Cross-examined by Mr. Moss : Mr. Maggs had asked him to act as secretary. He also said that he (Maggs) had gone round and asked people to become members. He did not undertake the position because Mr. Maggs was a good customer to Holmes Bros., of which firm he was accountant. He could not be there from 6 until 12 and was to have an assistant secretary. They were to pay the manager £8 10s. per week. Witness was manager and secretary, and would receive the salary. Re-examined by Mr. Leake: Mr. Maggs' name was rejected as manager. They did not keep a 'dead house,' where members could sleep off the effects of drink. (Laughter.) Mr. Kidson said that the Bench would require further proof that the £47 paid into the Bank came from members' subscriptions. The Act had not been complied with. The premises were not suitable. Sergt. McKenna stated that he did not consider them suitable. The application was refused.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 6 November, 2018 and hosted at (it was last updated on 28 November, 2023), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.