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Albion Inn

The Albion Inn was a hostelry apparently established by William Heares Smithers in 1830 or 1831 on Lot 117 Pakenham Street (and/or perhaps also) on Lot 93 Henry Street). He may have sold the property to John Duffield in 1839.

The Albion Inn (or Hotel) was apparently maintained by John Duffield, perhaps from 1839 to 1844. Not to be confused with the Albion Hotel in Cottesloe, it was a house at Lot 117 in Pakenham St (the third lot from the southern end on the western side), and was called the Albion Inn in this advertisement in the Perth Gazette, 28 September 1839.

by Messrs. L. & W. Samson,
On Thursday, the 3d day of October, the property of a person about to leave
the Colony,
A HOUSE at Fremantle, formerly called the Albion Inn, in fee-simple, being Allotment No. 117 ...

This clip from an 1844 map redrawn in 1983 by R.McK. Campbell appears to show Duffield's Albion Inn on Lot 93 Henry Street, which backs onto Lot 117 Pakenham Street. Perhaps it was on both.

Errington has this in existence in 1831: Steve Errington 2017, 'Fremantle 1829-1832: an illustrated history', Fremantle Studies, 9: 15-29.

The Perth Gazette for 23 Jan 1836 refers to the names of six licensees of hotels in Fremantle and eight in Perth. The Albion was under the proprietorship of Mary F. Crisp.

John Hole Duffield received Licenses for sale of Liquor at the Albion, advertised 6 Feb 1841 and 3 Feb 1844; and he advertised to sell goods which travellers had left at the Albion and not reclaimed, on 17 Aug 1842.

The above establishment has nothing to do with the Albion Hotel run by Mrs Alice Bullen on what is now Stirling Highway from around 1860 - probably where the present-day Albion Hotel still stands (tho there is an Albion Street three blocks away, and a Bullen Lane one block away). Thomas Briggs ran the Albion Hotel before or after Mrs Bullen.

References, Links and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Duffield descendant Philip Pope, who provided most of the information above.

Errington, Steve 2017, 'Fremantle 1829-1832: an illustrated history', Fremantle Studies, 9: 15-29.

Tuckfield, Trevor 1971, 'Early colonial inns and taverns', Part 1, Early Days: Journal and proceedings of the Royal Western Australian Historical Society, 7, 3: 65-82; Part 2, Early Days, 7, 7: 98-106.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 23 November, 2016 and hosted at (it was last updated on 25 November, 2023), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.