(Redirected from Hospitals)
[[../index.html|Freotopia]] > hospitals
[[../buildings/barracks.html|Barracks]], South Terrace
Pensioner Barracks, South Terrace. Built c. 1850s [1853] and occupied by the [[../organisations/pensioners.html|enrolled pensioner]] force. During 1914-1918 war, used as the No. 8 General Australian Hospital. Later Immigrants Home, demolished 1950s. Stan Reilly Frail aged Lodge later on site, completed 1976, demolished 2018 in favour of yet another carpark. (Text partly from caption for Fremantle Library photo #522A.) A new Fremantle [[../buildings/policestation.html|Police Station]] is to be built on this site c. 2023/4.
Nurse Bathgate’s San Hedrin Maternity Hospital, 20-22 Staton Rd, East Fremantle, 1925-1986.
[[../people/birchrichard.html|Richard Birch]]'s Casualty Ward was established in 1882 at Lot 423 High Street, before there was a hospital in Fremantle.
Braemar House, 10 Windsor Road, East Fremantle; not a hospital, but an aged-care facility. This was the site of the house of Mr Gracie, manager of the [[../hotels/castlemaine.html|Castlemaine Brewery]] on Riverside Drive (now Road) East Fremantle, but none [?] of that building remains. ([[../bib.html#lee|Lee]]: 147) It has been a home for the aged since 1950. ([[../bib.html#lee|Lee]]: 109)
Casualty Ward, 1889: '... near the waterfront and railway yards and close by the tunnel which had been gouged from cliffs under the [[../buildings/roundhouse.html|Round House]] in whaling days'. Garrick & Jeffery: 39.
The [[../westend/hightenants1893.html|Post Office Directory for 1893-4]] shows this as between the 'cliff' of Arthur Head and the railway line, on the north side of what would have been High Street if it continued as far as said 'cliff'. One F. Bevan was the 'caretaker'.
[[../buildings/colonialhospital.html|Colonial Hospital]], Wellington Street, Perth.
Fiona Stanley Hospital, Murdoch Drive
Fremantle Hospital, South Terrace, Alma St, Hampton St, 1895-
[[../buildings/knowle.html|The Knowle]], residence built for Lt-Col. Sir [[../people/henderson.html|Edmund Henderson]], Comptroller-General of Convicts 1850-63; the origin of Fremantle Hospital and still part thereof. After Henderson returned to England in 1867 it became an invalid depot for convicts, then in 1891 for colonial lunatics, and in 1895 a public hospital. ([[../bib.html#hutchison|Hutchison]]: 184)
[[../buildings/grosvenorhospital.html|Grosvenor]], 151 South Street Beaconsfield, built as a home for [[../people/daviesgeorgealfred.html|G.A. Davies]] on the site of George Curedale's farm residence; later a private hospital, now Beacon Yoga Centre, aka Sivananda Ashram.
Heathcote Hospital, Applecross.
High St Casualty Ward, Lot 423, now 71 High St, run by druggist Richard Birch 1882-1888
Hillcrest House was built in [[../streets/harvest.html|Harvest Road]] North Fremantle by Francis [[../people/pearse.html|Pearse]], and donated to the Salvation Army in the 1920s as a maternity hospital. It was a haven for unmarried mothers and their children who were adopted. It is now Regis North Fremantle Aged Care Facility.
Kaleeya Hospital, Staton & Wolseley Rds East Fremantle, closed end 2014 and sold to Southern Cross Care (WA) Inc. It in now an aged care service and health facility.
[[../buildings/oceanview.html|Ocean View]], at 134 Solomon Street, was [[../people/solomon.html|Elias Solomon]]'s house. It was later the residence of Capt [[../people/biddles.html|Frank Biddles]], a military hospital during WW1, and then in the 1920s a maternity hospital run by '[[../people/sheedyannie.html|Nurse Sheedy]]'.
Salopia, a house that was used as a private hospital in 1899, stood at the corner with Burt Street in Cantonment Road (now QV Street). See the photo near the top of the [[../cantonmenthill/index.html|Cantonment Hill]] index page.
Skye Private Hospital, 13 Stevens St (now new housing)
St Helens/East Fremantle Annexe, aka Sydenham and then The Lodge, 33 Moss St East Fremantle; then the Moss Street Centre geriatric outpatient assessment and rehabilitation services, was built in 1909 as a home for John Wesley Bateman (1879-1947) and his wife Daisy Kate Augusta (nee Sendey). After the Batemans, 1909-1917, it was used 1922-23 as Illawarra Private Hospital, after which it was a private house for the (Richard James) Bateses, with Rhoda, Len, and Eric, and then became again a private hospital, as St Helen's, 1929-59. It was a training hospital for nurses 1959-1962, and then a geriatric rehab centre, managed by the WA Health Dept. Vacant since 2015, it was reopened August 2020 as a mental health transitional facility to replace Hampton House, and so with that name.
St John of God Murdoch, Murdoch Drive
Woodside, 18 Dalgety St East Fremantle, was closed as a (maternity) hospital in 2014, and will continue as an aged care facility. This was the home of the [[../people/moorewd.html|Moore]] family, and that building substantially remains. ([[../bib.html#lee|Lee]]: 147)
In the West Australian Year Book for 1895 it is recorded that "the Fremantle Casualty Ward had been changed into a hospital," and as there is no record of the Fremantle hospital before that date, it can be surmised that the institution was a branch of the Perth Public Hospital. ... The hospital is ideally situated on eight acres of land in an elevated position overlooking the outer harbour and surrounding islands. The institution is in all respects up to date. It comprises five airy wards and a detached children' s ward. With the completion of a new surgical ward recently, the hospital can now accommodate 128 patients. During 1928 1,330 patients were admitted to the hospital and there were only 119 deaths. In the out-patients department 17,629 patients were treated. ([[../hitchcock.html|Hitchcock]]: 75-76)
Hospitals elsewhere
[[../buildings/killowen.html|Killowen]]/St Anne's/MercySJoG, Mount Lawley
References and Links
Garrick, Phyl & Chris Jeffery 1987, Fremantle Hospital: A Social History to 1987, Fremantle Hospital.
Charlesworth, Helene 1997, Small but Strong: a Pictorial History of the Town of East Fremantle 1897-1997, Town of East Fremantle: 30-32.
Lee, Jack 1979, This is East Fremantle (The story of a town and its people), East Fremantle Town Council.
This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 29 November, 2014 and hosted at (it was last updated on 21 April, 2024), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.