


Fremantle Stuff > Fremantle Walks > Bibliography


Fremantle Walks by David Hutchison, 2006.


Appleyard, R T and Manford, Toby 1979, The Beginning: European discovery and early settlement of the Swan River, Western Australia, University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands.

Bosworth, Michal 2004, Convict Fremantle: a place of promise and punishment, University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands.

Bosworth, Richard and Michal 1993, Fremantle's Italy, Gruppo Editoriale Internazionale, Rome.

Brown, Patricia M 1996, The Merchant Princes of Fremantle: the rise and decline of a colonial elite 1870-1900, University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands.

Byrne, Geraldine 2000, A Basilica in the Making: the centenary of St Patrick's, Fremantle, Mazenod Press, Mulgrave, Vic.

Chalmers, John 1997, A Ticket to Ride: a history of the Fremantle Municipal Tramways, City of Fremantle.

Ciccotosto, Emma and Bosworth, Michal 1990, Emma: a translated life, Fremantle Arts Centre Press, Fremantle.

Cooper, Austin 1994, A Little by Ourselves: Oblates of Mary Immaculate Australia 1894-1994, Mazenod Press, Mulgrave, Vic.

Creed, David (n.d.), Operations of the Fremantle Submarine Base 1942-1945, Naval History Society of Australia, Garden Island, NSW.

Dowson, ]ohn 2003, Old Fremantle: Photographs 1850-1950, University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands.

Ellement, C and Davidson, R 1987, The Divided Kingdom, Fremantle Arts Centre Press, Fremantle.

Evans, A G 2001, C. Y. O’Connor: his life and legend, University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands.

Ewers, ]ohn K 1971, The Western Gateway: A history of Fremantle, University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands.

Garrick, Phyl and Jeffery, Chris 1987, Fremantle Hospital: a social history to 1987, Fremantle Hospital, Fremantle.

Gill, Andrew 2004, Convict Assignment in Western Australia: 'The Parkhurst Apprentices' 1842-1851, Blatellae Books, Maylands.

Griffiths, Bryn 1989, Wharfies: A celebration of 100 years on the Fremantle waterfront 1889-1989, Platypus Press, Perth.

Higham, Geoffrey J 1994, A Most Industrious Tradeswoman, nineteenth century merchant of Fremantle, The Gayton Squirrel Trust, Winthrop.

Hitchcock, J K 1929, The History of Fremantle, the front gate of Australia, 1829-1929, S H Lamb, Perth.

Hutchison, David 1987, Fremantle Town Hall: 1887-1987, Fremantle City Council, Fremantle.

Lang, Karen and Newman, Jan 2004, Wharf Rats and Other Stories: 100 years of growing up in Fremantle, Fremantle Primary School, Fremantle.

Lyon, Robert 1839, Australia: an Appeal to the World on Behalf of the Younger Branch of the Family of Shem, Sydney.

Mclntyre, Stuart 1984, Militant: the life and time: of Paddy Troy, Allen and Unwin, St Leonard’s, NSW.

Moore, Richard K 2003, The Moores of Derry and Oakover, privately published.

Peters, Nonja 2001, Milk and Honey - But No Gold: Postwar Migration to Western Australia, 1945-1964, University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands.

Reece, R and Pascoe, R 1983, A Place of Consequence: a pictorial history of Fremantle, Fremantle Arts Centre Press, Fremantle.

Reid, Gayla 1994, To Be There With You, Allen and Unwin, St Leonard’s, NSW.

Seddon, George and Haddy, Barbara 2000, Looking at an Old Suburb: a walking guide to four blocks of Fremantle, University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands.

Vivienne, May M 1901, Travels in Western Australia, Heinemann, London.

White, John and Morrison, Margaret Pitt (eds.) 1979, Western Towns and Buildings, University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands.

City Council documents, consultants’ reports, etc.

Bosworth, Michal and Hutchison, David with Walker, Meredith and Pike, Penelope 1995, City of Fremantle Thematic historical framework, Fremantle City Council.

Campbell, R McK 1980, Town Planning Scheme No. 3: Heritage, History and Architecture.

Crawford, I, Delroy, A, and Stevenson, L 1981, A History of the Commissariat, Fremantle 1851-1981, Western Australian Museum.

Cownie, Stewart and Marie (n.d.), Fremantle and Rottnest buildings classified and recorded by the National Trust.

Edmonds, M J E et al. 1973, Changing Fremantle.

Farrell, Rita 1993, A History of the Ugly Men’s Voluntary Worker Association of Western Australia, Honours thesis, Murdoch University.

Fremantle City Council 1971, Fremantle: preservation and change.

Fremantle City Council, City of Fremantle Town Planning Scheme No. 3: Heritage, History and Architecture.

Fremantle City Council, 2000, Municipal Heritage Inventory.

Gibb, Martin 1988, Report on an Ethnohistorical Investigation in the Aboriginal Heritage of the Fremantle Area.

Hutchison, David 1991, ‘History of the Port of Fremantle with emphasis on Victoria Quay’, in Kiera, Agnieshka et al., Victoria Quay and its architecture, Fremantle City Council.

Kent, Jack, Kiera, Agnieshka, and Dawkins, Jeremy 1988, The Moore's Building: a conservation project, City of Fremantle.

Kerr, James Semple 1998, Fremantle Prison: a policy for its conservation, Department of Contract and Management Services.

Kerr, W 1973, Architecture in Fremantle 1875-1915, unpublished thesis, Faculty of Architecture, University of Western Australia.

O’Connor, Susan and Thomson, Rachel 1984, ‘Report on an investigation into the Aboriginal heritage of the Arthur Head area, Fremantle’, Fremantle City Council.

Reece, Bob, 1986, ‘Report on the heritage significance of Short Street Precinct’, typescript, City of Fremantle.

Town Planning Scheme No. 2 1970, City of Fremantle.

Town Planning Scheme No. 3 1987, City of Fremantle.

Tull, Malcolm 1985, ‘The Development of the Port of Fremantle, Australia’s Western Gateway, unpublished thesis, Murdoch University.


Fremantle Studies, the journal of the Fremantle History Society, published biennially, presents fresh insights into all aspects of Fremantle's history.

Bizzaca, Kristy 2002, ‘The heritage movement in Fremantle 1955-1982’, Fremantle Studies, Vol. 2.

Bizzaca, Kristy 2004, ‘The CBH silos, North Quay: Weren’t they sexy enough?’ Fremantle Studies, Vol. 3.

Davidson, Dianne 2002, ‘The saving of Fremantle heritage: Les Lauder interviewed’, Fremantle Studies, Vol. 2.

Dolan, David 2005, ‘Children, Art and the Year of the Built Environment’, Trust News, Vol. 221, Summer, National Trust of Australia (WA), 7.

Heseltine, Sir William 2004, ’The escape of the military Fenians from Fremantle Prison; the warders‘ perspective’ Fremantle Studies, Vol. 3.

Hutchison, David 1987, ‘Whither Fremantle?’ Heritage Australia, 6, 2.

Hutchison, David 1989, ’Fremantle: some current concerns‘, Heritage Australia, 6, 3.

Hutchison, David 1990, ‘Convict buildings in Perth and Fremantle’, Heritage Australia, 9, 3.

Hutchison, David 1999, ’Shedding light on sheds in transit’, Fremantle Studies, Vol. 1, 66-76.

Hutchison, David 2002, ‘The loyalty of a habit’, Fremantle Studies, Vol. 2.

Hutchison, David 2004 ‘The Railway Workshops in Fremantle, Fremantle Studies, Vol. 3.

Jeffery, Chris 1985, ‘Arthur Head Fremantle’, Heritage Australia, Summer, 43-5.

May, Sally 1999, ‘The Italian fishermen of Fremantle: from blue-collar businessmen to "Lords of the Sea", Fremantle Studies, Vol. 1.

Peters, Nonja 2004, ‘The Immigration Buildings Victoria Quay 1906-1966’, Fremantle Studies, Vol. 3.

Seddon, George 1994, ‘Fremantle's two squares’, Fremantle, May, Fremantle Society. [actually Historic Environment, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1994: 24-26.]

Sherriff, Jacqui 2002, ‘Fremantle’s south slipway’, Fremantle Studies, Vol. 2.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 11 January, 2019 and hosted at (it was last updated on 14 November, 2019), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.