This page is a transcript of an edition of the Fremantle Society's newsletter, Fremantle. Its text is included here, despite being available in PDF and DjVu formats, to facilitate searching, and in order than the contents may be linked to other articles of interest on this website.
It is intended that the text below be a faithful transcription of the contents of this newsletter, and not corrected in any way. Where appropriate and possible both links to other information and higher-quality images have been provided.
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Traffic Bridge under siege
Public Debate
Be Informed
Have your say!
Surplus Port Land must be managed by our City!
In June this year The Fremantle Society was instrumental in organising a Special Electors Meeting at Fremantle Town Hall on the ING proposals for Fremantle’s Victoria Quay.
Approximately 600 people attended the meeting to voice strong objection to proposals by ING and Fremantle Ports. In response to a planning issue, the public meeting was one of the largest in the last 30 years.
At the meeting City of Fremantle committed to the following actions:
- Advise the Minister it strongly objects to the proposal by ING & Fremantle Ports.
- Form a high level strategic group to deal with the ING site.
- Seek to have the land brought under the City’s planning control.
- Seek to have the land, which is clearly surplus to the requirements of Fremantle Ports, transferred to the City of Fremantle.
- Support a comprehensive community consultation program to assist in determining the best development outcomes for the site.
- Seek the support of local parliamentarians.
The City is making progress with the above tasks. While there is still a long way to go, the above actions represent a compelling win for the Fremantle community. The City of Fremantle deserves a very big thankyou!
Initially ING and Fremantle Ports publicly stated that a development application would be forthcoming August 2006.
Well, it hasn’t eventuated! It would be heartening, although probably misguided, to think that ING / Freo Ports have gone away in response to the significant community outrage to the proposal. Alas, I think it very unlikely… More than likely Freo Ports and ING are simply playing “a waiting game”. It is very important that the City effectively dictates terms if an application is lodged. For example, it would be disastrous and a sham if the application was lodged over Christmas time.
The City, on behalf of the community must ensure that the proposal is subject to a proper consultation process. The process must be coordinated by the City not highly paid “spin doctors” on the developer’s payroll. Once more, accurate plans need to be submitted and most importantly a scale model!