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==== Fremantle Studies no. 1, 1999
Journal of the Fremantle History Society ====


Aborigines 16
Adams, J Deputy Superintendent 35
Adelaide Street 87
Adelphi Hotel 107
advertising 19-21
Aherne, May 16
Alexander, Lawrence 81
America's Cup yacht race 92
Anderson, Anne 17
Anzac Day parade 102
Apulia 48, 50
Arbitration Courts 14
Army Detention Centre, Fremantle 33
Arndt, Police officer 100
Arnott, Mills and Ware, Biscuit Mfrs 1-10, 13, 102; physical selection criteria for employees, 7-8
Arthur Head 67, 73, 95, 102
Arundel Street 51
Australian Shipping Control Board 33
Australian Steamship Owners Federation (ASOF) 26
Australian Workers Union 43
Australind 80
Ayling, Police ofiicer 100
Baglin FA, MLA 59
Bahen, Gerry 109
Bank of New South Wales 109
barmaids 96
Barmaids' and Barmen's Union 18
Barnes, Dave 41, 42, 43, 44, 45
Bascilicata 49
baseball 36
Basile, Carlo 50
Bathers Beach 74, 94
Beaconsfield 98
Beadle, Jean l7
Bellevue Terrace 53
Benjamin, David 80
Berg, Commander 36
"Bernies" 35
Betts and Betts 84
"The Big Squatter" 97
Biddles, Captain l9
Biddles, Fergus 19
Binningham, Doctor 87
"Bloody Sunday" incident 69-70, 73-74
Blue Funnel Line 34
Boans 105
Boas, Abraham Reverend 81-82
Boas, Harold 81
Bonaparte, Napoleon 48
bookmakers 100-101
Booth, George 89
Breckler, Alec 84-85
Breckler Brothers 85
brothels 16
Brozevich Frank 61
British-Chinese Agreement 34
British govemment 16
British Ministry of War Transport 33, 34, 36
Buffalo Lodge 86
Burford's Soap and Candle Factory 13, 19-20
Bushell's 90
Bushell's Tea Warehouse 90
Cabin Tea Rooms 15
Calabria 49
California gold rush 49
Calegero 50
Campbell, Claude 103
Capo d'Orlando 48, 49
Cappadona 50
Cappellutti, Sergio 60
Carrington Street 70
Casserley, Peter 61
Cecil Brothers 85
Charlie Carters 88
Chicsa, Alberto 58
Chief Inspector of Fisheries 56, 58
China as a possible source of prostitutes, 16
China Navigation Company 30, 31 33
Chinese sailors 30-4; wages agreement, 32, 34
Chinese Consul 32
"Chungking" shooting incident 30-3, 35
Ciccotosto, Emma 6
Cicerello, Salvatore 50
City Beach 94
Cliff Street 52, 67, 68, 77-78, 92, 94, 95, 97, 101-105
Coastal Dock, River and Harbour Workers’ Union 20
Coates, Mary Ann aka Collins 16
Cockburn Sound 50
Cohney family 88, 89
Colebatch, Hal, Premier 70
Coles 102
Collie Street 51
Collins, Mary Ann aka Coates 16
Colonial Sugar Refinery (CSR) 18-19
Commonwealth Director of Shipping 32
Commonwealth Govemment 69
Congeni, Cono 58
Coolgardie 82, 86
Co-operative Bulk Handling (CBH) 39-45
credit "chits" 99
cricket 36
Croatian fishing interests 61
Crowther, Clara 13
Currie, Geoff 41
Curtin, John, Prime Minister 29, 32
Customs house 95
"Dage's Jetty" see South Jetty
"Dago's Jetty" see South Jetty
Dalgety & Co l4
Darwin, Charles 93
De Ceglie family 49, 52-53
Del Rosso family 52
Del Rosso, Frank 60
Dimitrioff, B 31
"Duchess" 96, 104, 106
Duggan, John 40-45
Duke of York Hotel 16
Dutch Consul 36
E Shed Markets 74
East Fremantle Football Club 89, 100
East Perth Cemetery 81
East Street 84
Eastern Goldfields 49, 55
Edwards, Tom 69-70
Eighth Base Hospital 82, 87
Elders 104
Ellen Street 86
The Esplanade - 70, 73, 94, 102
Esplanade Hotel 16, 88
Esplanade Park 51
Essex Street 16, 51, 103
Evans Mrs 15
Ezywalkins 87
fatalities shooting incidents of 1942, 30, 33-6
Federal Hotel 85
Ferrari, Lena 16
Fielding 70-71
firemen 102
Firemen's Ball 102
First and Last Shop 108
Fish Market Jetty see South Jetty
Fisher Bairds 17
Fisheries Department 58, 60
Fisherman's Jetty see South Jetty
fishing boats
Benghazi 53
Era Iduna 56
Doria 53
Lupa 53
Magnolia 56
Wanderer 56
fishing industry 47-61
Fitzgerald Terrace 51
Foley, George 101
Fontaine, Peter 91
football 21
Forrest, Sir John 70
Foundation Day parade 102
Freecorn, Ansel 88
Freecorn, David 88
Freedman, David Isaac, Rabbi 81, 85
Freemasons 81, 89
Fremantle Bowling Club 85
Fremantle Boys School 97
Fremantle Cemetery 34, 81; Jewish section consecrated, 81
Fremantle Chamber of Commerce 14
Fremantle Council 58-9, 82
Fremantle Croquet Club 85
Fremantle Fish Market 53, 58-61
Fremantle Fisheries Inspector 56
Fremantle Fishermen's Co-operative 47, 48, 60-1
Fremantle Harbour Trust 27, 30, 36, 67, 69, 71
The Fremantle Herald 21
Fremantle Hospital 82
Fremantle Hotel 92-110
Fremantle Labor Women's movement 18
Fremantle Lumpers Union 26, 28, 29, 69
Fremantle Municipal Council 57, 60
Fremantle National Waterside Workers Union 69
Fremantle Printery 19
Fremantle Rowing Club 86
Fremantle Speedway 86
Fremantle Steam Laundry 19
Fremantle Symphony Orchestra 84
Fremantle Synagogue 78, 79, 81, 82-83
Fremantle Technical College 14
The Fremantle Times 19
Fremantle Town Hall 84, 102, 103
Fremantle Trades Hall 60
Fremantle Tramways 78
Fremantle Wine Saloon 87
Fuller, John 41, 45
Gage Roads 27, 69
Gale CF 56
Gamba, Charles 48
gambling 44-45
Garrison Artillery 102
General Officer Commanding (GOC) Western Command 32
Gentilli, Professor Joseph 48
Geraldton 56
Germany 69
Gibson, Mrs Frank 21
Gilt Dragon 77
Girton College 18, 97
Glorioso Collica or Cono 50
gold rush 82, 95
Gordon, Sir Thomas 32
grain handling 39-45
The Great Depression 96-97
Grey Street 51
Grieve 59
Guidotti, Madame Marie 16
Gunsman, Matthew 81
Hampton Road 53
Harbour Works Yard 67
Harvester decision 2
Healy, Jim 29
Herztl Theodore 88
High 8treet 14, 81, 84, 87, 92, 94, 95, 99, 100-101, 102, 105
Hoffmans family 88
Holt, Alfred 34
The Hospital Auxiliary 21
Hotel, Club and Caterers‘ Union 17-18
Houston Mr 16
Howard Street 51
Howroyd, Margaret 48
Hoyts Theatres 101
Hsu Ping Sang 32
Ianello family 50
Ianello, Francesco 50, 60
immigrant workers 9; as prostitutes, 16
Immigration and Infonnation Bureau 68
Indian Navy 106
Inner Harbour 47, 74
Israel, Brinner 80
Israel, Esther 80
Italian Club 58
Italian fishing community 47-61; historical origins of, 48-50; intemal cultural differences, 51-54, 60; relationship with Anglo-Celts, 54, 57
Italy as a source of migrants, 48
Ivanhoe 19
James, Ralph Henry 70-71
James, Sir Walter 15
Japanese sailors, 16; prostitutes, 16
Java 106
Jeffrey, Cecil 19
Jeffrey Mrs 19
Jewish community history and anecdotal material, 77-91
Jewish National Fund 89
Jilgie l6
Johnson, Bamey 42, 43
Jones, Syd 93
Josephson, Abraham Moyce 81
Josephson Street 81
Joyce Brothers 81
Kabuk, Bella 84
Kalgoorlie 86
Karrakatta Cemetery 32, 35, 70
Katanning Historical Society 80
Kindergarten Mothers‘ Club 21
Kitson, Nugget 41
Krakouer, Raphael 80
Krakouer, Rudolph 80
Krakouer, Theodore 80
Kwinana 90
Kwinana grain terminal 40
Kwinana Oil Refinery 74
Labor Women's Organisation 13, 17, 2l
Lambert, George 6
Langford 58
Langton, Margot I8
La Rosa 50
Last, Lillian 7
Laurie, Jock 100
Leake Street 16
Leopold Hotel 88, 89
Levey, Solomon 79
Levy, Fanny 78
Light Horse 105
Lightly, Miss, schoolteacher 97
Literary Institute 79
Lolly Factory 14
Lolly Shop 13
London Novelty Shop 84
Long Jetty 103
Lo Presti 50
lumpers 20, 26, 28, 94, 96, 97-99; rotary rostering, 29; strike of 1945, 29; "Bloody Sunday" incident, 69-70; "Rocky", 98-99; sackings, 98-99
Lumpers Union 69
Majestic Theatre 101-102
Malaya 27
Mandelstam 79
Mandich, Ugo 60
Marchelli Giuseppe also Marselli 49
Market Street 58, 68, 81, 84
Marine Terrace 51
Maritime Union of Australia 40
Market Street 103, 107
Marselli Giuseppe also Marchelli 49
Maru, Alec 101
Masel family history 83-86
maternity leave 8
Mathias, Captain 79
May, Billy 85
May, Charles H 84, 85
McCallum, Alex 70, 73-74
McCracken, Albert Lieutenant 32
McKnight, Kevin 91
Menzies 86
Menzies, Robert, Prime Minister 91
Mercantile Marine Office 36
Merchant mariners 97-98
Merlino 50
Midland railway workshops 74
Mills and Ware see Arnott, Mills and Ware
Mills, Betty 7
Mills, William 6
Minervini family 53
minimum wage 4
Minuta, Steve 50
Miragliotta, Francesco 50
Mitchell Cookie 44, 45
Mitchell govemment 73
Molfetta 48, 49, 53
Monich, Dorothy 13, 14
The Monument 97
Moore family 94
Moore, George Fletcher 92-93
Morgan, Bert 42
The Morning Herald 3
Mouat Street 99
Mount Magnet 86
Municipal Institutions Bill 56
Murchison mines 55
mutinies 35
My Blue Heaven brothel 16
Myers, lsaac 81
Myers, Rosetta 81
Naismith, Alexander Captain 31, 32, 33
National Hotel 103
Naval Headquarters 104
Naval Reserve 104
Naval Reserve Depot 102
Needham, Captain 33
New Guinea 93
New Zealand Navy 106
Norfolk Street 51, 82
North Fremantle grain terminal 39-45
Nor'West Company 56
North Wharf 27, 28, 31, 34, 36, 70
nurses 17; formation of union, 18
Oceanic Hotel 16
Odd Fellows Hotel 16
Old Women's Home 79
Orient Hotel 14, 15
Orloff, Izzy 89
P&O Hotel 95, 99, 109
P&O Line 95
Painters and Dockers 41
Palace Hotel 107
Palestine 89
The Palms brothel 16
Papa Luigi 103
Paparone, B also Paparoni 50
Paparone, Maria 51
Paparone, Salvatore 5 l
Paparoni, B also Paparone 50
Parents and Teachers Association 21
Parker, H l4
Parry, Mabel l5
Parry Street 81, 86
Passenger Terminal 73, 74, 108
Pearl Harbour 29
Pearse's Boot and Shoe Factory 13, 17, 99
Peel 79-80
Peel Estate 79
Pellews 17
Pensabene, Antonio 49, 50, 51
Pensabene, Salvatore 51
Perth Fish Market 58
Perth Hebrew Congregation 82, 85
Perth Modem School 13
Perth Symphony Orchestra 84
Peru 51
Petra Street 105
Phillimore Street 104, 105
Picket Billy 44, 45
Pilling, Mabel 3
Point Peron 49; fishing community, 50-1
Porcelli, Leonardo 49
Post Office 102
Prime Minister's Department 32
Princess May Girls‘ School 17, 18, 84
Princess Theatre 101, 103
Prisoner of the Kormoran, 93
prostitution 15-16
Public Works Department 57-8, 67, 72, 73
Quarantine officials 69
Raffa 50
railway workers 96
railways 95
Rappeport Esther 87, 91
Rappeport's Tearooms 88
Reekie, Gail 5
redundancy 8
remittance men 95, 103
Rennie family 90
Returned Services League (RSL) 21
Richmond High School 89
Riot Act 70
Robin, Dudley 87
Robin, Gordon 87
Robin, Jules 87
Rockingham 49
Rockingham Company 50
"Rocky" 98-99
Rose Cottage brothel 16
Rotondella 50
Rotondella family 52
Rottnest island 53
Round House 73, 94, 95
Royal Australian Fleet Auxiliary 27
Royal Fremantle Highland Pipe Band 103
Royal Netherlands Navy 33, 35-6
Royal New Zealand Navy 27
Russell Street 51
Ryan family 105
Ryan, Jack 105
Ryan, Syd 105
St John's Church 88
Salinger family 89
Salmeri 50
Salvatore 50
Samson, Horace 78
Samson, Lionel 52, 77-78, 82, 90
Samson, William 78
sandalwood industry 78
Santaromita 50
"Saroena incident" 33, 35
Saville, Ben 61
"scab" labour 69-70
schooling 97
Scott, Miss, schoolteacher 97
Seaman's Union of Australia (SUA) 32
Sellenger, Police Inspector 70
Seubert family 94-95
Shark Bay 56
Shaw, Captain DB 93-94
shearers 43
Shell Oil Company 33, 34
Shelley, Cecilia 17
Sherridin,Ted 44
Abram Crynssen 33
Andes 27
Amber 30, 31, 33
Aquilania 27, 28, 105
HMAS Australia 27
Beagle 93
HMAS Canberra 27
Chungking 30, 31, 33
SS City of Poona 70
SS Dimboola 69-70
Empress of Britain 27
Empress of Canada 27
Empress of Japan 27
Ford 52
Hampshire 79
Hanyang 30, 31, 33
Honor 49
Isle de France 28,105
Julia Percy 56
Kormoran 29
Kurumba 27,31
Langley 106
HMS Leander 27
Lyngnern 90
Mareba 93
Mauritania 108
Nieuw Amsterdam 28
Oronsay 95
SS Pa1gowan 70
Poyang 30, 31, 33
Queen Elizabeth 105
Queen Mary 27, 28, 105
Quinana 90
Saranak 94
SS Saroena 33
Strathnaver 95
HMAS Sydney 29
Yochow 30, 31, 33
Yunnan 30, 31, 33
Shop Assistants Union 17
shunting yards 95
Sicilian Restaurant 57
Sicily 48, 50
Sidoti, Frank (Senior) 61
Sierra Leone 70
Silbert family history 83-87
Silbert and Sharp 86, 87
Silver Chain 21
Simonsz, Jan 77
Simpson and Shaw, New York 94
Sinclair Mr 14
Singapore 27, 69
Sisters of Saint Joseph 78
Skinner Street Cemetery 79
Sleeman, JB 74
Smith family anecdotal history, 92-1 10
Solomon, Benjamin 81
Solomon, Elias 78, 82
Solomon Street 86
South Bay 55
South Fremantle Football Club 86
South Jetty 55,57
South Mole 69, 90
South Terrace 81, 82, 103
South Terrace Primary School 89, 97
SP betting 100-101
Spanish Influenza epidemic I9, 69
Sparks, L 61
Stansfield Bill 43
State Labor Federation 70
State Saw Mills 71
Steam Laundry 13
Steinbuch, Captain 33
Stevedoring Industry Commission (SIC) 28
Stileman 74
strikes 5, 17, 29, 60, 69-70
Subert, Phyl 4
Suez Canal 49
Suffolk Street 16, 51
Tate, Amold 87
Tate, Leon 87, 90
Tate, Rennie 87
Tate, Vera 87
Temby, Walter 34, 36
Teong Ah Kwei 33
Terminus Hotel 16
Thomas, Mrs 20
Ting Hoe Soon 34
Tong Youn Tong 32
Transit sheds 66-75
Transport Workers Act 26
Travia 50
Trollope, Anthony 93
Troy, Paddy 20, 41, 60
Troy Mrs 20
Tydeman, FWE 73-74
The Ugly Men's Association 21, 86
unions 4-5, 8, 17-18, 26
United Israel Appeal 89
United States Military Sea Transport Service 33
United States ships, 34-5, 106; submarines, 35; servicemen, 106-108
Vallentine, Jo 107
Van Miert, Lt Commander 33
Venezuela 51
Victoria Quay 27, 66-75
Victorian goldfields 49
Vinci 50
WA Bank 14
Wade, RC 19
Wade Mrs 19
Waterfront Employment Committee (WEC) 28
Waterside Workers Federation 29, 40
Watson, William 18
Watsonia Meats 18
The West Australian 12, 15, 106
West End 92-110
Westem Australian Brushware Factory 13-14
Westem Australian Fishermen's Association 58
Westem Australian Hebrew Congregation 81
Western Australian Industrial Gazette 40
Westem Command 36
wharfies see lumpers
White Australia Policy 16
Whitley, Anne Jane 80
Willis 59, 60
Wittenoom, Edward l4
women employment history and working conditions, 1-10, 12-21; as % of workforce, 2, 5; wages as % of male rate, 4, 5; union representation of, 4-5, 17-18; employment considered suitable for, 14, 18; education of, 17, 18
Women's Employment Board 5
Woodman's Point Quarantine Station 33
Woodward "Willagee" Joe 42
World War I 3, 19, 52,68, 69, 87; wartime regulations, 69
World War II 25-36, 40, 87, 90-91, I03, 105-106; impact on women's employment 5; convoys, 27, 28, 29; impact on fishing industry, 60; impact on local economy, 104
Yilgarn 49
Yovich, Vince 34-5


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 15 September, 2017 and hosted at (it was last updated on 2 June, 2024), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.