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Boer War

The Boer War began in South Africa in 1899, and, in common with the other Australian States, Western Australia contributed six contingents consisting of 922 men, many of them from Fremantle. Western Australians killed during that campaign numbered five officers and 33 non-commissioned officers and men. Hitchcock: 76.

The 2nd WA contingent marching in High Street 2 February 1900. The Round House is in the distant background, and the turret (no longer extant) on the Fremantle Hotel is centre top. The large building on the right is the 1891 Western Australian Bank on the corner of Mouat Street.

Western Australian sent a total of six contingents, amounting to 923 officers and men. (Dowson: 25)

Crowd on South Quay, later Victoria Quay, near Cliff Street. Troops, the 3rd Bushmen (7 officers and 109 men) and 27 horses left for the Boer War on H.M.T. No 65 Maplemore on the 13th March 1900. (Library caption)

The Second West Australian contingent departing for the Boer War over the temporary [Low Level] bridge at North Fremantle on 3 February 1900. They sailed in the troop ship Surrey. There were six officers, ninety-seven men and one hundred and twenty-five horses, one spring-cart and one wagon. The stick bridge (1866) is on the right. Unknown photographer, 1900. (Library caption)


Possibly troops departing for the Boer War. In front with the stone wall is the Residency and the Cliff Street Railway Station is behind it. In the right background is James Moylan, wine and spirit merchant of Henry Street. Just behind and to the right is the tower of Manning's Folly. Taken February 1900. Ref no. 1797.
This photo is reproduced on page 25 of Dowson 2003.

References and Links

Dowson, John 2003, Old Fremantle: Photographs 1850-1950, UWAP: see page 25 for a photo of troops leaving for South Africa.

Gare, Deborah & Madison Lloyd-Jones 2014, When War Came to Fremantle, 1899-1945, Fremantle Press.

Hitchcock, J.K. 1929, The History of Fremantle, The Front Gate of Australia, 1829-1929, Fremantle City Council.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 8 March, 2018 and hosted at (it was last updated on 27 July, 2023), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.