


Freotopia > East Fremantle > streets

East Fremantle Street Names

Alcester Street, East Fremantle. Named for the town in Warwickshire.

Alexandra Rd, East Fremantle. Consort of Edward VII.

Allen Street. East Fremantle Mayor Joseph F. Allen. First appears 1914.

Angwin Street. East Fremantle Mayor William Angwin was also an MLA and Deputy Premier of WA. Formerly known as Bellevue Street.

Bedford Street, East Fremantle. Named for Governor Sir Frederick Bedford 1903-1909.

Bolton Street, East Fremantle. East Fremantle Mayor Leonard Burlington Bolton, 1914-19. He was an East Fremantle Town Councillor, 1909-1914, and lived in Hill Street (qv, now Knutsford Street) from 1907 to the 1920s.

Chauncy Street, East Fremantle. After WA Assistant Surveyor 1841-c1852 Phillip Lamothe Snell Chauncy. (Lee has 'Chauncey'.)

Chester Street, South Fremantle. Named after early settlers. Previously called William Street, Chesterfield - changed 1901/1902. The former Chester Street in East Fremantle was renamed Gordon (after a councillor) to avoid confusion with this one.

Clayton Street, East Fremantle. John Clayton owned land in the vicinity of present Easton Street. He subdivided the land and named a street Easton as a compliment to a neighbouring landowner. In return, the Easton family named one of the streets in their estate in honour of him.

Coode Street, East Fremantle. Coode was a civil engineer who was involved in assessing locations for Fremantle Harbour in the 1880s.

Dalgety Street, East Fremantle gets its name from William Dalgety Moore who had his Woodside estate there.

Doig Place, Beaconsfield (yes, I know it's not in East Fremantle). The Doig Family were residents of Fremantle; several played for East Fremantle Football Club.

East Street. Eastern boundary of Fremantle and therefore its boundary with East Fremantle.

Easton Street, East Fremantle. Named for the most prominent family in Richmond (East Fremantle) by John Clayton. They reciprocated.

Fletcher Street, East Fremantle. George Fletcher Moore, early settler (arr. 1830 on board the Cleopatra?) and uncle of William Dalgety Moore. (Lee: 177) Formerly Reserve Street, because it ran beside the reserve that is now East Fremantle Oval.

George Street, East Fremantle. George Pearse, son of William Pearse, who arrived in WA in 1829.

Gordon Street, East Fremantle. Robert Gordon was an EF Councillor 1921-45. Formerly known as Chester Street and renamed Gordon to avoid confusion with the street in South Fremantle.

Holmes Place, Hilton (yes, I know it's not in East Fremantle). Joseph John Holmes (1866-1942) was MLA for East Fremantle 1897– 1904, 1905–1906 and Mayor of Fremantle in 1910.

Irwin Street, East Fremantle. Lieutenant Colonel Frederick Chidley Irwin (1788-1860) was the first commandant of military forces in the colony, who arrived in 1829 in the Swan River colony on the Sulphur, six days after the landing of the Parmelia. He brought a detachment of the 63rd Regiment, which was charged with providing military protection for the colony while it began its establishment. The street was in the centre of the Moore estate. Irwin Street Perth is also named after him. He acted as Governor during Stirling's absence.

Jerrat Drive, East Fremantle. Claude Jerrat, manager of the Fremantle Municipal Tramways & Electric Lighting Board.

King Street, East Fremantle. After George IV (1762-1830) who was king 1820-30? Or William IV, whose reign was 1830-1837? Fremantle Library goes for George. I'm inclined to the later monarch.

Locke Crescent, East Fremantle. Herbert J. Locke was Mayor of East Fremantle 1924-31, 1934-44. Locke Park is also named for him.

Magpie Street, East Fremantle is now that part of Alexandra Rd from Coolgardie Avenue to Fraser Street.

Marsh Close, O'Connor (yes, I know it's not in East Fremantle). Stephen William Marsh (1924-) played 226 games for the South Fremantle Football Club between 1945 and 1956 and 39 games for the East Fremantle Football Club between 1957 and 1960. In 1995 he was made an inaugural member of the Fremantle Football Club’s Fremantle Football Hall of Legends.

Morgan Street, East Fremantle, is now Osborne Road.

Moss Street, East Fremantle. The first Mayor of East Fremantle, 1897-1900, was Matthew Lewis Moss (1863-1946), born Dunedin. Moss was a barrister and politician. He was the MLA for North Fremantle from 1895 to 1897.

Munro Street, East Fremantle. John Munro was Mayor of the Municipality of East Fremantle 1933-34.

Osborne Road, East Fremantle. The Osborne family were a well-known East Fremantle family, one member of which was Mrs Ivy Antoine. Formerly Morgan Street, for a member of the Easton family. (Lee: 176)

Parker Street, East Fremantle. Horace Parker (1897-1944) was East Fremantle's first Town Clerk 1897-1944. Originally called View Street.

Parry Avenue, East Fremantle. Jack Lee's opinion is that it's named for Bishop Parry because it's close to Salvado Avenue. Fremantle Library: This small street may have been named after a Fremantle Chemist, a Fremantle Hotel family or a Surveyor. As the street was in close proximity to Salvado Avenue, named for a Roman Catholic Bishop, it is possible Parry Avenue was named after Anglican Bishop Parry.

Pearse Street, East Fremantle. Now Wilkinson Street, Fremantle.

Philip Street, East Fremantle. No information. Philip with that spelling is usually a first name.

Pier Street, East Fremantle, led down to the river at a point where there was a jetty.

Putney Road led up from beside the Castlemaine Brewery on Riverside Road East Fremantle to what is now Queen Victoria Street but which was first known as Cantonment Road and then Victoria Road. The Richmond (later Bridge) Hotel was at the top, on the corner of Putney Road. I assume it was named after the London district in SW15.

Rawlinson Street, O'Connor (yes, it's not in East Fremantle).The Rawlinson family were pioneer residents of Beaconsfield. Arthur Rawlinson played for the East Fremantle Football Club 1912-1923.

Reynolds Street, East Fremantle. W. Reynolds was a Town Councillor, 1897-1901.

Richmond Circus, East Fremantle. Richmond Raceway was a trotting track in East Fremantle 1928-1991 until the area became a housing estate. ('Circus' is Latin for circle, whence the names of venues such as the Circus Maximus, which was actually more rectangular, but featured a track around which races could be conducted. Think Ben Hur.)

Riverside Road, East Fremantle. It's, um, beside the river - and so what people like me call topographical.

St Peter's Road, East Fremantle. Named in 1985 in memory of St Peter's Church, unfortunately demolished.

Sewell Street, East Fremantle. Possibly a Pearse family name. (Fremantle Library, following Lee: 178)

Silas Street, East Fremantle. For William Silas Pearse, son of the elder William S. Pearse (whose middle name was also Silas). There is another Silas Street in South Fremantle. He was a leading citizen.

Staton Road, East Fremantle. C.A.B. Staton was a member of the East Fremantle Municipal Council, 1901-1931 and 1933-1934. Formerly Victoria Road in 1902. Changed to its present name in 1925.

Stratford Street, East Fremantle. Maiden name of Walter Easton's wife, Susannah Gwythyr Stratford.

Surbiton Road, East Fremantle. Surbiton, formerly in Surrey, is now part of London: it's just across the River Thames from Hampton Court Palace.

Victoria Road, Richmond is now Staton Road, East Fremantle. Vide supra.

View Terrace, East Fremantle. Topographical name. It used to terminate in View Street - but that was changed to Parker Street, perhaps because of confusion of the two.

Walter Street, East Fremantle. For Walter Easton, who occupied the land after colonisation.

Wauhop Road, East Fremantle. Like the adjacent Park, named for William Wauhop MBE (1887-1971), who was Mayor of East Fremantle 1944-1964.

York Street, East Fremantle is now called Woodhouse Street.


Much of what appears above comes from a document made available by the Fremantle Library, the City of Fremantle and Town of East Fremantle Place Names Index (a PDF file). I started with Kate Caldwell's information, republished (edited) by Ewers, and later found on line the Library file, a significant piece of work for which we should all be grateful to the anonymous researcher(s), possibly led by Pam Harris, then History Librarian. This page is part of the inclusive street names page on this site.

Charlesworth, Helene 1997, Small but Strong: a Pictorial History of the Town of East Fremantle 1897-1997, Town of East Fremantle.

Bolton, Geoffrey & Jenny Gregory 1999, Claremont: A History, UWAP.

Caldwell, Kate 1931, 'Fremantle street names', Early Days: Journal of Royal WA Historical Society, 1, 9: 45-57.

Ewers, John K. 1971 [1948], The Western Gateway: A History of Fremantle, 2nd ed.; appendix 9: 'Fremantle Street Names': 219-230, the work of Kate Caldwell, in a paper given to the RWAHS in 1931, as above.

Lee, Jack 1979, This is East Fremantle, East Fremantle Town Council: 175-178.


EFTC's Heritage Trail.
Museum of Perth's Streets of East Freo website.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 18 July, 2019 and hosted at (it was last updated on 21 April, 2024->), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.