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Fremantle City Council Elections 2023

Council @ end October 2023, after the election of Cr Jenny Archibald (front right) as Deputy Mayor, with new councillors Ingrid van Dorssen (third from left) and Jemima Williamson-Wong (back right).

New councillors Jemima Williamson-Wong and Ingrid van Dorssen with the mayor.

Candidates for election on 21 October 2023, for —
Central: Geoff Graham, Steven Pynt
Coastal: Rod Grljusich, ../people/vujcicmarija.htmlAndy Kent, Marija Vujcic, Jemima Williamson-Wong
East: Patrick Glynn, Frank Mofflin, Felicity Newman
North: Ingrid van Dorssen, Mark Woodcock

Results (data courtesy of Roel Loopers, with the official percentages he mentions)
Central: Geoff Graham 58.91% defeated Steve Pynt 41.09%.
Coastal: Jemima Williamson-Wong won with 1034 votes, 38.45%, followed by Marija Vujcic with 884, 35.95%, then Andy Kent 21.7%, and Rod Grljusich.
East: Frank Mofflin won with 1021 votes, 38.5%, followed by Felicity Newman with 893, 31.31%, then Patrick Glynn.
North: Ingrid van Dorssen 63.15% defeated Mark Woodcock 36.85%.

Over the next two elections, the number of Fremantle City Councillors will be reduced from twelve to ten (in 2023) and then to eight (in 2025). The number of wards will be reduced in 2023 from six to four.

In 2023, six councillors' (representing the six current wards) terms come to an end, and four councillors will be elected for four-year terms, one for each of the four new wards, to bring the total to ten. The new wards are to be called Central, Coastal, East, and North, but may be changed later for reasons of political correctness.

Sitting councillors will be allocated to new wards: Jenny Archibald (1990-94, 2017-25) to Central; Adin Lang (2017-25) and Andrew Sullivan (1992-2025) to Coastal; Fedele Camarda (2021-25) and Ben Lawver (2021-25) to East; Doug Thompson (1988-2025) to North. There will be three councillors representing each of Coastal and East wards temporarily for the two years 2023-5.

The six terminating councillors are: Geoff Graham (Beaconsfield, 1997-2000, 2005-06, 2019-23); Rachel Pemberton (City, 2011-23); Su Groome (East, 2019-23); Frank Mofflin (Hilton, 2019-23); Bryn Jones (North, 1993-99, 2015-23); Marija Vujcic (South, 2019-23).

Councillors whose terms expire in 2025 (when the total has to be reduced to eight) are Fedele Camarda, Adin Lang, Jenny Archibald, Ben Lawver, Doug Thompson, and Andrew Sullivan.

Nominations for the local government elections to be held on 21 October opened 31 August, closed 7 September 2023.

The method of voting is 'optional preferential'. An elector indicates the candidate of their choice by numbering a box or boxes.

References and Links

Council page for candidate nominations.

Ministerial statement, 21 September 2022.

Roel Loopers' blog, 'What local council reform means for Fremantle', 23 September 2022.

Fremantle Shipping News, 'Frank Mofflin explains the local government changes', 18 May 2023.

Minutes of Council meeting 18 January 2023 setting out the changes: 48ff.

Council post, 17 August 2023: Local Government Elections just around the corner.

More information about the election can be found at:

My page about reform.

References and Links

Official results.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 23 May, 2023 and hosted at (it was last updated on 2 November, 2023), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.