Elections 2015
(Redirected from Elections 2015)
[[../index.html|Freotopia]] > councils > Fremantle City Council (a 'city' since 1929). See also: Elections October 2019, first City Council.
Membership of the FCC following the elections of October 2015
Back from left: Sam Wainwright, Josh Wilson, Dave Hume, Bryn Jones, Jon Strachan, Andrew Sullivan, Simon Naber, Doug Thompson. Front from left: Jeff McDonald, Ingrid Waltham, Brad Pettitt (Mayor), Rachel Pemberton, Dave Coggin.
After that photo was taken, Josh Wilson resigned and was elected MHR for Fremantle. Dave Coggin resigned and went to work for the (Labor) premier, where he is now (2021) Policy Director in the Office of the Premier (Mark McGowan). Ingrid Waltham was elected Deputy Mayor. There was an election for the Beaconsfield vacancy 16 September 2016, and Hannah Fitzhardinge was elected. There was another election for the mayor and six councillors October 2017. And another in October 2019. And another in October 2021 ... 2023 ...
Election Results October 2015
Incumbent in italics. Showing votes received. Four incumbents were returned, one (Massie) retired, and one (Fittock) was replaced.
Beaconsfield Ward: David Hume (359), Roel Loopers (194), Catherine Hammond (334)
City Ward: Rachel Pemberton (626), Claudia Green (419), Steve Cook (109).
East Ward: Michelle Cunningham (175), Ingrid Waltham (554), Stephen Cayless (222).
Hilton Ward: Frank Acocella (269), Jeff McDonald (352), Noorel Mecklai (94), Samantha Donovan (222) - Bill Massie retired.
North Ward: Robert Fittock (273), Bryn Jones (653), John Nicholas (117).
South Ward: Jon Strachan (598), Andrew Luobikis (194), Byron Levene (30), Tony Toledo (296).
Elections were held by postal vote in the first half of October 2015, closing 17 Oct. This was the membership of the council at the beginning of October.
Mayor: Brad Pettitt, 2009-2017
Deputy Mayor: Josh Wilson, since 2011
Beaconsfield Ward: Dave Hume, since 2011; Josh Wilson, since 2009
City Ward: Rachel Pemberton, since 2011; Simon Naber, since 2013
East Ward: Dave Coggin, since 2009; Ingrid Waltham, since 2011
Hilton Ward: Bill Massie, 2007-2015; Sam Wainwright, since 2009
North Ward: Doug Thompson, since 1988; Robert Fittock, since 2007
South Ward: Andrew Sullivan, since 2009; Jon Strachan, since 2011 (and previously 2005-2009)
References and Links
List of Mayors since 1929
List of Councillors from 1929 (almost complete)
FCC website
This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 7 October, 2015 and hosted at freotopia.org/council/elections2015.html (it was last updated on 20 April, 2024), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.