


Freotopia > councils > 2019 results?

Fremantle City Council in early October 2019 (above)
From left: Dave Hume, Hannah Fitzhardinge, Bryn Jones, Rachel Pemberton, Sam Wainwright, Ingrid Waltham, Andrew Sullivan, Brad Pettitt (Mayor), Jon Strachan, Jenny Archibald, Adin Lang, Doug Thompson, Jeff McDonald

FCC Council 2020 predictions

2 October 2019. This is a temporary page. There are no links to it. I'm writing it just for fun, to have somewhere to play with predictions of the result of the October 2019 local government elections in the 'City' of Fremantle.

A significant factor in the election is the existence of what I'll call, following Steve Grant, editor of the Fremantle Herald, is the 'mayor's team'. I am told that they are supported financially and otherwise by a number of influential Fremantle people, and that they have one candidate in each ward.

I really am just guessing now, but if what I'm hearing is right, the 'mayor's team' in the 2020 council will have these 'members': Pettitt, Hohnen, Fitzhardinge, Pemberton, Lang, Groome, Archibald, MacLaren, Jones, Strachan, and Sullivan — 10 out of 12 councillors. Sam Wainwright is the obvious non-member, and Doug Thompson has been on council longer than the mayor.

This is who I predict will be on council in 2020, by ward. It seems to me that it gets easier to predict the winners as I go down the wards in alpha order. I'm assuming that about 1100 people will vote in each ward.

BeaconsfieldGemma Hohnen, Hannah Fitzhardinge

Hardest result to predict because Geoff Graham has been a councillor in some previous years —  but he might be seen as past it, while Gemma Hohnen is too young for me to know anything about her except that she worked in the same office as the mother of the mayor's daughter. Voting? Hohnen 550/Graham 350/Jenkins 150.

CityRachel Pemberton, Adin Lang

John Dowson and Julie Morgan must both be seen as strong candidates against Rachel Pemberton. Each would have a definite support base. This will be by far the most interesting result for me, as we'll find out what the Fremantle Society means to people at the end of 2019. Maybe it's time is over. I think Pemberton is probably seen as having runs on the board — tho definitely not by Julie Morgan. Pemberton to be a close winner, with voting maybe something like 400/Dowson 350/Morgan 300.

EastSu Groome, Jenny Archibald

My prediction in this case is based on having had some contact with both candidates, as I live in this ward. Su Groome is clearly bright and a leader, while Cunningham has lost twice before. Result of the order of Groome 650/Cunningham 450. This ward has the lowest turnout, so might only be 500/300, say.

HiltonLynn MacLaren, Sam Wainwright

MacLaren is well-known from her time as MLC. Miosich will be a sentimental local candidate but will come third. Mofflin will get the Labor votes, but in 2019 I hope there are significantly more people energised by Green issues than by labour matters: MacLaren 600/Miosich 300/Mofflin 200.

NorthBryn Jones, Doug Thompson

Steve Cook who? Jones will street it 700/Cook 300.

SouthJon Strachan, Andrew Sullivan

Marija Vujcic comes to the contest as a loser, having been beaten by Andrew Sullivan in 2017. I gather Jon Strachan has been quite ill and voters may think he needs a rest, but I doubt it. This is the ward with the highest turnout, so is presumably closely contested. Voting of the order 700/Vujcic 300.

2015. The 2015 elections produced these results. One councillor (Bill Massie) retired, and one (Robert Fittock) was replaced.
Candidates, with winner in italics, in alpha order, and with actual votes—
Beaconsfield Ward: David Hume (359), Roel Loopers (194), Catherine Hammond (334)
City Ward: Rachel Pemberton (626), Claudia Green (419), Steve Cook (109)
East Ward: Michelle Cunningham (175), Ingrid Waltham (554), Stephen Cayless (222)
Hilton Ward: Frank Acocella (269), Jeff McDonald (352), Noorel Mecklai (94), Samantha Donovan (222) - Bill Massie retired
North Ward: Robert Fittock (273), Bryn Jones (653), John Nicholas (117)
South Ward: Jon Strachan (598), Andrew Luobikis (194), Byron Levene (30), Tony Toledo (296)

2017. The election previous to this one, 21 October 2017, returned this mayor and these six councillors: Brad Pettitt (mayor), Hannah Fitzhardinge (Beaconsfield), Adin Lang (City), Jenny Archibald (East), Sam Wainwright (Hilton), Doug Thompson (North), Andrew Sullivan (South).
Candidates, with winner in italics, in alpha order, and with actual votes—
Mayor: Brad Pettitt (5775), Ra Stewart (4770).
Beaconsfield: Fedele Camarda (710) Hannah Fitzhardinge (1013)
City: Claudia Green (464), Adin Lang (562), Roel Loopers (218), Julie Morgan (153), Linda Wayman (494)
East: Jenny Archibald (1164), Michelle Cunningham (428)
Hilton: Catherine Hammond (653), Sam Wainwright [[#wainwright|]] (818)
North: Michele Corbo (452), Doug Thompson (1230)
South: This first result was ruled invalid:Liam Carter (598), Ben Moodie (268), Jennifer Suffling (23), Andrew Sullivan (655), Marija Vujcic (517) as it was found that Ben Moodie was not living in the ward when he nominated —  and a by-election returned Andrew Sullivan (856) followed by Marija Vujcic (608), Christopher Williams (248), 44% participation. (Fremantle Gazette)
Councillors not up for election in 2017—Beaconsfield: Dave Hume; City: Rachel Pemberton; East: Ingrid Waltham; Hilton: Jeff McDonald; South: Jon Strachan.

Candidates - in alphabetical order by ward

Beaconsfield Ward


Geoff Graham

I am standing for Beaconsfield ward as an independent representative with a clear sense of perspective and a commitment to the community. I am a lifetime resident of Beaconsfield and have had previous council experience. I will listen and respond to the needs of the local community to ensure residents of Beaconsfield have a strong and respected voice. I will fight to ensure the redevelopment of the Heart of Beaconsfield Project will be sympathetic to its surroundings and endeavour to ensure Bruce Lee Oval will not be compromised. I give a commitment to support the beautification of the Beaconsfield Precinct east of Carrington Street. I support Fremantle’s heritage, will fight for more funding for local recreation and sporting facilities and aim to keep rate increases to a minimum. A vote for me will be a vote for a strong independent voice on Council. I am Standing Up for Beaconsfield. Mobile: 0431 816 992. Postal Address: 27 Martha Street BEACONSFIELD 6162. Email: [source: Council website]


Chris Jenkins

I live in Beaconsfield, and work as a mental health nurse at Fremantle Hospital. I was active in the campaign to halt Roe 8, and am passionate about sustainable transport solutions. I’m an active co-founder of the Anti-Poverty Network Perth, a group campaigning around public housing and an immediate increase to Newstart. I am also proud to be the ANF and the OSH representative in my workplace. I believe in local participatory democracy and grassroots solutions to big issues. I commend the many inclusive and environmentally conscious projects our council has spearheaded and I hope to contribute to this work. Issues I advocate for include: local climate action, reactivating the Beaconsfield Precinct Group, support for community projects in Beaconsfield and Hilton, affordable housing for all, inclusive and accessible community spaces and activities, sustainable and comprehensive public transport, and celebrating Walyalup's indigenous culture and history. Mobile: 0415 922 740. Email: [source: Council website]


Gemma Hohnen

I am a mum of two boys who attend a local primary school, an architecture professional and I care deeply about Fremantle’s future and see huge potential to balance the beauty of our natural and built environments with more vibrancy, more businesses and more creative life in the city. Issues that are important to me include ensuring our streets and suburbs are safe, and have pedestrian and bicycle friendly infrastructure; making sure developments are of a scale and style that allows more people the opportunity to live in Fremantle while maintaining our ‘village’ lifestyle, and pursuing strategies for a lower-carbon future. I would bring diversity, professional experience, and community values to the role of Councillor. I believe in listening, understanding the community’s aspirations and look forward to working with you to make decisions that deliver a sustainable future for our city. Mobile: 0418 103 260. Email: [source: Council website]

City Ward


John Dowson

Fremantle is a fabulous world famous place that needs high quality development to enhance its special nature. I am concerned about the deteriorating status of Fremantle's finances, and Council needs to start living within its means. I would work to halt the reckless selling of the City's income generating investment properties, such as the historic Victoria Hall and the Leisure Centre car park, which should be retained for the benefit of all Fremantle residents. As President of the Fremantle Society, I am passionate about preserving and enhancing Fremantle's heritage, and have published several books on the topic. As former Deputy Mayor of Fremantle, I would bring experience and balance to Fremantle Council. The deteriorating state of Fremantle is obvious. Too many retailers cannot survive. Fremantle businesses and residents deserve better. Home: 9335 2113 Mobile: 0409 223 622 Email: [source: Council website]


Julie Morgan

I am described as HONEST, HARDWORKING, and APPROACHABLE. It is 20 years since the City Ward elected an inner-city resident or property owner; advantage needs to be taken of my strong affinity to the area. I aim to represent the City Ward with PASSION and COMMITMENT. I believe a councillor is a voice for the local community. The Fremantle city centre urgently requires a range of new residential full-time inhabitants; the young, the elderly, families, students and those living with disabilities, of all socioeconomic groups; for the city to flourish economically, socially and environmentally. Developments should be judged not only on their Green Star rating but also on their level of community engagement. The Council needs to bring together developers and organisations, such as the NDIS, to guide Fremantle towards being a diverse, urban environment. I have the EXPERIENCE, CREATIVITY, SENSIBILITY and RESPONSIBILITY to deliver. Mobile: 0439 945 435 Postal Address: Post Office Box 1359 FREMANTLE 6959 Email: Social Network Address: [source: Council website]


Rachel Pemberton

I love Fremantle and have lived here most of my life. I’ve seen our city change in many ways over the years, and I’m excited about our future. As your local councillor for last eight years, I have proactively helped residents and businesses with issues and delivered outcomes that have helped reform and improve our city. I work constructively and collaboratively with the community and Council to get things done for our community. I’m committed to reducing crime and antisocial behaviour in Fremantle and bringing more jobs and people to Fremantle through economic development and sensational events and festivals. I’m also committed to Council’s One Planet principles, to reduce our environmental impact while enhancing social cohesion and community wellbeing. I ask you to put your trust in me once again, so that I may continue to work for you and collectively deliver a more vibrant, sustainable, liveable and prosperous city. Mobile: 0408 988 977 Social Network Address: [source: Council website]

East Ward


Michelle Cunningham

White Gum Valley has been my home for 25 years. My children went to the local kindy, play group and primary school. I volunteered at all three institutions and at Precinct, Native ARC and a soccer club. I have travelled the world, managed finances and worked for a variety of industries. In this regard, I can represent the diverse views of electors, rate payers and residents - those recently arrived and see their future here, and those already well established and growing their business and families in White Gum Valley and Fremantle. My academic background is in science and education and my analytical, assessing and communication skills can benefit local government decision making. I love learning and stand for transparency, progress and good management. More specifically, transport networks, environmental management, small business and tourism. I look forward to sharing community views with the council and explaining council to communities. Home: 9335 5617 Email: Social Network Address: Cunningham & Freo @Michelle4WGV [source: Council website]


Su Groome

I have lived in White Gum Valley with my partner Ian since 2012. I quickly became involved in the Precinct and other community activities and have been co-convening the Precinct since 2014. I would be honoured to serve as an East Ward Councillor, representing White Gum Valley and Gibson Park. I have twenty years of experience as a business owner, general manager and executive leader, and have expertise in strategic planning, budget and risk management, architecture, urban planning, community development and community engagement. If elected I will provide a pro-active voice on local issues that concern you, such as the impacts of the High St upgrades, traffic calming, verges, parks and trees, as well as development, growth and change. At the city-level, I will focus on sound financial management, excellence in service delivery, and supporting good planning and creative ideas for a sustainable and thriving Freo. Mobile: 0438 508 189 Postal Address: PO Box 407 FREMANTLE 6959 Email: Social Network Address: [source: Council website]

Hilton Ward


Lynn MacClaren

I am an active community member who became a dedicated Member of State Parliament representing the South Metropolitan electorate (2009-2017) including Hilton, Samson and O’Connor. Since moving to Hilton in 1993 I have lived and worked in and around Fremantle. As a multi-skilled campaigner with more than a decade of experience and a record of success in championing sensible policy like protecting Beeliar wetlands, making roads safer for cyclists and preparing for sea level rise, I am ready to use these skills to benefit the Hilton ward. My experience representing you in Parliament and working for WACOSS will strengthen our ability to achieve the Council’s goals of improving housing affordability, green infrastructure and community resilience. Today decisions must be inclusive, compassionate and respectful of our environment. We also deserve value for our rates, efficient services and realistic neighbourhood plans. With your support together we can realise these goals. Mobile: 0403 721 951 Postal Address: PO BOX 113 PALMYRA 6957 Email: Social Network Address: [source: Council website]


Tony Miosich

I have been a resident of Fremantle almost my entire life and passionate about the local community where I live. I have previously represented the City as an elected member in 1997 and re-elected in 2001 attaining the position of deputy chairman of the development assessments committee. Currently a Justice of the Peace, I have kept in touch with community and council activities through precinct meetings and other initiatives and have the credentials and experience necessary to fulfill the role of Councillor and seek your support. Local Government can improve with back to basic services. The rates that are paid by the residents should be conducive to the amount of services received. If given the opportunity this will be my priority. Also ensuring the suburbs of Hilton, Samson and O’Connor are considered favorably and be given a much greater portion of the budget that it so rightly deserves. Mobile: 0407 475 224 Email: [source: Council website]


Frank Mofflin

I love where I live and have been here, in Hilton, for 13 years. Along with my wife Jo, we have chosen to establish and raise our family of 3 young girls here and I want to represent you and our community. I believe that communities are better places when we are connected, with each other, places and services. I will work hard to grow these connections in Hilton, O’Connor and Samson to make them better places to live. I am invested in the future of Fremantle and want it to be the best it can be. As the inaugural Chair of the Fremantle College board I have represented the voice of the community to build a school which reflects its culture and ethos. My passion for community engagement and significant corporate experience have equipped me with the skills to listen, understand and make things happen for our community. Mobile: 0435 300 680 Email: Social Network Address: [source: Council website]

North Ward


Steve Cook

My goal is to deliver great outcomes for Fremantle. As a resident of 30 years and more particularly North Ward for the past 12, I am more positive than ever that the city has an exciting future as a place to live, jobs creator and a great experience for our visitors and tourists. Office developments are near completion and the hospitality sector is growing with some fabulous new cafes, restaurants & bars. Whilst the outlook is good, my concerns are; funds management, the real job of service delivery to the community, issues arising from public housing in the ward, community safety, coastal restoration and transport issues. I have a background in business and commerce and am an active committee member of Fremantle Mosman Park Cricket Club and I welcome residents to the Gil Fraser Reserve clubhouse during the summer months to enjoy the amenity and discuss any local issues. Mobile: 0419 047 339 Email: [source: Council website]


Bryn Jones

It has been my privilege to serve as your Councillor for the last four years. My family has lived in Fremantle since 1980; our daughters were born here and went to local schools. I am retired after a career as a teacher, university lecturer and head of an online education company. I have the time, energy, commitment and skills to effectively represent my community. I've been involved in community affairs all my life, including the Leighton Action Coalition, two terms as North Ward councillor in the 1990’s, and as the APACE President. I work hard to ensure sound financial management and excellence in service delivery. I support attracting more people to live and work in Fremantle, whilst protecting the amenity of existing residents and Fremantle’s unique heritage and environment. With your support I can continue to represent you, and the issues that matter to you, with independence, experience and integrity. Mobile: 0448 417 036 Postal Address: 7 Staples St NORTH FREMANTLE 6159 Email: [source: Council website]

South Ward


Jon Strachan

Dear South Ward Community I again seek your support at these crucial elections to continue working for you and for Fremantle. Our Council is delivering real community projects such as South Terrace Village Calming and South Beach multi function courts. Simultaneously we have facilitated investment in our City Centre at a level other councils would be envious of. I am proud of being part of these achievements; they required commitment, hard work and experience. I am at the top of my game and am enthusiastic to continue fulfilling the role as your Councillor. Additionally I represent Council, and therefore you, on several external committees; work essential for delivering the best outcomes for Fremantle. I am committed to ethical open governance, representing everyone equally in our Ward and our City, without fear or favour. I aspire to be always there for you in all matters Council. Mobile: 0417 901 809 Email: Social Network Address: jonstrachanforfreosouthward [source: Council website]


Marija Vujcic

My name is Marija Vujcic and I’m a passionate community advocate and long-time South Freo local resident. I am seeking your vote to be elected on council to represent the South Fremantle Ward. Having a proven track record of standing up for South Freo issues across two local elections; I know that this time with your support we can truly make a difference. I am campaigning for a vibrant and inclusive South Fremantle community, bustling with business activity and strong resident participation. My key election policies are: removal of the speed bumps on South Terrace; 0% rate increase in 2020/21; increased CCTV, improved lighting to reduce after hours car damage, and anti-social behaviour. My career experience includes education, small business and now business consulting in the resources industry. To me, genuine local representation is what really matters! If elected, I will be your voice on Council. Mobile: 0408 950 446 Email: Social Network Address: marijasouthward [source: Council website]

The Fremantle Herald's article about the candidates, republished with grateful acknowledgement from the 13 September 2019 edition.


City Ward

John Dowson is president of the Fremantle Society and an outspoken critic of Fremantle council, which he says has trashed way too much of the city’s heritage while putting its finances in disarray. “Council needs to start living within its means, while not selling more of our valuable public assets – which have declined by 50 per cent in recent years,” he says.

Julie Morgan is a resident and property owner who wants the council to look at ways of increasing the diversity of inner-city residents, saying its planning policies don’t encourage families, the elderly or people with disabilities.

Rachel Pemberton is after a third term on council and has been one of the rocks of mayor Brad Pettitt’s reign, championing the council’s small house revolution. Committed to sustainability, she wants to tackle crime and antisocial behaviour while encouraging jobs through economic development and “sensational events and festivals”.


Geoff Graham is seeking a return to council after a few years, running as an independent. He wants the Heart of Beaconsfield project to be sympathetic to its surroundings and has a “hands-off” view of fiddling with Bruce Lee oval. Mr Graham says he supports heritage, recreation and sporting groups.

Gemma Hohnen is an architect who used to work for council favourite CODA and says she wants to balance the city’s natural beauty with vibrancy, business and creative life. She wants safe suburbs, bike infrastructure and keeping developments at a scale that will preserve Freo’s “village” lifestyle.

Christopher Jenkins is hoping to become Freo’s second socialist councillor, having stood for the Socialist Alliance in several state campaigns. He’s a mental health nurse at Fremantle Hospital and co-founder of the Anti-Poverty Network Perth. An active campaigner against Roe 8, he’s pushing local participatory democracy and grassroots solutions to big issues.

East Ward

Michelle Cunningham says she’s “travelled the world, managed finances and worked for a variety of industries”, while on the home front she’s volunteered at her kids’ schools and the local precinct, Native Arc and for a soccer club. She had an unsuccessful and bruising run against mayor Brad Pettitt’s team a couple of years back. Ms Cunningham says key items for her are transport networks, environmental management, small business and tourism.

Su Groome has been co-convenor of the White Gum Valley precinct since 2012 and has twenty years experience as a business owner, manager and “executive leader”. Ms Groome says she’ll speak up on the High Street upgrade, traffic calming, verges, parks and trees, as well as growth and change.


Lynn MacLaren is a former Greens upper house parliamentarian and a powerbroker within the party. A level-headed operator, she led the running on a wide range of issues, including protection of the Beeliar wetlands and the one-metre rule for cyclists. “Today decisions must be inclusive, compassionate and respectful of our environment,” Ms MacLaren says.

Tony Miosich was a councillor in the late 90s and early noughties where he was an ally of former mayor Peter Tagliaferri. Currently a JP, he says he’s kept in touch with the community and council through precinct meetings. “Local government can improve with back to basic services,” he says.

Frank Mofflin is a former branch president of Willagee Labor and inaugural chair of Fremantle College. He has a passion for community engagement, and with corporate experience he says that can help “make things happen for our community”.

North Ward

Steve Cook is having another tilt at getting onto council. With a background in business and commerce he believes the city has an exciting future for residents and will be a job creator. But he has concerns about issues such as funds management, service delivery, public housing in north ward, safety and coastal restoration.

Bryn Jones is seeking a back-to-back term to match his achievement in the 90s. The retired teacher and uni lecturer wants sound financial management at the council and excellent service delivery, and more people working and living in the port city.

South Ward

Jon Strachan has seen off a recent major illness and was happy to put in bold on his nomination: “I am at the top of my game”. He says he’s proud to have been part of the council’s traffic calming in South Beach Village, building the local multi-function courts and investment in the city centre. Darn fine kite-flyer as well.

Marija Vujcic is having another crack at South Ward after missing out in the last election, which she challenged after it was discovered a candidate had sneaked in without being eligible. She wants to get rid of South Terrace’s speed humps, keep the next rate rise to nil, improve CCTV and lighting, and deal with anti-social behaviour.

The following article is republished with permission from Roel Loopers' FreoView blog, 24 September 2019.



Local government election candidate events are always interesting because the community is divided on many issues, but the packed room at The Local hotel showed that Fremantle people are passionate about their city.

The Trumpian quote of the night for me came from candidate Michelle Cunningham who told the crowd that she is a scientist and is not worried about climate change, because it really is very slow. Yep, that might well be, but we were talking about the future of Fremantle, with one public speaker warning that our heritage buildings would be two metres under water because of climate change and the rising oceans.

Chris Jenkins said he wanted a free public transport zone in and around Fremantle so people could come to Freo for free. I wonder if the State Government will be happy to fund that.

Gemma Hohnen wants more informal recreation for the community to connect, while Julie Morgan wants a seniors and disability shopping card and council to focus on local issues. Rachel Pemberton wants the community to have a say and to prioritise projects council wants to undertake, which would create genuine decision-making by the community.

Su Groome mentioned the Newcaste model of revitalising the inner city and that new buildings should be true to Fremantle’s character.

Lynn MacLaren wants us to be able to take our bikes into buses, and pointed out that the community needs to target the decision makers if it wants change and improvement, e.g not much use yelling at council when it is a State decision.

Jon Strachan wants to embrace smart technology and said the Fremantle Hospital looks very sad.

John Dowson called to simplify the parking system and that the perception of parking issues is enough to discourage people from coming to Fremantle. Too many car parks have gone, what is the next one?

Bryn Jones hopes to get some 5,000 people living in a one kilometre radius of the Townhall.

Maria Vujcic said that if elected she will listen to the people and formulate policy from that. It does not matter what I think, it is about the community. South Beach looks tired and needs a generational upgrade.

Public speakers bemoaned antisocial behaviour and crime in Fremantle, but there was some passion when several said we needed to bring the sense of community back and work together across the divides.

There were no places where people on low income could meet for free and that creates isolation.

John Dowson said Council and the community need to lobby State Government that the planned new police station would be built in Fremantle, and Mayor Brad Pettitt said that police numbers were not the issue for Fremantle, but that not enough officers were actually on the beat.

Marija Vujcic said that council was low resolution consultation and she was not happy about the planned solar farm and the speedhumps in South Fremantle.

One public speaker called for the community to work together and “make Fremantle suicide free!”

Moderator Rob Delves called for the planting of many more trees so that cyclists could ride in the shade.

Another public speaker said that there are too many divided passionate voices and that we don’t work together. He said there was lack of new ideas at the meeting and that Fremantle is going through a revolutionary retail change.

It was great to see many younger people at an election event, so I finish with what one of them said. “Community is a collective. We can all work together.”

It was a surprisingly positive evening that did not have the council-bashing arguments from the previous elections. Yes indeed, we might not all agree, but this is a great community that should be able to work together despite our differences. Go Freo!

Roel Loopers

References and Links

Official results for 2017.
Results for 2015.
Official election notice - of the election as conducted by the WAEC.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 2 October, 2019 and hosted at (it was last updated on 20 April, 2024), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.