


Fremantle Workers Club Constitution

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Incorporated 1925

Constitution Revised 1971, 1992, 2012, 2016, 2017

Table of Contents

1. Name

2. Objectives

3. Definitions

4. Membership

5. Application to become a Member

6. Member’s Rights

7. Subscriptions

8. General Meetings

9. Special General Meetings

10. General Provision

11. Election of Office Bearers

12. Procedures at General Meeting

13. The Management Committee and Terms

14. Powers of the Committee

15. Secretary and Treasurer and Membership Officer

16. Sub-Committees

17. Auditors

18. Alteration and Repeal of Rules

19. Suspension or Expulsion of Members

20. Supply of Liquor – Liquor Control Act to be Observed

21. Common Seal

22. Dissolution of the Club

23. Rules of Debate and Standing Orders


1. Name

The name of The Club shall be the Fremantle Workers Social and Leisure Club (Inc).

2. Objectives

a)  The principal objectives are to maintain and conduct a club for members who are residents  of  Fremantle and  beyond  and  to  support  the  recreational, social, sporting, cultural and community dimensions of that interest.  These objectives include the provision of facilities for the pursuit of social, cultural, sporting and recreational activities and any other lawful purpose that provides benefits and enjoyment for the members of the club.

b)  To provide a community and social space that benefits Fremantle residents and the wider community

c) To promote the Club as a meeting place where members and their guests can come together and enjoy the diversity and community spirit that is Fremantle

d) To improve the well-being of seniors in Fremantle and beyond by providing activities for members that promote physical activity and social interaction and foster a sense of belonging.

e)  To borrow, raise or secure the payment of money for the purposes of The Club in such a manner as the management committee may think fit and in particular by the issue of debentures charged upon all or any of the Club property (both present and future) and to redeem or pay off any such securities.

f) To maintain a club license under the current Liquor Control Act and its amendments.

g) To provide and maintain a club with social and sporting amenities for the use of the members.

h) The  property  and  income  of  the  club  shall  be  applied  solely  towards  the promotion of the objectives of the club and no part of that property or income may be paid or otherwise distributed, directly or indirectly, to members, except in good faith in the promotion of those objects.

3.  Definitions

In  reading this  Constitution, unless the  context or  such  otherwise indicates or requires:

a)  “The Club” means the Fremantle Workers Social and Leisure Club (Inc.).

b)  “The Club Premises” means all land, building and structures thereon of which The
Club is the bona fide occupier.

c)  “The Committee” means the Managing Committee for The Club, duly elected or co-opted for the time being in accordance with these Rules.

d)  “Annual Meeting” means an Annual General Meeting.

e) “Special General Meeting” means a General Meeting as defined above, called in accordance with  Rule  11  hereunder, at  which  only  business that  has  been described in the notice may be transacted.

f)  “General Meeting” means the General meeting of The Club whether Annual or

g)  “Month” means a calendar month.

h)  “Financial year” means from the first of July each year, until the following 30th of

i) “The Act” means the Associations Incorporation Act 2015, its amendments and any other legislation that may come into force to replace or supplement this Act, and shall form part of these Rules and “The Liquor Control Act 1988” means the Liquor Control Act 1988, its amendments and any other legislation that may come into force to replace or supplement this Act, and shall form part of these Rules.

j)  “The By-Laws” means the codes of rules made and adopted in accordance with
Section 18.

Words importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine gender and words importing the singular shall include the plural

4.  Membership

The Club shall keep an up to date register of members in respect of Ordinary, Life and Honorary members. This register must be continually available for inspection at the club premises.

Membership of The Club shall consist of the following:

a) Ordinary Member – Persons over 18 years of age who have paid the required membership fee.

b) Life Member – the Members may elect Persons who have rendered meritorious service to The Club as Life Members for such service.

c)  Temporary Member –

i)  Persons who are a member of or a person assisting a group that is to participate in a pre-arranged activity for the day.

ii)  Persons who, at the invitation of a member, engage in sport or social activities on that day.

iii) Is a visitor who is a full financial member of any like club in Western Australia or any Licensed Club located outside of Western Australia or in the rest of the world.

iv) Persons who for age, ill health, infirmity or distance from The Club has retired from active participation but desires to retain an association with The Club.

d)  Temporary membership would be  subject to  withdrawal by any club official
(including bar persons) acting in the best interests of the Club.

e)  Honorary Member – Membership that may be granted to Club Patrons, Sponsors, Selected Government Officers and any other such persons as the committee may decide from time to time.

Only Ordinary Members and Life Members shall be allowed to vote.

5.  Application to become a Member

a) Ordinary Member – Any person desiring to become such a member of The Club shall sign an application form provided and such form must bear the signatures of two Members of The Club who are entitled to vote, as a proposer and seconder. The application will be presented to the next committee meeting.  The applicant will then be accepted or denied membership by a simple majority.

b)  No person shall be entitled to exercise any of the privileges of a member until they have paid all subscriptions due by them.

c)  The Committee shall have the right to refuse to admit any person to membership without assigning any reason for doing so.

d) Once admitted, applicants will be enrolled as a Member of The Club and will be issued with a membership card.  The member will then become entitled to the Club’s privileges and be bound by its rules and by all consequences resulting from breach or non-performance thereof, and shall thereby absolve every person concerned in carrying out enforcing such rules from all personal responsibility or legal liability on such account.

e) Life Member – A member may propose another member for Life Membership to the Committee in writing giving reasons that Life Membership should be granted. A General Meeting may, upon a 75% majority vote, confer Life Membership on a member who has rendered special and outstanding services to The Club. The holder of a Life Membership shall be entitled to all privileges of an ordinary member, be exempt from subscriptions but shall pay any levies and capitation fees.

6.  Members' Rights

a) The rights and privileges of every member shall be personal and shall not be in any manner transferable by their own act or through any other person on their behalf or by operation of law.

b) The Committee may revoke the membership of any honorary, temporary or provisional member at any time without notice.

c)  Honorary or Temporary Members shall not be entitled to vote at a General meeting or to propose or second any candidate for admission as a member.

d)  Employees – Members who are employees of the club are entitled to all the rights and privileges of membership.

e)  Guests – Ordinary and Life Members are entitled to:

i)  Guests – any member of the club shall be at liberty to invite guests to the club, but the number of guests shall not exceed the maximum number as contained in Section 48(4)(b) of the Act.

ii)  Hold private family and business functions without limit to number of guests, providing that the sale of liquor shall be:

(1) ancillary to a meal supplied at the club by or on behalf of the club to a member and to each of the guests of that member being guests of whose attendance was given prior notice to the club.

(2) to a member, for consumption by the guests of that member at a function held by or on behalf of that member at the club.

f)  Functions – Ordinary and Life Members are entitled to host functions on The Club premises after written application for said function has been considered and approved by the Committee. Said function cannot exclude any member his/her rightful access to club premises. The Secretary will furnish the applicant with a written copy of Club rules relating to functions, after the application has been approved and any additional conditions and restrictions it shall see fit.

g)  The Club may seek an Extended Trading Permit to add local Associations as users of the club facility to hold their functions.

7.  Subscriptions

a) The annual subscription of The Club shall be set by majority vote of the Management Committee prior to the commencement of the financial year. Notice of the fees and subscriptions shall be notified to the members, via the club notice board.  The Management committee may reduce the annual subscription for new members part way through the financial year should it see fit to do so

b)  All subscriptions are due from the first day of July in each year and are payable on or before the date of the Annual Meeting provided that the Committee shall not declare a member unfinancial if at least half of the subscription is paid by the date of the AGM in the year current, and the balance by 31st  December in the year current.

c)  Any member whose subscription is in arrears after 31st December in each year shall cease to be a member of the Club.

8.  General Meetings

a)  The annual General Meeting of members shall be held no later than 31st December and a Half-Yearly meeting may be convened no later than 30th June. Notice of the meeting and agenda items including special notices of motion must be posted on the club notice board for 7 days before the date of the meeting.

b) At the annual General Meeting a report shall be presented by the President on behalf of the Management Committee, and the Treasurer shall present the club’s statement of accounts and balance sheet for the past year, in accordance with the Act, and other business in accordance with these rules may be transacted.

c)  Thirty financial members shall constitute a quorum at a General Meeting or Special General Meeting. The Chairman of the meeting shall be the Club President or if not available a person nominated and elected by the members present.

d) In the case of insufficient members to form a quorum being present after 30 minutes following the advertised start time for an Annual Meeting, said meeting will be automatically adjourned to re-convene at the same time seven days later and shall proceed with or without a quorum.

e)  The order of business at the annual General Meeting shall be as follows:

i)    Apologies

ii)   Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting and any other General Meeting not yet confirmed and confirming or amending same.

iii)   President’s Report, discussion and adoption or otherwise.

iv)   Treasurer’s  Report  -  Statement  of  Accounts  and  Balance  Sheet  to  be received or otherwise.

v)    Election of Management Committee.

vi)   Election of Club Auditor.

vii)  Special Business of which Notice of Motion has been given.

viii)  Other Business.

9.  Special General Meetings

The Management Committee may, at any time call a Special General Meeting by giving adequate notice on The Club notice board. A Special General Meeting shall also be called by the Management Committee on a requisition signed by no less than thirty members stating in detail the purpose of the meeting. Notice of the meeting and a copy of the requisition shall be posted in the building for at least seven days before the date of the said meeting. Only business, of which notice shall have been given as above, or in accordance with these rules, shall be transacted at a Special General Meeting. Thirty members shall form a quorum. In the case of insufficient members to form a  quorum being present after 30 minutes following the advertised start time the meeting shall lapse.

10. General Provision

a)  No member shall be entitled to take any legal action against The Club (other than a claim for goods sold and delivered and services rendered) and must conform to the decisions of the Committee and in the case of an appeal, to the decision of the General meeting to which he/she may appeal.

b)  These rules shall be the rules of The Club and shall be binding on members.

c)  Correct accounts and books shall be kept showing the financial affairs of The Club and the particulars usually shown in books of accounts of a like nature.

d) No liquor shall be sold or supplied for consumption other than on The Club’s premises,  unless  the  member  purchasing it  removes  such  liquor  from  the premises of The Club.

e)  No member shall be entitled under these rules to derive any benefit or advantage from The Club which is not shared equally by every other member.

11. Election of Office Bearers

The management of the club shall be vested in a Management Committee consisting of the following office bearers: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary and five other members.

a) The Management Committee shall be elected by ballot of ordinary financial members and life members, for a 12 month term.

b)  Club members shall elect a President, Treasurer and 7 committee members. The Management committee shall elect a Vice-President, Secretary and Membership Officer at its first meeting.  Should there be no nominee for Vice-President or Secretary or Membership Officer, the Management Committee shall have the power to fill the vacancy or vacancies with any financial member or members of the Club.

c)  No member of the Club is eligible for Election to the Management Committee until he or she has been a financial member for at least 3 months prior to the closing of nominations.

d)  Nominations shall be called for on the Club notice board before 31st October each year and candidates shall be allowed a minimum of five (5) days to lodge nomination forms with the Returning Officer.  Each nomination form must be signed by the candidate, the proposer and seconder, all of whom must be qualified to vote.

e)  In case no more than the required number of officers shall be nominated, those so nominated shall be declared elected.

f)  If there shall be insufficient nominations to fill the whole of the vacancies of the list of officers, those nominated shall be declared elected and shall have power to fill the vacancies and any casual vacancies that may occur with any financial member or members of the Club.

g)  If required, the ballot shall be conducted over a period of seven (7) days starting on the Sunday following the close of nominations and closing at 6.00pm the following Saturday. The counting of the vote shall be made on the Club premises the following day by the Returning officer, assisted by at least two scrutineers appointed from the members.  Immediately on completion of the count, the result shall be posted on the Notice-Board and announced to members present at the Club.  An email concerning the outcome will be sent to members on the same day.

h)  If a vacancy should arise between ballots the committee shall have the power to co-opt any financial members to fill such a vacancy.

12. Procedures at General Meeting

a)  The Chairperson shall have the casting vote only and shall decide all questions of order unless otherwise provided by these rules.

b) All Notices of Motion for consideration at the Annual Meeting must be handed to the Secretary in writing no less than 14 days prior to the date set for said meeting and posted on the notice board in the Club for 7 days before the meeting.

13. The Management Committee & Terms

a) The Executive positions on the Management committee shall be President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and any other as determined by the full committee, and shall be elected at the first meeting of the elected management committee. The Manager of The Club may attend all Committee meetings to give their report and then leave at the discretion of the Committee.

b)  The quorum at all Committee meetings shall be 5 members.

c)  Committee meetings shall be held monthly on at least eleven occasions per annum. Special meetings may be called by the President, Secretary or on the request of three members of the Committee.

d) If, without satisfactory explanation, any Committee person shall absent himself from three consecutive Committee meetings, his/her office shall be terminated forthwith unless the disqualification shall be dispensed with on a resolution of the Committee.

e) No member of the Committee shall be held to have resigned his seat until his resignation, in writing, has been accepted by the Committee.

f)  Any vacancy occurring in the Committee shall be filled at a meeting of the Committee when a member shall be elected to fill such a vacancy until the next election provided the member elected at such Committee meeting shall hold office in the place of, and upon the same terms and conditions as their predecessor, had the latter continued in the office.

g) The President shall preside at all meetings of the Committee of The Club and, in his absence the Vice President. Should neither be present, the meeting shall elect a Chairperson. All resolutions of the Committee shall be decided by a majority vote of all those present. In the case of equality of votes, the proposal before the Committee shall be decided in the negative. The President or, in his absence, the acting President shall be authorised to speak on behalf of The Club.

14. Powers of the Committee

The business of The Club shall be managed by the Committee, who may exercise all powers of The Club except those required to be exercised by The Club at a General Meeting.

Without prejudice to the powers conferred by the last preceding rule, the Committee shall, subject to the by-laws, have power to do the following:

a) To purchase or otherwise acquire any books, newsletters or periodicals and dispose of them as it may see fit.

b)  To determine from time to time the conditions on which and time when, members may use the property of The Club or any part or parts thereof, and when and under what conditions the premises of The Club or any part or parts thereof, shall be used by members.

c) To determine what person (if any) not being members of The Club shall be permitted to use the premises of The Club or any part or parts thereof and during what time and under what conditions and when and at what times and places and under what conditions such persons shall be supplied with refreshments and accommodation.

d) To appoint any other officials or servants of The Club and to remove them as occasions may require at their discretion and to define their respective duties. Persons appointed to a paid position, as Club Manager shall be engaged under a contract, award or Registered Workplace Agreement.

e) To delegate (subject to such conditions as it thinks fit) any of its powers to sub committees consisting of such members of the Committee and other members of The Club co-opted for the purpose as it may determine and to make such regulations as to the proceedings of such sub committees as may be thought desirable.

f)  To  regulate and  control their own  meeting and  the  transaction of  business thereat.

g) To pay any servant of The Club any gratuity for faithful and diligent service as deemed fit.

h)  In accordance with the rules to suspend, or expel any member.

i)  To enter into or accept any lease or tenancy of the premises where on The Club shall conduct its affairs or of any furniture, goods and effects, which may be required for the use of The Club on such terms and on such conditions as The Club, may deem expedient.

j)  To take and defend all legal proceedings by or on behalf of the club and to appoint all necessary Attorneys for any such purpose.

k)  To borrow, raise or secure the payment of money, and to sell and dispose of the assets of The Club.

l)  To  make,  alter  and  repeal  by-laws  not  inconsistent  with  these  rules  and regulations the use and management of The Club premises, the admission of members and the conduct of The Club and its affairs generally.

m) To do and perform any other act, matters and things in connection with or relative to the management of The Club as shall not by these rules require to be done by The Club in General Meetings.

n) Every member of the Committee shall be indemnified against any loss, expenses or liability incurred by reason of any act or deed performed by him/her in good faith on behalf of the Committee and the Committee may use the funds of The Club for any such purpose required, together with any reasonable expenses incidental to Committee activities.

o) A member of the Committee who has any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in any matter under contemplation by the Committee, shall, as soon as he/she becomes aware of his/her interest, disclose the nature and extent of such interest to the Committee and shall not take part in any deliberations or decision of the Committee with respect to that matter.

15. Secretary and Treasurer and Membership Officer

a)  They  shall  hold  office  during  the  pleasure of  the  Committee at  such remuneration and conditions as the Committee may think proper.

b) It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to conduct the affairs of The Club under the directions of the Committee, and to keep the books provided for that purpose correct, to keep a book of accounts showing the financial affairs of The Club and the particulars usually shown in books of accounts of a like nature.

c)  It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep full and accurate minutes of the proceedings of all meetings of the Committee which shall be produced to the Committee at every subsequent meeting.

d) It shall be the duty of the Membership Officer to enter, in a book provided for that purpose, the name in full of all members of The Club for the time being and the date of the last payment by each member of his/her subscription.

e)  All  payments shall  be  made  by  cheque or  electronic funds  transfer on  the authority  of  the  Committee.   Cheques  will  be  signed  and  electronic funds transfers authorised by a minimum of two members appointed by the Committee from time to time for that purpose.

f)  Every notice directed to be exhibited in The Club premises shall be exhibited on the Club's notice board.

16. Sub-Committees

The Committee may delegate any of its powers to Sub-Committees consisting of such Ordinary Members as it thinks fit, provided that no act of any Sub-Committee shall be binding on the Committee or Club until ratified by the Committee. Such Sub- Committee must report to and be responsible to the Committee.

17. Auditors

There shall be an Auditor, not a member of the Committee, who shall be elected at the Annual Meeting. Such Auditor shall examine, review or audit the accounts in accordance with the Act, and have power at any time to call for all books, papers, accounts, etc. relating to the affairs of The Club. The Auditor shall be entitled to receive such remuneration as the Committee may from time to time determine. The Auditor need not necessarily be a member of The Club. If any casual vacancy occurs in the office of any Auditor appointed by The Club, the Committee should fill the appointment until the next Annual Meeting.

18. Alteration and Repeal of Rules

a) No repeals of any existing rules and no new rules or alteration, amendments or suspensions of a rule shall be valid unless a motion therefore is carried by a three quarters majority of members present and voting at a General or Special General Meeting.

b) Notices of motions to repeal, alter or suspend any rule shall be given to the Secretary at least 21 days preceding the Annual or Special General Meeting at which the motion shall be presented. The Secretary shall exhibit the proposal on The Club notice board at least fourteen days prior to such meeting.

c)  Within fourteen days after making of any amendment or addition to the rules of The Club, the Committee of Management shall send or deliver to the Director of Liquor Licensing, a certified copy of the amendment or alteration. In addition, all amendments passed, as a special resolution must be noticed to the Ministry of Fair Trading. No effect will be given to the amendments without the approval of the Director.

19. Suspension or Expulsion of Members

a) The Management Committee shall have the power to fine, suspend or expel any member who commits a breach of the Rules or by-laws or who, it its opinion, has been guilty, on or off the Club premises , of conduct likely to bring discredit to the Club, or to impair the enjoyment of the Club’s facilities or amenities by other members.  Such conduct can include the failure to observe an order or direction of the Management Committee or of any General Meeting.

b) Any member charged with misconduct as above shall be furnished with a written copy of the charge and summoned before the Management Committee, who shall after hearing the accuser and accused and taking such evidence as they may consider proper, if they find the charge proved, inflict a penalty of suspension from all or any of the privileges of membership.

c) If the Management Committee consider that on a charge of gross misconduct, suspension as above is insufficient, they may call on the member to resign, and if he/she  neglects to  resign  within  10  days  they  may  declare  him/her to  be expelled, but in any case the accused shall have the right of appeal to a Special General Meeting called for the purpose, whose decision shall be final as decided by the majority of the members present.

d) The  Management  Committee  is  required  to  exempt  any  member  of  that Committee from hearing a charge in which he/she has an interest.

e)  Any expelled member of The Club who may be aggrieved by his/her expulsion by the Committee is required to lodge with his/her appeal the sum of $50 with the Secretary to defray the cost of a special general meeting.

20. Supply of Liquor – Liquor Control Act to be Observed

The club shall appoint and maintain an Approved Manager for the purposes of observing liquor licensing requirements and regulations. The club shall be open for sale of liquor during such hours as the Committee shall from time to time determine and as permitted under the Act.

21. Common Seal

The Club shall have a common seal, which shall be kept in the custody of the Secretary and shall not be affixed to any document except by the authority of the Committee and in the presence of one member of the Committee. Any document to which the seal is affixed shall be countersigned by the Secretary or an officer appointed by the Management Committee for that purpose.

22. Dissolution of the Club

a)  Winding up or dissolution of the Club shall be done in accordance with the Western Australian Associations Incorporation Act 1987 (as amended).

b) If upon winding up or dissolution of the club there remains after satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among members or former members of the Club.

c)  Such surplus property shall be given or transferred to another Club or Clubs, based in Fremantle and incorporated under the Western Australian Associations Incorporation Act, or for charitable purposes.

d) This gift or transfer shall be determined by the resolution of the members when authorising and directing the Committee under section 33(3) of the Act to prepare a distribution plan of the surplus property of the club.

23. Rules of Debate and Standing Orders

The rules of debate are set out in the appended Standing Orders.  They are part of the Rules of the Club and shall be observed at all meetings held under the Rules of the Club unless the Rules otherwise provide.


























The order of business of any meeting not being a special meeting shall be as follows:

a)  Applications for leave of absence - apologies. b)  Confirmation of minutes of previous meeting. c)  Correspondence.
d)  Treasurer's statement and passing of accounts.

a)  Membership admissions and resignations. b) Reports.
c)  Business pursuant to previous Notices of Motion. d) General Business.

In dealing with the correspondence, every letter shall be taken without motion as formally "received" unless a motion to the contrary be submitted, and every letter may be dealt with immediately after the contents have been read to the meeting.


No  discussion shall  take  place  except on  a  motion or  amendment moved and seconded, and put in writing if so required by the Chairman.


No member shall speak on any matter for more than five minutes unless granted an exemption of time by the meeting.


Not more than two speakers, including the mover and the seconder, shall speak successively for or against a motion. If two speakers have so spoken and there is no opposing speaker the question shall be put forthwith.


a)  Only one (1) amendment shall be received and put to the meeting at one time.

b) If an amendment to a motion is carried, the motion lapses and the amendment becomes the motion.

c) Where the first amendment has been dealt with, further amendments to the motion then from time to time before the meeting, may then be moved and dealt with at one time, provided that notice of intention has been given of subsequent amendment, prior to the previous amendment being put to the vote.

d) If an amendment is lost and no prior notice of a further amendment has been given the motion shall be put.


a)  No member shall propose more than one amendment upon a motion.

b)  Each amendment shall constitute a separate question.

c)  No member shall speak more than once upon the same question but the mover of the original motion shall be entitled to reply which may be exercised only after discussion on the motion, or on the motion and first amendment (if any) has ceased and before the motion or first amendment (if any) is put.

d)  Any member seconding a motion or amendment without remark shall not be held to have spoken thereon.

e)  The mover of an amendment shall not have the right of reply.


a)  A member who has not already spoken on the motion or amendment before the meeting at any time after at least one member has spoken against such motion or amendment may move "That the question be now put".

b)  Upon the latter motion being seconded by a member who similarly has not spoken, such latter motion shall be immediately put to the meeting without discussion.

c)  If lost, the debate shall continue as if such motion had not been moved.

d) If carried, then the amendment if there is to be an amendment, or motion if no amendment has been moved thereon, immediately under discussion, shall be put to the meeting after the mover has exercised his right of reply.

e) If the amendment be carried, it shall become the substantive motion, and the debate shall proceed as in Standing Order No. 6.

f)  If the amendment be lost, other amendments, of which notice has been given as provided in Standing Order No. 6, may be moved and dealt with in the manner provided in Standing Order No. 6, until the question is finally put.

g)  The motion "That the question be put" may be moved any number of times during a debate.


a)  A motion of dissent from the Chairman's ruling shall not be accepted by the Chair unless, in addition to the mover, at least three members rise in their place in support of same.

b) If  the  motion  for  dissent  has  such  necessary  support,  the  Chairman  shall forthwith leave the Chair and the debate on the original question then before the Chair be suspended.

c)  The Vice President shall take the Chair, or in his absence, a member appointed by the meeting.

d)  Only the member challenging the ruling and the Chairman may speak on a motion of dissent.

e)  The motion of dissent shall then be decided, after which the original question shall proceed.


a)  When any member is speaking no one shall interrupt him except to raise a point of order.  Explanations may be allowed when the member speaking has finished, but only to the extent of actual misunderstanding or misstatement, and the member making such explanation shall be prohibited from debating the merits of any proposal.

b) The member raising a point of order shall state his point of order clearly and distinctly and then resume his seat.  If a member be speaking such member shall take his seat until the point of order is decided.  The Chairman shall thereupon decide the point raised and not allow a discussion.


At all times throughout a meeting a member shall address the meeting through the Chairman and shall stand when doing so.


Except where otherwise provided and except in the case of a member presiding at a meeting who shall have a vote only when there is equality of voting, each financial member shall be entitled to one vote.


It shall be competent for either the mover or the seconder of a motion to vote against it, provided however, that he notifies such intention to the meeting.


a) No member shall enter or leave the meeting whilst a vote or division is being taken.

b) All financial members must vote except on matters in which they are personally interested when they may elect to abstain from voting.

c)  The Chairman may direct the taking of a division.


a) At any meeting, unless a ballot is required under these Rules, or a ballot or a division is determined upon at the meeting, every resolution shall be decided upon a show of hands, or in such other way as the Chairman of the meeting thinks fit.

b)  If demanded by at least five (5) members a ballot or division as the case may be, shall be taken at the meeting or at any adjournment thereof, and in such a manner as the Chairman shall direct.

c)  Every question shall be decided by a majority of votes.


No objection shall be made to the validity of any vote except at the meeting at which the same shall be tendered, and every vote not disallowed at such meeting shall be deemed valid.


A matter may only be recommitted provided that two thirds of the members present and entitled to vote, vote in favour of such recommittal.


A resolution passed at any meeting may be rescinded:

a)  At the same meeting only if two thirds of those present and entitled to vote, vote in favour of such rescission.

b)  At a subsequent meeting if notice of intended rescission is given either at the same of in the notice convening the subsequent meeting.


A motion for the adjournment of a debate may be moved at any time and shall be put to the meeting without discussion.  If carried, the debate shall be adjourned accordingly. If not carried, the debate shall continue.


A member refusing to retract any offensive expression having been first directed to do so by the Chairman shall be debarred from taking part in any discussion until such retraction is duly made.


Subject to the provisions of these Rules and provided that two thirds of those present and entitled to vote are in favour, it shall be competent at any meeting other than a Special General Meeting for ordinary business to be transacted after the special purpose for which the meeting is called shall have been completed.


Any or all of the Standing Orders, with the exception of Nos. 17 and 18 may be suspended at any time if two-thirds of those present and entitled to vote at a meeting are in favour and when the matter so introduced has been dealt with, the ordinary course of business shall be resumed.


Motions not seconded shall lapse and will not be debated.


[[index.html|logo]]Fremantle Workers Social and Leisure Club Inc.
PO Box 1623 Fremantle 6959


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally hosted at, and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.