
Christian Brothers College


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Christian Brothers College Fremantle



CBC is between High, Ellen and Stirling Streets, occupying most of the city block. The oldest building is Edmund Hall, on High St. The school uses [[../park/index.html|Fremantle Park]], which can be seen in this 1909 photo, as its playing fields. The school itself is left of centre. Fremantle Library Local History Collection image #1775 (cropped).

CBC in Ellen Street in 1978, City Library ref. no. 995B.

The Fremantle Catholic Boys School was opened in 1882 in Edmund Hall, with thirty primary-age boys under the management of Otto de Grancy. In 1901, the Christian Brothers order took over the Parish School, then called St Patrick's Boys School, and began the establishment of a secondary school.
The hall, which is also known as the Blessed Edmund Rice Chapel, was restored in 2022 and reopened 25 November.

Christian Brothers College, which in 1901 had taken over the older portion of its present building where Mr Otto de Grancy had conducted the Roman Catholic Boys School. [[../ewers/index.html|Ewers]], 109.

Modern courtyard

References and Links

Ewers, John K. 1971, [[../ewers/index.html|The Western Gateway: A History of Fremantle]], Fremantle City Council, with UWAP, rev. ed. [1st ed. 1948]: 109.

CBC website

School history page

Download 2001 Centenary pdf

The small photo of the brothers residence and high school before 1903 is from the school's website.

See also: CBC Perth.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 16 December, 2014 and hosted at (it was last updated on 6 December, 2023), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.