
Charles Edward O'Meara

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Charles Edward O'Meara was president of the Buffalo Club, 1932.[1]

1932 October 15, The West Australian:[2]

The Late Mr. C E. O'Meara.

The late Mr. Charles Edward O'Meara, president of the Fremantle Tally Clerks' Union, passed away at Fremantle on Thursday last after an illness extending over several months. Mr. O'Meara was born in Melbourne, Victoria, and had resided in Western Australia for about 30 years. He was prominent in the Labour movement for a long period, lie was a delegate on the Metropolitan Council of the A.L.P. during the time the Perth Trades Hall was erected and held a seat on the executive of that body for several years. Mr. O'Meara represented the Labour movement on many important conferences and deputations, being a clear and forceful speaker and a good debater. He also held a seat on the Industrial Disputes Committee for a long time and was a delegate to the State Labour Congress on many occasions. The late Mr. O'Meara always worked diligently in assisting, both as a speaker and organiser, the Labour candidates at Commonwealth and State elections. In recent years he had been resident at Fremantle and at one time was secretary of the Fremantle Tally Clerks' Union, of which body he was president at the time of his death. Mr. O'Meara possessed a genial disposition, was generous to a degree, always a tower of strength to the Labour movement, unusually popular, and enjoyed, a wide circle of friends.

The funeral took place yesterday afternoon, when the remains were interred in the Roman Catholic portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. The Rev. Father J. Ryan, O.M.I., officiated at the graveside. At the conclusion of the burial service a short service was conducted by the brethren of the R.A.O.B. read by Bro. Alf Gregg, Grand Chaplain. S!r. and Mrs. A. North re presented the brother and sister of the deceased, Mr. Martin and Miss Eva O'Meari, of Melbourne. There were also present in the mourning coach Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Home, Mrs. Winter, the Misses Muriel, Mabel and Hazel Nielson, and Dolly Morgan. The pall bearers were Messrs. Alex McCullum, M.L.A., J. W. Burgees (secretary, Fremantle Branch, A.L.P.). P. J. Mooney (secretary Metropolitan Council A.L.P.), D Hyi/es (Fremantle Tally Clerks' Union), P. O McMahon (Fremantle Harbour Trust), O. Cook (Fremantle Lumpers' Union), E. H. Gray, M.L.C., Alex Maru (vice-president, Fremantle Buffalo Club), George Bolger, and L. A. Weeks.

Among those present were Dr. E. B. Denner, Messrs. W. H. Kitson, M.L.C., J. B. Sleeman, M.L.A., John Curtin (ex-M.H.R.), Cr. W. P. Griffiths, Messrs. G. V. McCartney and A. B. Williamson (Fremantle Harbour Trust), C. Eggleston, V. Ward, Clem Wellington, C. Morrison, E. A. Riley, D. W. Green and Angus Ross (Fremantle Tally Clerks' Union), V. Ulrich (secretary. Clerical Association), T. C. Shaw. W. H. Pinfouud, W. Tincomhe, V. E. Saiisdn, G. Laver and S. J. James (B.A.O.B.), Alf Gregg secretary, and 0. M. Smith (Fremantle Workers' Club), H. O'Flaherty (secretary, Fremantle Buffalo 'Club), Dave Watson (Westralian Worker'), W. M. Hunter (National Union of Seamen), Tom Bucknell (Oddfellows Hotel), J. Vick (sporting fraternity), E. R. Elsegood. W. J. Morrison. C. Wilson, George Foley, Arthur North. F.' Neilson, G. O. Jones, St. J. Morrison. M. O'Dowd and W. J. O'Brien, Mesdames Hunter. II. Curtis, Watson, Eierath and Selden. Wreaths -were sent by the following: — His loving brother and sister. Martin and Eva: Fremantle Tally Clerks' Union; Fromantle Buffalo Club; Staff, Burlington Cafe and Dolly Morgan; B. M. Sheedy and mother; Mrs. Neilson and family; Mrs. Hogan Johnson und family, Michael, Guy and John (Sydney); Mr. and Mrs. Selden; Hazel, Rose, Mick and Teddy (Sydney) ; and Mr. and Mrs. A. North and family. Widespread sympathy has been expressed with the relatives in their sad bereavement.

The funeral arrangements were in the hands of Messrs. Arthur E. Davies and Company.


  1. FREMANTLE WORKERS' CLUB. (1932, April 14). The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved September 25, 2024, from
  2. The Late Mr. C E. O'Meara. (1932, October 15). The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved September 25, 2024, from