
[[../index.html|Freotopia]] > ships >
See also my analysis of what became of the passengers.


On 5 August the 316-ton merchant ship Calista, carrying forty-seven private immigrants, arrived unexpectedly early at the settlement. She broke two anchors off Arthur Head in a storm on 3/4 September, and along with six other ships at anchor off the coast was damaged in another violent storm on 21 September.

The Calista was the fourth ship to come to the colony, arriving Fremantle 5 August 1829, but the first ship to bring free settler colonialists to the colony, the three previous ships having brought soldiers and government officials.

Passenger List (from Battye Acc 36 Vol 1/134)

[[../people/leakegeorge.html|George Leake]], capitalist
[[../people/scott.html|Daniel Scott]], harbour master
[[../people/samsonlionel.html|Lionel Samson]], merchant
[[../people/samsonwilliam.html|William Samson]], Lionel's brother & partner, dep. SA 1846
[[../people/wellsrichard.html|Richard & Susanna Wells]]; agent for Peter Lautour; bank mgr., d. 1846
[[../people/kentonjames.html|James & Mary Ann Kenton]] & 4 children; publican, d. 1838
[[../people/spencercharles.html|Charles & Elizabeth Spencer]] & 2 children, servant to Lionel Samson, farmer
[[../people/kentthomas.html|Thomas Kent]] with wife, dep. for NSW before end 1829
[[../people/finiganjohn.html|John Finigan]], aka Finegan, Finnigan, Fennager, carpenter, servant to Lionel Samson, dep. 1835 NSW
[[../people/bellrobert.html|Robert Bell]], servant to Leake
[[../people/cockmanjames.html|James Cockman]][[../people/bellrobert.html|../people/bellrobert.html]], servant to Leake
[[../people/painerobert.html|Robert Paine]], servant to Leake
[[../people/jecksisaac.html|Isaac and Hannah Jecks]], dep. England 1845
[[../people/chapmancharles.html|Charles Chapman]], servant to Jecks, dep. 1841
[[../people/clarkehenry.html|Henry Clarke]], servant to Jecks, dep. 1848
[[../people/harrisonwilliam.html|William Harrison]], servant to Jecks
[[../people/colemanjames.html|James Coleman]], servant to Jecks, d. 1859
[[../people/knightjames.html|James Knight]], farmer, publican, dep. 1853
[[../people/maydwellrobert.html|Robert & Susannah Maydwell]] & dtr Susan(nah), employed by Leake, constable
[[../people/gawlerwilliam.html|William & Rebecca Gawler]] & 3 children; William (and dtr Emily) drowned
[[../people/blaygeorge.html|George Blay]]; left for NSW with his master Thomas Kent
[[../people/smithwilliam.html|William & Mary Smith]] & 5 children, carpenter, dep. VDL 1838
[[../people/buttrobert.html|Robert Butt]], carpenter, [[../people/lautourpeter.html|Lautour]], dep. 1841 ?
[[../people/pettitthomas.html|Thomas Pettit]], blacksmith, Lautour
[[../people/hunterjoseph.html|Joseph Hunter]], shepherd, Lautour, d. York 1877
[[../people/brightjoseph.html|Joseph Bright]], employee of Lautour
[[../people/earlrichard.html|Richard & Mary Earl]] & one child (actually a nephew, George b. 1817)
[[../people/northcartedmund.html|Edmund & Jane Northcart]] (aka Northeast/Northest), & son Charles
[[../people/christmassgeorge.html|George & Elizabeth Christmass]], & four children; publican
[[../people/westbrooksamuel.html|Samuel Westbrook,]] wife & 3 children (consigned to Hobart)
[[../people/lewisrichard.html|Richard & Harriet Lewis]] & Richard Jnr. Snr d. 1841.
[[../people/clintraphael.html|Raphael Clint]], dep. for VDL 7.1832 with WA wife Mary Ann (arr. Stirling 1831)
Thomas Kent and wife, dep. for Sydney before end of the year. ?
Mr & Mrs King & 2 children ?
Alick ?
Nigh ?
Wade ?


[[../people/leakegeorge.html|George Leake]], capitalist
[[../people/scott.html|Daniel Scott]], harbour master
[[../people/samsonlionel.html|Lionel Samson]], merchant
[[../people/spencercharles.html|Charles & Elizabeth Spencer]] & 2 children, servant to Lionel Samson, farmer
[[../people/maydwellrobert.html|Robert & Susannah Maydwell]] & dtr Susan(nah), employed by Leake, constable
[[../people/christmassgeorge.html|George & Elizabeth Christmass]], & four children; publican


[[../people/samsonwilliam.html|William Samson]], Lionel's brother & partner, dep. SA 1846
[[../people/kentthomas.html|Thomas Kent]] with wife, dep. for NSW before end 1829
[[../people/finiganjohn.html|John Finigan]], aka Finegan, Finnigan, Fennager, carpenter, servant to Lionel Samson, dep. 1835 NSW
[[../people/jecksisaac.html|Isaac and Hannah Jecks]], dep. England 1845
[[../people/chapmancharles.html|Charles Chapman]], servant to Jecks, dep. 1841
[[../people/clarkehenry.html|Henry Clarke]], servant to Jecks, dep. 1848
[[../people/knightjames.html|James Knight]], farmer, publican, dep. 1853
[[../people/maydwellrobert.html|../people/maydwellrobert.html]][[../people/blaygeorge.html|George Blay]]; left for NSW with his master Thomas Kent
[[../people/smithwilliam.html|William & Mary Smith]] & 5 children, carpenter, dep. VDL 1838
[[../people/buttrobert.html|Robert Butt]], carpenter, [[../people/lautourpeter.html|Lautour]], dep. 1841 ?
[[../people/harrisonwilliam.html|../people/harrisonwilliam.html]][[../people/westbrooksamuel.html|Samuel Westbrook,]] wife & 3 children (consigned to Hobart)
[[../people/clintraphael.html|Raphael Clint]], dep. for VDL 7.1832 with WA wife Mary Ann (arr. Stirling 1831)
Thomas Kent and wife, dep. for Sydney before end of the year. ?


[[../people/wellsrichard.html|Richard & Susanna Wells]]; agent for Peter Lautour; bank mgr., d. 1846
[[../people/kentonjames.html|James & Mary Ann Kenton]] & 4 children; publican, d. 1838
[[../people/colemanjames.html|James Coleman]], servant to Jecks, d. 1859
[[../people/gawlerwilliam.html|William & Rebecca Gawler]] & 3 children; William (and dtr Emily) drowned
[[../people/lewisrichard.html|Richard & Harriet Lewis]] & Richard Jnr. Snr d. 1841.

References and Links

Calista, Leda, Medina, Orelia, and Parmelia are southern suburbs of Perth named after early ships.

Forsyth, Ian (forthcoming), Troubled Waters: The Story of the Port of Fremantle 1600-1900.

Family History WA page for 1829 ship arrivals.

List of all twenty-one ships that arrived in 1829 ([[../hitchcock.html|Hitchcock]]: 15).


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 8 February, 2016 and hosted at freotopia.org/ships/calista.html (it was last updated on 8 October, 2023), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.