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Healy Farmhouse

(part of) 2 Strang Court, South Fremantle

portuguese club

John Healy came from Ireland, probably from Dublin. He had a large dairy farm called 'Winterfold', in the area indicated by the road of that name and owned much property between Spearwood and Fremantle. Healy Road is parallel with Winterfold Road. He also named Phoenix Road after Phoenix Park in Dublin, where the assassination of the British Chief Secretary for Ireland occurred in 1882. Clontarf Road was also apparently named by him after the suburb of Dublin. He was made a Police Constable in 1867. He was a life-long supporter of Home Rule for Ireland.
His 1890 house forms the original, central part of the WA Portuguese Club Building at 2 (or 5?) Strang Street Beaconsfield.

Heritage Council data

Statement of Significance
House (fmr), 5 Strang Street, the 1970s Portugese Club, has social significance to the Portugese community. It has historic significance for its previous form as a grand Federation Queen Anne house of the Healy family. The place has historic and social significance for its use by the New Zealand America's Cup Syndicate during 1986-87. The place has undergone significant alterations.
Physical Description
House (Fmr), 5 Strang Street shows some remants of a grand 1890s Federation Queen Anne house (tower and some part of gable roof evident). It has been heavily modified with a 1970s face brick facade and a flat tiled roof. There are high modern windows, and a side pergola addition. On some elevations original timber framed windows are evident.
The building was formerly the isolated, large residence of the Healy family, owners of the Winterfold Estate. The Portuguese Club acquired the former John Healy Residence in 1976. A Dance Hall was added and completed by June 1978. Additions also included a food preparation area and fascia/patio. The original tower and floor plan are discernable from plans held in the local history collection at Fremantle Library. Work done included the pulling down of the old verandah, placing strip footings and brick veneer. The place was used by the New Zealand America's Cup Syndicate during 1986-87. The place was included in the "Heritage Study South Fremantle", prepared by John Taylor Architects, for the City of Fremantle, June 1993.
Altered unsympathetically. Low degree of integrity (original intent unclear, current use compatible, high long term sustainability). Low degree of authenticity with little or no original fabric remaining. (These statements based on street survey only).
Condition assessed as good (assessed from streetscape survey only).

The Portuguese Club website (which is no longer online) included this cutting from IC, Inside Cover, page 2 of the West Australian newspaper (nd).

healy farmhouse

References and Links

Portuguese Club website

Heritage Council page

John Healy page


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 6 August, 2016 and hosted at (it was last updated on 31 March, 2024), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.