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Uncorrected scan of the full text of

A Descriptive Vocabulary of the Language of the Aborigines




There are few situations more unpleasant than when two individuals are suddenly and unexpectedly brought into collision, neither of whom is acquainted with one word of the language of the other. Amongst civilised people so situated, there are certain conventional forms of gesture or expression which are generally understood and received as indications of amity. But when it happens that one of the individuals is in a state of mere savage nature, knowing nothing of the habits and usages of civilised life,
and perhaps never having even heard of any other people than his own, the situation of both becomes critical and embarassing. It was in this predicament that the early settlers of Western Australia found themselves, on their first taking possession of their lands in that colony. The aborigines, suspicious of treachery even amongst themselves, and naturally jealous of the intrusion of strangers, viewed with astonishment and alarm the arrival of persons differing in colour and appearance from anything they had hitherto seen. Ignorant alike of the nature, the power, and the intentions of this new people, and possessed of some vague idea of their being spirits, or reappearances of the dead, the natives were restrained, probably by superstitious awe alone, from attempting to repel the colonists at once by direct and open hostility.

On the part of the settlers generally, there existed the most friendly


disposition towaid the aborigines, which was evinced on every
suitable opportunity, by the offer of bread, accompanied by the
imitation of eating, with an assurance that it was " very good."
And thus this term, " very good" was almost the first English
phrase used, and became the name by which bread was, for a long
time, generally known amongst the natives of Western Australia.
In the course of time, curiosity, and a desire to establish and main-
tain a good understanding with them, induced many persons to
endeavour to learn something of their language j and lists of such
words as had been ascertained from time to time were formed by
several individuals, but nothing on the subject was published till,
in the year 1833, a person who assumed the name of Lyon gave
in the newspapers of the day some account of the structure of the
language, and a list of nearly five hundred words. His vocabulary,
though containing many inaccuracies and much that was fanciful,
yet was deserving of praise, as being the first attempt to reduce to
writing a language that was- still comparatively unknown. In the
meantime, Mr. Francis Armstrong, who had bestowed much
attention on the aborigines, and who spoke the language with a
fluency nearly equal to their own, Avas appointed to the office of
interpreter, and was thenceforth generally employed as a recognised
medium of mutual communication in all public matters, whether of
explanation, negotiation, examination, or prosecution. At length,
in the year 1838, that able and talented officer, Lieutenant (now
Sir George) Grey, Governor of South Australia, whilst resting
from his labours of exploring the country, turned his attention to
this subject, in compliance with the spirit of the instructions under
which he was acting, and compiled a vocabulary, which was pub-
lished in the colony in the shape of a pamphlet. This was subse-
quently republished in London, with the addition of some words,


chiefl}^ peculiar to the locality of King George's Sound. These
will be found marked with the letters (K.G.S.), as those contri-
buted by the Messrs. Bussbl, of the Vasse River Settlement, have
been marked with the word (Vasse). To him we are certainly
indebted for the first publication of anything approaching to a
correct list of the words of this Australian dialect ; and any future
attempts of the same nature can only be considered as a more ex-
panded form of his original work. Without that vocabularly it is
probable that the present would not have been undertaken. This
vocabulary is founded upon that of Captain Grey, but is in a
much enlarged form, and upon a more comprehensive plan ; em-
bracing, also, such additions and alterations as have been the
natural result of longer time, greater experience, and a more fami-
liar acquaintance with the language. In the first place, it contains
several hundred additional words, inclusive of such tenses of the
verbs as have been accurately ascertained (for although the three
known tenses are tolerably regular, .they are not invariably so).
In the next place, the meanings are in general given in a more
copious form, and whenever a word has required or admitted of it,
the opportunity has been taken of giving an account of everything
interesting in the habits, manners, and customs of the aborigines,
and in the natural history of the country. In the third place, the
English and Australian part has been added, which it was consi-
dered, would be of great assistance to such as desire to ascertain
any word in the language.

This work owes much of its present form to the industry and
attention of Mr. Symmons, one of the protectors of the aborigines,
with some assistance from a friend, whose name I am not at liberty
to mention ; but mainly through the means of the interpreter, Mr.


Armstrong, with such aid as a long residence in the country, and
constant communication with the natives, both in a public and
private capacity, enabled me to impart, and such attention as the
leisure of a sea voyage permitted me to bestow. I have been re-
quested to undertake the task of editing and publishing it in Eng-
land, in order to avoid the expense and difficulty which would
have attended the printing of it in the colony.

The sounds of the letters are adopted from the orthography re-
commended in the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society.
The consonants are to be sounded as in English, except that G is
invariably hard ; the vowels, for the most part, as in the following
English words : — A, as in father, except when it has the short
mark (a) over it, or at the end of a word, when it is to be pro-
nounced as in the first syllable of mamma ; E, as in there, whether
at the beginning, middle, or end of a word ; I, as in fatigue ; 0,
as in old ; Ow, as in cow, noio ; U, as in rude. With Y some
liberty has been taken ; it is used both as a consonant and a vowel.
With its consonant form there is no difficulty ; it is to be pro-
nounced as in ymi, your., yoke. As a vowel it must invariably be
sounded long, as in my^ thy ; and this sound in the middle of a
word, after a consonant, is to be given to it unless separated from
the preceding letter by a hyphen, when it becomes a consonant
itself, aa for example, Gyn, one. Y is here a long vowel ; but in
Gyn-yang (once) the y of the first syllable is a long vowel, and in
the second is a consonant ; — the same as in Byl-yi (a smaU. leaf) ;
By-yu (the Zamia fruit). The nasal sound, Ng, is of such frequent
occurrence in the Australian language, as to have rendered its
introduction necessary as a distinct and separate letter (if such an
expression may be used) in every vocabulary which has been


attempted of any of its dialects. It is placed at the end of words
beginning with N ; its sound is that of Ng in ring, wing. In some
few words h will be found interposed between two r^a, as in Marh-ra
(the hand), Warh-rang (three). When this is the case, the first r
is to be aspirated. This is an attempt to explain in letters a sound
which hearing and practice alone can enable any one to understand
and acquire. This obscure indistinct sound, as well as the frequent
occurrence of the Nasal Ng, and a faint similarity in some of the
pronouns with those of the Malabar language, have been remarked
as aflfording a slight clue by which a distant relationship might be
traced between the Western Australians, and the natives of the
south-east districts of the peninsula of India. It may be necessary
to explain, that when any word is said to belong to the North,
South, or other dialects, this is to be understood with reference to
Perth as a centre. The words contained in this Vocabulary are
those in most common use in the vicinity of the Swan River and
the adjacent districts ; some of which may be found to be localised,
but most of them are used under some form or modification by all
the aborigines residing within the limits of Moore River to the
north, the Avon to the east, the sea to the west, and King George's
Sound to the south. The characteristic peculiarity of the King
George's Sound dialect is to shorten the words by cutting off" the
final syllable, especially where it ends in a vowel, as Kat, for Katta
— Kal, for Kalla, which gives the language a short, abrupt sound.
" An-ya twonga gwabba," in the Perth dialect (I hear well), is

    • An twonk gwap " at King George's Sound. Whilst, on the other

hand, the tribes that have been met with two hundred miles north
of Fremantle appear to lengthen out the words by adding a syllable
to the end of them, which gives their language a more soft and
musical sound ; as, " Mallo nginnow," in the Perth dialect (sit iij


the shade), is with them, " Malloka nginnowka." To the eastward
the sound of E is often used where is used at Perth ; as, Kot-ye,
a bone, becomes Kwetje to the East, and Kwetj at King George's
Soimd. So Kole becomes Kwele and Kwel. And very generally
is used for U ; as Gort for Gurt, the heart ; Goya for Guya, a
frog. E is often substituted for OW vn. many districts ; as, Yuke
for Yugow (to be) ; Wanke for Wangow (to speak). About King
Georgfc's Sound, also, the word Gur, according to Captain Grby, is
used as an affix to many of the verbs. This appears analogous to
the word Kolo (if, indeed, it be not an indistinct pronounciation
of the same word, with the final syllable cut off), which is used in
all the Swan Eiver districts as an occasional or optional affix ex-
pressive of motion ; as, Dtabbat (to fall down) is often sounded
Dtabbat kolo (to move falling down) ; Darbow (to stoop) ; Darbow
kolo (to move stooping) ; Murrijo (to walk) ; Murrijo kolo (^to
move walking) ; so that, probably, it may be found, on attentive
examination, that Kolo, Gulut, Gulbang, Gulbat, all expressing
motion, and Gur, also, are but various modifications of the same
radical word.

There is another variety of pronunciation which occasions a dif-
ference in sound that is more apparent than real ; namely, the
sound of B for P, and P for B ; the sound of D for T, and T for
D ; of G for K, and K for G. These letters, respectively, are in
so many instances used indiscriminately, or interchangeably, that
it is frequently difficult to distinguish which sound predominates;
even in the same district ; but the predominant sound varies in
different districts ; as Barduk, Parduk ; Gatta, Katta ; Tabba,
or Dappa ; which last word may be heard occasionally in all the
different forms ; Dappa, Dabba, Tabba, or Tappa. But, bearing in


mind these differences of dialect, and varieties of pronunciation,
which necessarily belong to any widely-spread unwritten language,
and making due allowance for those local terms which must be
introduced into different districts, as applicable to peculiarities of
situation, soil, climate, occupation, food, and natural products, I
have no hesitation in affirming, that as far as any tribes have been
met and conversed with by the colonists, namely, from one hundred
miles east of King George's Sound up to two hundred miles north
of Fremantle, comprising a space of above six hundred miles of
coast, the language is radically and essentially the same. And
there is much reason to suppose that this remark would not be
confined to those limits only, but might be applied, in a great
degree, to the pure and uncorrupted language of the whole island.
Many of the words and phrases of the language on the eastern and
southern sides of Australia, as given in Collins's work, in Thrbl-
keld's Grammar, and in several short vocabularies, are identical
with those used on the western side. And in a list of words given
in Flinders' Voyage, as used by the natives on the north-east
coast at Endeavour River, the term for the eye is precisely the same
as that at Swan River. Whilst this publication was in the press,
the work of Captain Gret appeared ; in the course of which he has
treated of this subject at considerable length, and adduced several
arguments confirmatory of the same opinion.

Nothing is said here about the grammar of the language, because
it is doubtful if the rules by which it is governed are even yet
sufficiently known to be laid down with confidence — if, indeed,
there are any so far established amongst themselves as to be con-
sidered inflexible. None are likely to bestow much attention upon
the language except those who have an interest in communicating


personally with the natives, in which way any peculiarities of
structure may be easily acquired. A sentence of the Western
Australian dialect would run much in this way, if rendered with
perfect literal accuracy . — " I to-day, at sunrise, in forest walking,
male kangaroo far off saw ; I stealthily creep, near, near ; male
kangaroo eats, head down low ; I rapidly spear throw — heart strike
— through and through penetrate. Male kangaroo dead falls ;
good — yes, it is true ; I good throw — good very." The grammati-
cal construction appears to be inartificial and elementary, as might
naturally be expected amongst so rude a people, and wholly free
from that staitUng complexity of form (especially as regards the
verbs) which has been attributed to the Sydney language in
Thrblkeld's Grammar.

It seems, indeed, scarcely credible that the most artificial forms
of speech should belong to the very rudest state of society ; and
that the least civilised people in the world should have refinements
of phrase, and niceties of expression, which were wholly unknown
to the most polished nations of classical antiquity.

A work of the nature of this Vocabulary may be of great service
in a variety of ways. To those who have relatives in the colony,
it will show something of the manners and language of the people,
and the nature of the country where their friends reside. To the
emigrant it will give such preparatory information as may smooth
many of the difiiculties in his way. It will enable the actual set-
tler to communicate more freely with the natives, and thus to
acquire and extend an influence amongst them, and frequently to
gain important information regarding the localities and resources of
the country. To the philologist, it affords an opportunity for the


examination of a new form of speech, or a comparison with other
dialects of the same tongue. To the philosopher, it offers the
interesting study of a new and, as yet. unsophisticated people — and,
perhaps, the only people now existing on the earth, in a completely
uncivilised and savage state ; whilst to the missionary, who de-
votes himself to the task of enlightening and converting this simple
and primitive race, it will afford great facility in his labours, and
place him at once upon a vantage-ground which he might other-
wise lose much time in attaining. That it may be found conducive
to each and all of these objects, is the ardent wish of

George Fletcher Moore.


N.B. The terms Northern, Southern, or other dialects refer to Perth as a
centre. V.,Vas3e; K.G.S , King George's Sound ; denote that the word
is chiefly used in that locality.

A, long, as in Father ; a, short, or a, at the end of a word, as the first a
in Mamma. See preface.

Ah, or JLp. — An abbreviation of Abbin. A particle which, when affixed
to words, expresses to be, or to become ; as Djulap, Bugoiap,
Garrangab, to become bad, or a champion, or angry.

.^bba — A word of friendly salutation with the natives about Augusta,
accompanied by the act of rubbing the breast with the hand, and
spitting at the same time. This was, perhaps, at first a superstitious
ceremony on their part, to avert any evil consequences which might
ensue from holding any communication with beings whom they
probably, at that time, considered to be preternatural. There does
not appear to be any established mode of salutation customary
among themselves. To hold up the open hands is used now by the
white and black people as a sign of amity ; but this is chiefly to
show that the hand is imarmed, or the disposition friendly. Green
boughs were presented to the settlers at York, by the natives, on
the occasion of their first interview.

Abbin — Getting ; becoming. Gwabbabbin, becoming good ; Durdak-
abbin, getting well, recovering from sickness.

Adjo, p.p. — I, an imperfect pronunciation of Ngadjo.

Adjul — I will. See Ngadjul.

Ak, or Ok — Of ; an affix denoting possession — as Winatak Gatta, the
head of Winat.

Allija, or AUi, pron. — It ; that is it.

Amar, s. — A hole or pool of water in a rock. In many parts of the
country, where there are no rivers nor springs, the water from the
winter rains is retained in deep crevices or holes worn into the
surface of the rock. These reservoirs are carefully noted, and are
relied upon as the principal resources of the natives, in dry and
rocky situations, during the summer months.

iLn, or Annin — An affix used to express action, or the act of doing ; as
Gurad, short ; Guaradan, shorten, or make short ; Alinytwallak-
anuin, to put a new face on ; to alter.



JLxLg, affix — Of ; from ; out of ; belonging to ; and when the antecedent
ends in a vowel, some consonant is often interposed for sound's
sake ; as Gabbi, water ; Gabbilang, aquatic ; Juko, Jukobang ;
Bilo, Bilorbang.

Anga, s. — The beard. See Nganga.

Anna, p.p. — Me. See Nganna.

Anya, p.p. — I. See Nganya.

Ap, or Up — An affix used to denote a locality fit for, or used as, a
resting place ; as Mangaga ap, the resting place at Mangaga.

Arda, arj. — Gratuitously, without object ; idly ; merely ; only ; nothing
particular. This is a word of very frequent use. What are you
doing ? Nothing. — Where are you going ? Nowhere. — What do
you want ? Nothing. In all such cases Arda is the proper answer.

Ardak'at V i ^*^^ down ; downwards. — See Ngardak.
Arndin, or Arndinyang, a. — (V.) Sick ; ill ; sore.



Observe ! The sounds of B and P are in so many instances used
indiscriminately or interchangeably, that it is frequently difficult to
distinguish which sound predominates. The predominant sound
varies in different districts. The same is to be remarked of D and T,
and also of K and G. See Preface.

Babba, a. — Weak ; languid ; wanting strength ; as Bidibabba, weak-
veined ; unwell ; too weak or tired to do anything.

Babbalya, s. — Pudenda puellulse.

Babbangwin, s. — Lightning.

Babbin, s. — A friend.

Babilgun, s. — A species of bat.

Badbadin — Pitpatting ; from Bardo to go.

Badjang, s. — Matter from a boil or sore. From their temperate
habits, all wounds heal with surprising facility ; but sometimes
sores, like scrofulous eruptions, break out, which do not heal
readily, and from want of cleanliness become very offensive,
and render the afflicted individual a disgusting object, sometimes
wasting him to death by a lingering and loathsome disease.

Badto, ».— (S) Water.

B&k — An affirmative particle always used as an affix, meaning indeed ;
as Bundobak, true indeed ; Gwabbabak, good indeed, very good.

Bakadjin, s. — A contest ; a fight ; throwing of spears.

' Bakadju, V. — ^Pres. part., Bakadjin; past tense, Bakudjaga ; to fight ;
to quarrel.

Bakkan, v. — Pres. part., Bakkanin ; past tense, Bakkanaga. To bite;
to ache ; to pain.

Bal, p.p. — ^The third person singular of all genders ; he ; she ; it.


Bal, imp. V. — Leave it ; let it alone. There is no appreciable
difference in sound between thia and the foregoing word, the

Balbiri, s. — A skewer ; a stick with which the cloak is pinned when
worn, or the back hair fastened up.

Balbyt, a. — Silly ; foolish.

Balga. s. — Xanthorea arborea, grass-tree or blackboy. This is a
useful tree to the natives where it abounds. The frame of their
huts is constructed from the tall flowering stems, and the leaves
serve for thatch and for a bed. The resinous trunk forms a
cheerful blazing fire. The flower-stem yields a gum used for food.
The trunk gives a resin used for cement, and also, when beginning
to decay, furnishes large quantities of marrow-like grubs, which
are considered a delicacy. Fire is readily kindled by friction of the
dry flower-stems, and the withered leaves furnish a torch. It may
be added that cattle are fond of the leaves ; sheep pull up the centre
leaves when they can reach them, and eat the blanched end of the
leaf; and even many settlers have dressed the crown of it as
food, which tastes like an artichoke ; and used the young stem, when
boiled and carefully scraped, which is said to have a taste like
sea-kale : but this last-mentioned part should be used with caution,
as some are said to have suffered from it.

Balgang, v. — Pres. part., Balganwin ; past tense, Balgangaga ; to
track ; to pursue on a track.

Balgor, s. — Young fresh grown trees. In the north dialect, this word
is used for Dilbi, leaves of trees in general.

Balgun, p.p. — They.

Balgup, p.p. — Them.

Balingur, v.— (K.G.S.) To climb.

Baljarra, a. — Exposed ; naked ; uncovered. As Baljarra ngwundow,
to sleep exposed, without a hut in the open air.

Ballagar, s. — (A north word) ; the small squirrel-like opossum, called
at Perth, Ballawara, and at K. G. S. Ballard.

Ballajan, v. — Pres. part.. Ballajanin ; past tense, Ballajanan. Some-
times it is pionounced short ; to assault ; to attack ; to slay.

Ballak, s. — A species of Xanthorea.

Ballal (Vasse) — He himself ; she herself.

Ballar, a. — Secretly.

Ballard, s. — (K.G.S.) A small species of opossum.

Ballarijow, v. — Compounded of Ballar, secretly ; and Ijow, to put,
place. Pres. part., Ballarijowin ; Past tense, Ballarijaga. To
secrete ; to hide.

Ballarok, proper name. — The cognomen of one of the great families
into which the aborigines of Western Australia appear to be divided.
The general laws relating to marriage have reference to these
families. No man can marry a woman of his own family name ;
and the children all take that of the mother. As the hunting
ground or landed property descends in the male line, it follows that

B— 2


the land is never for two generations in the hands of men of the same
family name ; and in the event of a man having several wives of
different family names, his lauds are at his death divided between so
many new families. His male children owe certain duties to men of
their own family, at the same time as to their half brothers, which
often clash with each other, and give rise to endless dissensions.
There are said to be four of these principal families : — I. Ballarok ;
2. Dtondarap ; 3. Ngotak ; 4. Naganok, which are resolved again
into many local or sub-denominations. The Ballaroks are said to
have peculiarly long thighs ; the Ngotaks are short and stout. The
Ballarok, Dtondarap, and Waddarak, are said to be Matta Gyn, of
one leg, probably of one stock, or derived from one common
ancestor. The Gnotak, and Naganok are of one leg ; the
Nogonyak, Didarok, and Dijikok are of one leg. The wife is
is generally taken from the Matta Gyn, or kindred stock.

Ballilwara, s. — A small squirrel -like opossum.

Ba\]uk,adv. — Accidentally ; unintentionally.

Balwungar, .«. — A name given to the glaucous-leaved Eucalyptus,
which grows in the open sandy downs in the interior.

Bal-yan, a. — Damp ; wet.

Bal-yata, a. — Firm ; fixed. Applied to man and wife as firmly united
together, not likely to be parted. Also, to a rock, as Bu-yi balyata,
an embedded rock ; and to the roots and stumps of trees, as
Djinnara balyata, a stump firmly fixed in the ground.

Bamba, s. — The Sting-rayfish ; not eaten by the natives.

Bambala, s. — Film or cataract formed over the eye.

Bambi, s. — A small sort of flounder fish.

Bambi, s. — A bat.

Bambun, s. — Eopsaltria ; yellow-bellied fly-catcher.

Banbar, a. — Round, cylindrical ; as a wine-bottle.

Bandak, ad. — Purposely ; openly ; knowingly ; wittingly ; outside ;
in the open air.

Bandang, a. — All.

Bandi. *. — The leg ; the shank.

Bandin, .v. — Melliphaga ; Nov. Holl. ; yellow-winged honey-sucker.

Bandyn, a. — (A northern word) ; hungry.

Bang-al, a. — Separated by distance ; stopped or left behind.

Bang-al, s. — Retaliation ; exchange of one thing for another. As if
a man is asked, "Where is your cloak, or spear?" He might
answer, " Oh ! I have given it away." The remark that followed
would be: — Bang-al nyt nginni yong-aga ? What did they give
you in exchange ?

Bang-al-buma, v. — To retaliate ; to revenge ; to avenge ; to strike in

Bang-al yong-a, v. — To exchange ; to barter one thing for another.

Bang-gap, s. — The Walloby, a small species of kangaroo. It is
worthy of remark, that, on Rottnest, Garden Island, and one only


of the Abrolhos group, there exists a small animal of this sort,
which is uow rarely if ever found on the adjacent mainland. Thii
seems to favour the tradition that those islands once formed part of
the mainland, but were dissevered by a great fissure of the earth
from volcanic action.

Bang-ar, s. — (North word) ; very large species of lizard, four to six
feet long.

Bang-ga, s. — Part of ; half of anything.

Bang-ga nginnaga, a. — Broken ; divided. From Bangga, half ; and
Nginnow, to remain.

Banggin, s. — Hsematops ; black-headed honey-sucker.

Banjar, a. — Patient.

Bannagul, v. — (Mountain dialect) to flee.

Ban-ya, v. — Pres. part., Banya ; past tense, Banya ; to perspire ; to

Ban-ya, s. — Sweat ; perspiration.

Ban-yadak — Weighty or heavy to carry ; as causing perspiration.

Bappigar, v. — (K.G.S.) To mend ; to stop up., s. — The act of rubbing between the hands ; as
in the case of cleaning the By-yu or Zamia nuts ; or twirling a
stick rapidly round within a hole in a piece of wood, to procure fire.

Barda-ar, a. — Bald ; bare ; clean. Instances of baldness are very rare.
Bardal-ya, s — A fulness between the upper eyelid and the eyebrow.

Bar-dang, v. — Pres. part., Bardangwin ; past tense, Bardang-aga ;
to fly ; flee ; to run away.

Bardangbardo, v. — To flee.

Bardangnginnow, v. — To jump ; from Bardang, to fly ; and Nginnow,
to sit or stoop, because in jumping you stoop to gather strength, to
spring or fly forward. This word is evidently derived from the
motion of the kangaroo.

BSrdanitch, s. — Botaurus. The bittern.

Bardi, s. — The edible grub found in trees. Those taken from the
Xanthorea or grass-tree, and the wattle -tree, have a fragrant,
aromatic flavour, and form a favourite food among the natives,
either raw or roasted. The presence of these grubs in a Xanthorea
is thus ascertained : if the top of one of these trees is observed to
be dead, and it contain any Bardi, a few sharp kicks given to it
with the foot will cause it to crack and shake, when it is pushed
over and the grub extracted, by breaking the tree to pieces with a
hammer. The Bardi of the Xanthorea are small, and found
together in great numbers ; those of the Wattle are cream-coloured,
as long and thick as a man's finger, and are found singly.

Bardo, v. — Pres. part., Bardin ; past tense, Bardaga. To go.

Barduk, ad. — Near; not far ; close.

Bardunguba. — Large-nosed, blue-winged duck.

Bard-ya. s. — Quartz ; quartzose rock. Besides the veins and fragments
pf this rock which are found in the granite districts, very large


isolated masses of compact quartz have been seen in several parts
of the colony. See Borryl.

Bargar, a. — Light ; thin ; as a coveriag.
Barh-ran, s. — A scar ; any mark of a wound.
Barjadda, s. — Dasyurus Maugei. Native cat.

Barna, *. — A stray animal ; anything which may be found wanting
an owner.

Barnak, ad. — Openly ; publicly ; as Nadgul barnak burda warrang —
1 will openly tell or inform, by-and-by.

Barnak, a. — Outside ; exposed ; bleak ; open.
Barnak warrang. — To inform.

Barnan, v. — Pres. part., Barnanwin ; past tense, Baruanaga. To
sweep ; to clean ; to clear away. To pluck out hair or feathers.

B&map, s. — An orphan. Compounded of Barna, a thing without an
owner, and libbin, to become.

Barra, ad. — Wrongly ; erroneously.

Barrab, *. — The sky (Vasse).

Barrab ara, a. — Well, recovered from wounds or sickness.

Barrabart, v. — ^To go astray ; to wander out of the road.

Barrajit, s. — Dasyurus Maugei. A weasel ; colonially, a native cat.

Barrakattidj, r. — To misunderstand.

Barrang, v. — Pres. part., Barrangwin, or Barrangan ; past tense*
Barrang, agga. To bring ; to carry ; to abduct — as Kardo Barrang,
to carry off a wife ; that being a very general mode of obtaining

Barrangballar. — To close up ; to secrete.

Barrangdedin. — To shut up ; to cover up.

Barrang-djinnan, v. — To handle ; to examine.

Barrangdordakanan, v. — To save the life of a person.

Barrangkattidj. — To recollect ; to bring to mind.

Barrangmaulkolo, v. — To drag along ; literally, catching ; pull, move.

Barrangtakkan, v. — To break.

Barrawangow, v. — To speak so as not to be understood ; to make
mistakes in speaking a language ; to talk childishly.

Barrit, s. — Lying ; deceit.

Barro, s. — ^The tough-topped Xanthorea or grass-tree, from which
the strongest resin, the Kadjo, exudes ; that which the natives use
for fastening on the heads of their hammers. The Barro grows
generally in high and dry situations ; whereas the Balga prefers
low and rather damp soils.

Bart, or Bartu, ad. — No ; not ; none. Always used as an affix, as
Nadgo Kattidj bart — I do not understand. This is the most general
sound of the negative affix ; though at Perth it is called Bru, which
is probably a shortened sound of Bartu. This word has been
corrupted into " Port" at K. G. S, -^


Baru, *. — (Vasse and K. G. S.) Blood.

Barukur, s. — (K. G. S.) The bowels.

Barup, s. — (K. G. S.) Dew ; water resting in drops.

Batdoin, a. — (Northern dialect.) Small ; thin ; wasted.

Batta, .«. — The sun's rays. Nganga batta : the sun's beams.

Batta, s. — Thysanotus fimbriatus. A rush, with which the natives
sew the kangaroo skins together to form their cloaks This word is
used in the northern dialects equally with Jilba to express that
there is grass in a place. It means also rushes in general.

Battardal, s. — A waste, barren tract of land, destitute of edible
roots, or of any means of subsistence.

Battiri, a. — Rough ; hard ; like an unprepared kangaroo skin.

Bebal, s. — Knee-cap ; knee-pan.

Bedoan, s. — A mother-of-pearl-like oyster shell.

Began, v. — (Vasse) To unfasten ; to untie ; to open.

Bellak, ad. — Enough ; sufficient.

Belli, a. — Superior ; excellent.

Bellibelli, a'l. — On this side or that side.

Bellogar, s. — Petaurus Mairarus. Grey squirrel.

Bema, s. — Semen.

Beper, or Bepil, s. — (K. G. S.) A species of fish.

Bepumer. — (K. G. S.) A large species of hawk.

Betan, s. — A knot.

B.ettich, s. — (K. G. S.) An old man.

Bettik bettik, ad. — Gently ; noiselessly ; quietly.

Bettinun, v. — (Northern word.) Pres, part., Bettinun ; past tense,
Bettinun. To pinch.

Bewel, s. — (Vasse and K. G. S.) The paper-bark tree.

Bi, *. — A fish.

Bian, v. — Pres. part., Bianwin ; past tense, Biana, or Bianaga. To dig ;
to scrape ; to scratch ; to bury. The natives dig roots, dig animals
out of the earth, and dig graves ; but they do not cultivate the
ground. They neither plant nor sow, but rely wholly upon the
spontaneous products of the soil for vegetable food ; as they do also
on the wild animals for animal food.

Biara, s. — Banksia nivifolia. The Banksia tree, with long narrow
leaves ; colonially, honeysuckle, from the hairy, long, cone-shaped
flowers, producing abundance of honey, which the natives are fond
of regaling upon, either by sucking or soaking the flowers in
water. This tree furnishes the best and favourite firewood. Biara
Kalla, the dead wood of the Banksia fit for firing.

Biargar, a. — (Upper Swan word.) Light ; not heavy.
Bibi, ». — Female breast.



Bibilyer, s. — A bustard ; colonially, the wild turkey. A fine large bird,
frequently weighing twelve to fifteen pounds, and extending full
six feet from tip to tip of the wing. It is excellent for eating.

Bibi mul-ya, s. — Nipple of the breast.

Bibinak, s. — The white-throated creeper bird.

Bib-byl — A mother mourning for her child. See Medarang.

Biddurong, s. — About two o'clock in the day.

Bidi, s. — A vein ; the main path, or track, pui-sued by the natives in
passing from one part of the country to the other, and which leads
by the best watering places ; also a sinew.

Bidi babba, a. — Weak ; unwell ; tired ; from Bidi, a vein or sinew, and
Babba, weak.

Bidi-dur-gul, *. — A straight line,

Bidi murdoin, a. — Strong ; powerful ; from Bidi, a vein, and Murdoin,

Bidier, a — A man of a certain importance or influence ; from Bidi, a
path : and meaning, therefore, a guide, director, or adviser ; or
from Bidi, a sinew, as being a strong man.

Bidil, s. — Charcoal.

Bidjak, a. — Stinking, offensive.

Bidjar, a. — Sleep. In summer they have merely a screen of bushes, to
keep the wind from their back. In winter they build huts, with the
door from the wind, and a small fire lighted before the door.

See Mya.

Bidjar ngwundow, v. — To sleep ; to go to slee^ ; to lie down to sleep.

Bidjigurdu, s — An island. The natives have a tradition that Rottnest,
Carnac, and Garden Island, once formed part of the mainland, and
that the intervening ground was thickly covered with trees ; which
took fire in some unaccountable way, and burned with such
intensity that the ground split asunder with a great noise, and the
sea rushed in between, cutting off those islands from the mainland.
This is a savage's description of an eruption of subterranean fire ;
and although there are not many indications of volcaaic action in
the neighbourhood, yet some recent observations of the officers of
H. M. S. Beagle, during an examination of that part of the coast,
and of the group of the Abrolhos Islands, would rather tend to
confirm than to overthrow this opinion.

Bidjirungo, s. — A species of snake.

Bidjuba, s. — A snake of a white colour, with red bands.

Bigo, s. — Prepared resin of the grass-tree. See Tudteba.

Bigytch, .9. — The forehead.

Bildjart, ». — Ptilotis. Yellow honey-sucker.

Bilga, s. — The ancle.

Bilgitti,a. — Unintelligible.

Billang, or Billangur (K. G. S.), verb. — Pres. part., Billangwinj past
tense, Billangaga. To push ; to roll.



Billangdjinnang, v. — ^To lift ; to turn anything over, for the purpose
of examining under it.

Billara, s. — A dead leaf ; dried leaves.

Bille— (Vasse). The other.

Bilo, s. — A stream ; a river. No names are given to rivers as proper
names, but the localities and resting-places on their banks are
designated with great minuteness. Few rivers in the colony run
continuously throughout the summer, when they present the
appearance of a series of ponds, standing at irregular intervals, and
only connected by the rains of winter. It is probable that each
pond is the actual source of, or is fed by, springs of more or less
strength. Some very large rivers have been discovered lately on
the north-west coast, but have not been thoroughly examined.

Bilobang-ga, a. — Wounded severely, but not mortally.

Bilorbang, s. — A person living on the banks of a river.

Bil-yagorong, s. — Myzantha garrula. The noisy honey-sucker.

Bil-yan, v, — Pres. part., Bilyanwin ; past tense, Bilyanaga. To
throw off ; to take off ; to unloose — as Buka bilyan, to throw off
the cloak.

Bil-yap, s. — ^The tailless guana.

Bilyar — (K. G. S.) A small species of bird.

Bil-yi, s. — The navel. The aborigines suppose a person with a large
navel is necessarily a good swimmer ; and therefore Bil-yi-gadak,
or Bil-yi-gwabba, means a good swimmer. They also think that
whether they can swim well or not, depends upon whether their
mother has thrown their navel-string into the water or not, at the
time of their birth.

Bim.— (K. G. S.) A footstep.

Bimban, v. — Pres. part., Bimbanwin, or Bimbanan ; past tense,
Bimban-agga. To kiss.

Bina, s. — (Northern word.^ Daylight ; daydawn.

Binar, «. — Strix Cyclops. The white owl.

Binang, s. — To-morrow.

Binbart binbart — Rolling from side to side ; rocking, unsteady ; like a
drunken man or a ship — Ngarrak ngarrak.

Binda, s. — Dryandria, species nova. A species of Dryandria tree.

Bindak, s. — Calthamnus sanguineus. A plant so named from the
colour of the flower.

Bindang, v. — Pres. part., Bindangwin, or Bindangan ; past tense,
Bindang-agga. To smell.

Bindart, s. — Personal effects ; that which can be bequeathed by a man
at his decease — as Durda, Kadjo, Buka : his dog, his hammer, and
his cloak. The spear of a deceased person, being first broken, the
knives, and the throwing board, are usually stuck into the earth of
the grave mound.

Bindi, s. — The stick, or skewer, with which the cloak is fastened.

Binitch.— (TC. G. S.) Sparks,



Binnar, s. — A meteor, described by the natives as a star of fire ; seldom •
visible, but when seen considered by them as an omen of death. A
remarkably large and bright meteor was observed a few years ago
traversing a large space in the heavens from east to west. Its
progress was accompanied by a loud crackling sound, like the
combined discharge of musketry. The unusual number of meteors
seen in Europe and America in the months of August and Novem-
ber, have not been observable at Western Australia.

Binnar^ngar. — (K, G. S.) To bury.

Binun, v. — Pres. part., Binwin, or Binunun ; past tense, Binagi
To pinch ; to squeeze.

Birok, s, — The summer season, December and January. This season
follows Kambarang, and is followed by Burnoru. This is the very
height of summer, when iguanas and lizards abound. The
aborigines seem to distinguish six particular seasons. They are : —

1. Maggoro — June and July — Winter.

2. Jilba — August and September — Spring.
8. Kambarang — October and November.

4. Birok — December and January — Summer.

5. Burnoru — February and March — Autumn.

6. Wan-yarang, or Geran — April and May.

It would be curious, should a more perfect knowledge of their
language and ideas give us to understand, that to each of these ■
seasons some definite portion of time was appointed, as sixty or
sixty-one days ; in which case their year would be made to consist
of 360 or 366 days ; and it might prove, on further research, that
this, and some others of their customs, were fragments splintered
off frfm some ancient fabric of knowledge and civilization, with
which they were formerly connected. See Mon-yo.

Birrga, a. — Badly wounded; bruised; sore. Birrga Bogal : a heap, a
mass of sores. Their only treatment of a wound is to bind a
ligature tightly above the wound where the part is capable of such

Birrgyn, s. — A sore. See Badjang. They sometimes shake dust or sand
upon a sore to absorb moisture, but they do not wash or clean it.

Birri, s. — ^The nails. Marh-ra-birri : the nails of the hand.

Birrigon, a. — Bright ; glittering ; shining ; the name given to silver

Birrigur, s. — ^The nails.

Birunbirun. — Merops melanura. Bee-eater. It burrows and makes its
nest in the ground.

Birunna, a. — The wind from the north inclining to the west.

Birytch, or Biytch, .'j. — The cone of the Biara or narrow-leaved Banksia.
It burns like touchwood. One is generally carried ignited by the
women in summer, aa pieces of burning bark are in winter, to
make a fire.

Biryt, s. — Daylight. The day as contradistinguished from night. But
the natives have no idea of the word day, as used by us for a
portion of time. Biryte gudjal ; two days ; two dajlights.

Biwoen, s. — Ocypterus albo-vittatus. The wood-swallow.



Blura, s. — A species of bee. A species of the leaf-cutter bee is
indigenous ; but the honey-storing bee has not yet been found,
and, I think, does not exist. Several attempts have been made to
introduce the bee from England ; but, whether from the length of the
voyage, or from want of proper management on their arrival, they
have been hitherto unsuccessful. This is much to be regretted, as,
from the numerous honey-bearing flowers in the colony, there is
no doubt of their succeeding well. Governor Hutt has offered a
premium to the first successful introducer of them.

Bobo, s. — Grass ; vegetation.

Bobban, v. — Pres. part., Bobbanwin ; past tense, Bobban-agga. To
blow with the mouth.

Bobto, s. — The back of the neck.

Bogal, s. — ^The back ; a hillock marking a grave — hence it is sometimes
used for the grave itself — as Yongar Bogal, a man's hillock or
grave. Within twenty-four hours after the death of a native,
preparations are made for burying him. An immediate shrieking
and howling are set up by his wives and female connexions, who
scratch their faces until the blood flows down, and the skin is
partially peeled from them. Some of his very near male relatives
proceed to dig the grave, and by the time that is nearly finished
the body is conveyed to the spot, wraped in the kangaroo-skin cloak
of the deceased. There the shrieking and wailing are continued.
The beard is usually cut off and burned, and the ashes rubbed on
the foreheads of the near relatives. The nail is stripped from the
thumb, and sometimes from the little finger also, by the
application of fire ; and the thumb and one of the fingers of the
right hand are firmly bound together, and the body is now ready
for burial. The grave is dug about four-and-a-half feet long, and
four feet deep. When it is completely prepared, a quantity of
freshly-gathered boughs of the Eucalypti or gum-trees are burned
within it ; after which a bed of fresh boughs is laid at the bottom,
and the body is lowered down, still wrapped in the cloak. The
grave extends either east and west, or north and south, according
to the manner of the tribe to which the deceased belonged. The
mountain tribes bury the body north and south ; the head to the
south, the body on the right side, with the face looking to the
rising sun, and the earth from the grave formed into one crescentic
mound, on the west side of the grave. This mode of burial is
called Gotyt. The lowland tribes lay the body east and west on its
back, the face turned to one side towards the mid-day sun ; the clay
thrown out in two heaps, one at the head and one at the foot.
This mode of burial is called D-yuar. More fresh boughs are then
heaped upon the body ; then stout stakes are laid lengthways ;
then cross pieces pressed firmly into the sides ; and then boughs
again, and so on, until the surface reaches to a level with the upper
ground ; and finally sand or earth is strewed over the top. Whilst
all that is above described is going on, the magician, or Bolyagadak,
of the tribe sits wrapped in his cloak at the head of the grave,
bending his ear from time to time to the ground, attentively
listening for the flight of the spirit, and the communication it may
have to make as to the evil originator or cause of his death ; and
having feigned to obtain this intelligence, he raises his miro in



silence, and points in the direction where the enemy is to be found
who has robbed the tribe of a warrior, — of course taking care to
Btimulate the vengeance of those who are eagerly waiting round,
against some hated family or individual ; and as soon has revenge
has been obtained by the death of the member of a rival tribe,
the trees near the place of burial which have been previously
scored are now marked afresh, and more deeply, to record that an
atonement has been effected. The grave is regularly visited during
a certain period, to see that it is not disturbed or profaned ; and
for a long time afterwards a small hut of reeds or boughs may be
observed erected over the grave, before which a fire is frequently
lighted, that the spirit of the deceased may, if it pleases, continue
still to solace itself as before, in the quiet of the night.

Bogalngudi, a. — Humpbacked.

Bohn, or Bohrn, s. — A small red root of the Hsemadorum spicatum.
This root in flavour somewhat resembles a very mild onion. It is
found at all periods of the year in sandy soils, and forms a
principal article of food among the natives. They eat it either raw
or roasted.

Boiloit, (Vasse) — Skilful; dexterous.

Boka, s. — A cloak or covering. See Buka.

Bokanbokan, s. — Calandra ; Bellbird.

Bokojo, Of/.— There ; in that place ; speaking of some distance away.

Bokyt, a. — A term applied to ground clothed with vegetation which has
not yet been burned. Perhaps derived from Boka, a covering.

Bonjun, s. — A native knife, with a polished handle of the raspberry
jam-wattle, or some other indigenous wood.

Bonn it, s. — The knee.

Borak, ad. — Down ; below.

Borang (K. G. S.) — A male dog.

Bordan-yak, a. — Hungry,

Born, V. — Pres. part, Bomin ; past tense, Bornanga ; to cut up. To
make cuts — as Ngambarn-born, to cut scars, or tattoo the body, by
scarifying the skin with sharp-edged bits of quartz or glass.

Borryl, s. — Quartz ; and, from the similarity in the appearance, particu-
larly of the fragments of the two substances, it has come to mean
glass — as Borryl Gidj'i, a spear, the head of which is armed with jagged
broken pieces of quartz or glass glued on to the wood. This is a
most formidable and even deadly weapon ; the cut inflicted by it is
that of a coarse saw, and as it severs the veins and arteries, it is
much more dreaded than the barbed spear, which only forces ita
way without cutting laterally.

Botol-yang, a. — Clipper Swan word.) Heavy ; weighty.

Bottyn, a, — ^Thin ; small; wasted. Mountain dialect; frequently used
at Perth. Batdoin, to the north.

Bo-ySng, a. — Far off ; distant. Urrarbo-yang, a stranger.

Boy-ar, s. — A blackguard ; a seducer ; a whore.



Bo-ye, s. — (Upper Swan dialect.) Stone ; rock. The geological features
of the country are not yet ascertained with any precision. The
principal rocks are limestone, granite, basalt, and ironstone. The
great strata, appear to run nearly in a north and south direction.
Next, and parallel to the sea coast, is a limestone district, with light
sandy soil. Upon this are found the Tuart, the Mahogany, and the
Banksia. To this succeeds a tract of stiffer soil, and reddish sandy
loam, having a ferruginous sandstone, which is colonially called
ironstone ; and on this the red gum-tree is found intermixed with
others. Next is the " Darling range " of hills, of no great
elevation, having a granite base, and boulders of ironstone and
breccia, which form a coarse gravelly soil, upon which the best
mahogany is found. To this, as you proceed eastward, succeeds
the granite country of the York district, the granite of which
decomposes into a coarse gritty soil , bearing good grass, and capable
of cultivation. The entire granite districts are occasionally inter-
sected or interrupted by whinstone, which yields a rich, red, loamy
soil. Forty miles to the east of York commences a broad belt of
eountry, having naked rounded masses or hills of granite standing
in a slightly undulating country, as islands do in the sea. About
these hills water and grass are always found. This belt is nearly a
hundred miles broad to the east of York. On this tract are found
Tuart, Wurak, Nardarak trees ; but there are no kangaroos, and
few traces of natives. To this succeeds a country of a different,
formation, on which a whitish trapstone was found, but neither
water nor grass, as far as it could be penetrated. This, which was
about 220 miles in the interior, on the parallel of Perth, is the
greatest distance which has yet been reached in that direction.

Boyer, s. — A. name given to certain stones of a smooth ovate shape,
which are found in several places, and are traditionally said to have
fallen from the sky.

Boyl — (K. G. S.) An entrance.

Boyl-ya, s. — A certain supposed power of witchcraft ; sorcery.

Boylya Gadak, s. — One possessed of Boylya ; a wizard ; magician.
The men only are believed to possess this power. A person thus
endowed can transport himself through the air at pleasure, being
invisible to every one but his fellow-Boylyagadak. If he have a
dislike to another native, he is supposed to be able to kill him, by
stealing upon him at night, and secretly consuming his flesh ;
entering into his victim like pieces of quartz, and occasioning much
pain. Another Boylyagadak can, however, disenchant the person
thus afflicted. When this is done the Boylya is drawn out from
the patient in the form of pieces of quartz, which are kept as great
curiosities. The aborigines do not seem to comprehend that mor-
tality is natural to man. All diseases and particularly those of a
a fatal kind, are ascribed to supernatural inriuence, and hence the
reason why, when one of them dies, another is invariably killed in
return vdiether the deceased has died by the hand of an enemy, or
by accident, or from natural causes. In the first place the death is
revenged either on the murderer, or some one of his near relatives
of the same family name. In either of the other cases, vengeance
is wreaked on a connexiou of the Boylyagadak, the suspected
cause of death.



Boyngadak, a. — Fat ; stout ; it is sometimea used in the sense of
handsome ; a fat person being a rarity among the natives.

Boyn, s. — Fat ; grease ; the fat of meat ; oil of any sort. Grease to
anoint or smear themselves with seems necessary to the health of
the aborigines ; they otherwise become covered with scurf, and are
subject to violent cutaneous disorders.

Boynkot-yak, s. — Marrow ; literally the fat matter of bones.

Brigo, s. — An edible red root resembling the Bohrn.

Bru, ad. — See Barl. — No ; not ; without. Always used as an affix — as
Wangabru, don't speak ; Bukabru, naked, without a cloak.

Buatu, s. — Oxura australis. A bird of the duck kind, with very small
wings, migratory, and found only in one season on the fresh-water

Budibudi, s — Hirundo. White-throated swallow.

Budjan, s. — Dryandria Fraseri (a. shrub). The flower abounds in honey,
and is much sought after by the natives. See But-yak.

Budjan, v. — Pres. part., Budjanin ; past tense, Budjannaga. To pluck
feathers from a bird.

Budjin, s. — A small species of ant, very troublesome about sugar and
meat, which should be covered or hung up.

Budjor, s. — Earth ; the ground. The predominant colour of the earth
is red ; the qualities various, and varying rapidly and unaccount-
ably from one quality to another, as from sand to clay, or to loamy
soil, and from sterile to fertile, frequently without any apparent
cause. In the York district there are several parallel veins or belts
of land which extend for a considerable distance, nearly in a north
and south direction. These veins are much superior in fertility
to the adjacent lands, and composed of rich, dark vegetable mould.
Being generally bare of trees, and covered with rich grass alone,
they are locally called " clear streaks." No probable cause has
yet been assigned for this appearance.

Budtallang, s. — Pelicanus, Nov. HoU. ; Pehcan. These birds are
frequently seen to come from the interior, across the York districts.

Budto, s. — The bark of the Djarryl, or mahogany tree, or any other of
the gum-tree species.

Budulu, s. — Calm weather favourable for fishing ; applied also to a
space of smooth, glassy water.

Buggalo (Tasse.) — To him.

Buggalong (Vasse.) — His.

Bugor, s. — A brave ; one who does not fear. At Leschenault, this is
the name of the Mundo or shark.

Buka, or Boka, s. — A kangaroo -skin cloak ; clothes or bodily covering
of any sort ; as ISIattabuka, leg clothes or trousers. It requires
three kangaroo skins to make a large full cloak, such as one of
those worn by the women ; and the skins of the temale kangaroo
are preferred, those of the males being considered too thick and
heavy. The skins are prepared by first stretching them out, and
pegging them down on the ground in the shade. The women then,



with a Dtabba, or native knife, scrape off all the soft inner parts,
and afterwards rub them well, to soften them, with grease and
wUgi. To forim the cloak, the skins are sewn together with the
Gwirka, or sinews of the kangaroo ; or when they are not at hand,
with the Batta, or rush. The cloak is worn with the hairy side

Bula, a. — Abundant ; many ; much ; plentiful.

Bula — Numeral — (Dual.) Two brothers, sisters, or friends.

Bulala — Numeral — (Dual.) Parent and chUd ; uncle and nephew, or

Bulangat — K. G. S.) A species of bird.

Bulen — Numeral — (Dual.) They two ; husband and wife.

Bulgalla, s. — The large-leaved Banksia, which bears the Metjo, or large
cone used for fires.

Bulgangar (K. G. S.) — Uneven ; in lumps.

Bulgut, s. — A star ; the wife of Tdadam.

Buljit, s. — Acanthorhyncus superciiiosus, least honey-sucker.

Bullalel (Vasse) — They. (Not in frequeat use.)

BuUallelang (Vasse) — Their.

Bullor, s. — A species of large greenish-coloured beetle.

Bulolo, s. — Small species of ant.

Bulordu, s. — Calamanthus, the scrub-lark.

Bul-yar, ad. — Indiscriminately.

Bnma, v. — Pres. part., Bumawin ; past tense, Bumaga ; to beat ; to

Bumakanin, part. adj. — Lying or pressing, one thing upon another*
From Buma, to strike ; and Cannow, or gannow, to tread ; step*
Also, stamping; tramping.

Bumburman, v. — Prea part., Bumburmanin ; past tense, Bumburman-
agga ; to shout as the natives do to frighten the kangaroo after
they have speared it ; or when assembled together at a Kabo.

Bunan, s. — Aperture ; opening ; entrance ; means of access.

Bunarak, s. — Personal property of any kind ; as Kadjo, Dtabba, Buka,
the hammer, the knife, the spear.

Bundo, a. — True ; truly.

Bundojil, ad. — Certainly ; very true.

Bun-gal, s. — ^The side.

Bun-galla, a. — The part of the body immediately above the hip ; the
short ribs.

Bun-gallor, s. — Early state of pregnancy.

Bun-garn,s. — A maid. Girls are betrothed in their infancy, and given

to their husbands at a very early age.
Bungo— (K G. S.) There.
Bungurt — (K. G. S.) A species of grass.



Bun-gyte, s. — A girl who is not betrothed.

Bunjat, a. — Shining ; glittering ; adorned ; clean. Burnu Yyi bun jat,
the trees are now glittering.

Bura, prep. — Within ; in safety — as Maryne bura ngwundow, the food is
within, or is in safety.

Barabur— (K. G. S.) The wild turkey.

Burarap, s. — The underground Xanthorea or grass-tree. Sheep feed on

the centre leaves.

Burbur, s. — Exact resemblance ; counterpart one thing of another.

Burda, ad. — By-and-by ; presently.

Burdak, ad, — (Murray River dialect.) By-and-by ; presently.

Burdi, s. — Macropus ; a species of small kangaroo, having the habits of
a rabbit.

Burdi, s. — Musk obtained from the musk-duck.

BurdUyup— (K. G. S.) A baby.

Bur-dun, s. — A light straight spear procured from the south, and
highly prized by the natives on account of the elasticity of the

Bumu, s. — A tree. Wood. The most abundant tree is the Eucalyptus,
of which there is a very great variety of species. The other trees
are principally of the Banksia, Casuarina, Melaleuca, Hakea, and
Acacia sorts.

Burnunger, — (K. G. S.) — A species of paroquet.

Burnur, or Burnuro, s. — ^The autumn of Western Australia, including
the months of February and March. It follows the season Birok,
and is followed by Wanyarang. This is the By-yu or Zamia-fruit
season ; and mullet, salmon and tailor-fish abound.

Burr— (K. G. S.) Rough ; hard.

Burtap — (K. G. S.) To lie ; to deceive. Probably from Bart, not. To
say what is not.

Bu-ruro, s. — A neck-band of opossum's hair.

Bu-takbu-tak, v. — ^To wink ; to open and shut, or move the eyes at all

Butangar— (K. G. S.) To cure.

Butogs, s. — A species of edible fungus. They will not eat the common
mushroom, which grows abundantly.

But-yak, s. — Dryandria Fraseri. The flowers are thistle-shaped, and
abound with honey ; they are sucked by the natives like the
Man-gyt or Banksia flowers.

Buyal, s. — The south. They always direct you by the points of the
compass, and not by the riglit or the left.

Buyenak, s. — Hovea pungens.

Bu-yi, s. — Turtle ; tortoise. A siriall snake-necked turtle is found in
rivers and swamps ; and the large turtle, valued for its shell and
for food, is to be found in great abundance at Shark's Bay, and
other more northern parts of the coast, weighing about 300 lbs.



Bu-yi, s. — A stone. For geological description , see Boye.

Bu-yibillanak, s. — Rocky ground ; land covered with stones. From
Tu-yi, a stone, and BiTlang, to roll ; meaning ground rolled over
with stones. It is in sandy soil of this nature that the Djubak, or
native potato is mostly found.

Bu-yit, s. — A species of coleopterous insect.

Bu-yu, s. — Smoke.

BwoUuk, proper name — (K. G. S.) The name of a star.

Bwonegur — (K. G. S.) To pluck. See Barnan.

Bwot— )K. G. S.) Cloudy.

Bwye — CK. G. S.) An egg.

Bwyego, s. — A species of fungus eaten by the natives.

Bwyre-ang (K. G. S.) — The second brother.

Byangbang, a. — Light ; not heavy.

Byi, s. — Posteriors.

Byl-yi, s. — A small species of leech. There are many in the swamps,
lakes, and stagnant pools of rivers, which fasten readily on those
who go into such waters.

Byl-yur, a. — Hungry ; empty.

By-yu, s. — The fruit of the Zamia tree. This in its natural state is
poisonous ; but the natives, who are very fond of it, deprive it of
its injurious qualities by soaking it in water for a few days, and
then burying it in sand, where it is left until nearly dry, and is then
fit to eat. They usually roast it, when it possesses a flavour not
unlike a mealy chestnut ; it is in full season in the Month of May.
It is almost the only thing at all approaching to a fruit which the
country produces. Wild grape, nutmeg, and peach trees are said
to exist on the N.W. coast.

By-yu Gul-yidi, s. — Little magpie.


N.B. — The sounds of D and T are in so many instances used indiscrim-
inately, or interchangeably, that it is frequently difficult to distinguish
which sound predominates. The predominant sound varies in different
districts. See Preface.

Da, s, — The mouth. See Dta.

Dabba,s. — A knife. See Tabha.

Dabardak — (K. G. S.) A species of fish.

Dadim, a. — South word for bad, Djul ; applied to anything hard, dry,

Dadja, s. — An animal fit to eat ; or the flesh of any such animal ;
animal food, as contra-distinguished from Maryn, vegetable food.

Dadjamaryn, s. — Food of all sorts, animal and vegetable.

Da-gangoon, v. — (Northern dialect.) To kill.

Daht, a. — Sly ; cunning ; noiseless.

Dakarung — (Vasse.) To break.




Dalba, s. — Ashes ; dust.

Dalbada, a. — Whitened with flour or ashes.

Dalbitch— (K. G. S.) Dry.

Dalgagadak, S.-.-A sorcerer ; perhaps as exercising a pretended power
over the wind.

Dallar, s. — Flame ; as Kalla dallar, flame of the fire.

Dallaga, s. — A strong wind, good for hunting the kangaroo. The wind
prevents this very timid creature exercising its acute sense of
hearing. The hunter makes his approach against the wind, and
screens his movements by a leafy bough which he carries before
him, and so creeps within spear-throw of the unsuspecting animal.

Dalyar, .<!. — Raw, uncooked meat ; green wood.

Dambarijow, r. — Pres. part., Dambarijowin ; past tense, Dambarijaga.
To bury ; to hide.

Dammalak, s. — A parrot.

Danda, a. — Angular ; having corners like a sqiiare bottle.

Dang-yl s. — A sweetish substance, white ; found on certain trees and
plants supposed to be some insect secretion, much prized by the
natives. Colonially termed Manna. Birds feed upon it and are
in excellent condition during the season when it abounds. See

Danjal, a. — Shallow ; not deep.

Danjo, ad. — Together ; in company ; Ngannildanjo, we two together.

Dappa, .s'. — The native knife, formed of sharp-edged pieces of quartz
fastened on a short stick. See Tabha.

Daran, s. — North word for Dammalak, a parrot.

Daran — A name given to those people who live to the eastward.

Darang-an, v. — Pres part., Darang-anwin ; past tense, Darang-anaga.
To spill ; to let water fall.

Darbal, ,s-. — An estuary. They speak of some great estuary in the
interior, at a long distance, which they know only from the report
of those who come from that direction. In the neighbourhood of
Shark's Bay Capt. Grey discovered a large tract of country which
looked like a dried up lake or estuary, having raised lands like
islands standing above the surface, and with rolled stones, coral,
and shells on the bottom. He walked upon it twelve miles in an
easterly course, and could not discern, even with his telescope, any
termination to it in that direction. This tract had no visible
communication with the sea to the westward, there being a range
of high hills interposed between it and the coast.

Darbalang, s — A person living on the banks of an estuary.

Darbow, v. — Pres. part., Darbowin ; past tense, Darbaga ; to dive ; to
pass through or under, as in creeping through bushes or jungle.

Dardak, s. — White clay ; lime ; fuller's earth.

Dardaknabbow, v. — To put on white clay as mourning.

Dardar, .s-. — Mourning for the death of anyone. A term applicable to
females only, who assume the marks of sorrow by drawing a streak



of white across the forehead, down the sides of the cheeks, round
the chin, and round each eye. White clay or lime is used on these
occasions. When a man puts on mourning, he is said to Murh-ro
nabbow ; which see.

Dardi, s. — Pudenda. A disease was lately introduced, which the men
attributed to the witchcraft of the northern Boyl-yagadaks.

Dardun, a. — Uneven ; as Budjor dardun, uneven ground.

Dardyn, s. — Whiting.

Dargangan, r. — Pres. part., Dargangannin ; past tense, Dargananaga ;
to strike so as to stun or kill, as Nadjul nginni gori dargangan, I'll
settle you, put an end to you presently.

Darin, s. — ^Egotheles ; little goat-sucker.

Darnavan, s. — Fear ; fright ; alarm ; terror.

Darnavanijow, v. — To alarm ; frighten ; to startle ; to terrify.

Darnavanmidi, a. — Anything which frightens or startles a person.

Darrajan, ad. — Superfluously ; beyond what is required or expected ; as
Darrajanwanga, to speak or talk beyond measure ; Darrajan yong-
ow, to give over and above measure.

Datta, a. — Dried up ; in a place where water has been, as Ngura datta,
a dried up lake.

Dedam, s. — A name given to two stars, one male, the other female, of
which the following story is told : — Dedam the man speared Dedam
the woman, because she let his brother's two children stray away.
The children are represented by two small stars at some distance
higher in the heavens. The spear is represented by two stars
standing one on each side of the woman's body.

Deidung, v. — (Vasse.J To cut

Dendang, v. — Pres. part, Dengang-win ; past tense, Dendang-agga ;
to climb ; to mount ; to ascend. They climb the tallest trees by
cutting small notches, in which they insert the great toe, helping
themselves up by leaning with the hand on the handle of the
hammer, which they strike into the soft bark like a spike.

Deni, s. — Brothers-in-law, or sisters-in-law. The brothers of the wife
are to the husband Deni ; but his brothers are to her Kardoman,
marriageable relatives ; because when a man dies his next brother
takes his widow to wife, as a matter of course.

Derer, a. — Dry ; withered ; applied to leaves in autumn.

Didaral, a. — Deep ; deep water in the middle of a river.

Didarok. — Proper name of one of the principal families among the
aborigines ; they are Matta Gyn, with the Djikok and Nogonyak.
See Ballarok.

Didi, s. — Small sort of fish ; colonially termed silver fish, or silver

Didin, v. — Pres. part., Didinin or Didinwin ; past tense, Didinagga ; to
close ; to shut.

Didin Wan jo, v. — To close a door or gate after one.

Dil, s. — (Vasse.) The cray-fish found in swamps.

c— 2



Dilbi, «.— A leaf.

Dil-yurdu, s. — Circus ; the marsh harrier bird.

Dinang, v. — Pres. part., Dinangwin ; past tense, Dinang-agga ; to carry-
on the shoulders. This is the way they carry wounded or sick
persons, sitting with the legs pressing against their sides in front.

Dingar — (K. G. S.) The seed of a common shrub at King George's
Sound, which bears a blue flower.

Dinyt, s. — The lions.

Djaat, s. — (K. G. S.) The sun.

Djabbun, v. — (North word.) Pres. part., Djabbunin ; past tense, D jab-
bun aga ; to pick up ; to take up.

Djakat, s. — A small root eaten by the natives ; in season in the months
of September and October.

Djallam, a. — Acrid ; bitter ; salt. Much of the soil of the colony is
strongly inpregnated with salt, so that many of the lakes and
stagnant waters, and pools in river beds, are intensely salt in
summer. In many places the salt is dug up from the bottom of
shallow waters, or scraped from the earth where the water has been
evaporated, and is found excellent for all purposes of culinary or
domestic use. Salt can be procured in great abundance also from
the lakes in the interior of Rottnest Island ; but it should be boiled
before use, as it is said to have a bitter flavour without that prep-
aration, probably from the commixture of some extraneous

Djalyup. — (K. G. S.) A species of paroquet.

Djam, s. — Water.

Djanbar, s. — The same as the Madja ; an edible root ; a coarse kind of

Djandga, A\ — The dead. The re -appearance of deceased persons. A. term
applied to Europeans, who are supposed to be aborigines, under
another colour, reutored to the land of their nativity. This idea
prevails equally on the eastern as on the western coasts of Australia,
in places 2000 miles apart from each other. It has taken its rise
most likely from the supposition that none but those who were
already acquainted with the country would or could find their way
to it. Europeans are frequently claimed as relatives by old people,
who think, or pretend, that they are sure of their identity, and who
treat them according to the love they formerly bore to the
individual supposed to be recognised.

Djang-gang, x. — Anthochgera Lewinii ; the wattle bird.

Djanja, s. — A species of Hakea tree.

Djanjarak, .s. — Himantopus ; long-tailed plover.

Djanni, s. — The bark of the Banksia and Hakea trees. This bark is used
by the aborigines for two purposes : — 1st, for pointing wood or
sticks, as the Wanna, or digging staif of the women, and the
Dowak, or throwing-sticks ; these implements having been charred
in the fire, are then rasped to a point with the Djauni. 2ndly, it
serves them as a means of warming themselves when moving about.
In cold weather, every native, male or female, may be seen carrying



a piece of lighted bark, which burns like touchwood, under their
cloaks, and with which, and a few withered leaves and dry sticks,
a fire, if required, is soon kindled. A great part of the fires that
take place in the country arise from this practice of carrying about
lighted Djanni. In the valleys, even in summer, the air is chill
before sunrise. The half-clad native starts with the lighted bark ;
as the day advances, the warmth of the sun renders artificial heat
unnecessary ; the bark is discarded without regard to where it
may fall, perhaps into a thick bush, or among high grass. A breeze
comes, the smouldering embers are blown into a flame, and the
whole country is shortly in a blaze.

Djardal-ya, s. — The wiry-feathered creeper.

Djardam, s. — Blade-bone of the shoulder.

Djarjilya, s. — Malurus pectoralis ; blue-bird.

Djarryl, s. — Eucalyptus robusta ; mahogany tree. This tree has its bark
disposed in longitudinal slips, running with the grain of the wood,
straight, waved, or spiral as the grain runs. It is an excellent
timber for building, as the white ants do not attack it, and it works
weU for leaves of tables and other articles of furniture. It grows
in sandy districts, and on poor soil in the hills.

Djarrylbardang, .>\ — Platycercus ; blue-bellied parrot.

Djerral, .«. — The north.

Djerrung — (K. G. S.) Fat ; handsome ; greasy,

Djibbal, s. — The young of the Gurh-ra, brush kangaroo.

Djidal, a. — White ; grey. Kattadjidal, grey-headed.

Djidar, s. — Dawn of morning ; daylight.

Djidarra, a. — Browned ; spoken of meat roasting as being sufticiently

Djidik, s. — Cooked meat ; the opposite to Dal-yar, raw meat. The
aborigines always roast their food ; they have no means of boiling,
except when they procure the service of an old European saucepan
or tin pot.

Djidji, s. — Semen.

Djidong, s. — (Upper Swan dialect.) Limestone. It is not yet ascertained^
whether any limestone belonging to the coal formation exists in the
colony. Recent limestone is abundant near the sea-coast, but has
rarely been found to the eastward of the hills. Much of the
limestone contains no trace of organic matter, but that which is
found at Koombana Bay and the Vasse river has many small shells,
and is of a compact nature.

Djijalla, s. — Clay. Strong red and white clays good for pottery and
brick-making are abundant in some districts.

DjijinakjS. — Xama, little gull.

Djikok, s. — Name of one of the principal native families. See Ballarok.

Djillak, s. — Coronaria Strepera ; the white-vented crow.

Djil-yur, s. — A small field-mouse, eaten by the natives.

Djinbenongerra. — A species of duck. The Ngotaks formerly belonged



to this class of birds, before thej' were changed into men, according
to fabulous tradition.

Djindalo, s. — A flat headed fish of the cobbler species.

Djin-gan, v. — Pres. part., Djinganiu ; past tense, Djinganaga ; to
sharpen or point wood, by first charring, and then rubbing or
rasping it with bark. It is the only means ihe natives have among
themselves of pointing large sticks; the small ones they scrape
with quartz or glass.

Djingun. — A star; one of the wives of Wurdytch.

Djingjing. — The spears carried by 1; ds before using the Miro ; a coarse
sort of spindle in the shape of a small cross, used by the native
men in spinning the human and the opossum hair for their girdles.

Djinnang, v. — Pres. part., Djinnang ; past tense, Djinnang ; to see, to

Djirang, v. — Pres. part., Djirang ; past tense, Djirang ; to scratch.

Djirdowin, s. — A small kind of mowse, supposed to be marsupial.

Djiri, s. — Scabs ; as ]\Iatta djiri, scabby legs — a term of reproach.

Djiriji, s. — Encephalartos spiralis ; the Zamia tree. The body of this
tree contains a farinaceous matter, which, when prepared, has been
used as sago, but is dangerous without preparation.

Djirin, v. — Used only in composition, meaning to charge with or accuse ;
as Wulgar djirin, to accuse of murder ; Ngagyndjirin, to accuse of

Djirritmat, s. — A small species of frog.

Djitting, a. — Fair ; light coloured ; Catta-djitting, light-haired.

Djitto, a. — Fair ; light-coloured.

Djow, s. — Water.

Djowen, s. — (North word.) Fur.

Dju, s. — Down ; short hair on the body.

Djubak, s. — An orchis, the root of which is the size and shape of a new
potato, and is eaten by the natives. It is in season in the month of
October. The flower is a pretty white blossom, scented like the

Djubarda, s. — A species of tea tree.

Djubo, s. — The kidney.

Djubobarrang, v. — To amuse ; literally, to take or handle the kidney.

Djubodtan, v. — To tickle ; literally to pierce the kidney.

Djudarran, *. — Cuculus ; the cuckoo.

Djuko, .<;. — A sister.

Djul, a, — Bad.

Djulgo, a. — Bad.

Djnlbidjulbang, s. — Acanthiza Tiemenensis ; brown-tailed wren.

Djul-yyn, s. — The hip-joint.

Djunbar, s. — A sort of gum eaten by the natives.



Djundal, a. — White.

Dju-nong— Called Djung-o to the north, and Djung at King George's
Sound — A skewer made of the small bone of the kangaroo's leg,
and used to drill holes with ; in the butt end of the spear, to fit the
hook of the Miro ; in the boys' noses, to admit the Mul-yat when
they arrive at years of puberty ; in the kangaroo skins when sewing
them together, in order to pass the stitches through ; and sometimes
it serves to extract teeth.

Dju-nongdtan, v. — To drill holes.

Djuo, s. — Short hair on the body ; down either of birds or animals ;

Djuritch, s. — Cuciilus metallicus ; bronze cuckoo.

Djuto, s. — The knee-

Dok, s.— (K. G. S.) The eyelid.

Dolgar, s. — An edible gum of the Hakea.

Dol-gyt, s. — A marsupial animal allied to the kangaroo, except that it
has no incisores or cutting teeth, and that the opening of the pouch
is from below instead of from above. This seems to be a provision
of nature suited to the habits of the animal, for the creature
burrows in the ground, and it would be difficult for the young ones
to seek shelter suddenly in a parent's pouch if it were otherwise
formed, and which they can readily do now, though she should
have entered her burrow ; and, also, when she burrows, the earth
would be thrown into the pouch, if the opening were in the usual

Dombart, a. — Alone ; one ; single.

Dordak, a. — Alive ; convalescent.

Dordan-gal, a. — (Mount dialect.) Round ; spherical ; with a raised

Dowak, s. — A short heavy stick, chiefly used by the natives for knocking
down Walloby and birds. It is worn in the girdle as the Kyli also
is worn, and is often flung with great dexterity and precision of

Dowalman, a. — Pendent ; hanging down.

Dowarn, s. — Platycercus zonarius, a parrot ; colonially termed Twenty-
eight, from the note it utters. It can be taught to whistle tunes
and utter several words.

Dowir, ad. — Always ; continually.

Dowire, a. — Loose ; hanging loose ; as Katta Mangara dowire, the hair
of the head all hanging about the ears.

Dta, s. — The mouth ; the lips ; an opening. Used at K. G. S.
figuratively, or perhaps corruptly, for To eat.

Dtabak, a. — Slow ; lazy ; inactive ; sluggish.

Dtabbat, v. — Pres. part., Dtabbatin ; past tense, Dtabbataga, to fall as
rain ; to set as the sun ; to fall down.

Dtagat, s. — The windpipe.
Dtallajar, s. — ^The north-west wind.



Dtallang, s. — The tongue.

Dtallangiritch, v. — Pres. part., Dtallaii»iritchie ; past tense, Dtallan-
giritchaga, to order anyone away out of your presence.

Dtallangyak, a. — Jesting ; joking ; teasing (the act of).

Dtallap, s. — Flame — as Kalla dtallap, tiie flame of fire.

Dtallar, s. — Flame — as Kalladtallar, the flame of fire.

Dtal-yi, s. — Spittle ; froth ; foam.

Dtal-yil, s. — (K. G. S.) A small species of fungus eateu by the natives.

Dtalyili-yugow, v. — ^To lie ; to tell lies. Fortunately for the ends of
justice, when a native is accused of any crime, he often acknow-
ledges his share in the transaction \vith perfect candour, generally
inculpating others by way of exculpating himself. Were it not for
this habit, there would be a total failure of justice in the great
majority of cases of aggression committed by them against the
white people.

Dtamel, s. — The countenance ; literally the mouth and eyes.

Dtan, V. — Pres. part, Dtenin ; past tense, Dtanaga. To pierce ; to
penetrate ; to make an opening.

Dtanbarrang-ijow, v. — To dig up ; to dig out. A compound word,
signifying literally, pierce (the ground) take (it, whatever is dug up,
in your hand), put (it on one side), this being an exact description
of the native style of digging.

Dtandinit, v. — Pres. part., Dtandidinwin ; past tense, Dtandidinaga*
To close ; stop up a gap ; to mend a hole.

Dtardytch, .«. — The lowest of the vertebrae of the neck.

Dtarh-ra, s. — Small sort of knife ; the barb of a spear.

Dta-wang, u. — Pres. part., Dtawang-goan ; past tense, Dtawangagga.
To yawn.

Dtondarap — Proper name of one of the great families into which the

aborigines are divided. — Matta Gyn, with the Ballarok and

Waddarok. See Ballarok.
Dtowal, s.— The thigh.
Dtowalguorryn — The name of a dance among the Eastern natives, during

which the muscles of the thigh are made to quiver in a very singular

manner. A dance of this sort is common among theMalay girls.
Dtul-ya, s. — Exocarpus cupressiformis. This with the By-yu and the

Kolbogo, and a few other things deserving no better name than

berries, of no particularly good flavour, are all that have been yet

found in the country in the way of fruit.
Dubarda, s. — The flower of a species of Bauksia which grows on the

low grounds and comes into flower the latest of all these trees.
Dubyt, s. — A very venomous yellow-bellied snake, from five to six

feet long, much dreaded, but eaten by the natives.
Dubta, s. — The seed-vessel of the white gum-tree.
Dukun, V. — Pres. part., Dukunin ; past tense, Dukunagga. To light the

fire for the purpose of cooking ; to be put on the fire to be cooked.
Dulbar, s. — Season of bad or wet weather — as Nganuil dulbar mya

wyerowin, we build, or are building, huts in Dulbar.



Dulbo, s. — A fine farinaceous substance eaten by the natives, and this
is the name sometimes given by them to our flour.

-^ Dulgar, .v. — The gum of the Hakea. Eaten by the natives.

Dulurdong, a. — Round ; spherical ; egg-shaped.

Dul-ya, s. — A fog ; mist.

Dul-yang, v. — To visit distant tribes in search of articles required.

Dumbin, v. — Pres. part., Dumbinin ; past tense, Dumbinagga. To
avert or turn aside the course of a spear, or other missile weapon,
by shouting to it. Some individuals are supposed to be peculiarly
qualified in this way. Also, to procure injury to any one by Boylya,
or enchantment.

Dumbu, s. — The womb.

Dumbun, s. — A cave. The only vestige of antiquity or art which has
yet been discovered, consists of a Circular figure rudely cut or
carved into the face of a rock, in a cavern near Y'ork, with several
impressions of open hands formed on the stone around it. The
natives can give no rational account of this. They tell some fables
of the moon having visited the cave and executed the work. They
have little curiosity regarding it, and pay it no respect in any way.
In short it appears as if it did not concern them or belong to their
people. Caves with well executed figures, done in different colours,
are said to have been found on the north-west coast, when visited
by Messrs. Grey and Lushington in 1838. This rude carving at
York may possibly be the last trace of a greater degree of civiSza-
tion proceeding from the north, and becoming gradually more faint
as it spreads to the south, till it is almost entirely obliterated ; or,
again, it may be the only monument now left to speak of a former
race, which has altogether passed away, and become superseded by
another people.

, Dumbung, s. — Xylomela occipentalis ; the native pear-tree. It bears a
/ hard solid woody substance, which has a most tantalising outward

resemblance to a good fruit.

Dundak, s. — The outskirts of a place.

Danganin, s. — Adam's apple of the throat.

Dun-ngol, s. — A very short person ; a dwarf.

Duranduran, cs-. — Ptilotis ; white-eared honey-sucker.

D-yillak, s. — A. sort of coarse grey granite.

Durda, s. — A dog. The native dog is a sneaking, cowardly animali
having the stealthy habits of a fox, and committing great depreda-
tions among the sheep and poultry. Some are partially domesticated
by the natives ; but as they do not bark, European dogs are much
more valued, when persons are unwise enougli to give them to the

Durdip, s. — The seed-vessel of the Eucalypti, or gum-trees.

Durdong, a. — (K. G. S.) Green.

Durga, s. — The north-west wind accompanied by rain. It blows chiefly
during the winter season of \A estern Australia, from May to



Durgul, a. — Straight ; in a straight line.

Durrungur — (K. G. 8.) To put in a bag.

Dwoy-a, s, — Dried leaves.

Dy-er, s — The skin of a wild dog's tail with the fur on, worn by the

aborigines usually across the upper part of the forehead as an


D-yinda, s. — A species of opossum. Portions of the fur of this animal
are worn by the aborigines among the hair as an ornament.

D-yuar, s. — The name applied to the mode of burial of the lowland
tribes. They dig the grave east and west ; the body is placed on
its back, the head to the east, the face turned on one side, so as to
look to the mid-day sun ; the earth being thrown out in two heaps,
the one at the head, the other at the foot. — (For the mountain
manner of burial, see Gotyf.) — These two different modes of burial
rigidly adhered to by a people who are now so rude, would point
to either a descent from two different stocks originally, or the
existence at some remote period of a very different state of society
from that in which they are now found.

D-yular, s. — Cuculus ; little cuckoo.

D-yulgyt — The name of the native dance among the eastern men.

D-yuna, s. — A short club used by the aborigines in their wars and

D-yundo, s. — Kernel of the Zamia nut.

D-yunong, a. — Rounded in shape ; convex ; opposite to Yampel.

D-yurangitch, s. — (K. G. S.) Left arm.

D-yuro, s. — Left arm.

D-yuwo — An exclamation of dissent ; oh ! no ; not so.


E, as in there, whether at the beginning, middle, or end of a word. — See

Ech-enna, r. — Pres. part., Echenin ; past tense, Echenaga. To happen ;
to befal — as Dtonga gori yan echennaga, what can have befallen,
or happened to my ears lately ; when a man wishes to express that
he does not take in or comprehend at all what you are telling him.

Edabungur — (K. G. S.) To make a noise like thunder.

En-gallang, v. — Pres. part., Engallangwin ; past tens, Engallangaga.
To surround.

Ennow, v. — Pres. part., Ennowin ; past tense, Ennaga. To walk ; to move.

Enung — (Vasse.) Whose, or of whom.

Epal— (K. G. S.) A little while ago.

Errudo — Nyroca australis, Eyton ; white-winged duck.


Observe. — The sounds of G and K are in so many instances used Indis-
criminately, or interchangeably, that it is frequently diflScult to
ascertain which sound predominates. The predominant sound varies
in different districts. G is always sounded hard.

Gabbar, a. — Wide.



Gabbara, s. — Part of the body immediately below the navel ; the

y Gabbi, s. — Water.

Gabbidijikud, s. — Fresh water.

Gabbi Kallangorong, s. — Hirundo ; the martin. The Australian name
of this bird appears to be derived from Gabbi, water ; Knllan, to
collect ; and Gorang, to turn or twist ; birds of thi-i order being
remarkable for their sudden and active turnings in pursuit of their
insect prey over the water.

Gabbikarning, s. — Salt water, such as is found in lakes and rivers.

Gabbikolo, s. — Running water.

Gabbilang, a. — Of or belonging to water. Spoken of fish and
amphibious animals. From Gabbi, water ; and aug, of, 1 being
interposed for sound's sake.

Gabbiodern, s. — Sea-water.

Gabbiwarri, s. — Water standing in a pool.

Gabbyn, ad. — Perhaps ; likely ; it may be so.

Gabby tch, s. — (Vasse.) Running water.

Ga-dak. a. — Never used except in composition ; having ; possessing —
as Warda gadak, having fame ; a man of renown or authority.

Gaddara, •■?. — Biziura lobata ; the musk-duck. Colonially, steamer,

from its paddling motion, and the noise it makes as it shuffles along

y the water, with its diminutive wings or flappers. This bird cannot


Gadjinnak, s. — Rhipidura albiscapa; fan -tailed fly-catcher.

Gagalyang, s. — A sort of whinstone or basalt.

Galgoyl, s. — Species of Xanthorea, or grass-tree.

Gal-yang, s. — Species of Acacia. Colonially, the wattle-tree, from its
partial resemblance to the wattle or osier-tree of England.

Gal-yang, s. — The gum of the Galyang, or wattle tree, eaten by the
/ natives. It is soluble in water, and is one of the best gums in the

country for all common purposes.

Gal-yarn, s. — (Eastern word.) Salt. It is abundant in many places.
' See Djallum.

Gambarang, s. — Beginning of summer — October and November. The
natives leave off building huts about this time. Young birds begin
V to be plentiful.

Gambarn, v. > Pres. part., Gambarnin ; past tense, Gambarnagga.
Gambarnbardo ) To associate with ; to accompany.

Gambart, s. — A niece.

Gambigorn, s. — Podargus Cuvieri ; large or hawk goat-sucker. The
moss-hawk of V. D. Land.

Gamo, s. — A large flag-leaved plant, something like the New Zealand
flag. Phormium tenax sp.

Gande, s. — A sort of slate stone.



Gang-a-nginnow, v. — To take a person as a friend or servant to live
with you.

Gangow, V. — Pres. part, Gangowin ; past tense, Gangaga. To bring;
to carry ; to fetch ; to take.

Ganno, s. — A root found at York, eaten by the natives, and resembling
j/ a potato in shape. Sp. Nov. nondescript, growing in poor, dry,

gravelly soil. A species of truffle.

Gannow, t'. — Pres. part., Gaunowin ; past tense, Gannega. To step:
to kick.

Garba, s. — A piece of wood ; branch of a tree broken off. Matta garba ;
stick or wooden legs, is a term of reproach.

Garbala — ^The afternoon ; the evening ; towards sunset.

Garbang, v. — Pres. part., Garbangwin ; past tense, Garbangaga. To
scrape a spear ; to point by scraping.

Garbang-a, s. — Large black cormorant.

Garbel, a. — Scraped ; pointed, but not barbed ; applied to spears — as
Gidji garbel, a fishing spear. The point of the spear is hardened
by fire, and scraped off to a degree of sharpness which is scarcely

Garbyne, .s. — A large flag-like grass growing in the low grounds, very
stiff, and apt to cut the natives' legs, and, therefore, much avoided
by them when out hunting.

Gardan, s. — Eucalyptus resinif era ; red gum-tree, so called from the
quantity of gum-resin of a deep coagulated blood colour, which
exudes, during particular months in the year, through the bark. It
is a valuable timber on a farm, as it splits well for posts and rails,
and is useful for all agricultural implements. It grows generally
on good red loamy soil. In the hot summer months a sweet
saccharine juice exudes plentifully from some trees of this sort,
which the natives call by the same name which they apply to our
sugar. See Ngon-yang.

Gardang, s. — Younger brother.

Gargan, v. — Pres. part., Garganwin ; past tense, Garganaga. To light
down ; to pitch ; to alight as a bird on the ground.

Gargoin, s. — The stone of the Zamia fruit. The outer rind is edible
/ after being steeped in water or buried in moist earth for a time ;

but the kernel is considered unwholesome by some persons.

Gar-jyt, s. — A flowing spring — as Gabbi garjyt, running water,

Garlgyte, s. — Hypsiprymnus Gilbertii. A species of kangaroo.

Garrab, s — A hole ; a hollow ; a cane.

Garrabara, a. — Full of holes ; pierced with holes.

Garragar, a. — (Upper Swan word.) Slippery.

Garrang, s. — Anger ; passion ; rage.

Garranggadak, v. — To be angry.

Garraning, v. — (Upper Swan.) Restraining a man in a passion. See


Garrap, s. — Marrow.



Garrimbi, e. — About sunset.

Garro, ad. — Again ; then.

Gorro-djin, imp. v. — Look out ; mind ; take care. Compounded of
Garro, again ; and Djinnang, to see ; look.

Garro-yul, v. — To return. Compound of Garro, again ; and Yul, to

Gedala, s. — (Vasse.) A day.

Gelangin, s. — Lightning. (Northern word.)

Gerik, s. — Smoke.

Geripgerip, a. — Green.

Getget, ad. — Quickly ; speedily.

Gi-aterbat, s. — Gerygone brevirostris. Short- billed wren.

Gidji, s. — A spear. The common native spear is furnished with a
wooden barb, and pointed like a needle. The shaft is very slender
and tapering, about eight feet in length. This has been found, by
experience, to be a much more formidable and deadly weapon than
its first appearance would lead one to suppose. It is projected by
means of the Miro ; which see.

Gidgiboryl, s. — A spear barbed with broken bits of quartz, or glass,
which cuts like a rough saw, and is much dreaded on account of
the ragged wound which it inflicts.

.Gidgigarbel, s, — Fishing spear. In the use of this the natives are
^ extremely active and expert. They have no other mode of taking
fish in the sea ; but in the rivers they construct rude wears.

Girgal, s. — Sericornis frontalis. Spotted winged warbler.

Girijit, s. — Sparks ; Kallagirijit, sparks of fire.

Goa, V. — ^Pres. part., Goawin ; past tense, Go-aga. To laugh.

Gobul, s. — A frog whilst in a tadpole state.

Godoitch, .«. — One of the constellations.

/ Gogogo, .1. — Phalacrocorax flavirhyncus. Little cormorant.

Gongan, s. — A sandy district. The easiest road, or usual path, or
mountain pass to a place.

Gong-go, s. — The back.

Gorad, a. — Short ; stunted.

Gorada, a. — Liltle : short.

Goradan, v. — Make short ; shorten.

Gorah, ad. — A long time ago. The opposite to " Mila." Some future

Goran, v. — To scold ; to abuse.

Gorang, c. — Pres. part., Gorangwin ; past tense, Gorangiiga ; to spin ;
to turn round ; — as Kumalgorang, to spin opossum's hair ; which is
done by twirling a sort of cross-shaped spindle on the thigh, the fur
or thread being attached to the head, while the shaft is turned by
the hand.

Gori, ad. — Just now ; lately.



Gorijat, ad. — First ; before.

Gotang, V. — Pres. part, Gotang ; past tense, Gotang ; to bag ; to carry

in a bag.
Gotitkar— (K.G.S.) A nephew.

Goto, s. — B bag. Every woman ia provided with two bags of kangaroo
skin. The Goto and the Gundir, each about two feet deep, and a
foot and a half broad. The Goto is the general receptacle for
every small article which the wife or husband may require, or take
a fancy to, whatever its nature or condition may be. Fish just
caught, or dry bread ; frogs, roots and wilgi, are all there mingled
together. (For Gundir, the child's bag, see that word.)

Gotyn, s. — A hollow or swamp with a little water.

Gotyt, .<<■. — The name applied to the mode of burial among the mountain
tribes. The grave is dug north and south ; the body placed on the
right side, with the head to the south ; the face looking to the
rising sun ; the earth formed into one crescent- like mould on the
west side of the grave. See D-yuar.

Goyarra, s. — Sand. A greab extent of country is covered either with
salicious or calcareous sand, which possesses greater fertility than
was at first supposed, and is becoming more valuable as its qualities
are better known.

Guba, s. — Petroica multicolor. Colonial robin. Something like the
English robin in appearance, but wholly without its song or familiar

Gudap, s. — Aquila. Short tailed brown eagle.

Guddanguddan, s. — Platycercus Icterotis. Red breasted parrot.

Gudilang, s. — CoUuricincla. Grey thrush,

Gudja, s. — An infant.

Gudja-ijow, r. — To bear children.

Gudgal — Numeral ; two.

Gudjalingudjalin — Numeral ; four.

Gudjarra, .«. — A species of frog.

Gudjelan, s. — A species of hawk.

Gudjir, conj. — Also ; and.

Gudjunangur, — (K.G.S.) To dread.

Gudjyt, s. — The sky ; the firmament.

Gugumit, .?. — A small brown owl, the note of which resembles the
cuckoo when heard at a distance.

Guijak, s. — Black swan. This bird may be readily taken when
moulting, and soon becomes tame.

Gulambiddi, s. — A young man. About the age of puberty the cartilage
of the nose is pierced with a spear, and a bone skewer is worn in
the hole as an ornament. The cartilage is sometimes ruptured in
the operation.

Gulamwin, s. — The sea-breeze. This commences about ten every
morning in summer, with few exceptions, and tempers the heat of
the day.



Gulang, A'. — A. child of either sex. Plural. Gulang-ara. The sex is
indicated by adding Yago, or Mammarap, a man or woman child.

Gulang-in, part. — Chewing ; mumbling.

Gulang-gara, s. — The small toes, as distinguished from the large one ;
the children ; the little ones.

Gulbang, V. — (North word.) Pres. part., Gulbangwin ; past tense,
Gulbangagga ; to move ; to go ; to proceed.

Gulbar, a, — Dry ; parched up ; as ground unfit for hunting, and not
carrying scent.

Gulbat, V. — (North word.) Pres. part.. Gulbattin ; past tense, Gulbat ;
to go ; to depart. /

Guldanguldan, s. — Platycercus Icterotis ; red-brested parrot. ^

Gulin, V. — Pres. part.,Gullinin ; past tense, GuUinagga; to lie ; to tell

GuUi, s. — A species of Casuarina ; colonially, the she-oak. It splits

well for shingles.

Gullima, s. — Porphyrio. Swamp hen ; or swamp pheasant. «/

Guloyn, s. — Youngest brother or sister, or son ; also the little finger.

Gulumburin, a. — Being shy, or timid. This word is, perhaps, derived
from Gulang, a child, and Bur, or Burbur, similar to, resembling.

Gulurto, s. — Colonially, flooded gum-tree ; so called from being found
usually in ground liable to be covered with wat<r. It is very
attractive to the white ants ; and, consequently, unfit for posts, or
anything resting on the ground.

Gulnt, V. — (East-country word.^ Pres. part., Gulutin ; past tense,
Gulut; to go ; to depart.

Gul-yam, v. — Pres. part., Gulyaman ; past tense, Gulyamagga ; to lie_;
to tell lies. Tliis is a term of frequent use in objurgation among
one another.

Gul-yambar, s. — A complete fraud, a mere pretence ; used on receiving,
for instance, a very small quantity of food, when much has been

Gul-yang-arra, s. — Crumbs of bread ; bits of anything ; roots when
pounded ; sugar when melted ; the fry of fish.

Gul-yarri, s. — A sorcerer. Boyl-ya Gadiik.

Gul-yidarang, s. — Nanodes venustus. Ground parrot.

Gumal, s. — Phalangista vulpina. Large grey opossum.

Gumalbidyt, s. — Sittella Melanocephala. Nut-hatch.

Gumbar, a. — Big ; heavy.

Gambu, s. — The bladder.

Gumbu, V. — To make water. The females strew rushes or grass-tree
leaves on the ground, as it is considered unlucky, or rather likely
to produce sickness, to tread on the bare earth where they have

Gumburgunbur, s. — The itch. A complaint which is sometimes very
prevalent among them.



Gunabal, a. — Deprived of ; having lost a brother by death. An
expression used in reply to the question, why is such a one in
mourning ?

Gunal-yata, a. — Successful in killing game.

Gunam, s. — An expert marksman.

Gundak, a. — A husband who has lost his wife's brother by death, is said
to be Gundak.

Gundip, a. — Heavy.

Gundir, .v. — A bag of kangaroo skin, about two feet long, by a foot
and a half wide, suspended by a piece of leather over the mother's
shoulders, and in which the children are carried wlien not at the
breast, from their earliest birth until they are four or even six years
old, up to which period the women sometimes suckle their children.
The little things are placed standing upright in these bags ; and
this may partially account for the thin knock-kneed legs of most of
the aborignes when grown up. The infants cling with their hands,
as well as they are able, to the mother's neck and shoulders ; and
when sleeping, they rest with their noses pressing against the
mother's back, from which, perhaps, that feature takes its broad fiat
shape ; or else with tlieir heads leaning back, and dangling to the
parent's motions, in a way that would break any white child's neck.

Gunidi, s. — The swallow, or passage of the throat.

Guning, a. — Stingy ; unwilling to give.

Gun-yak, a. — Soft ; smooth ; as Yurytch gunyak, soft-cheeked.

/ Gun-yan, s. — The palate. A native will not eat tainted meat, although
he cannot be said to be very nice in his food, according to our
ideas. Their meat is cooked almost as soon as killed, and eaten

Gup — An affix to the name of any place or district, implying a person
to be an inhabitant of the same ; as Kargatta Gup, an inhabitant
of Kargatta, or Perth.

Guraga, s. — Tadorma, the mountain-duck.

Gurago, s. — A root eaten by the natives.

Guragor, a. — Old ; aged. The word is formed by a repetition of Gorah.
Some time ago ; a.s though it were written Gorahgorah ; and is
applied equally to persons and things It is difficult to ascertain
the age of a native ; but old age is not frequent.

Gurang, .■*. — The excrement of the wattle -tree Bardi, or grub; which

oozes from under the bark of the appearance and consistence of

clear gum.
Gurbal, .<;. — Cracticus tibicen ? Break-of-day-bird ; the watchman of

Van Diemen's Land. From the topmost bough of a tree it heralds

the dawn with a note by no means unmusical.

Gurbitgurbit, s. — Flacunculus leucogaster. Thick-billed butcher-bird.

Gurdak, a. — Of or belonging to the heart ; anxious for ; desirous of ;
as Gabai gurdak. Thirsty ; desirous of water.

Gurdin, a. — Crooked ; curled ; as Katta gurdin nginnowin ; the head
being curled ; or the hair curUng about the head.





Gurdar, s. — A pair ; a couple.

Gurdor, s. — Sound ; noise.

Gurdu, X. — The heart ; the combinations of this word express many of
the feelings. (See some of them below.)

Gurdubakkan-yugow, v. — To want ; as Ngadjo marynak gurdu bakkan-
yugowin, I want flour or food.

Gurdubudjor, s. — Compound of Gurdu, the heart, and Budjor, land;

an island.
Gurdudjul, a. — Compound of Gurdu, the heart, and Djul, bad ; angry ;

displeased ; disappointed.

Gurdugwabba, a. — Compound of Gurdu, the heart, and Gwabba, good ;

Gurdugyn-yul, a. — Compound of Gurdu, the heart ; Gyn, one ; and
Yul, to come ; agreeing with ; of one heart or mind ; unanimous.

Gurdumit, s. — Compound of Gurdu, the heart, and middi, the agent ;
the soul.

Gurgogo, s. — A species of rush. Rushes in general growing in or near

Gurgurda, s. — Strix. Little brown or cuckoo owl. -^
Guri, s. — Milk from a woman's breast.
Gurjigurji s. — Salicaria. The reed-warbler.

Gurnu, i\ — Pres. part., Gurnu ; past tense, Gurnu. To push ; to shove

Guroyl, .«. — (Used to the north of Perth.) A swan.

Gurh-ra, s. — Macropus cseruleus. The brush kangaroo. A very fleet,

active animal of about twenty pounds' weight, having fur of a /
silver grey colour, with a white stripe on each side of its face.

Gurh.jal, a. — Cool.

Gurt, ». — .-X-n abbreviation of Gurdu; the heart. In other dialects
called Gort. See Preface.

Gurtangur — (K.G.S.) To howl with fear.

Gurtdun— (K.G.S.) The heel.

Gurtgadak, a. — Compound of Gurt, the heart ; and Gadak, having or
possessing ; a lover.

Guruk — (K.G.S.) A species of mimosa.

Gut— (K.G.S.) To beg.

Gutiguti, a. — Slyly ; noiselessly ; as Guti gannow, to steal on anything.

Gutuban, a. — Chalcites. The bronze-cuckoo.

Gu-ya, or Goya, s. — A species of frog that burrows in the sand, and is

eaten by the natives. It is in season in the months of April and


Gu-yalla, s. — A species of gadfly.

Gu-yamgu-yam, s. — A species of fly.

Gu-yi, s. — The abdomen ; the part directly above the groin.

Gwa — Yes.






Gwabba, o. — Good; pretty; right; proper; well in health.

Gwabbalitch, a. — Beautiful ; excellent ; very good ; as minyte gwabba-
litch, a beautiful countenance.

Gwabbanijow, v. — Compound of Gwabba, right, good, and ijow, to
put ; to put in order.

Gwadjat, a. — Previous ; first in order ; before.

Gwardyn, s. — A root eaten by the natives ; it somewhat resembles the
Bohn, but is tougher and more stringy.

Gwardo, v. — Pres. part., Gwardin ; past tense, Gwardagga ; to throw ;
to cast ; to fall ; to die.

Gwart, V. — Abbreviation of Gwardo. To throw ; to cast.

Gwelgannow, v. — Compounded of Gwel, and Gannow ; to step ; to
shift the position ; to avoid a spear by stepping on oue side.

Gwende, s. — (Mountain dialect.) The Bandicoot Kundi.

Gwetalbar, s. — Falco Melanogenys. Peregrine falcon.

Gwineen — (K.G.S.) The common stock of food.

Gwirak, s. — Sinews. The dried sinews of the kangaroo, particularly
those of the tail, used by the natives in the operation of sewing
the kangaroo skins together to form their cloaks.

Gwoyrat, k. — A daughter.

Gwytch, ad. — Just now ; at once ; immediately.

Gwytch-ang-at, a. — Firet ; before.

Gyn, a. — One.

Gyn-yak, ad. — Enough ; sufficient.

Gyn-yang, ad. — Once.

I. (Sounded as in Fatigue. See Preface.)

Idal-ya, feathers.

Idi-yal, pron. — (Vasse dialect.) 1 myself, See Ncjadjid.

Id-yal, s. — A shrimp.

Igan, V. — Pres. part., Igan ; past tense, Igan. To alarm ; to disturb ;
to drive.

1-i, ad. — Yes ; sign of assent : pronounced guturally with the lips
nearly closed, and the chin projected forwards.

Ijan, V. — To mock ; to make game of.

Ijarap, s. — The snapper-fish, caught in great abundance on banks or
shoals near the coast.

Ijow, v. — Pres. part., Ijowin ; past tense, Ijaga. To place; to put; to
produce, as animals their young, a tree its fruit, a hen her eggs.

Ilakilak, ad. — At once ; immediately.

liar, a. — Dry ; not wet.

llyn, s. — Flesh ; muscle.

llyn-gadak, a. — Stout ; fleshy.



JQ-yan, part. — Obscured, as a track, or steps, which one is desirous of
following up ; also as a person's voice may be drowned or obscured,
by others talking purposely loud, and hindering what is said from
being heard.

11-yanok — Local name of one of the family denominations.

Inbi, s. — A. species of Unio ; the fresh-water muscle. -^

Indat, ad. — Together ; in company.

Indi, pron. — (Vasse dialect.) Who ; the same as Ngando.

Initch — (K.G.S.) A brilliant fire.

Injal, ad. — A form of Winjal ; where.

Injar, a. — Dry ; parched up.

Injaran, v. — Pres. part., Injarannin ; past tense, Injaranaga. To make

Injaranan, v. — To dry up.

Inji, ad. — A form of Wingi ; where.

Inji s. — ^The peeled ornamental sticks worn by the natives at the Yallor,
or native dance.

Inyene, ad. — (Vasse.) Here.

Ira, a. — Upright ; upwards.

Ira, ad. — Up. Applied to going to a place, " up the country."

Irab, V. — Pres. part., Irabin ; past tense, Irabin. To arise ; to get up.
Compounded of Ira, upright, and Abbin, to become.

Irap, V. — Arise ; get up.

Ira-yugow, v. — Stand up,

Ira-yugowin, s. — The lower teeth ; so called from their standing /
upright. Compounded of Ira, upright, and Yugowin, standing, v/

Irilbarra, s. — Ice. Glass is now so called,

Iring-win, part. — Frowning.

Irodu. s. — Nyroca australis. White-winged duck.

Irrgo. s. — A small white bivalve shell ; used by the natives for
sharpening their spears when they cannot procure glass.


Jadam, ad. — (Vasse) Hard ; dry.

Jakkal-yakkal, s. — Plyctolophus Leadbeteri. Pink-crested cockatoo.
There is generally abundance of salt in the districts frequented by
these birds.

Jandu, s. — Haliseetus canorus. Little eagle.

Janjin, s, — Xylomela occidentalis. The native pear-tree. It bears a
thing which looks provokingly like a good fruit ; but is merely a
hard solid woody substance, which when ripe splits open, and lets »
drop out a small thin winged seed.

Jeran, r. — Pres. part., Jeranin ; past tense, Jeranagga. To tear; to
separate violently ; to sunder.

D— 2



Jerung — (K.G.S) Grease ; fat ; handsome.
/ Jetta, .1. — ^The root of a species of rush, eaten by the natives, in season
in June. It somewhat resembles a grain of Indian corn, both in
appearance and taste.

Jettyl, s. — A grasshopper. The insect is very numerous, and multiplies
rapidly. It has been observed that in districts where the vegeta-
tion has not been burned for some years, they increase so much, as
to threaten serious mischief to the pastures.

Jida, s. — Acanthiza chrysorrhoea. Brown-tailed wren. General name
for a small bird.

Jid-amy-a, s. — Bird's nest.

Jidi, .1. — A shower.

Jidyt, a. — Innocent. Not implicated in the quarrel between two parties,
though related to both. Neutral.

Jija, s. (Vassse dialect) The ear.

Jil — ^The adjective superlative termination ; as Gwabbajil ; very good.

Jilba, s. — The spring ; August and September. Djubak is now in
season. It precedes Kambarang, and is followed by Magguru.
, See Burnuro.

Jilba, s. — Vegetation. Any vegetables not eaten by the aborigines.

Jili, s. — Outer pinion of a wing.

" Jillap, a. — Sharp ; having a fine point ; as Gidji JaUap, a spear sharp

Jillijilli, s. — Accipiter torquatus, sparrow-hawk.

Jilli-mil-yan, s. — Ardea, green -backed crane.

Jil-ying — (K.G.S.) Emu feathers worn as an ornament.

Jin, c. — As ; like.

Jinararra, s. — A lizard.

Jinatong, s. — Young grass.

Jindam, s. — The eldest sister.

Jindang, s. — The name of a star.

Jindi, s. — A fog ; mist ; dew.

Jindo, a. — Mel Jindo, sharp-eyed.

Jingala, s. — Long ornamented sticks worn in the hair of the performers
at the Yallor or native dance. Hence this word has become to
mean Horns.

Jingalagadak, s. — A cow; literally, the horn -possessor.
J Jingan, v. — To scrape in order to sharpen a spear, &c.
Jinin, s.— (K.G.S.) A species of sword fish.
Jiuna, s. — The foot.
Jinnagur, a. — The toes.
Jinnagabbarn, s. — Sole of the foot.

Jinnamamman, s.— The great toe ; literally, the father of the foot.
Jinnang-ak, s.—K traveller.



Jinnang-anjo, .v. — English boots or shoes.

Jinnara, s. — Feet ; roots of trees ; Bumojinnara, stump of a tree

including the roots.
Jinnardo, s. — ^The ankle ; sometimes the heel.
Jinni, s. — The brown-tree creeper.
Jipjip, s. — The itch. See Gumburgumbur.
Jiri, s. — Estrilda. Spotted finch.
y Jirjil-ya, .^. — Stipiturus Malachurus. The Emu wren, a very small bird,

having a long tail with feathers like those of the Emu. *

Ji^-(K.G.S.) A hole.

Jitalbarra, s. — A chap in the skin ; a crack in the bark of a tree.

Jitetgoran, s. — A root eaten by the natives.

Jitip, s. — Sparks ; as Kalla Jitip, sparks of fire.

J Jitta, s. — The bulbous root of an orchis, eaten by the natives, about the
size of a hazel-nut.

Jitti-ngat, s. — Seisura volitans. Glossy fly-catcher.

1 Jorang, s. — A small sort of lizard.

Jow-yn, s. — Short hair on the body ; fur of animals.

Julagoling, s. — Xame of the planet Venus. She is described as a very
pretty young woman, powerful in witchcraft. A singular, if
fortuitous, coincidence with her classical character.

Julwidilang, s. — Zosterops dorsalis Grape-eater, or white-eye.
Juwul, s. — (K.G.S.J — The short stick which they throw at animals.


Observe — The souuds of K and G are in so many instances used indiscri-
minately or interchangeably, that it is difficult to distinguish frequently
which sound predominates. The predominant sound varies in different
districts ; as Katta, Gatta, &c. See the Preface.

Ka, ad.—Or.

Kaa, arf.—(K.G.S.)— Enough.

Eaabo, s. — A battue of kangaroo. A word denoting that a number of
people are going together to hunt kangaroo ; as Ngalata watto
Kaabo, we three go away to hunt kangaroo. A number of persons
form a wide circle, which they gradually contract, till they com-
pletely enclose and hem in their game, when they attack it with
their spears. But a single hunter creeps upon his game, concealing
himself with a branch which he carries for the purpose, till he
comes within a short spear-throw.

Kabarda, s. — A species of snake, cream-coloured with dark spots. It
is considered deadly, and is much dreaded by the natives ; but
although several dogs have died suddenly from the bite of a snake,
no white person has hitherto suffered more than a slight incon-
venience from temporary pain and swelling of the limb affected.
Subsequently I saw a boy who died in a few hours after he was

Kabbar, a. — Bleak ; exposed.


Kaddcir, .x — Large black lizard.

Kadjin, s. — Soul ; spirit. The form which rises after death, and goes
over the sea to the island of souls.

V Kadjo, s. — A native hammer, broad and blunt at one end, and sharp-
edged at the other ; formed of two pieces of whinstone, cemented
on to a short thick stick, by means of the Tudibi, or prepared
Xanthorea gum.

•^ Kadjo, s. — The strong gum or resin used for fixing on the heads of the
hammers ; it is obtained from the Barro, or tough-topped

Kadjo, s. — Basalt ; whinstone ; probably from being used for the head
of the Kadjo. The decomposition of this stone forms a tine rich
dark-red loam. Veins of whinstone are found intersecting the
granite from east to west. I'here is a formation of Columnar
Basalt, just to the south of Point Casuarina, at Koombana Bay. not
far from the new town of Australind ; and it is mentioned in
M. Peron's work, as existing somewhere in the southern bight of
Geographe Bay, but has not been seen there by any of the colonists.
For geological description, see Boye.

Kaddang — Ignorant ; not understanding.

Kaggal, s. — The e;;st. (Northern dialect.) See Kangal.

Kaggarak, s. — The name of the native dance among the southern men.

Kainbil— fKG.S.; The dead.

Kakam, .9. — ^The rump; as Kakam Kotye, bone-rumped. A term of

Kakur, s.— (K.G.S.) The east.

Kalbyn, v. — Pres. part., Kalbynan ; past tense, Kalbynagga ; to exercise
some charm or enchantment, so as to still the wind if necessary :
or to raise wind ; to procure rain in order to annoy an enemy. To
a people living so shelterless and unprotected as the aborigines of
Australia, nothing is more annoying than bad weather.

A Kaldar, .s. — The green Iguana.

Kalga, .s'. — A crook. A stick with a crook at each end, used for pulling
down the Mangyt, or Banksia flowers. Mangy t Barrangmidi, the
instrument or agent for procuring the Mangyt.

Kalga, s. — Eurostopodus. The goat-sucker.

Kalgonak, s. — (K.G.8.) A species of frog.

Kalgong — Satin -bird.

Kalgyt, s. — The Xanthorea flower-stem ; or any other stick fitted for
building huts with.

Kali, s. — Poiliceps cristatus. Grebe. Crested Grebe.

Kaling, v. Pres. part, Kalingwin ; past tense, Kalingaga. To sweep the
earth with boughs.

Kaljirgang, ,v. — Tan. A sea-swal!ow.

J Kalkada, .s-. — (Mugil) The mullet-fish. Great heaps of this and the
herring-fish were thrown up dead in the summer of 1841, in one
day, in the river at Guildford, The cause was not known, but it



was attributed to some volcanic action along the bed of the river,
or eruption of mephitic gas.

Ealla, 4'. — Fire ; a fire ; (figuratively) an individual's district ; a
property in land ; temporary resting place. Wingi Kalla, meaning
where are you staying just now ?

Kallabidyl, s. — Charcoal embers ; dead coals.

Kallabudjor, s. — Property in land.

Kalla-inak, s. — Embers ; cinders.

Kallak, a. — Hot ; burning ; fiery. ,

Kallama, a. — (Derivative evidently from Kalla, fire.) Bright yellow.

Kallamatta, s. — (Compound of Kalla, fire ; and Matta, a leg.) Fire-
stick ; firebrand.

Eallang, a. — Warm, applied to water ; Gabby Kallang, water standing
in the whole of a rock, and therefore warm at any season under an
Australian sun ; water at the edges of lakes in the summer season.
It is a very remarkable fact in the history of mankind, that a people
should be found now to exist, without any means of heating water,
or cooking liquid food ; or, in short, without any culinary utensil
or device of any sort. Their only mode of cooking was to put the
food into the fire, or roast it in the embers or hot ashes ; small fish
or frogs being sometimes first wrapped in a piece of paper-tree
bark. Such was their state when we came among them. They are
now extremely fond of soup and tea.

Kallangkallayg, a. — Burning hot ; from Kalla, fire, and Ang, of.

Kallang, v. — Pres, part., Kallangwin ; past tense, Kallangagga. To
collect sticks for a fire.

Kallar, a. — Deadly ; mortal.

Kallarak, a, — Hot ; warm.

Kallardtan, v. — To wound mortally.

Kallili, s. — Formica maxima. The lion-ant, nearly an inch and a half
long, having very sharp mandibles, and giving a formidable sting,
which produces very acute pain.

Kallip, a. — Denoting a knowledge of localities ; familiar acquaintance
with a range of country, or with individuals, also used to express
property in land ; as Ngan-na Kallip, my land.

Kal-ya, s. — Chorizema cordifolia. A plant.

Kal-yagal, ad. — Always ; ever ; continually.

Kam^k, s. — A small kind of Kuruba, found in the York district.

Kambar, s. — Incisores, or cutting-teeth of the large kangaroo ; one of
these is sometimes inserted into the end of the Miro, or spear-
throwing board, for the purpose of scraping anything with, as the
points of the spears, &c.

Kambart — A niece. See Gamhart.

Kammajar, a. — Green.

Kanangur, a. — (K.G.S.) Adorned ; shining.

Kanba a. — The wing of a bird ; gill of a fish.



Kanbilrra, s. — ^colopendra, a centipede. Although numerous they are
not dreaded. I have not heard of any pei-sou suffering from their

Kanbigur, s.— (K.G.S.) The eyelash.

Eandi, v. — To creep ; to sidle along ; to steal on game.

Kandal-yang, a. — Heavy.

Kandang, v. — Pres. part, Kandangwin ; past tense, Kandang-agga. To
vomit ; to spew.

Kangal — The east ; or, more properly, the spot of sun -rising, as it varies
throughout the year.

Kangarong-a, s. — (Used on the Murray and Serpentine rivers, south of
Perth.) Female kangaroo. Probably the proper sound is
Yangorgnanga, from Yangor, a Kangaroo, and Ngangan, mothers
Mother of kangaroo.

Range, a. — (K.G.S.) Straight,

Kang-innak, s. — Halcyon sanctus. Species of kingfisher. This bird,
has been seen in the interior, in districts where neither lakes nor
rivers were found.

Kangun, s. — Uncle ; father-in-law.

Kangur, s. — (K.G.S.) A. species of fly ; also a native dance.

Kannah, in. — Is it so ? Eh ? Verily ? Do you understand ? An
interrogative particle, used at the end of a sentence requiring
assent or reply to a remark. The only mode of asking a question
is to affirm or assume a fact, then add Kannah ? Is it so ? or not ?
from Ka, or.

Kannahjil, in. — A more intensitive form of expression than the
preceding, indicating, Is it true ? Do you really speak the truth ?

Kannamit, s. — Hirundo. The swallow. Very like the English house-
swallow. It builds in hollow trees, or sometimes now under the
eaves of houses

Kanning — The south.

Kapbur, s. — .Jacksonia Sternbergiana. One of the dullest and most
melancholy foliaged trees in Australia. It has an unpleasant smell
in burning, from which it is frequently called stinkwood, as in
Africa also. Horses, sheep, and goats eat the leaves with avidity.

Kara, s. — A spider. Some kinds spin a very strong silk-like thread,
which offers a sensible resistance as you pass through the bush.

Karak, s. — Calyptorhyucus fulgidus. The red-tailed black cockatoo.
The males have their tales barred, the feiwales spotted, with red.

Karal-ya, s. — A fish colonially called the cobbler. The natives spear
them in the shallow salt water,

Karamb, ad. — Formerly ; any time past.

Karbarra, .v. — Fern.

Karda, s. — Part ; portion ; generally half. (South word.) A very
large species of lizard.

Kardabom, v. — To cut right through ; from Karda, and Born, to cut.



Kardagor, prep. — Between ; amongst.

Kardagut, .v. — CK.G.S.) A species of ant.

Kardang, s — Younger brother ; third son ; also third finger.

Kardar, s. — A large black lizard.

Kardara, s, — Long-tailed tree Iguana.

Kardatakkan, r. — Compounded of Karda, part ; and Takkan to break.
To break in two ; to break off ; to break in pieces,

Kardidi, a. — Thin ; small.

ELardijit, s. — A brother ; neither the eldest nor the youngest. Derived,
most likely, from Karda, the half, and therefore the middle ; and
Ijow, to put. The second son, also the middle finger.

Kardil, s. — One of the trees from the wood of wliich the shields are

Kardo, .<;. — A married or betrothed person, whether male or female ;
husband or wife.

/ Kardobarrang, v. — (Compounded of Kardo, a wife ; and Barrang, to
take.) To marry ; to take a wife. The law with regard to marriage
is, that a man can never have as his wife a woman of the same
family name as himself, as a Ballarok a Ballarok, or a Dtondarap.
a Dtondarap. A man's wives consist either of the females who
have been betrothed to him from their birth ; those whom he has
inherited from a deceased brother, or those whom he has run away
with ; but the rule as regards the family in each case remains the
, same.

' Karduk, s. — (K.G.S.) A species of fish.

Kardura, s. — Two ; a pair.

Kargyl-ya, a. — Clean.

Kargyl-yaran, v. — Pres. part., Kargyl-yaranin ; past tense, Kargyl-
yaranaga. To clean.

Kargyu, s. — leracidea Berigora. Lizard-eating hawk.

Karing, s. — The south-west wind ; generally bringing fine weather in
that locality.

Karjat, v. — Pres. part., Karjatiii ; past tense, Karjatagga. To cut.

Karnayul, aff. part. — (Upper Swan dialect.) It is true ; it is a fact.

Karnbarrongin, part. — Belching ; eructating.

Karne, a. — (K.G.S.) Weak ; foolish.

Karra, s.— Conduct ; manner; behaviour.

Karrakaraa, or Karrawa — An exclamation of approbation. That is it ;
that will do, &c.

Karradjul, a. — Troublesome ; tiresome. (From Karra, behaviour, and
Djul, bad.)

Karragwabba, a. — Civil ; well-behaved.

V Karh-rh, s. — A tuberose root, like several small potatoes. It belongs to
the Orchis tribe.

Karri, s. — ^A crab.



Kanbiirra, s. — ^colopendra, a centipede. Although numerous they are
not dreaded. I have not heard of any person suffering from their

Kanbigur, s. — (K.G.S.) The eyelash.

Kandi, v. — To creep ; to sidle along ; to steal on game.

Kandal-yang, a. — Heavy.

Kandang, t\ — Pres. part., Kandangwin ; past tense, Kandang-agga. To
vomit ; to spew.

Kangal — The east ; or, more properly, the spot of sun -rising, as it varies
throughout the year.

Kangarong-a, s. — (Used on the Murray and Serpentine rivers, south of
Perth.) Female kangaroo. Probably the proper sound is
Yangorgnanga, from Yangor, a Kangaroo, and Ngangan, mothers
Mother of kangaroo.

Kange, a. — (K.G.S.) Straight.

Kang-innak, s. — Halcyon sanctus. Species of kingfisher. This bird,
has been seen in the interior, in districts where neither lakes nor
rivers were found.

Kangun, s. — Uncle ; father-in-law.

Kangur, s. — (K.G.S.) A. species of fly ; also a native dance.

Kannah, in. — Is it so V Eh ? Verily ? Do you understand ? An
interrogative particle, used at the end of a sentence requiring
assent or reply to a remark. The only mode of asking a question
is to affirm or assume a fact, then add Kannah ? Is it so ? or not ?
from Ka, or.

Kannahjil, in. — A more intensitive form of expression than the
preceding, indicating. Is it true? Do you really speak the truth?

Kannamit, s. — Hirundo. The swallow. Very like the English house-
swallow. It builds in hollow trees, or sometimes now under the
eaves of houses

Kanning — The south.

Kapbur, s. — Jacksonia Sternbergiana. One of the dullest and most
melancholy foliaged trees in Australia. It has an unpleasant smell
in burning, from which it is frequently called stinkwood, as in
Africa also. Horses, sheep, and goats eat the leaves with avidity.

Kara, s. — A spider. Some kinds spin a very strong silk-like thread,
which offers a sensible resistance as you pass through the bush.

Karak, s. — Calyptorhyucus fulgidus. The red-tailed black cockatoo.
The males have their tales barred, the feiinales spotted, with red.

Karal-ya, s. — .\ fish colonially called the cobbler. The natives spear
them in the shallow salt water.

Karamb, ad. — Formerly ; any time past.

Karbarra, s. — Fern.

Karda, s.— Part ; portion ; generally half. (South word.) A very
large species of lizard.

Kardabom, v. — To cut right through ; from Karda, and Born, to cut



Kardagor, prep. — Between ; amongst.

Kardagut, s. — CK.G.S.) A species of ant.

Kardang, s — Younger brother ; third son ; also third finger.

Kardar, s. — ^A large black lizard.

Kardara, s. — Long-tailed tree Iguana.

Kardatakkan, r. — Compounded of Karda, part ; and Takkan to break.
To break in two ; to break oflF ; to break in pieces.

Kardidi, a. — Thin ; small.

Kardijit, s. — A brother ; neither the eldest nor the youngest. Derived,
most likely, from Karda, the half, and therefore the middle ; and
Ijow, to put. The second son, also the middle finger.

KardU, s. — One of the trees from the wood of wliich the shields are

Kardo, s. — A married or betrothed person, whether male or female ;
husband or wife.

Kardobarrang, r. — (Compounded of Kardo, a wife ; and Barrang, to
take.) To marry ; to take a wife. The law with regard to marriage
is, that a man can never have as his wife a woman of the same
family name as himself, as a Ballarok a Ballarok, or a Dtondarap.
a Dtondarap. A man's wives consist either of the females who
have been betrothed to him from their birth ; those whom he has
inherited from a deceased brother, or those whom he has run away
with ; but the rule as regards the family in each case remains the

Karduk, s. — (K.G.S.) A species of fish.

Kardura, s. — Two ; a pair.

Kargyl-ya, a. — Clean.

Kargyl-yaran, v. — Pres. part., Kargyl-yaranin ; past tense, Kargyl-
yaranaga. To clean.

Kargyn, s. — leracidea Berigora. Lizard-eating hawk.

Karing, s. — The south-west wind ; generally bringing fine weather in
that locality.

Karjat, v. — Pres. part., Karjatin ; past tense, Karjatagga. To cut.

Karnayul, aff. part. — (Upper Swan dialect.) It is true ; it is a fact.

Karnbarrougin, pari. — Belching ; eructating.

Karne, a. — (K.G.S.) Weak ; foolish.

Karra, s. — Conduct; manner; behaviour.

Karrakaraa, or Karrawa — .\n exclamation of approbation. That is it ;
that will do, &c.

Karradjul, a. — Troublesome ; tiresome. (From Karra, behaviour, and
Djul, bad.)

Karragwabba, a. — Civil ; well-behaved.

Karh-rh, .s. — A tuberose root, like several small potatoes. It belongs to
the Orchis tribe.

Karri, s. — A crab.



Karrin, a. — Blunt- edged.

Karyma, s. — A scorpion. (Northern dialect.)

Katta, s. — Head ; hill ; top of anything.

Katta Katta Kabbin, v. — To hesitate.

Kattamordo, s. — (Upper Swan dialect.) The mountains; the high
head. The name given to the Darling range of hills, which runs
nearly north and south for almost three hundred miles. Their base
is granite, having boulders ot ironstone and breccia superimposed,
and being in some places intersected by basalt. The other principal
ranges are the Stirling range, comprising the high hills of Tul-
brunup and Kykunerup, the highest yet known in the colony ; and
also Moresby's flat-topped range, which is supposed to be of the
red sandstone of the coal formation, and promises to be a valuable
district when examined.

Kattangirang, s. — A small species of lizard.

Katte, V. — (North dialect.) To carry ; to fetch.

Kattidj, V. — Pres. part., Kattidjin ; past tense, Kattidjaga ; to know ;
to understand ; to hear. This word seems to be compounded of
Katta, the head ; and Ijow, to put.

Kattidjballar, v. — To conceal information. Literally, to know secretly.

Kattidjmurdoiniln, v — To mind ; to fix your attention upon.

Kattik— (K.G.S.) Night.

Kattin— (K:.G.S.) A few.

Kattyl, r.— To delay.

Kiddal, s. — A species of cricket insect. Grilla.

Ki-ilgur, s. — (K.G.S.) A small species of Iiawk.

Ki-in— (K.G.S.) The dead.

Kijjibrun, .•?. — A water-fowl ; a species of Coot.

Kilkiliring — As Nalgo Kilkillang ; setting the teeth on edge.

Killal, s. — Formica maxima ; lion -ant.

Killin, s. — The pudenda.

Kilung, s. — (K.G.S.) The fresh-water tortoise.

K-nude, .s. — A species of casuarina.

Kobbalak, s. — Pregnancy.

Kobbalo, s. — Stomach ; belly.

Kobbalobakkan-yugow, v. — To want. (See ^Gurdu) To hunger for a

Kobbrdo-bu-yirgadak, s. — A sorcerer. Boylya Gadak. Compounded
of Kobbalo, stomach ; Buyi, a stone ; and Gadak, possessing.
Seemingly answering to our stony or hard-hearted person.

Kobart, s. — A species of spear-wood found in the swamps.

Kobat Kobatanan, v. — To decoy. Compounded of Kue, the sound they
utter when calling at a distance to each other ; and Bado, to go.

Kogang, ad. — In ambush, as watching for game.



Kogang-oginnow, v. — To lie in ambush.

Kogyn, s. — Any edible bulb.

Kokadang, s. — Or Wal-yu-my. Jacksonia prostrata. A shrub much

frequented by Bandicots and Wallobys.
Kokal-yang, s. — (North-east word.) Feathers ; or a tuft of feathers worn

as an ornament.

Kokanwin, a. — Festering.

Kokardar, a.— (K.G S.) High ; lofty.

Kokoro, s. — A small fish with very large eyes,

Kolbang, v. — Pres. part., Kolbangwin ; past tense, Kolbang-aga ; to
move ; to proceed ; to go forward.

Kolbardo, v. — ^To depart ; to go. Compounded of Kolo (which see)
and Bardo, to go.

Kolbogo, s. — Mesembryanthemum equilateralis ; the Hottentot fig-plant
The inner part of the fruit is eaten by the natives. It has a salt
sweetish taste.

Kolbogo-mangara, $. — Compound of Kolbogo, the Hottentot fig, and
Mangara, hair. The leaves of the Hottentot fig-plant. In the
early days of the settlement, when garden vegetables were scarce,
these were split up, and dressed like French beans by some, and
used at the table.

Kole, .1. — A name. Names are conferred upon the children which have
reference to some remarkable incident occuring at the time of the
birth, or which are descriptive of some particular locality, or
commemorative of some event, or sight, or sound, and are intended
to be indicative rather of the feelings or actions of the parent, than
prophetic of the future character of the child. These names are
readily exchanged with other individuals as a mark of friendship,
and frequently become so entirely sujierseded by the adopted
appellation, that tlie original name is scarcely remembered, and the
meaning of it is often entirely forgotten.

Kolil, .s". — Melaleuca. Coloiiially, tea-tree, or paper-bark tree. The
first of these names is derived from its resemblance to a tree in tlie
other Australian colonies, from the leaves of which an infusion
something like tea is prepared. It tsikes its name paper-bark from
the extreme thinness of its numberless coatings, similar to the bark
of the birch -tree, of a delicate light-brown colour. The natives
strip the bark off in l;irge masses, to cover their temporary huts.
It is used for the same purpose by travellers in the bush, in default
of tents ; and by many it is preferred to the leaves of the grass-
tree, for a bush-couci), when drained of its moisture, and well
dried before the tire. The wood of this tree is hard and elastic.
It migl)t make good shafts and felloes for wheels. A piece of the
bark placed in the hollow scooped in the ground is u.-ied by the
natives to hold water. Also a piece folded into the shape of a cup
is used for drinking. It is also used for wrapping up frogs or fish,
to stew them in the embers.

Kolin, V. — To deceive. See Guliii.

Kolo, V. — Denoting motion in general. Used by the tribes in the east
of Perth instead of Bardo — as Watto bart, or VVatto kolo, be off,





go away with you ; Winji badin, or Winji kolin, where are you

going ?
Kolo, s. — A flea ; a louse. It is doubtful whether fleas are indigenous.

The natives say not, and they have no distinct name for them.

Lice abound ; Kolo is the name for them. The natives pick them

out and eat them.
Kol-yurang, v. — Pres. part.. Kolyurangwin ; past tense, Kolyurang-aga.

To beat anything to powder ; to pound ; to melt.

Kombuil, s. — One of the trees from which the native shields are made
The other is the Kirdil. See Wunda.

Komma, s. — Patersonia occidentalis (a plant).

Kolo, 5. — The excrement.

Kona, s. — The anus. The natives to the east of the hills are said to be
much addicted to an unnatural vice, whilst those to the west speak
of it in terms of horror and detestation.

J Konak, ad. — A species of crawfish.

Konakmarh-ra, s. — Scorpion.

Konang, v. — Pres, part., Konangwin ; past tense, Konang-agga. To
void the excrement.

Konang, s. — Bowels.

Kopil, s. — Sleep.

Kopin, ad. — Secretly — as Kopinijow, to hide ; to place secretly.

Kopotjan, v. — To make the same noise as the Gaddara, or steamer-duck*

y Koragong, or Wurdo, s. — A species of fungus growing on the ground,
of a sweetish taste, red-coloured, and very juicy.

V Korbuil, a. — (Upper Swan dialect.) Fat ; in good condition — as applied
to animals ; the opposite of Wiribal.

Korel, s. — Shells in general ; sea-shells.

Koroylbardang, s. — The tall green-flowered Anigozanthus.

Kortda, ad. — Apart ; separately. Wallakwallak.

Kotajumeno, .<t. — The name given in the Murray River district to the
Naganok family.

Kot-ye, s. — A bone.

Kot-yedak, a. — Bony.

Kot-yelara, a. — Thin ; bony.

Kot-yenin-gara, s. — Chrysorroe nitens, a shrub bearing a large brilliant
dark-orange flower.

Kowanyang, v. — Pres, part., Kowanyang ; past tense^ Kowiinyang. To
swim. See Bilyi.

Kowar, s. — Trichoglossus, screaming-parrot
Kowat, s. — A young sister.

Koweda, or Kower, s. — Viminaris denudata ; the broom-tree.
J Kow-win, s. — Water.

Kudjidi, s. — Leptospermum augustifolia ; the swoet-scented leptos-
permum. A slender, graceful shrub.



/ Kubit, t. — (Used to the south of Perth, on the Murray and Serpentine
rivers.) The male kangaroo.
/ Kubert, s. — A species of tea-tree, of which spears are made. Found in
Kukubert, s. — ^gotheles albogularis ; the small black goat-sucker.
The natives believe that the kangaroos were at one time blind and
without the sense of smell, so that they might be readily approached
and killed; but that they have had the faculties of seeing and of
smelling imparted or restored to them by this bird, which is also
supposed to have the power of afflicting human beings with sore
' eyes.

V Kulbul, kulbuldtan, v. — To cough. The hooping-cough was at one
time introduced among them by the arrival of a regiment. They
attributed the illness to the blasts of the bugler.
Kulgi, s. — The hip.
•^ Kulinda, s. — The young of the Kardara, or long-tailed tree Iguana.

^ Kuljak, s. — ^The black swan. The family ancestors of the Ballaroks are
reputed to be these birds changed into men.

Kul-yir, s.— (K.G.S.) Mist ; fog.

^ Kumal, .^. — Phalangista vulpina ; large grey opossum. This animal
^ forms a great resource for food to the natives, who climb the
tallest trees in search of them, and take them from the hollow
Kumbardang, s. — Night.
J Kumbul — (K.G.S.) A species of fiat fish.

v/ Kunart, or Kwonnat, .<!. — A species of acacia abundant on the banks of
estuaries, and in districts having salt lakes. It produces a great
quantity of gum in the summer months. From the seeds of this
tree the natives to the south obtain, by pounding them, a flour,
which they make into dampers, or unleavened bread.

J Kundagur, s. — A species of Zamia found near the coast.

Kundam, s. — A dream.

Kundam-ngwundow — To dream.

Kundamangur — (K.G.S.) To thunder ; to rend the clouds.

Kundart— (K.G.S.) A cloud.

^ Kudi, s. — A species of marsupial rat. Colonially, Bandicoot. It is
something like a guinea-pig, and is very good for eating.
Kimdu, s. — The chest.
Kundu, s. — The coagulated blood exuded from a wound.

Kundyl, s. — Young grass springing after the country has been burned ;
anything very young still growing ; tender ; the soft inside of any-
thing, as the crumb of bread ; the interior of the zamia plant ;
the seed of any plant.

y Kungar, s.— (K.G.S.) Perspiration.

Kun-go, s. — A path ; a beaten track.

Kunng-gur, s. — A young woman who has attained the period of puberty,
which is at a very early age.



Kun-yi, .«. — ^The fillet or band of opossum fur wotd round the head.

Kup— (K.G.S.) Charcoal.

Kurabug — (K.G.S.) A species of fly.

Kurbon, s. — Frost. Though slight, it is sufficient to injure the young
potatoes in the months of May and June, if not attended to before
the sun shines upon them.

Kuredjigo, s. — A root eaten by the natives.

Kurg-in-yugow, v. — To shiver with cold or fear.

Kumi — CK.G.S.) A species of frog.

Kurrang, s. — The grub of the Menna ; Acacia Greyana.

Kurren — (K.G.S.) A species of shrub to which medical properties are
attributed by the natives of King George's Sound. It is a sensi-
tive plant, and when dying assumes an unnatural pale yellow
colour, and emits a smell like most powerful garlic ; in this state
the natives use it in cases of headache, waving it under the nose of
the patient.

Kurrolo, s. — Kenuedia Hardenbergia ; purple Kennedia creeper.

Kurrut — (K.G.S.) A species of ant.

Kuruba, s. — The fruit of a creeper eaten by the natives. It is of a long
slender, ovate shape, and when roasted in the fire is of a plesant
slight lemou-peel flavour. It is one of the very few things which
can be considered as approaching to an indigenous fruit.

Kwa — Yes.

Kwakar — (K.G.S.) A small species of kangaroo.

Kwalak — (K.G.S.) A species of ant.

Kwela, s. — A species of casuarina.

Kwinin — (K.G.S.) The nut of a species of zamia.

Kwoggyn, s. — Soul ; spirit.

Kwonda, s. — A very deadly species of snake. See Kabarda.

Kwonnat, s. — A species of acacia.. See Kundrt.

Kwoy-alang, s. — Soul ; Spirit.

Kwyt-yat — Melaleuca hamata ; having leaves like those of a pine or
fir tree, only hooked at the end ; found always in wet or damp

Ky-a, .<!. — (Northern dialect.) An emu.

Ky-a — (Eastern dialect.) Yes. Ky at King George's Sound.

Ky-a-ky-a, in. — An exclamation of surprise or delight ; sometimes of

Ky.alamak — Look there, in that direction (for a thing).
Ky-an — (^orth -eastern dialect.) Nothing.
Ky-argung, .f. — A small piece of snake.
Ky-bra, .«. — ^The name given to a ship, reason not known.

Ky-li, a. — A flat curved throwing weapon, made plain on one side, and
slightly convex on the other, with one end rather longer from the



bend or curve than the other. It is held by the longer handle,
and on stiff soils is thrown so as to strike the ground with one end,
about ten or twelve yards from the thrower, whence it rebounds
into the air with a rapid rotary motion, and after having performed
a long circumgyration, frequently in two circles, or like the figure 8,
it returns nearly to the spot whence it was thrown. It seems to be
as much a weapon for treachery as of direct attack. When the eye
is diverted by its motions, the opportunity is taken to strike with
the spear. They are much valued by the natives, and not readily
parted with. This weapon offers a faint clue by which the origin
of the people might possibly be traced. The use of curved or
angular weapons, is said to have been known to several nations of
remote nntiquity. The possession of such an implement by the
Australian savage, would go to prove an early communication with
some more civilised people, or the enjoyment of a much higher
degree of knowledge among themselves, before they relapsed into
their present state of utter barbarism. The same may be said of
the Miro, or throwing- board for the spear. It is sometimes used
also to throw at birds.

Kyn, a. — (Northern dialect.) One.

Kynkar— (K.G.S.) A father.

Kyn-ya, s. — Soul ; spirit.

Kypbi, s. — Water. This is most probably the true word, of which
Gabbi is our corrupt pronunciation. At King George's Sound,
where the language is for the most part that of Perth reduced to
monosyllables, Kyp, is water ; as Kat is the head, instead of Katta,
and Kal is fire, instead of KaUa.


Ma-^p, s. — The spleen.

Mabo, s. — The skin of men and animals ; the bark of trees.

Madap, s. — Fungus of the white gum tree, used for tinder.

Madja, s. — Hsemadorum paniculatum, an edible root.

Madji, s. — Rope ; string.

Madjinda, ,s". — The carpet snake ; very venomous.

Madjit, s. — A species of shark.

Madjit-til, s. — (K.G.S.) The magic stone of the shark. These are
pieces of crystal supposed to possess supernatural powers ; some of
them are much more celebrated than others. None but the native
sorcerers will touch them.

Madto, s. — The green-backed crane.

Madun, s. — The small squirrel-like opossum,

Maggo — (Vasse.) Naked.

Maggoro, .«. — The winter of W^es'^ern Australia, including the months of
June and July. It follows Burnoru, and is followed by Jilba. At
this period of the year cobbler-fish abound, and the mullet become
blind, occasioned, it is supposed, by the superabundant mixture of
the fresh water with the salt water in the estuaries. These fish are
then said to be Melbambalagadak — Mel, an eye ; Bambala, a film or
cataract ; and Gadak, possessing.



Maggorong, s. The name given to a pig.

Mahr-rok, s. — Yesterday.

Majerak, .<?. — The small Hottentot fig. (Mountain dialect.) The fruit is
eaten by the natives.

Mala — A species of mouse.

Malaj, r. — Pres. part., Malajin ; past tense, Malajaga ; to grow.

Malaga, s. — Ironstone. This rock is said to possess a large quantity of
magnetic iron ore. The strata of the Darling hills consist very
greatly of it, overlying the granite ; and its appearance would lead
anyone to conclude that little or no nourishment was to be derived
from the soil in which it abounded ; yet it bears some of the finest
timber in the settlement, colonially called the mahogany trees.
Much of this stone is also supposed to contain a large proportion of
iron of a very pure quality. Some experimental trials which have
been made on a small scale to extract the metal have been attended
by the most satisfactory results.

Malga, s. — A species of spear- wood found in the hills.

Malgar, s. — Thunder.

Malgarak — (K.G.S.) To cure an enchantment

Maliji, s. — A shadow.

Mallaluk, a. — Unsuccessful in killing game.

Mallat, s. — A species of eucalyptus found only eastward of the hills.

Malic, s. — Shade. To the north the word is applied to Europeans.

Mallowaur, s. — Acanthosaurus gibbosus (Preiss). The homed thorny
lizard. A very singular animal, found in the York district. It is
marked something like a tiger, with dark bands on a tawny ground.
The colours are particularly brilliant when the creature is in good
health, though it seems to possess a chameleon power of altering the
shade of these colours, according to the light it is in. In appearance
it is one of the most formidable, though, in reality, one of the
most harmless and innocent of animals. The head, back, and tail
are covered with regularly arranged small protuberances, each
surmounted with a horn or spike ; yet it may be handled with the
most perfect impunity, nor does it seem to have any means of
attack or defence. Its eyes, though bright, are peculiarly diminu-
tive, its mouth small, and its motions very awkward. It is
colonially called the devil, from its peculiar appearance when
placed erect on its hind legs.

Mal-yar, s. — The ignited portion of a piece of burning wood.

Mal-ya, s. — The brain.

Mal-yangwin, part. — CNorthern dialect.) Singing.

Mal-yarak, s. — Mid-day.

Mal-yi, s. — A swan. There is no other sort than the black swan in the

Malyn, a. — In the habit of ; accustomed to.

Mammal, s. — A son. The sons soon emancipate themselves from the
control of the father, and at a very early age beat their mother



if she displeases them ; but no mother ever correcta a child by

Mammilyar — (K.G.S.) Dew.

Mamman, s. — A father.

^ Mammango, .v. — The white of an egg.

Mammarap, s. — A man. The derivation of this word seems to be from
Mamman, a father, and Abbiu, to become. The men are rather
active and sinewy, than strong and muscular. They are well formed,
broad in the chest, though generally slender in the limbs. Some
very tall men are found among them, but the average height is
rather below than above the European standard.

Mammart — (K.G.S.) The sea.

y Manar — ('K.G.'^.) A species of iguana.

Manbibi, s. — The small Hottentot fig.

Manda, a^I. — Amongst ; between ; speaking of a division among indi-
viduals — as Manda-yong-owin, giving anything to be shared
between several persons.

Mandarda, s. — A mouse. There are several indigenous species.

Mandig-ara, s. — A girl not arrived at years of maturity ; a woman who
has had no children.

Mandjar, s. — A sort of fair which takes place among the aborigines,
where the inhabitants of different districts meet to barter with
each other the products of their respective countries. Thus, if
the people from the North and the Murray River and Perth were
to meet together on one of those occasions, the following articles
might be exchanged among them ; but it is rather an interchange
of presents, than a sale for an equivalent.










































Mandjalla, a. — Idle ; inactive ; lazy ; tired.

Mandju, a: — Decayed roots ; seasoned wood. Applied also to flesh or
bodies of animals when dried up by the sun, or burned when
roasting at the fire.

Mando, s. — Pubes.

Mando, s. — A wooded spot ; a place full of trees ; a thicket.

Mandu, .1. — Batta mandu, sunbeams.

Mandubin, a. — Browning ; turniug brown — as meat roasting.

Man-ga, s. — A nest. Robbing birds' nests is a favourite occupation in
the proper season of the year.




Man-gar, .«. — Barb of a spear made of a piece of scraped wood tied on
with sinew, and cemented with prepared resin of the grass tree.

Mangara, .s. — Hair. Katta man^ara, hair of the head. The hair is
mostly straight and smooth, but sometimes curling naturally and
gracefully around the head and on the neck of the young men. It
is generally bound back from the eyes, or tied into a tuft on the
top, by a fillet formed of string made of fur. The most frequent
colour is black, but different shades are not uncommon, and very
light-coloured is sometimes seen. The men only have long hair ;
the women's is short, and not so much attended to as that of the

Mang-art, s. — Raspberry-jam wattle — so called from the fragrant odour
of the wood. It is not found to the west of the hills.

Man-gat, .<. — Aunt ; mother-in-law.

Man-gyt, s. — The large yellow cone-shaped flower of the Banksia, con-
taining a quantity of honey, which the natives are fond of sucking.
Hence the tree has obtained the name of the honeysuckle tree.
One flower contains at the proper season more than a table-
spoonful of honey. Birds, ants, and flies consume it.

Man-gyt-dju, .s'. — T'he hairy petals of the Man-gyt.

Manjang, a — Harmless.

Manjiral, a. — Fat.

Mannangur — (K.G.S.) To hang down ; to be pendent.

Man-yana, .v. — To.morrow. This word is used at King George's Sound,
and has been heard also in use with one tribe living in the hills;
but there is a doubt whether it is not an introduced word.

Man-yi-ni, ,s'. — The hair-seal.

Nanyt, .S-. — Plyctolophos ; the white cockatoo with a lemon-coloured
crest; the most easily tamed of any of the tribe. Where these
birds are found, the traveller in the bush may generally rely upon
finding water. This bird when taken young is easily tamed, and
may be taught to speak.

Ma-ow, a. — Few ; a small number.

Mar, .S-. — A cloud ; wind.

Mar-arl, or Gedurnmalak — Milvus Isurus ; the kite.

Mar-myart-myart, a. — Cloudy sky ; overcast.

Marang, ,s-. — One of the edible roots.

Maranganna, ."j. — Anser; the wood-duck. It roosts on trees.

Marda, .s. — A nut; the York nut. It is verj' oily; and the natives
pound it and smear themselves with it, when animal grease is not
to be had.

Marda, a. — Bald ; as Katta Marda, bald-headed.

Mardangwin, a. — Hunting by night or moonlight ; literally, moon-
Mardo, *'. — A species of rat or mouse eaten by the natives.
Mardyl, .s. — The wrist.
Mardyn, a. — (Northern word.) Three.



Marel, s. — A spacious of unio, or fresh water muscle. Not eaten by the
natives, because supposed by them to be poisonous. It has been
eaten by settlers with impunity.

Marga, s. — The lower arm ; from the elbow to the wrist ; bough of a

Marh-jin-bang-ga, a. — Five ; literally, half the hands.

Marh-jin-bang-ga-gudjir-gyn, a. — Six ; literally, half the hands and

Marh-jin-bang-ga gudjir-Gudjal, a. — Seven.

Marh-jin-belli-belli-Gudjir-jina-bangga, a. — Fifteen ; literally, the hand
on either side, and half the feet.

Marh-ra, .v. — The hand. That of the women especially is small and
well formed.

Marah-ragur. s. — The fingers.

Marh-rang, s. — A meddler ; a meddling person.

Marh-ra-ngangan, s. — The thumb ; literally, the mother of the hand.

Marrallak, a. — Unlucky in the chase.

Marri — (K.G.S.) Flesh ; meat ; also the bark of a species of eucalyptus.

Marromarro, s. — The peeled sticks, like curled ornamental candlelighters,
worn on the head by the performers at the Yallor, or native dance.

Maryn, s. — Vegetable food. All plants, of which any part is eaten by

the aborigines, come under this denomination,

Maryn-dadja, .v. — Food of all sorts, animal and vegetable.

Matta, s. — Leg ; shank ; a family or species ; the handle of anything.
Mattagyu, of one and the same family ; literally, of one leg, that
is, of one stock.

Mattaboka, s. — Trousers. Compounded of Matta, a leg, and Boka, a
covering or clothing.

Mattawit — ('K.G.S.) A species of fish.

Maul-Barrang-ijow, v. — To pluck up ; to pull out.

Meda, s. — Penis. Membrum virile.

Medarang, .v. — Mourning ; but spoken only of a father bereaved of his

Medi, s. — Phalacrocorax ; common shag.

Mekil — (K.G.S.) A species of iguana.

Mekytch— (K.G.S.) The forehead.

Mel, s. — The eye.

Melak, s. — A fish ; colonially called salmon.

Mele. s. — A swan.

Melok — Local name of one of the great family denominations. See


Melkanba, s. — Eyelash.
Melnalyak, .s. — Eyelids.
Menangal — (K.G.S.) The local term for the spring season.

E— 2



Mendalang. .*. — Acacia, new species, with small, white, oblique ovate-
shaped leaves ; grows always in very barren places. Pigeons are
fond of the seeds.

Mendyk. a. — 111 ; in pain : unwell. The natives suffer much from
toothache and rheumatism, both of which ailments they endeavour
to relieve by topical bleeding, scarifying the skin by a piece of
quartz, or by a piece of broken glass bottle. They have recourse
now to the white people for physic, and to have teeth drawn and
blood taken from the arm.

Menna, s. — The gum of one species of acacia, which is sometimes
prepared by being first pounded, then mixed with spittle, and
made into a ball, and, finally, beaten into a flat cake, when it is
kept by the natives as a provision against a time of want. It is
considered good, and is found to be very nourishing.

Merda, .<t. — Penis. Membrum virile.

Merdelang — (K.G.S.) A species of fish.

Merrak, ml. — Right side up ; in a right position. The opposite of

Merrik, a. — -A superstitious power of inflicting death by enchantment.

Met, ad. — Attentively ; steadfastly.

Metjarak, .v. — Mesembryanthemum equilateralis ; Hottentot fig. (Tood-
yay dialect.)

Metjil, fl. — Exact; accurate.

Metjo, .S-. — The seed-vessel of the Gardan, red gum ; the seed-cone of
the Banksia.

Metjo-nuba, s. — The seed-vessel in the cone of the Banksia.

Metjo-kun-dyle, .n-. — The inner seed vessel of the Banksia cone. The
seed itself.

Meto, a. — Blunt-headed ; applied to spears.

Mettagong, .«. — A species of fungus, emitting a phosphoric light; the
name of an evil spirit, perhaps from the terror inspired by the
gleaming of the phosphoric light in dark places.

Miak, s. — The moon. See Mir/a. The moon is a male, aud the sun a
female, in the estimation of the Australian savage.

Miamit, .«. — Ptilotis ornata, (roahl ; yellow-eared honey-sucker.

Middi, ,s-. — Frequently in composition Mid or Mit. — The agent; the
medium ; the active principle of anything; always used as an aftix
to other words — Jis Yungar barrang middi, a horse, or the people-
carrying agent: Mun-gyt barrang middi, the Mungyt-getting
agent, or stick for hooking down the IMungyt, or Banksia cones ;
Yungar ngannow middi, tlie people-eating agent, or cannibal. The
word thus applied is of frequent and most extensive use in the

Miga. s. — Tlie moon. The natives give the following names to the



different phases of the moon, but the meaning of several of the
teriDs has not been distinctly ascertained : —

Moon WdxliKj :

New moon, Werberang warri.
First quarter. Alarongorong.
Half-moon, Bangal.
Second quarter, Kabbul.
Full moon, Gerradil Katti.

Mnou Wailing:

Bina Bardok.

Three quarters, Burno Wandat.
Half -moon, Jidik golang.
Last quarter, Narrat.

Mikang, s. — Moonlight.

Miki, s. — The moon.

Mila, ad. — Hereafter ; at some future period.

Milgar, a. — Fresh ; new — as Boka milgar, a new cloak.

Mil-yarm, .f — The stars.

Mil-yu, s. — *^ainphire. Abundant both on the sea-coast and on the
salt plains in the interior.

Mimak, .v. — The moon.

Mi-mang-a, x. — .\ whale. Both sperm and black whales abound on the
coast. Sometimes a dead whale is tlirown on the shore, and affords
luxurious living to the natives.

Mimbat, .s. — The eyebrows.

Mimi, s.- — The skins or layers of the Bohn root. They resemble the
layers of an onion.

Mimidi, s. — Xanthorea ; the under-ground grass tree. Sheep and
cattle eat the centre leaves. This species is not found eastward of
the Darling range.

Mimmal, .<;. — A species of shag or diver.

Mindar, s. — Grass-tree leaves, of which those that are dry and withered,
and tit for burning, are well suited to make a very good traveller's
bed in the bush.

Min-dyt, a. — Sick ; in pain ; uuvvell. See Mendifk.

Ming-al, s. — A tear.

Ming-al-ya, s. — Tears.

Miftg-art, s. — Eyelasli.

Ming-o, s. — ^The chest.

Minam— (K.G.S.) Truly.

Minang— (K.G.S.) The south.

Mini, .<. — An edible root ; a large species of Bohn.

Minidang, or Minijidang, .■?. — Petroica Goodeiiovii red-crowned

Minjin, s. — See MaUowaur. Another name for the horned thorny



Minjining, s. — The eggs of lice. See Kolo.

Minning, c. — If ; if 1 might.

Minob, V. — Pres. part., Minobin ; past tense, Minobiga ; to be joalous.
It is singular that whilst the natives to the west of the hills are
very jealous, those to the east are said to be rather the contrary,
offering tlieir women readily for a small consideration. There are
but three children of a mixed race yet known to exist in the
colony. These children are said to be not only treated with great
affection by the mother, but also with particular care and attention
by her husband, and to be regarded as objects of pride and
satisfaction by the other natives.

Min-ya, s. — A smell ; Minya-djul, a stink.

Min-yang, ,s'. — (Murray River.) A tear.

Min-ya, s. — Dew. The dews of summer are frequent and very
beneficial to vegetation. No injury is sustained by persons sleep-
ing exposed to them.

Minyt, s. — The countenance. It is always expressive, and when not
distorted by passion, is rather pleasing. The eyebrows of many
project considerably, whicli makes the eyes appear sunk, and the
forehead receding ; but some faces are quite Asiatic.

Minyt- wallak-ijow, r. — To alter; to change ; to put a new face on a
thing. Compound of Minyt, the countenance ; \\'allak, in part,
divided ; and Ijovv, to put.

Min-yudo, a. — Stale; mouldy.

Mirak, s. — Applied to a married woman when speaking of her to her
brother ; a married sister.

Miralgar, s. — Poising ; balancing the spear in a quivering state pre-
paratory to discharging it. The attitude of the native at this time
is beautiful, the right arm upraised and drawn back, the chest
expanded, the head erect, the eye active and gleaming.

Miran, v. — Pres part., Miran ; past tense, Miran. To poise or quiver a
spear preparatory to throwing.

Miran g, v. — Pres. Part, Mirangwin ; past tense, Mirangaga. To cry ;
to grieve ; to lament.

Miro, s. — The th rowing-board used by the natives to launch the spear.
It is about two feet long, about four inches broad in the middle,
and tapering off at each end. One end is armed with a piece of
glass or quartz, set on with Kadjo, or grass-tree gum, which is used
particularly for scraping and tapering the points of the spears.
The other end has a small point or hook upon the flat side
of the Miro, which is intended to enter a hole at the butt end of
the spear, and so steady it in the act of throwing, and which forms
also the actual fulcrum from which the spear is projected. This is
a lever of considerable power, and could never have been invented
by the natives in their present state of barbarism. It is a sort of
inflexible sling, and is said to resemble the amentum of the
ancients. See Kyh. Also the outskirts of a wood or hunting

Mirow, V. — Pres. part, Mirowin ; past tense, Miraga. To call; to cry



Mo-an, a. — Black ; dark-coloured.

Mo-diar, s. — The gum of the Mut-yal, or Nuytsia floribunda, colonially,
cabbage tree. Very abundant.

Modong, .s. — A large sort of Melaleuca. Colonially tea tree, or paper-
bark tree. It grows on swampy plains.

Mod-yart, s. — A species of eucalyptus ; colonially called cedar. It
works more kindly than the mahogany, and is preferred for cabinet
work, as being lighter. It is not abundant.

Mogaug, «. — A stranger; any person or thing unknown in a place;

a foreigner, and regarded b^- the aborigines, therefore, as an enemy.
Mogin, a. — Like ; similar to. (Upper Swan dialect.)
Mogo-in, a. — Like ; similar to.

Mohani, v. — Pres. part, Mohamin ; past tense, Moham. To bellow.
Mokyn, a. — (Upper Swan dialect.) Applied particularly to a wild dog.

Durda Alokyn, a wild untamed dog.

Molada, ,«. — White ant. No timber except the mahogany should be
suffered to rest at any length of time upon the ground, as they
inevitably attack it. All deal timber seems particularly attractive
to them. Growing trees, especially blue gum, and red gum, are
frequently destroyed by them, ihey never come voluntarily into
dayli^'ht, and their presence is detected by pipes of clay, with which
they form their covered ways. Large limbs and branches of trees
frequently fall suddenly from the effect of their ravages.

Molar, s. — Large pebbles ; collection or mass of large gravel.

Molorn, s. — The loins.

Molytch, .«. — White ant's nest, made of stiff clay. The natives pull out
the young at one season, and eat them.

Monak, a. — Clear ; fine ; sunshiny weather.

Mongarn — (K.G.S.) A species of acacia.

Mon-gor, .v. — Fat, grease.

Mon-goral, a. — Fat, stout.

Monno, s. — A whirlwind.

Monong, s. — A pool of water.

Mon-yo, .v. — A ceremonious meeting arranged for the purpose of con-
ferring upon certain elderly females tlie character and office of
Moyran, or grandmother. Upon these occasions presents are inter-
changed between the Moyran and the person conferring the
distinction, who is usually some man of influence in the tribe. The
parties having embraced, the JMoyran offers to the mm and his
wives implements of war and ornaments. The man, on his part,
makes her a suitable return, and the ceremony is concluded. But
it is a proceeding which confers upon the woman privileges of
importance to all parties. She can henceforth no more be carried
off for a wife or female drudge, nor be made a victim of revenge.
Her influence is henceforth powerful with her tribe, either in stirring
them up to war, or in allaying and reconciling quarrels. She is
even permitted, if she think fit, when a dispute is anticipated, to
mingle among the threatening combatants, and deprive their spears



of their barbs. This is one of those customs which seem to point
to a superior system of pohty, beyond anything to be txpected
among a people so immersed as the abor gincs now are in ignorance
and barbarism.

Mordak, a. — Deep ; steep, or higli.

Mordakakanan, a. v. — To drown.

Mordakrdap — To be drowned.

Mordibang, a. — Unable to do anything; whether from being tired, or
any other cause of inability.

Mordo, s. — A mountain. See Kuttainunlo.

Morh-ragadak, s. — To-morrow.

Moro, A". — Tail ; Os coccygis, the lowest of the spinal vertebrae.

Morh-rogodo, .v. — To-morrow.

Moroyt, a. — Stiff ; hard — as hard clay.

Morytch, a. — Absent.

Morryl. s. — A species of eucalpytus with a rough bark. It splits well
for shingles. Found to the eastward.

Moyort, s. — A fish caught in fresh-water pools, by putting a quantity of
brush -wood at one end of the pool, and pushing it out to the other,
sweeping everything before it.

Moyran, A'. — Grandfather; grandmother; grandchild. See Mou-yu for
this word, as applied to women.

Munjardo, a. — Overturned ; topsy-turvy.

Munjero, a. — Looking on tlie ground carelessly.

Mudurda, *-. — A species of tea tree, or jjaper-bark tree.

Mulgan— (K.G.S.) Cold.

Mulli, s. — Gum found on the upper part of the Xanthorea flower-stem.

Mulmul — (K.G,S.) In parts.

Multchin, a. — Afraid.

Multchong, .V. — A coward ; a rascal.

Mulur, .V. — .\ large lake. Fresti -water lakes are not numerous in the
interior. A chain of them runs parallel to the coast for a long
distance, a few uiiles back.

Mul-ya, .S-. — The nose.

Mul-yabin, a — Oif ended ; sulky.

Mul-ya bunan, or punan, .s-. — The nostrils.

Mul-ya mel, n. — i iu; countenance ; literally, nose and eyes.

Mul-yak, .s. — The first of anything; t!ie cominencemunt of an action;
the head of a lake.

Mul yarijow, v. — To sneeze.

Mul-yaritch, s. — .A. sneeze ; the act of sneezing.

Mul-yat, s'. — The small bone of the kangaroo's leg, worn by youths
through the cartilage of the nose, as a mark of their liaving attained
the years of puberty.



Mul-ya-windu, .v. — Fulvia ; the coot

Mul-yin — (K.G.S.) A swampy place.

Mul-yit uiul-yit, a. — Sweet ; palatable.

Mun — Affix, signifying all together ; as Yogomun winjal ? where are all
the women ?

Munang, v. — To bear in the arms ; to carry.

Mundak, s. — The bush ; the wild country ; the woods.

Mundakal — In the bush ; as Bal mundakal watto, he is gone into the

Mundang, or Mundamang — (Vasse.) All ; the whole.

Mundo, .1. — Squalus : the shark. The natives do not eat this fish. The
extremity of the backbone.

Munga, s. — The shoulder,

Mung-urdur — (K.G.S.) The windpipe.

Mun-ing, .f. — Mustachios.

Muninjingerang, s. — The name of a star.

Munong, a<!. — Farther off ; at a greater distance.

Murada, a. — Full ; satisfied.

Muranna, s. — A very large species of lizard.

Murantch — (K.G.S.) The ancle.

Murdar — (.KG.S.) A species of fish.

Murdo, ad. — In vain.

Murdo, or Mordo, ,v. — A mountain. See Kattaiiv>rdo. No mountains
of any great elevation have yet been discovered. The higliest is
probably not much more than ,S00O feet.

Murdong, s. — A mountaineer.

Murdongal, x. — A mountaineer.

Murdubalangur (K.G.S.) To be firm or immoveable.

Murduin, o — Strong; powerful; fixed; immoveable; hard.

Murga, .x. — A ring ; a circle of men formed round game intended to be
taken ; a heap.

Murgyl, a. — Abundant ; plentiful.

Murh-ro, s. — Charcoal.

Murh-ronabbow, c. — To go into mourning. This is done by tlie men
among tlie aborigines, by rubbing the face over with charcoal. The
women streak tlieir faces with pipe-clay on such occasions, and
daub their foreheads with it. White rings are frequently made
round the eyes also.

Murringmuring — (K.G.S.) Green.

Murit, .V. — Coturnix Australis ; brown quail.

Murit-ya, .«. — Hydromus leucogaster ; a kind of water rat, rare and shy,
but very fierce. It is destructive to young dscks, or water-fowl.

Murna, s. — The sound or rustle of any living creature moving through
the bush,



Murolang, s. — Hemipodius varius ; painted quail.

Murorong, s. — Macropua ; rock kangaroo. Rare and shy.

Murrijo, v. — Pres. part., Murrijobin ; past tense, Murrijob. To move ;
to go ; to walk.

Murrjo, s. — Upper part of the back of i he neck.

Murtden— (K.G.S.) Three.

Murut, s. — A relation.

Murutbarna, a. — Friendless ; unrecognised. A term of reproach, cotq-
pounded of Murut, a relative, and Barna, a thing wanting an
owner ; as having no friends to protect his life or avenge his death.

Muturong, a. — Fat ; stout. A person with a large paunch is said to be

Mut-yal, s. — Nuytsia fioribunda; colonially, cabbage-tree. The only
loranthus or parasite that grows by itself. Another anomaly in this
land of contradictions. It bears a splendid orange flower.

Mu-yang, v. — Pres. part., Mu-yang-an ; past tense, Muyang-agga. To

Mu-yubarra, a. — Blue.

My-a, s. — A house ; the bark of the tea-tree, or paper-bark tree with
which the natives cover their huts, which are in shape like a section
of a bee-hive, about three feet high. They are formed of a frame-
work of sticks stuck in the ground, and thatched with paper bark
or grass-tree leaves, or small brushwood, or bark, or whatever is
most easily found on the spot.

Mya, s. — The voice.

My-akowa, s. — An echo. Literally, voice come.

My-ar, s. — A house ; a place frequented ; the haunt of an animal.

My-ardak, s. — Night.

My-ari, .v. — Foliage ; the Myar, or haunt of birds and insects. The
foliage of the trees does not give a thick shade, as the leaves of
many stand edgewise to the branch, presenting only the edge, and
not the broad face to the sun.

My-art, s. — Darkness.

My-atyl — (K.G.S.) To deceive ; to flatter ; to charm with the voice.

Myerbakkal, s. — Menses ; monthly courses of women. During this
period the native women live in a &mall hut apart, though near to
their husbands and friends. They are obliged to remain in this
state of Wallak ngwundowin, lymg separate, during six or eight

Myerri, s. — Liver.

Myra-gyn, s. — The day before yesterday.

Myur, s. — A nephew.


Nabbow, v. — Pres. part., Nabbowin ; past tense, Nabbiiga. To rub on ;
to anoint. Wilgi nabbow, to rub on the red earth wiiich, mixed
with grease, serves for ornament, and for protection against sun
and flies.



Naga, dem. pron. — This ; that.

Nagabel, dem. proii. — That very (thing).

Nagal, a. — Friendly ; peaceable ; quiet ; amicable — as, Nagal nginnowin,
8itting together in a friendly manner.

Nagal -yang, s. — A thief ; a robber. See Nymjylynng.

'N&ga.nok, proper name — One of the family divisions among the natives.
They are Matta Gyn with the Gnotak. See Ballarok:

Nagga, s. — Cold. Used frequently adjectively.

Naggaman, a. — Cold.

Nagkan, s. — (K.G.S.) A small species of fish, from the use of which, in
former times, the Xaganok family are said to have obtained their

Nago, V. — To know. Principally used to the south of the Swan.

Nagoluk, a. — Acquainted with a person ; aware of any intelligence.

Nah, »■«.— Oh ! Ah !

Na-it — What — as, Naga uait, what is tliat ?

Na itjak, a. — Wherefore ; for what reason ; why ; of, or for what.

Nalgo, .«. — Teeth. Improperly used for to eat, Ngannow. A sharp
edge , as the edge of a knife.

Nalja, V. — Pres. part., Nalja. To peep sideways at any object.

Naljak, *■. — The outer corner of the eye.

Nalla, s. — The gum of the red gum-tree.

Nallang, s. — The gum of the Xanthorea.

Nal-yira ? (K.G.S.^ The afternoon.

Nambar — (K.G.S.) A barb.

Namman, s. — A sort of fruit growing ou a low shrub like the Kainak.

Nammidi, s. — A fresh-water fish resembling a small minnow.

Ncxm-yango, prop. name. — A name for the Dtondarap family in the Vasse

Na'na, s. — Navel-string.

Nandap, .v. — Eucalyptus resinifera, red gum-tree Gardan. A useful
timber for general purposes.

Nandat, s. — The east wind ; the Innd wind.

Nangar — (K.G.S.) To bite ; to tear ; to cat.

Nan-gatta, s. — Moss.

Nangergun, .s. — An edible root.

Nangar — The back or nape of the neck.

Nani, s. — (Upper Swan word.) The small quail.

Nanna, s. — Navel-string.

Nannap, v. — Stop ; halt.

Nanning, s. — Strangers unconnected by blood or marriage ; opposite to

Nano, s. — Mud ; soft wet earth.



Nan-yar, a. — Benumbed ; stiffened.

Nappal, s. — Burned ground ; ground over which fire has passed. Over
this ground the natives prefer walking ; it is free from all scrub and
grass, their progress is, therefore, not obstructed, and the tracks of
animals are readily discerned upon it.

Nappang wanja, v. — To cover up anything ; to leave a thing covered.

Nardarak, s. — A species of Eucalyptus, with a stem like clustered pillars.
Found only eastward of the hills.

Nargal-ya, s. — The gum on the lower part of the stem of the Xanthorea

Narna, s. — A caterpillar.
Narra, s. — The side.

Narraga, a. — Dry ; ripe — as seeds or corn.
Narragara, s. — The name of a star.
Narrang — Stamping with the foot.
Narriik, s. — (Vasse dialect.) Abundance ; plenty.
Narrija, s. — Foam ; froth ; spittle.

Narrija gwart, v. — To spit — Compounded of Naraija, spittle ; and
Gwardo, or gwart, to throw or cast.

Narrik, s. — CFrom Narrow to burn.) Unburned ground, but ready for
burning. Land of which the vei^etation is abundant and dry, fit
to be set on fire, which is done by the natives sometimes accidentally
and sometimes on purpose, in order to drive out the animals that
have found refuge, or may nestle there, as kangaroos, bandicoots
wallobys, snakes, &c., which they kill as the creatures attempt to
escape, and make a meal of afterwards. In Upper Swan dialect,
dry ; ripe.

Narrow, v. — Pres, part., Narrowin ; past tense, Narraga. To burn.

Natdjing, s. — The yolk of an egg.

Nelarak, s. — A species of Eucalyptus, of a pale yellow-coloured bark.

Netingar, .«. — A term used by the natives to designate their ancestors or
forefathers, of whom they do not appear to have any distinct,
tradition, except that they were very large men. Some suppose that
they came over the sea, others suppose that they c'lnie from the
interior, from the north and north-east. Their general belief is that
the spirits of the dead go westward over the sea to the island of
souls, whicli they connect with the home of their fathers. I have
a strong belief that they are identical with the natives of Papua or
New Guinea, having lately seen a young man from that country,
who exactly resembles them in colour, sliape, features, hair, and
every external appearance. This lad had been carried away at a
very early age, and had suffered so much as to have partly lost his
recollection, and entirely forgot his native tongue, so that no con-
clusion could be formed from the identity of language.

N-hurdo, .v. — Conduct ; behaviour.
Nidja, ad. — Here ; in this place.
Nidja, p. — This.
Nidjak, ad. — Here ; in this place.



Nidjalla, ad. — Here ; in this place, (More emphatic than Nidja.)

Nido, s. — A mosquito. Very troublesome in summer in moist situations*

Nidul-yorong, ^•. — JCgialitis nigrifrons, Gould ; black-fronted plover.

Niggara, *. — The girdle of human hair worn round the waist.

Nilge, .s". — The name of a dance among the natives to the north-east.

Nimyt, s. — The ribs.

Ninat, s. — Worms bred in sores.

Nindi. .". — Tail of an animal.

Nindian, v. — Pres. part., Nindianin ; past tense, Nindianaga. To kiss.

Ninim, s. — Large species of leech.

Nin-ya nin-ya, p. — These.

Niran, v. — Pres. part., Niran ; past tense, Niran To plant ; to sow ; to
put in the ground. They do not plant, but they put the Byyu in
the ground to prepare it for eating.

Nirimba, *■. — Pelecanus Nov. HoU. ; pelican. It is singular that these
birds are seen frequently to come from the interior, across the York

Nirran. v. — To bark ; to growl as a dog.

Nirrgo, s. — A mosquito. N umerous in damp situations.

Noba, or Nuba, ,>-. — Young of any creature. Plural, Nobagarra.

Nodytch, s. — The dead ; a deceased person. The aborigines have an
extreme aversion to mentioning the name of any one after his
decease ; and this word, Nodytch, the departed, is used among
them when speaking of a person who is no more.

Nogat or Nokat, v. — CVVord used in the York district.) To sleep.

Nogo, s. — A species of fungus.

Nogolan — (K.G.S.) — Accidentally ; unintentionally.

Nogon-yak, s. — The name of one of the great native families. The
Didarok and Ujikok are Matta gyn with these people. See Balhrok.

Nogoro, .S-. — Heavy sleep — as, Bidjar nogoro ngan-ya bakkan, heavy
sleep bites, or oppresses me.

Nogyt, s. — The elbow.

Nol-yang, s. — Gallinula, Nol-yang. These birds are not much known
in Western Australia, though common in New South Wales. In
1836, they made their appearance here suddenly in great numbers,
to the surprise and alarm of the farmers, for they devoured all the
green food in fields and gardens with the appetite of locusts ; and
then they disappeared almost as unaccountably and suddenly as they
had come, nor have they, with some few exceptions, been seen since.
They are about the size of well-grown pullets, frequenting the low
grounds near rivers, and, though not web-footed, swimming with
great facility. Thousands were shot and consumed as food. The
meat has something of a tishy flavour.

Nona. s. — A very deadly snake, cream-coloured, with dark spots.

Nopyn, s. — The young of animals.

Norndukaun — (K.G.S.) To fly from anyone or anything.



Norno, s. — A very poisonous snake. See Kaharda.

Nornt, s. — (K.G.S.) The feathers of small birds.

Notan, s. — An oyster (K.G.S. dialect.) Deep and extensive beds of
oyster-shells are found on the flats in the Swan River, but no live
oysters have been yet discovered in that vicinity. A few very
small rock oysters are found in a part of Melville water, and some
mud oysters in Gage's roads ; but they are abundant at K. G's.
Sound. Rock oysters are abundant on the Abrolhos group, and on
the adjacent, coast.

Noto dtan, v. — To shut.

Noyt, s. — The spirit; the soul — as, Noyt ngardak, the spirit is below,
intimating that an individual is dead. See also Nodytch.

Noy-yang, s. — Connections by blood or marriage ; kinsfolk.

Nubal, pron. dual — Ye two ; parent and child ; brothers and sisters.

Nubal, pron. dual — Ye two ; man and wife.

Nujan, V. — To void the excrement.

Nuji, s. — A large species of mouse eaten by the natives.

Nula, s. — Sea-weed.

Nulargo, s. — Graucalus ; blue pigeon.

Nulbarn, s. — A rope-like girdle of opossum's hair worn by the abori-
gines, partly by way of ornament, passed many times round the
waist. But serves also for other useful purposes. In it are carried
the Kadjo, or hammer, the Dowak, or throwing stick, and the Kyli.
It is tightened or loosened like the belt of famine of the Africans
according to the supply of food, and it answers for string occa-
sionally, or for rag in the case of a cut or wound ; and small
articles, such as the teeth and barbs of spears, are frequently
deposited in the folds of it.

Nulu, a. — Narrow.

Numbat, s. — An animal found in the York district of a brownish hue,
with whitish stripes across the loins. This animal is not marsupial
but the young are found at an early stage adhering to the teat of
the mother, in the same unaccountable manner as in the pouch of
the kangaroo.

Numbrid, s. — The flower or blossom of the red gum-tree, from which
the natives make a favourite beverage by soaking the flowers in

Nund-yang, a. — (Upper Swan word.) Narrow ; straight ; tight.

Nungurdul, a. — Stuck in ; that which has penetrated, but not gone

Nuuika, s. — Myriophyllum ; a water-plant.

Nurdi— (K.G.S.) The south.

Nurdu, s. — A fly. Flies are very abundant and annoying in summer
There is a small fly that bites or stings the eye very sharply when
the eyelid almost instantaneously swells to a frightful size. The
natives have a speedy cure for this ailment, which is rather
unsightly than painful. As soon as they feel the sting, they scarify
the arm, so as to draw some blood, which they drop into the eye as



they lie on their backs, and so let it remain for some time till it is
thoroughly coagulated, when they draw it out, by which means the
smart is assuaged and the swelling averted.

Nurdurang, v. — Pres. part., Nurdurang ; past tense, Nurdurang. To

Nurgo, s. — An egg ; seeds.
Nurgobindi, .v. — An empty egg-shell.

Nurgo-imba, s. — The shell of the egg. Compounded of Nurgo, an egg ;
and Imba, the husk or rind.

Nurruk— (K.G.S.) An Emu.

Note. — Y when separated from the proceding letter by a hyphen or a
comma, is a consonant. See Preface. So N-yagga is sounded as Yagga,
with the nasal sound of N before it.

N-yagga, ;).— That.

N-yal, ad. — Here ; present.

N-yang-ow, v. — To look ; to see ; to behold,

N-yanni, s. — Rallus ; the water-rail.

N-yardo, s. — Left arm.

N-yelingur, a. — fVasse.) Stingy.

N-yetti, s. — Shavings ; dust ; sawdust ; scraping. 'I'hcy adorn them-
selves with shavings of white wood in their dances.

N-yiddin, a. — Cold.

N-yido, s, — A species of fly. See Nurdti.

N-yinni, j). — Thou ; you.

N-yinnow, v. — Pres. part., N-yinnowiu ; past tense, N-yinnaga. To
sit ; to remain in a place any time.

N-yin-ya, ad. — Here ; in this place.

N-yogulang, v. — To steep in water — as, Man-gyt, or Banksia flowers, in
water, which the natives do to extract the honey, and then drink
the infusion. They are extremely fond of it ; and in the season
their places of resort may be recognised by the small holes dug in
the ground, and lined with the bark of the tea-tree, and which
are surrounded with the drenched remains of the Man-gyt. They
sit round this hole, each furnished with a small bunch of fine
shavings, which they dip and suck until the beverage is finished.

Nytbi, s. — A nonentity ; a nothing ; a thing not known or understood.

N-yula, s. — A species of moss.

N-yumap, a. — Diminutive ; little ; small.

N-yumar, .s-. — A flesh-coloured fungus, growing chiefly on the Eucalyp-
tus robusta ; the mahogany tree.
N-yunalak, p. — Thine.

N-yundu, or N-yundul, in. p. — Will you V Do you V Did you ? &c.
N-yuneruk — CK.G.S.) A species of duck.
N-yurang, j). — Ye.
N-yurang-ak, p. — Yours.
JM-yurdang, s. — A rainbow. (Northern dialect.)



Ngargal-ya, s. — The gum on the lower part of the stem of the
Xanthorea flower.

Ngarra — (Vasse) The back.

Ngarrak-ngarrak, a. — From side to side. As Ngarrak ngarrak-badin,
walking unsteadly.

Ngarral; s. — The ribs ; the sides.

Ngarran, v. — Pres. part., Ngarranwiii ; past tense, Ngarranagga to stick
half way, or in the interval ; as in attempting to pass through a
narrow space ; a ramrod in a gun ; a bone in the throat.

Ngarran g, v. — Pres. part., Ngarran win ; past tense, Ngarrangagga, to
be in motion.

Ngarri — (K.G.S.) A species of salmon.

Ngarrilgul — (K.G.S.) A species of king-fish.

Ngattang, r.— Pres. part., Ngattangwin ; past tense, Ngattangagga, to
wound ; to injure.

Ngatti, ad. — More ; go on ; continue. As Ngatti ngatti, again and

Nga-yang, s. — The elbow.
Ngera — (Vasse) To lie.

Ngikil, s. — (North-eastern dialect.^ The groin.
Ngilarak, o. — Blue.
Ngilat, a. — Dark-yellow colour.
Ngilgi, s. — The groin.
Ngillel— (Vasse) We.
Ngille-lung — (VasseJ Of us ; our.
Nginde, p. — Corruption of Ngando, who.
Nginni, p. — Thou.

Nginnow, v. — Pres. part., Ngiuinnowin ; past tense, Nginnaga, to sit ;
to remain in a place any time.

Ngirgo, s. — (Northern dialect.) A small spring of water.

Ngirjyn, s. — Cap or pan of the kangaroo's knee.

Ngobar, s. — Open downs near the sea ; sand-hills of the coast.

Ngobern, s. — The eldest or first son ; also the first or fore finger.

Ngogat, s. — Contents of a bird's craw.

Ngogolak, s. — A bird's craw.

Ngolak, s. — Calyptorhyncus. The white-tailed black cockatoo.

Ngo-lang-a, ad. — After; behind.

Ngomon, a. — (Southern dialect.) Large ; big.

Ngondo — (Vasse) An elder brother.

Ngon-yang, ,s'. — The honey or nectar of flowers ; sugar. The flower of
the Budjan (which see). It abounds in honey. Also a saccharine
juice, which exudes plentifully from the red-gum tree in the warm

Ngo-ra, s. — Phalangista Cookii, ring-tailed opossum.



Ngoriuk ? (Vasse) Much ; very. '

Ngo-ro, s. — The mucus of the nose.
Ngota — (K.G.S.) A species of crow.

Ngo-tak, prop, name — One of the great famiUes into which the natives
are divided. The Naganok are Matta gyn. See Ballarok.

Ngow-dik, s. — Pearsonia, a plant.

Ngow-er, s. — A tuft, formed of the tail or winged feathers of a bird,
worn in the hair. The feathery part is stripped from the stiff stem
or quill, and tied upon a small stick like a skewer.

Ngowerit— (K.G.S.) The navel.

Ngow-o, s. — Colonial pheasant, nondescript? It scrapes together a large
heap of earth or sand, perhaps two to three feet high, and five to
six feet in diameter, in which it deposits its eggs about a foot deep,
which are left to be hatched by the sun. It is the only bird of this
habit in the colony. The eggs are very large in proportion to the
size of the bird, and of a delicate flavour. It would be very
valuable if domesticated. The mother is said to come and
uncover the eggs at the time of maturity.

Ngoy-ang, a. — Sharp.

Ngoy-yur— (K.G.S.)— The elbow.

Ngu-bu, s. — Blood.

Ngubul-ya, a. — Ked ; blood-coloured.

Ngudang, s. — The heel.

Ngudi, s. — A knot in wood ; an excrescence on a tree.

Ngulbun-gur — (K.G.S.) A species of mouse.

Ngulor, s. — Haliseetus leucogaster ? sea-eagle.

Ngul-ya, s. — An edible root of a reddish colour, something like Bohn in
flavour, but tougher and more stringy.

Ngul-yap, a. — Empty (Va,sse dialect). Probably the same as Yulap.

Ngumbit, s. — The flower of the red gum-tree, which, steeped in water,
affords a honey-sweet beverage, much relished by the natives.

NgunaUang, p.p. — Yours ; thine.

Ngunman, s. — The right arm or side.

Nguntburbung — (K.G.S.) To startle.

Ngura, s. — A small lake or basin of water ; a native well.

Ngurju, s. — Hydromus leucogaster. A kind of marsupial water-rat,
rare and shy, but fierce if attacked.

Ngutek, s. — A species of Grevillea flower.

Nguto, s. — An edible root.

Ngu-yang, s. — The distant misty appearance of approaching rain.

Ngu-yubarra, a. — Blue.

Ngu-yup. — Blue.

Ngwidam, a. — Serious ; in earnest ; not joking ; honest.

Ngwol-yi naggirang, s. — Anas ; teal.

I"- 2



Ngwonana, «. — .\nag Novae HoUandise ; the grey duck.

Ngwonna, s. — The pieces of kangaroo akin used for stringing the women's
bags. •

Nl^orryn-yfiTg!"^' [ «.-Handsome ; beautiful.
Ngwundkol — (K.G.S.) The place last slept at (" lain and left").

Ngwundow, V. — Pres. part, Ngwundowin ; past tense, Ngwundaga. To
lie down.

Ngwuntungur — (K.G.S.) To dream.

Ng-yakyn, *. — (Northern dialect). A turtle. See Yagyn.

Ng-yal, ad. — Here.

Ng-yame-ng-yaming, s. — Rhodanthe Manglesii. A pretty pink flower,
growing in great abundance on red sandy loam soils.

Ngy-anga, s. — A wave of the sea.


(Sounded as in Old, Gold. Ow as in Cow, Now. and U are also used
interchangeably in different dialects. See Preface.)

Odern, s. — The sea.

Ordak — A particle affixed to verbs, signifying to intend ; to purpose ; as
Ordak dtan, to intend to pierce ; Ordak-barrang, to intend to take.

Orlgo, s. — Corrupted from Nalgo, a tooth.

Orpin, a.— (K.G.S.) Plenty.


Observe — The sounds of P and B are in so many instances used indiscri-
minately or interchangeably, that it is frequently difficult to distinguish
which sound predominates. The predominant sound varies in different
districts. See Preface.

Pandopen, v. (Northern dialect.) To faint ; to swoon.

Partap — (K.G.S;.) To lie ; to deceive ; from Bart, not.

Pidilmidang, s. — Pachycephala gutturalis, Yellow-bellied thrush.

Pira — (K.G.S.) A species of Banksia.

Piring, s. — The gum or resin of the Balga, the Xauthorea, or common
grass tree. It is not of so strong a quality as the Kadjo, or resin of
the Barro, and is used for fastening on the barbs, and the jagged
quartz or glass fragments to the spear-heads, which are not fixed on
so firmly but that they may come off in the wound. Though the
Piring is a resin, and not soluble in water, wet loosens and destroys

Po-nyte, s. — The knee.

Pulbam, s. — Kennedia. A creeper, with scarlet flowers.

Puuan, s. — A hole ; an aperture.

Quaxra, s. — Macropus coeruleus. Blue kangaroo.


Quart — (Mountain dialect.) To throw.

Quelap, s. — The first appearance of pubescence in youth of either sex.

Quale, .«. — A name. See Kole, (Perth dialect). It may be useful to bear

in mind, with reference to this word Quele for Kole, and Quet-ye
for Kot-ye, and words of similar sound, that in the dialects of the
interior E and O are interchangeable.

Quelken, v. — (Upper Swan dialect.) To step on one side in order to
avoid a spear, or other missile weapon. Gwelgannow.

Quet-ye, s. — (Upper Swan.) A bone. Kot-ye.

Quibbang, v. — Pres. Part., Quibbanwin ; past tense, Quibbangaga. To
do anything very secretly.

Quippal, V. — To steal. Supposed to be an imported word.

Quogga, s. — A bandicoot, found in the southern districts.

Quonnert, or Kwonnat — A species of acacia. See also KunarU


N.B. — The Sounds T ami D are in so many instances used indiscriminately
or interchangeably, that it is difficult to distinguish frequently which
sound is most predominant. The predominant sound varies in different
districts. See Preface.

Tab-a-dak ? CK.G.S.) A species of fish.

Tabba, s. — The native knife ; a rude implement formed of sharp-edged
chips of quartz, set in a row, about four inches long, and fixed by
means of Kadjo, or Xauthorea gum, to a short wooden stick about
as thick as a man's finger.

Tabitbh? (K.G.S.) Dry.

Taddar, s. — (Upper Swan dialect.) Fuller's earth.

Tadibi, .s. — Prepared Xauthorea gum resin. See Tiidtelxi.

Takil— (K.G.S.) A feather.

Takkan, v — Pres. part , Takkanin ; past tense, Takkantigga. To break.

Takkand-yung — Broken.

Tammin, s. — A grandmother ; a grandfather.

Tandaban — (K.G.S.) To spring; to jump.

Tapingur— (K.G.S.) To steal.

Tdo-dak (K.G.S.) Raw ; uncooked. See Djicllk.

Tdon-gan — (K.G.S.) A species of By-yu.

Tdu-dar— (K.G.S.) A girl.

Tdud-tin — (K.G.S.) A species of Xauthorea.

Tdun-dal, a. — (Northern Dialect.) Fair ; white ; light coloured.

Tdun-jar — (K.G.S.) A species of frog eaten by the natives.

Tdur-dang— (K.G.S.) Green.

Tdur-tin — (K.G.S.) Trackless; untraversed ; without a path,

Tdur-tyl— (K.G.S.) A species of fly.



Teni, s. — Brother-in-law. See Deiti.

Tergur— (K.G.S.) To enclose.

Ti-il — (K.G.S.) Any crystals. These are supposed to possess magic
power. The same name is also applied to anything transparent.

Ti-endi— (K.G.S.) Stars.

Tjil-ki — (K.G.S.) A species of cray-fish.

Tjoi-ung — (K.G.S.) A species of iguana.

Tolol, a. — (Upper Swan dialect.) Straight forward ; direct.

Tolyl, s. — A crow. See Wardang.

To-nait? (K.G.S.) Here.

Tonga, or Twonga, s. The ear.

Tonga Bergi-bergi-un, v. — To confuse.

Torn-a-mag-ar — (K.G.S.) To fight ; to contend.

Toy— (K.G.S.) The calf of the leg.

Toyntch-wang— (K.G.S.; To collect.

Tuart, s. — The white Eucalyptus whicli grows in the lime-stone districts.
It is a most valuable timber for millwrights, shipwrights and wheel-
wrights, as it is almost impossible to split the wood, although it may
be very closely morticed. As this wood is not liable to splinter, it
would be particularly suitable for ship-building in the time of war.

Tudteba, s. — The resin of the Xanthorea or grass-tree, prepared for use
by being mixed with charcoal. This mixture, having been first
heated, is applied by ihe natives to fasten on the heads of the ham-
mers, and the quartz edges of their knives. It is more brittle than
the cement on the hammers, ou which account it isprefnred for the
spears, that the barbs or teeth may come off more easily in the

Tuk — (K.G.S.) A species of frog eaten by the natives (tlius named
from the noise it makes).

Tul-dy-ndng — (K.G.S.) A species of Jew-fish.

Tulga, s. — Gum of the Hakea tree.

Tur-nit— (K.G.S.) A baby.

Tu-ta-min-di— (K.G.S.) The knee.

Twotta, .V. — A Eucalyptus, of which the natives chew the bark of the
roots, wrapped about gum, or pounded up with it into a cake.
ColonialJy, the York gum-tree, being the principal timber which
characterises that district. The lands whereon it is found are
generally good for sheep pasture.

T-yunddl-ar— (K.G.S.) A species of flat-fish. '

T-yung — (K.G.S.J The local name of the fish colonially called the cob-
bler. Thus named from the spine with which it stings. But is it
not rather the sharpened bone by which the cartilage of the nose is
perforated ? which bone is called lyungo, by the Swan natives.



U sounded as in rude. U and are often used interchangeably in
diflBerent dialects. See Preface.

Uloyt. s. — The calf of the leg.

Urdal, s. — The west.

Urdo, .V. — (Vasse.) A younger brother.

Utamat — The local name given at King George's Sound to one of the
principal family divisions.


Wab-ye gadak, a. — Awed ; terrified ; having awe or fear.

Waddarak — Proper name of the Canning mountain people. •

Waddarak, s. — A species of chicory or sow-thistle.

Waddo-wadong, s. — -Vanga destructor ; butclier-bird.

Wadju. — A term applied to the hair of the head. Katta mangara wadju,
meaning that it is properly dressed, according to native fashion and
ideas, when rolled up, well -greased, and wilgied, and fastened
round the head, so as lo form a matted mass impenetrable to the
intense heat of an Australian sun.

Wai-yu — (ICG.*^.^ A species of Kingia.

Wa-kur-in — (K.G.S.) A species of waterfowl.

Walbar— (K.G.S.) The sea-shore.

Walbul, ad. — Stretching or reaching over — as Walbul-ngannowin, eating
with the neck outstretched, as a horse reaching over a fence.

Walbyn, v. — Pres. part., Walbynang ; past tense, Walbynagga. To
cure by enchantment ; to eject tlie Boyl-ya, or evil spirit, the sup-
posed cause of all sickness and disease.. This is performed by the
person who undertakes the cure, squeezing the afflicted part with
his hands, and then drawing them down, thereby to attract the
Boyal-ya to the extremities. He is, however, very caretul after
each squeeze to shake his hands and blow well upon them, in order
to preserve himself from any evil influence, or ill-effects of Boyl-ya,
who generally makes his escape, invisible lo uninitiated eyes ; but
sometimes assumes the likeness of a piece of quartz, in which case
he is eagerly captured, and preserved as a great curiosity. Any per-
son having the reputation for effecting this cure is sought after by
the natives for many miles round, in behalf of a sick relative. The
mode of cure sometimes adopted resembles the process of animal

Waldja, s. — Very large dark brown mountain-eagle. It sometimes
attacks lambs and young pigs.

Walga, s. — A kind of Dowak. .

Walgah — (K.G.S.) A species of fish.

Walgen, s. — The rainbow.

Wal-gur— (K.G.S.; To laugh.

VVal^t, s. — The calf of the leg.



Waljap, s. — Stem of the Xanthorea, or Grass-tree flower. It is this stem
or rather stick, which serves the natives to produce fire by friction.
This is done by rapidly twirling between the hands one piece of the
stick within a hole cut in another piece placed upon the ground,
and retained in its position by the feet ; the operation being assisted
by the dry furry material of the withered seed-head laid in the hole,
and which very soon smokes and ignites. ihe length of the stem
varies from 3 feet up to 10 feet, and the thickness from that of a
man's finger up to that of a man's wrist ; the flowering part is
often 4 or 6 feet long. The flower contains much honey in the pro-
per season.

Wallak-wallak, ad. — Separately ; in part ; divided ; individually — as
wallak-wallak yonga, to divide among several persons ; to give to
each separately or individually.

Wallak-ijou, i'. — To change.

Wallak -yonga, v. — To give in portions ; to share ; to divide.

Wallang — (K.G.S.) The seed of a parasite which bears a red flower.

Wallarra, ad. — Carelessly ; without looking — as »wallarra murrijobin,
walking along without looking.

Walle, r. — To cry ; to shed tears ; to wail.

Wallu, s. — An interval or open space between two points or objects ;
the division of the hair when parted on the top of the head ; par-
tial baldness ; morning twilight ; the interval between night and

Waly-adi, a. — Tall ; long ; ungainly.

Wal-yal, s. — The lungs. Instances of death from diseased lungs have
been seen among them, but are not of very frequent occurrence.
They generally recover from the effect of a spear-wound in the

Wal-yo, s. — The Kangaroo-rat. An animal nearly as large as a wild
rabbit, tolerably abundant, and very good for eating. The natives
take them by driving a spear in the nest, sometimes transfixing two
at once, or by jumping upon the nest, which is formed of leaves
and grass upon the ground.

Wandang, v. — Pres. part., Wandangwin ; past tense, Wandangagga.
ro wear or carry on the back.

Wando, x. — Eucalyptus ; the white gum-tree. In hollow trees of this
sort, water is frequently retained, which forms the only resource
for natives in summer, in many districts. It is discovered by a dis-
coloration of the bark. A hole is opened with a hammer and care-
fully closed again.

Wan-do-na, s. — A species of insect.

Wangadan, v. — Pres. part., VVangadanin ; past tense, Wangadanagga.
To scream out ; to cry loudly for help. Compounded of wangow
to speak, and dan or dtan Cso as) to pierce (the ear).

Wang-en, a. — Alive ; well ; in health.

Wanggi-ma, s. — The satin-bird.

Wan-go, s. — The upper part of the arm from the elbow to the shoulder ;
a species of snake particularly liked as food by the aborigines,



Wan-gow, V. — Pres. part., Wangowin ; past tense, Wangyiiga. To
speak ; to talk.

Wan-gow-djinnang, i\ — To ask ; To enquire.

Wanja, v. — Pres. part., Wanjawin ; past tense, Wanjaga. To leave ;
to quit.

Wanna, s. — The long heavy staff pointed and hardened at one end by
fire, carried about by the women, each of whom has one for the
purpose of digging roots. The digging or pointed end is flattened
on one side and rounded on the other, so as to act, when used, like
the claw end of a crow-bar.

Wanni, v. — ^To die.

Wanniga, part. — Dead.

Wannyl, s. — Roots of trees.

Wan-yur-du, a. — Indisposed.

Waow, in. — An exclamation of surprise and warning.

Wappi, 5. — A small species of fish, found in the pools of rivers in summer,
and taken by pushing boughs through the water from one end of
the pool to the other.

Warba, ad. — otherwise.

War-bum — (K.G.S.) To kill ; to slay. Probably from wardo the throat
and buma to strike.

Warda, .s. — Fame ; renown ; news ; the recent track of any animal, such
as the fresh particles of sand left by the opossum's claws on the bark
when climbing up trees, which immediately show the natives that
the animal is to be found there.

Wardagadak, s.— A hero; a great warrior; a man of renown, or

Wardan, s. — A large species of long-winged buzzing fly,

Wardang, s. — Corvus corouoides ? a crow. In appearance it is like the
English crow, but its voice is very melancholy. It does not appear
to be gregarious.

Wardo, s. — The neck or throat.

Wasdo-narrowin, part. — Being thirsty. Compounded of wardo the
throat, and narrowiu burning. The native is careful not to drink
directly from stagnant water, but scrapes a hole in the sand at a
little distance and diiiiks the filtered water. And even in springs
he frequently inserts a quantity of grass-tree leaves, so as to act as
a strainer ; this is to guard against swallowing insects, a precaution
which might be prudently imitated by the settlers.

Wardyl, v. — Pres. part., Wardyl-yin ; past tense, ^^'ardylaga. To

Wargat, r. — Pres. part., W'argattagga. I'o search for ; to look for.

Warh-rang — Numeral three.

Warh-ral, s. — Whirlwind.

Warli-ro, s. — A knoll ; a liillock ; an acclivity.

VVarra, a. — (Mountain dialect) Bad.



Warraja, s. — Zapomia ? Little swamp-hen.

Wairajudong, s. — Anthus Australia; the lark. It has not the splendid
song of the English lark, yet it twitters very cheerfully when on the

Warran, s. — One of the Dioscorese. A species of yam, the root of which
grows generally to about the thickness of a man's thumb ; and to
the depth of sometimes of four to six feet in loamy soils. It Is
sought chiefly at the commencement of the rains, when it is ripe,
and when the earth is most easily dug ; and it forms the principal
article of food for the natives at that season. It is found in this
part of Australia, from a short distance south of the Murray,
nearly as far to the north as Gantheaume Bay. It grows in light
rich soil on the low lands, and also among the fragments of basaltic
and granitic rocks on tlie hills. The country in which it abounds
is very difficult and unsafe to pass over on horseback, on account of
the frequency and depth of the holes. The digging of the root is
a very laborious operation. It is said to grow to a very large size, to
the north ; but this may be a traveller's exaggeration. This root is
known by the same name in New South Wales.

Worran-ang, .<?. — A porpoise.

Warrang-an, v. — Pres. part., Warrang-anin ; past tense, Warrang-
anaga, to tell ; to relate ; to bid ; to desire.

Warrap, s. — Any parasitical plant. Almost every tree has a parasite
peculiar to itself, affecting it like a vermin, to such an extent, as
frequently to destroy the tree. The flower is in general beautiful.
The splendid flowering tree Nuytsia floribunda, is said to be
an independent parasite. The only known Loranthus of that

War-roitch — (K.G S.) A species of fish.

Warru, s. — A female kangaroo. Cloaks are made of the skin of the
female, that of the male being considered too hard and unsuited
for the purpose.

Warryl-bardang, s. — Gerygone culicivorus ? ash-coloured wren.

Warryn, s. — A word. The grammatical structure of the language
appears simple and rudimentary, and not very copious, as many
compound words are used ; and thece are few or no terms to express
abstract ideas.

Watti — (K.G.S.) A species of Mimosa.

Watt, ad. — Away ; off. Ngan-ya watto, I am off.

Wattobardo, v. — To go away ; depart.

Wattobarraug, v. — To carry off.

Watto-djin i;». ?\ — Look out; keep out of the way. Literally, away!

see !

Waubatin, a. — Full ; overflowing.

Waubbaniranwin, part. — Joking ; jesting.

Waubbow, i'. — Pres. part., Waubbowin ; past tense, Waubbow, to play
to tease.



Waudarak, s. — The sow-thistle. This was very generally used as a
vegetable by the early settlers, before the gardens were made

Waudunu, s. — A species of hymenopterous insect.

Waug, s. — (K.G. Sound dialect.^ Soul; spirit; breath.

Waugal, s. — An imaginary aquatic monster, residing in deep dark waters,
and endowed with supernatural powers, which enable it to over-
power and consume the natives. It generally attacks females, and
the person whom it selects for its victim pines and dies away almost
imperceptibly. To this creature's influence the aborigines attribute
all sores and wounds for which they cannot otherwise account. Its
supposed shape is that of a huge winged serpent. It may be
a lingering remnant of the tradition of the old Serpent or evil

Waugalan. a. — 111 ; very sick ; a woman who miscarries, or has any
complaint subsequent to child-birth, is said to be Waugalan, or
under the influence of the Waugill.

Waugar, s. — Breath ; breathing.

Waugart dtan, v. — To pierce through.

Waugar-buma, v. — To breathe ; to pant.

Waugat, a. — .A. few.

Waukanga, s. — Polytelis Melanura, mountain -parrot.

Waukyn — (K.G.S.) Bad, useless.

Waullu, ,f. — Light; dawn; daylight; the morning twilight; the
interval between light and; a clear open space without
trees ; an interval or open space between two objects ; tlie division
of the hair, when parted on the top of the head ; partial baldness.

Waumil-yar, s. — Colonially called Manna. .V white, sweetish substance,
found on and under certain tr-es and plants, supposed to be some
insect secretion. It is much prized by the natives. Birds feed
upon it, and are in excellent C)ndition during the season wlien it
abounds. When the native women find a quantity of it collected
about an ant-hill, they fling the furry side of their cloak upja it,
to which it adheres. They tlien carry off the cloak and secure
their prize, the ants have dropped off the fur in the meantime. At
Perth it is called Dangyl, which see.

Waumma, a. — Another.

Waummarap, a. — Giddy; confused.

Waummarapbiu — Straying ; bewildered.

Wauraling, ,s. — Xymphicus Novae HoUundipe. Crested -parrot.

Wayl-mat — (K.G.S.) The bone through the nose.

Way-re — (K.G.S.) To ford; to walk in the water.

Wedin, .«.•. — A valley.

Weko, .?. — The nest or brooding-place on tha ground of a large bird, as

Wellang, or Wela-wellang — (Vasse.) Quickly.

Welle, s. — A dream,



Welo — A name given to all people living to the north of them, by
every tribe, be the latter situated where they may, in the same way
as Daran is applied to all people to the eastward.

Welojabbin, s. — The name of a bird which is so called from the noise it
makes at night. It is colonially called the Curlew, from its
resemblance to that bird, but its bill is short and blunt and the
colour is lighter.

Wendang, a. — Bad.

Wer, c. — And ; also.

Werbal, a. — (Upper Swan.) Lean ; in poor condition.

Wetdang, v. — Pres. part., Wetdangan ; past tense, Wetdangagga ; to

VVe-to, s. — The young white ants, which are eaten by the natives at a

particular stage of their growth.

We-yang — (Vasse.) To mix.

Wi-ak— (K.G.S.) Enough.

Wi-da, s. — Kernal of the Zamia nut.

Wida-wida, s. — The name of two sorts of Pardalotus punctatus and
and striatus, the Diamond-bird. Its native name is taken from the
sound it utters. In some places it is called Widji winji, where is
the Emu ?

Windang, v. — Pres., part., Widangwin ; past tense, Widangaga ; to

Widang-winan, .v. — The act of mixing or pounding anything.
Widap widap — Another name for the Diamond-bird, See Wida wida.
Wi-ding, a. — Thin ; bony,

Widji, s. — An Emu ; a Dragon-fly. The emu is easily domesticated
when taken young, and becomes very familiar with and attached to
the dogs, which generally leads to the death of a tame one. A
full-grown one, when erect, stands seven feet high. The natives
creep on them and spear them. Tlie flesh is very good for eating
in the proper season, tasting something like veal. The eggs are of
a tea-green colour, with a watered appearance on the surface.
There is a singularity in the growth of the feathers — two of them
spring from one quill.

Widji bandi, .s-. — A gun ; literally an emu shank or leg, perhaps from
the thin handle part of a gun stock resembling in its carving the
rough grain of tlie skin of an emu's leg. A double-barrelled gun
is described as having two mouths. A gun with a bayonet, as the
gun with the spear at its nose.

Wilban, a.— White.

Wilgi, .*f. — An ochrish clay, which, when burned in the fire, turns to a
bright brick-dust colour ; with this, either in a dry powdery state,
or saturated with grease, the aborigines, both men and women, are
fond of rubbing themselves over. The females are contented with
smearing their heads and faces, but the men apply it indiscri-
minately to all parts of the body. Occasionally they paint the legs
and thighs with it in a dry state, either uniformly or in transverse
bands and stripes, giving the appearance of red or parti-colour^d



pantaloons. This custom has had its origin in the desire to protect
the skin from the attacks of insects, and as a defence against the
heat of the sun in summer, and the cold in the winter season. But
no aboriginal Australian considers himself properly attired unless
well clothed with grease and wilgi.

WUgilam, a. — Red.

Willar— (K.G.S.)— An estuary.

Willarak, .<>. — Sandalum latifolium, Sandalwood tree. This tree is
tolerably abundant in the interior, but the transport is expensive.
It is said to be the true sandalwood. The smoke of it when burning
produces nausea in most persons. It bears a nut, having a white
kernel of the size of a musket bullet, from which oil of a pure
quality, without taste or smell, may be expressed. This nut, though
not disagreeable, is not eaten by the natives.

Willaring, .-?. — Muscicapa. Wagtail ; fly- catcher.

Wil-yan, v. — Pres. part., Wil-yanwin ; past tense, VVil-yanaga ; to miss ;
not to hit. The native does not throw with precision more than
twenty or thirty yards. When not flurried, his aim is very accurate,
and his spears delivered with surprising rapidity.

Wil-yu, a. — CEdicnemus longipennis ? Wil-yu.

Wimbin, .1. — Rhynchaspis. Shoveller or Pink-eyed Duck.

Winatding, part. — (N. E. dialect.) Dead ; derived from or connected
in some way with Wynaga, dead.

Windang, a. — Worn out ; useless ; applied particularly to an old man or

woman .
Windo, a. — Old ; useless.
Wi-nin — (K.G.S.^ A species of waterfowl.

Wining, a — (N. E. dialect.) Alive ; the opposite of Winatding. dead.
Win jalla, ad. — Where .

Wingi, ad. — Where; whither; as Wingi watto. Where or whether are
you going ?

Winnagal (Mounfexin dialect.) The west.

Winnijinbar, ad. — Now, at this very moment. (Upper Swan.) Wyn-

Winnar — So many ; this number.
Winnirak — Similar to ; at this time ; now.
Wirba, s. — (Northern dialect.) A large heavy club.

Wirbe, s. — The name of a dance amongst the natives living to the south-

Wirgo, s. — A species of rock-crystal found to the north.

Wirgojang — (K.G.S.) Blowing away ; curing by disenchantment.

Wiril, n. — Slender; wasted; slight; thin.

Wiring, a. — Straight ; in a right line ; used also to denote that two per-
sons are in the right line of marriage.

Wirrit, s. — South-east wind.

Wi-yul, a. — Thin ; slight ; wasted.



Wodta, s. — Columba. The Bronze-winged pigeon. Most delicate eating.
It abounds in summer, when the acacia seeds are ripe.

Wo-do, s. — Green-fleshed edible fungus ; more juicy and tender, and
less to be dreaded than our mushroom.

Woi-le? (K.G.S.) A small species of kangaroo.

Woindja, v. — Corruption of Wanja, to leave ; to quit ; to desist.

Wolang, V. — To put on one's covering or clothes.

Wol-jarbang — (Vasse.) A species of parrot.

Won-gin, a. — Living ; also green, when applied to leaves or wood.

Wonnar, s. — A species of spear-wattle found in the hills.

Wonnang — (Vasse.) To throw ; to cast.

Woppat — As VVoppat murrijo.

Wordan — fVasse.) Supposed to signify north — probably the direction
in which the rivers of a country flow,

Worri, s. — A species of snake not eaten by the natives.

Wot-yan, a. — On the other side ; as Bilo wot-yan, on the other side of
the river. Also remote ; distant.

Woyn-bar — (K.G.S.j To cure by disenchantment.

Wu-lang-itch— (K.G.S.) To fasten.

Wulbugli, .9. — Athense ? The Barking Owl.

Wulgang, s. — A. grub found in the Xanthorea or Grass tree, distinguished
from the Bardi by being much larger, and found only one or two
in a tree, whereas the Bardi are found by hundreds.

Wulgar, ,v. — Guilt. Being implicated, from relationship or other causes,
with persons who have committed murder, which renders a person
Wulgargadak, and liable to be killed in revenge. Those who are
not in a state of Wulgar are said to be •' Jidyt."

Wu-liug, ad. — Thus ; in this manner.

Wul-lajerang — The Pleiades.

Wulwul, s. — Diomedea Chlororhynca. The Albatross.

Wambubin, a. — Strutting ; being proud or vain.

Wunda, fs. — A shield. The native shield is about two feet long, and
very narrow, being barely suflicient to protect the hand when
holding it. It is convex on the exterior face, and thinned off and
rounded at each end, having a slit cut in the thickest part at the
middle of the back, to serve as a handle. There are two sorts of
wood, the Kumbuil, and the Kardil, of which they are made. The
use of them is not at all common among the natives in the located
parts of Western Australia, who bring them as great curiosities
from the north to the settlers. They are sometimes ornamented
with wavy lines or grooves, traced upon them with an opposum's
tooth in the grain of the wood ; the grooves being painted alter-
nately red and white.

Wundab-buri, ». — The name given to an English boat, from its shape
like a shield. The natives have no canoes, nor any mode of passing
over water ; but on the north-west coast, one man was seen by
Captain King crossing an arm of the sea, on a piece of a mangrove-



tree. They describe with great vividness their impressions when
they saw the first ship approach the land. They imagined it some
huge winged monster of the deep, and there was a universal con-
sternation. One man fled inland for fourteen miles without
stopping, and spread the terrifying news amongst his own friends.

Wundi — (K.G.S.) A species of Iguana.

Wun-du, .N'. — Human hair, made into a coarse string, and worn as an
ornament round the head and arms.

Wundun, v. — Pres. part., Wunduning ; past tense, Wundunaga ; to
stare ; to wonder ; to look at a person in order to recognise him.

Wun-gan, v. — Pres. part., Wunganin ; past tense, Wunganagga ; to em-
brace, or fold the arms round a person to restrain him. When a
native is in a passion, his friends (Wungan) hold him back from
attacking or harming others till the fit goes off.

Wunnara, «. — X species of Tea-tree, of which spears are made.

Wunno, ad. — This way; in this direction ; round about.

Wunnoitch, ad. — Thus.

Wurak, s. — Macropus elegans ; a species of kangaroo.

Wurak, s. — A glossy brown-barked Eucalyptus, abounding to the east-
ward of the hills, but not found to the west.

Wuraling, *•, — Nymphicus Nov. Hoi. ; crested parrot.

Wurdoitch, ,v. — The name of a star, supposed to have been a native.

Wurdukuraeno — Name of the Ballarok family in the Murray district.

Wurdytch — The name of a star, supposed to have been a native.

Wurgyl, s. — A frog. When this species of frog has the embryo within
it in the state of the young roe of a fish, it forms a favourite food
of the natives, and marks a particular season. They are found in
great abundance in the swamps and shallow lakes.

Wurjallak — The name ot a star.

Wurriji, s. — Small species of lizard, not eaten by the natives.

Wurtamar — (K.G.S.) To beat ; to strike.

Wu-yun, .V. — The soul.

Wyamak, a. — Straight; slender.

Wyan, ,9. — Ardea, Novse HoUandise ; the Blue Crane.

Wy-e, s. — A species of snake.

Wyen, v. — Pres. part., \^'yenin ; past tense, Wyenagga ; to fear ; to dread
to be afraid.

Wyen wyen, .1. — A coward. A term of great insult, as among more
civilised people.

Wyerow, v. — Pres. part., Wyerowiu ; past tense, Wyerow ; to raise ; to
construct. As Mya wyerowiu ; raising a hut ; Gabbi wyerowin ;
the water is rising.

Wyni kanbar, ad. — Now at this imuiediate moment.

Wyrodjudoug, s. — Glyciphila Ocularis ? Gould ; the white-breasted



Wy-uda, s. — Podiceps nestor ? the little Grebe.


Y, when a consonant as in your, yoke.

Y, when a vowel, as in my, thy ; and this sound is to be given to it in
the middle of a word after a consonant, if not separated from the
precedinsr letter by a hyphen, when it becomes a consonant itself ; as
in Gyn-yang, once — the first Y is a long yowel, the second a consonant.
See Preface.

Yaba, s. — The temples.

Yaba-wilban — Ephthianura albifrons, Gould ; Sanfoin-bird.

Yabbal-gadfik — having an intention to give. As, Bal nginni boka Yab-

balgadi'ik ; he intends to give you a cloak.

Yabbal, s. — The bark either of the Banksia. or Hakea. See Djanni.

Yabbra, ad. — Quickly ; rapidly.

Yadang, v. — Pres. part., Yadangwin ; past tense, Yadangagga. To
pound ; roots, for instance.

Yadjarrap, s. — The Snapper-fish. Ijarrap, a deep-sided salt-water fish,
caught in abixn dance on banks near the coast.

Yadjo, s. — The testicles.

Ya-et — (K.G.S.) A species of waterfowl.

Yaga, ad. — Merely ; only ; not at all ; no such thing.

Yago, s. — Plural Yagoman. A woman. Women are the mere slaves of
the men, obliged to watch and attend their movements, and to carry
all their property, all well as the young children, in bags at their
back They must construct the hut, make the fire, provide roots
for themselves, and give a share to their husband ; whilst he does
not always share his game with them. Little affection can exist in
this state, and the woman is naturally favourably disposed to any
one who will pay his court to her. This occasions frequent dissen-
sion, which often ends in the woman elcjping with her lover. In
early life their form is symmetrical, tlieir movements graceful, their
voices musical, and the countenances of many lively and rather
pleasing. But most of these qualities are lost at a very early age.

Yajingurong, s. — Recurvirostra rubricollis. The Avoxet.

Yagyn, s. — Snake-necked, fresh-water Turtle. It appears to bury
itself in mud in the winter, as it has been sometimes dug up in a
torpid state in the swamps. It • is exceedingly tenacious of life,
moving about even when its head is cut off. The largest weighta
only for or five pounds.

Yalga, ad. — Yet ; still ; first ; previously.
Yalgaranan, v. — To open ; to liberate from confinement.
Yalgor, s. — A swamp.
Yalla, demon pron. — Tliat.

Yallabel — That particular, or very thing, or place.
Yallala, ad. — There.

Yalle, s. — Mushroom. The natives will not eat what we call mushroom
although they eat several other sorts of fungus.



Yallingbardo, r. — To go on one side. Compounded of Yalla and
Bardo, meaning to go there, or to that place.

Yallor, s. — The name of the native dance among the northern men ; as
also the chaunt, or tune, if it may be so called, to which the dance
is performed. The dance is generally performed by the young
men. Women seldom take any part in it. Their dances frequently
represent the chase, and motions of the kangaroo and emu, the
pursuit of a wounded cockatoo, the course of a snake, the trans-
formations or feats of a magician with a wand, as well as the
measured step and concerted movement of a dance of ten or
twelve persons ; and, although the figures are somewhat uncouth,
the gestures are not ungraceful ; and as seen in the forest on a
clear night, by the bright blaze of a fire, surrounded by groups of
admiring spectators, the whole scene presents a pleasing and
animated picture of the recreations of a savage life.

Yallor- wangow, v. — To chaunt. From Yallor, the native dance, and
Wangow, to speak.

Yallor-gannow, v. — To dance. Compounded of Yallor, the native
dance, and Gannow, to step.

Yal-ya, s. — A. grave ; the hollow itself. See Bokal.

Yal-yet, or Yal-yu-ret— (K.G.S.; Wet.

Yambo, ad. — Abreast ; all in one line.

Yambong, ad. — (A strong affirmative). Yes ; actually ; certainly.

Yampel, ad. — (Upper Swan word.) Flat ; flattened on the surface.

Yanbart, a. — A descriptive term applied to ground where the vegetation
has been burnt.

Yanbi, s. — Awkward ; improper ; incorrect ; wrong. It is used also as
an expression of surprise, meaning, what are you doing ? what
are you about ?

Yan, in. p. — What ?

Yang — The strongest expression of thanks, or gratitude.

Yanganan, v. — ^To thank ; to praise ; to bless.

Yango, s. — A species of Xanthorea.

Yangor, s. — The kangaroo species in general. In the mountain dialect,
the male kangaroo. It is believed that this is the only word in
any of the Australian dialects which approaches at all in sound to
our word kangarooo.

Yangori — Proper name. Evidently from Yangor, name of the Ballarok
family at the Vasse river.

Yanji, s. — A tuft of emu feathers.

Yanjidi, s. — An edible root of a species of flag (Typha angustifolia),
growing along fresh-water streams and the banks of pools. It
consists of many tender filaments with layers of a farinaceous
substance between. The natives dig the roots up, clean them, roast
them, and then pound them into a mass, which, when kneaded and
made into a cake, tastes like flour not separated from the bran.
This root is in season in April and May, when the broad leaves will
have been burned by the summer fires, by which the taate,
according to native ideas, is improved.




Yannow, v. — To saunter ; to walk ; to move slowly along.

Yarbelli, v. — Incest ; union with a female not within the marriageable
line, or proper degree of kindred, as with one of the same name,
thoujo^h no identity of blood may be traceable ; as Ballarok with
Ballarok, though the relationship may be almost as doubtful as that
of one Smith with another.

Yargyl— (K.G.S.) Charcoal.

Yarralak, s. — A species of fish.

Yarril — (K.G.S.) A species of cray-fish.

Yatto, s. — An opossum's tail, worn as an ornament on the head, or
hanging from the hair.

Yeddi, or Yetti. s. — A song. See Yetti. •

Yeddi-garow, v. — To sing.

Yemat, s. — Water.

Yekan, v. — To drive ; to chase ; to tend cattle.

Yekyn, s. — The wild, or native Australian dog. It frequents swamps
and thickets, and creeps upon its game by stealth. Sometimes it
fastens upon the hind leg of a kangaroo, and clings till its victim is
exhausted and easily overpowered.

Yellin, s. — The Guard-fish.

Yendun, (K.G.S.) Underneath.

Yenma, s. — The name of a dance among the natives to the N.E. and

Yet^(K.G.S.) The chin.
Yetit-yetit, a. — Peevish ; cross-grained.
Yetit-yetitan, v. — To tease ; to annoy.

Yetti, or Yeddi, s. — A song. They have no regular song ; but they
chaunt in a tone of recitative any striking events of the day, or give
vent to their feelings when excited, beginning in a high tone, and
gradually descending to a low deep tone by regular intervals.

Yijatgur — (K.G.S.^ To sharpen ; to make ready.

Yilbin, v. — Pres. part., Yilbinin ; past tense, Yilbinagga. To glance off ;

to graze.
Yimang, s. — The forehead.

Yimba, s. — The husk, or shell, or rind of anything ; the bark of the
paper bark-tree.

Yinang, s. — A widow ; widower.

Yinbi, s. — A species of Unio, or fresh-water muscle. The natives ^yill
not eat it, though the settlers have used it with impunity.

Yir — (K.G.S.^ A species of Djunong.

Yii^k, a. — Elevated ; high up ; up.

Yirakal— (KG.S.) Quickly.

Yiragan, a. — Elevated ; on high.

Yirrbin, v. — Pres. part., Yirrbin ; past tense, Yirrbin. To sprinkle.

Xirrila, s. — The fin of a



Yirriwa, .<r. — An English knife.

Yir-Yir, ,f. — A flag-like grass, much disliked by the natives, as it cuts
their legs in walking.

Y-jo, p-i^. — 1. (Vasse river.) See Gnadjo.

Y-jul — I will. See Gnadjo.

Yoi-yu — (KG.S.) A small species of fish.

Yong-a, or Yung-a, v. — Pres. part., Yongawin ; past tense, Yougaga
To give.

Yonja, s. — Strix delicatulus ; lesser White Owl.

Yowart, s. — The male kangaroo.

Yowir, a. — Giddy ; confused as a drunken man.

Yowirgwart, v. — To fall down in a faint ; to swoon.

Yowirin, a. — Being giddy, as Katta Yowirin, my head is turning

Yoyt, s. — Muscle of the thigh.

Yoytch, s. — Mountain dialect ; the testicles. Yadjo.

Yuada, ad. — No.

Yual, ad. — Here ; hither ; come here.

Yuangur — (KG.S.) A species of frog eaten by the natives.

Yudang-winnan, s. — The act of pounding anything.

Yugow, V. — Pres. part., Yugowin ; past tense, Yugaga. To be ; to
stand ; to exist.

Yugow-murrijo, v. — To run ; literally, be, go.

Yugow-murrijobin — Go quickly ; literally be moving.

Yukel, s. — The large volute, or conch shell. It is worthy of remark
that many natives, towards the interior, invariably persist in assert-
ing, that both these shells and the mother of pearl shell, Bedoan,
are to be found in quantities a long way to the north-east of York.
See Derbal.

Yukungadak — (K.G.S.) A sorcerer ; a doctor.

Yulang, ad. — Nearer ; closer.

Yulangera, s. — A woman who is old and has had children. This word
is evidently derived from Gulang, a child ; and Collins tells us
that the name of the rite by which youths are initiated into man-
hood at Sidney is, Yulang ira bardang, which means "youth or
child going up." almost to a letter in this language.

Yulang-idi, a. — Fruitful ; having had children ; as Yago ; Yulang-idi,
a woman who has had children.

Yulap, a. — Hungry ; empty. Probably aa introduced word, though
now very common ; put see Ngul-yap (Vasse dialect).

Yulman, ad. — In turn ; in return.

Yulman wangow, v. — To answer.

Yulman yonga, v. — ^To exchange.

Yuly— (K.G.S.) lazy ; idle.




Yul-yang, v. — Pres. part., Yul-yangwin ; past tense, Yulyangaga. To
smear ; to varnish ; to rub with gum the green shafts of the spears.

Yundo, a. — Yellow.

Yundak, s. — A species of Iguana.

Yundung, s. — A. species of Iguana.

Yung-ar, s. — People. The name by which they designate themselves.
There may be about 3000 aborigines frequenting the located parts
of the colony. See the Statistical Report for 1840.

Yung-ar yulman giar — The name of a star.

YungQbar — (K.G.S.) Foolish ; wasteful.

Yun-gitch— (K.G.S.) Straight.

Yungolang — as " Gurdu Yungolang," said in hot weather.

Yurakyn, .s. — A species of snake.

Yurang, v. — Pres. part., Yurangawin ; past tense, Yurang. To shake
together ; to rub roots, to clean and prepare them for eating.

Yurda, s. — A place where a fire is or has been ; the ashes of a fire-
place ; the household hearth ; the spot where a person has been
accustomed to make his fire. Mahrrok bidjar.

Yurdo, s. — The forehead.

Yurir-angwin, part. — Stirring up.

Yurjang, v. — Pres. part., Yurjangwin ; past tense, Yurjangaga. To
take by force.

Yurna, s. — An Iguana. There are many varieties of the Saurian tribe
to be found, and of all sizes, from a few inches up to five or six
feet long. The largest sorts are supposed to be destructive to
young poultry.

Yurail— (K.G.S.) Quickly.

Yurro, s. — Gabbi yurro ; the discoloured stream of fresh water, which
descends after rain from the uplands mingling with the salt water in
the estuaries.

Yu-rytch, s. — The cheek.

Yutto Barrang, v. — To raise ; to pull down

Yuttok, ad. — The last time ; the last of anything.

Yuttarlgar, s. — A bundle ; a sheaf of corn ; or other tied heap of

Yuttarn, v. — Pres. part., Yuttarn ; past tense, Yuttarn. To fasten ; to

Yuyltunmitch — (K.G.S.) A native dance.

Yy-i, ad. — Now ; to-day.

Yy-inang, a. — New ; fresh ; young ; strange.








For more full and particular information respecting each Australian word,
consult the first part of the Vocabulary ; and for the Pronunciation see the
Preface also.


Abduct, to — Eardo barrang.

Abreast — Yambo.

Absent — Morytch.

Abundance — Bula. Narriik (Vasse

Abundant — Bula.

Abuse, to — Goran.

Acacia, Acacia Saligna — Biytch.

Acacia (species of) — Mongarn ;
Kurren ; W'^atti ; Gal-yang.

Accidentally — Balluk ; Nogolan.

Acclivity, an ; a Knoll — Warh-ro.

Accompany, to — Gambarnbardo ;

Accurate — Metjil,

Accuse, to — Djirin ; as Wulgar
djirin, to accuse of murder. This
word must be used with the sub-
stantive expressive of the crime
charged against a person.

Accustomed to — Malyn.

Ache, to — Mindyt-bakkan ; Bak-

Acquainted with — Nagoluk; Kallip.

Acrid — Djallam.

Across — Ya mbo.

Actually — Yambong.

Adam's Apple, of the neck — Dun-


Adorned — Bunjat ; Kanungur.

Afraid, to be — Multchin ; Wyen.

After — Ngolang-a.

Afternoon, about two — Biddorong;
Nalyira ?

Afternoon, late in the — Garbala.

Again — Garro ; as Garro Yual, to

return, to come back again.
Aged — Guragor.

Agent (means of doing anything),
always used as an affix — Middi.
Ago, any time — Karamb.
Ago, long time — Gorah,
Ago, little time — Gori ; Epal.
Agreeing with — Gurdu-gyn-yul.
Ah !— Nah.

Aim, to miss the — Wilyan.
Alarm — Damavan.

Albatross — Diomedia Chlororhyn-
cha — Wulwul.

Alight, to, as a bird — Gargan.

Alive — Dordak ; Wining (N.E.

Alive, green as applied to trees —

All — Bandang ; Mundang.

Allied to — by marriage — Noy-

Alone — Dombart.

Also — Gudjir ; Wer.




Alter, to— Wallak-ijow ; Minyt-

Always — Dowir ; Kalyagal.
Ambush, to lie in — Kogang-ngin-


Amicable — Nagal.

A mong — Kardagor.

Amongst — Manda.

Amuse, to — Djubu-barrang.

And — Gudjir; Wer.

Anger — Garrang.

Angry, to be — Gurdu-djul ; Gar-

Angular — Danda (Upper Swan

Ankle — Bilga ; JLnnardo ; Mu-

Anoint, to — Nabbow.

Another — Waumma.

Ant (small species) — Budjin.

Ant (small species) — Bulolo ; Kar-
dagut ; Kurrut ; Kwalak.

Ant, white — Molada.

Ant, white, nest of — Molytch.

Ant, lion — Formica maxima — KU-
lal; Kallih.

Anxious, for any thing — Gurdak.

Apart — Wallakwallak ; Kortda.

Aperture — Bunan.

Arise — Irap.

Arise, to — Irabin.

Arm, right — Ngunman.

Arm, left — D-yuro ; N-yardo ;

Arm, upper, from shoulder to
elbow — Wango.

Arm, lower, from elbow to wrist —

Arm-pit — Ngal-ya.

Arms, to carry in the — ^Munang.

Arrange, to — Gwabbanijow.

Arrange the fire, to — Dukun.

As, like as — Jin ; Winnirak.


Ascend, to — Dendang.
Ashes — Dalba.
Ask, to — Wan-ga djinnang.
Assault, to — Ballajan.
Associate with, to — Gambarn bardo.
Astray (to go astray) — Barrabardo.
At once — Gwytch ; Ilak ilak.
Attack, to — Ballajan.
Attentive— Met.
Aunt — Mangat.

Avoid, to, by shifting on one side
— Gwelgannow.

Avoxet — Recurvirostris rubricollia
— Yajingurong.

Autumn — Burnur ; Burnuro.

Away (Begone) — Watto.

Away, to send — DtaUangiritch.

Awkward — Yanbi.

Awry — Ngallin.


Baby — Burdilyap ; Tumit.

Back, the — Bogal ; Gong-go ;

Back of the neck — Nang-ga.
Backbone — Bogal ; Kot-ye.
Backbone, extremity of — Os coc-

cygis ; Mundo ; Moro.

Backside — Byi.

Bad— Djul; Windo; Dadim (South-
ward) ; Djulgo ; Wendang ;
Waukyn ; Warra (Mountain dia-

Bag, for general purposes — Goto.

Bag, in which the child is carried

Bag, to carry in a — Gotang ; Dur-

Bald — Marda ; Barda-ar.

Baldness, partial — Wallu.

Bandicoot — Gwende ; Kundi.

Bandylegged — Matta ngallin.

Banksia, narrow-leaved — Banksia
nivif olia — Biara ; Pira.




Banksia, narrow-leaved, cone of —
Birytch ; Biytch.

Banksia, large-leaved — Bulgalla.

Banksia, large-leaved, cone of —

Banksia, flower — Maugyt.

Banksia, of low grounds, flower of
— Dubarda.

Barb, of a spear — Mangar ; Dtarh-
ra ; Nambar.

Bare, clear, open — Barnak ; Barda-

Bark, of trees — Mabo.

Bark, of Banksia, or Hakea — Yab-
bal ; Djanni.

Bark, of Mahogany, or other gum-
trees — Budto.
Bark, to, as a dog — Niran.
Barter, to, Bang-al yong-a.

Bat (^the animal) — Bambi ; Babil-

Basalt, sp. of — Gagalyang ; Kadjor.
Battue, of Kangaroo — Kaabo.
Be off (Go away) — Watto.

Beams, of the sun — Mandu ; Bat-
tamandu ; Ngangabatta.

Bear, to, children — Gudja ijow.

Bear, in the arms — Munang

Beard, the — Nganga ; Nganga

Beat, to — Buma ; Wurtamar.

Beautiful — Gwabbalitch ; Ngwor-

Becoming, getting — Abbin.
Bee, a species of — Blura.
Bee-eater — Merops melanura —


Beetle, light-green species — BuUor.

Befall, to — Echenna.

Before — Gorijat; Gwytch-angat ;

Beg, to — Gut.
Begone (Be off)— Watto.
Behaviour — Nhurdo ; Karra.
Behind — Ngolang-a.


Behold, to — Djinnang ;

Belching — Karnbarrong-in.

Bell-bird — Calandra — Bokanbo-'

Bellow, to — Moham.

Belly, the — Kobolo.

Below (low down) — Ngardak ;

Ngardal ; Borak.
Beneath — Ngardagan.
Benumbed — Nan-yar.
Betray, to — Kobat kobatan.
Between — Kardagor ; Manda.
Bid, to (tell) — Warrangan.
Big — Gumbar ; Ngomon.
Bird, a small — Jida.
Bird, species of — Bilyar ; Bulangat
Bird's-nest — Jidamya ; Man-ga.
Bite, to — Bakkan.
Bitter — Djallam.

Bittern (the bird) — Botaurus; Bar-

Black — Mo-an.
Bladder — Gambu.
Blade (Shoulder-bone) — Djjirdam.
Bleak (open) — Kabbar ; Barnak.
Bless, to (to thank) — Yang-anan.
Blood — Ngubu ; Baru.
Blood, coagulated, exuded from a

wound — Kuudu.

Blood-coloured — Mgubul-ya.
Blow, to, with the mouth — Bobban
Blue — Mu-yubarra ; Ngilarak ;

Bluebird — Malurus pectoralis —

Blunt (as a knife)— Karrin.
Blunt-headed (as a spear) — Meto.
Board, for throwing the spear —

Bone, a — Kot-ye ; Ouet-ye (Upper

Swan) ; Quetje ; Quej (K.G.S),
Bony — Kot-yedak ; Kot-yelara ;





Boots, European — Jinna nganjo.
Bough, of a tree — ^Marga.
Bowels — Konang ; Barukur.
Brain — Mal-ya.
Brand (fire-brand) — Kallamatta.

Brave, a brave fellow, a brave of a
tribe or party — Bugor.

Break, to — Takkan ; Barrang tak-

Break, to, off, or in pieces — Kar-
datakkan ; Dakarung.

Break-of-day-bird, or Magpie
Cracticus tibicen V — Gurbat.

Breast, woman's — Bibi.

Breast — man's — Kundu ? Min-go.

Breastbone — Ngando.

Breath (Breathing) — Wau-gar ;
Waug (K.G.S. dialect).

Breathe, to — Wau-gar buma.

Bright (glittering) — Bunjat.

Bring, to — Gang-ow ; Barrang.

Bring forth, to (as animals their
young) — Ijow.

Broken — Takkand-yung.

Broom-tree — Viminaria denudata
Koweda ; Kower.

Broth er — N gundu .

Brother, elder — Ngobern ; Borran ;

Brother, second — Bwyreang.

Brother, middle — Kardijit.

Brother, younger — Kardang ; Gar-
dang ; Urdo.

Brother, youngest — Guloyn.

Brother-in-law — Deni ; Teni.

Browned (applied to meat properly
cooked) — Djidara ; Mandubin.

Bruised — Birrga.

Bundle, a — Yuttarlgar.

Burn, to — Narrow.

Burning (hot) — Kallang kallang.

Bury, to — Bian ; Dambarijow ;


Bush (the Bush ; the wild country)
— Mundak.

Bustard (colonially, Turkey) —

Butcher-bird — Vanga destructor ;

Butcher-bird, thick-billed — Fal-
cunculus Leucogaster — Gurbit

By-and-bye — Burda ; Burdak
(Murray R.)


Cabbage-tree — Nuytsia floribunda
— Mut-yal.

Calf, of the leg — Walgyt ; Uloyt ;

Call, to — Mirow.

Carelessly — Wallarra.

Carry, to — Gang-ow ; Katte (Up-
per Swan).

Carry, to, in the arms — Munang.

Carry, to, on the back — Wandang.

Carry, to, in a bag — Gotang.

Carry, to, on the shoulder — Dinang,

Carry, to, oS — Watto ; Barrang.

Cast, to — Gwardo ; Gwart.

Casuarina, species of — Kwela ;

Cat, native (a species of weasel)
— Dasyurus Maugei — Barrajit ;

Cataract (or film over the eye) —

Caterpillar — Nama.

Cave, a — Garrab ; Dumbun,

Cedar (colonially) — Mod-yart.

Centipede — Canbarra.

Certainly — Yambong ; Bundojil.

Champion (one of the braves of a
tribe) — Bugor.

Change, to — Minyt wallak ijow ;
Wallak ijow.

Chap, in the skin — Jitalbarra.




Charcoal — Bidil ; Kallabidyl ;
Murh-ro ; Kup ; Yargyl.

Charm, to (by a spellj — Kalbyn ;
Walbyn : as Mar-Kalbyn, to
allay the wind.

Chaunt, to (as is done at th e Yallor,
or native dance) — Tailor wan-

Cheek— Yurytch ; Ngaluk?

Chest, the — Kundu ? Mingo.

Chewing — Gulang in.

Child — Guland. PI. Children—

Chin — Ngan-ga ; Yet.

Cinders — Kalla inak.

Circle (for the purpose of inclosing
game, &c.) — Alurga.

Circular — Dordong-al.

Civil — Karra gwabba.

Clay — Djijalla.

Clay, white lime — Dardak ; Tad-

Clean — Kargyl-ya ; Barda-ar ;

Clean, to — Kargyl-yaran ; Baman.

Clear (as water^ — Karryl.

Clear (from wood) — Barda-ar.

Clear away, to — barnan.

Climb, to — Dendang ; Balingur.

Cloak — Boka ; Buka.

Close, to (to stop up a hole) —
Dtandidin ; Didin.

Close (near) — Barduk.

Closer (hither) — Yualang.

Clothes (to put on) — Wolang ;

Cloud — Mar ; Kundart.

Cloudy (very dark) — Mar ; Myart
myart ; Bwot.

Club, a heavy — Dowak ; Wirba
(Northern dialect).

Cobbler-fish — Karal-ya ; JNIoyort.

Cobbler-fish (species of) — Djin-
dalo ; T-yung.


Cockatoo, black, with red tail —
Calyptorhyncus fulgidus — Ka-

Cockatoo, black, with white tail —
Calyptorhyncus — Ngolak.

Cockatoo, white — Plyctolophus —

Cockatoo, pink — Plyctolophus
Leadbeteri — Jakkal-yakkal.

Cohabit, to — Muyang.
Cold — Nagga ; Naggaman ; N-
yiddin ; Mulgan.

Collect, to — Wetdang; Toyntch-

Comet — Binnar.
Company (in company) — Danjo ;


Conceal, to — Ballarijow.

Concealed — Ballar.

Conduct — Nhurdo ; Karra.

Cone, of the Banksia, dried —
Birytch ; Metjo ; Biytch.

Confuse, to — Ton-ga birgi bir-

Confused — Waummar-ap ; Yowir.
Connected related) — Noy yang.
Construct, to — Wyerow.
Contest — Bakadgin.
Continually — Kal-yagal ; Dowir.
Continue (go; move on) — Ngatti.
Convalescent — Dordak.
Cook, to — Dukun.

Cooked (sufficiently for eating) —

Cool — Garh-jal.

Coot, a — Fulica — Mulya windu.

Coot, species of — Kijjibrun.

Copulate, to — Mu-yang.

Cormorant, large black — Gar-

Cormorant, httle black — Phalacro-

corax flaviryhyncus — Gogogo.
Corner, outer, of the eye — Naljak,
Cough, to — Kulbu ; Kulbul-





Countenance — Dtamel ; Minyt ;

Counterpart, one thing of another
— Burbur,

Couple, a — Gurdar.

Covered up, to leave — Nappang

Cow, a — Jingiila gadak.

Coward — Wyi-wyi ; Multchong ;

Crab, a — Karri.

Crack, in the skin, or bark of a
tree — Jitalbarra.

Crane, green-backed — Ardea —
Jillimil-yan ; Matdo.

Crane, blue — Ardea Novae Hol-
landise — W'yan.

Craw, of a bird — Ngogolak.

Craw, contents of — Ngogat.

Crawfish — Konak ; Dil ; Tjilki.

Crawfish, species of — Yarril.

Creep, to, on game — Ngardang ;

Creeper, white-throated (a bird) —


Creeper, wiry feathered, or brown
reed — Djardal-ya.

Creeper, brown tree — Jinni.

Cricket, a — Kiddal.

Crook, used to pull down the
Banksia flowers — Kalga.

Crooked — Ngallin ; Gurdin,

Crossgrained ; ill-tempered — Yetit

Crow — Corvus coronoides? War-
dang ; Tolyl.

Crow, white-vented — Coronaria
strepera — Djillak.

Crow, species of — Gnota.

Crumbs, bits — Gulyang-arra.

Crumb, soft inside of anything —

Cry, to — Mirang.
Cry out, to — Mirow.
Cry out, to, loudly — Wanga dtan.


Cry out, to, with fear — Gurfeangur.

Crystal, rock crystal, species of,
found to the North — Wirgo ;

Cuckoo, cuculus — Djudarran.

Cuckoo, lesser — D-yular.

Cuckoo, bronze — Chalcites ; Gu-
tuban ; Djuritch.

Cunning — Daht.

Cure, to, by a spell — Walbyn ;
Butangur ; Malgarak ; Wirgo-
jang; VVoynbar.

Curled — Gurdin.

Cut, to, with a knife — Bohrn.

Cut, to, with a native hammer or
axe — Kadjat or Karjat ; Dei-

Cylindrical, as a wine bottle — Ban-


Damp — Bal-yan.

Dance, native — Yallor ; Kaggarak ;
D-yoolgyt ; Wirbe ; Yenma ;
Nilge ; Yuyltunmitcb.

Dance, to — Yallorgannow.

Dark coloured — Mo-an.

Darkness — Myart.

Daughter — Gwoy-rat.

Dawn, of morning — Djidar ;
Waulu ; Bin a.

Day, a — Gedala.

Daylight — Biryt ; Djidar ; Waulu.

Day, to-day— Yy-i.

Day before yesterday — Myargyn ;

Dead, the — Djanga. — ITie name
applied by the natives to Euro-
peans. Malo, same term used
by Aborigines to the North.

Dead — Wanniga; Nodytch; Gwar*
din (Northern word). Winat-
ding (N.E. dialect) ; Eainbil ;

Decayed, withered — Mandju.

Deceit — Barrit.




Deceive, to — Guliu,
Deception — Barrit.
Decoy, to — Kobat kobatanan ;

Deep — Mordak.
Deep, deep water — Didaral.
Depart, to — Gulbang ; Watto kolo;

Gulbat; Gulut.
Departing — Kolbattin.
Desire, to ; to direct — Warrang-

Desirous of— Gurdak.
Devil ; evil spirit — Mittagong ;

Dew — Min-yi ; Jindi ; Barup ;

Diamond-bird ; Pardolotus — there
are two kinds, Functatus, and
Striatus — Widapwidap.

Die, to — Gwardo ; Wanni.
Dig, to — Bian.

Dig up, to — Dtanbarrang ijow.
Diminutive — N-yumap ; Bottyn.
Direct, in a straight line — Durgul ;

Disappointed — Gurdu djul.

Displeased — Gurdudjul ; Mulya-

Distant — Bo-yang ; Urrar,
Disturb, to — Igan,
Dive, to — Darbow.

Diver; blue-bill, Oxyura Austra-
lis — Buatu.

Divided, separate — Wallakwallak.

Divide to, amongst several persons

Dog — Durda.

Dog, Male — Borang.

Dog, wild — Durda mokyn ; Yekyn.

Dog, wild, tail of, worn by the
natives in the head — Dyer.

Down, short-hair or feathers — Dju;
Djuo ; Jow-yn.

Down, low — Borak ; Ngardak ;
Axdak ; Ardakat.


Downs, of the sea-coast — Ngobar.

Downwards — Ngardak ; Ardak ;

Drag along, to — Barrang maul kolo

Dread, to — Multchin ; Wyen ;

Dream — Welle ; Kundam.

Dream, to — Kundam ; Kundam-
ngwundow ; Ngwuntungur.

Dress, to — Wolang ; Wandang.

Dried, dried up — Datta ; Injarin-
jar ; Manju (applied to trees, or
wood ; or animals of any sort
when dead ; a mummy would be

Dried, parched ground — Gulbar.

Drill holes, to — dyunong dtm.

Drip, to — Gabbi-gannow.

Drive, to — Igan ; Yekan.

Drown, to, a.v. — Mordakanan.

Drowned, to be drowned — Morda-

Drunk — Yowir.

Dry, not wet — liar; Injar; Dal-
bitch ; Tabitch ?

Dry, thirsty — Gabbigurdak.

Dry up, to ; make dry — Injaran ;

Dry, withered, applied to leaves —

Duck, grey ; Anas Novae HoUan-
dise — Ngwonana ; M-yuneruk?

Duck, mountain — Tadorraa ; Gu-

Duck, steamer or musk; Biziura
lobata — Gaddara.

Duck-Diver, a, with very small
flappers or wings — Buatu. .

Duck, wood ; Anser — Marang-anna.

Duck, white- winged ; Nyroca Aus-
tralis — Errudu.

Duck, shoveller ; Rhynchaspis —

Duck, larged-nosed, blue-winged
Bar dung uba.




Dun g — Konang.

Dust — Dalba; N-yetti.


Eagle, mountain — Waldja.

Eagle, little ; Halifeetus Canorus —

Eagle, short-tailed ; brown ; Aquila

Eagle, sea ; Halia3etus leucogaster

Ear — Tonga ; Jija (Vasse).

Earnest, in earnest — Ngwidam.

Earth — Budjor.

East, the — Kangal ; Kakur.

Eat, to — Ngannow ; Nalgo ; Nan-

Echo — Myakowa.

Edge, sharp, as of a knife — Nalgo.

Effaced, as steps or tracks which
are attempted to be followed
out — Il-yan.

Effects, personal — Bindart ; Buna-


I — Nurgo ; Bwye.

Egg, white of — Nurgo mammango.

Egg, yolk of — Nurgo natdjing

Egg, shell, when full — Nurgo imba.

Egg, shell, broken, empty — Nurgo

Egg, an, to lay — Ijow ; Nurgo ijow.

Egg of lice, or of vermin — Minjin-

Eh? Kannah.

Elbow — Engayang ; Nogyt ; Ngoy-

Elevated — Yira-gan.

Embers — Kalla inak.

Embrace, to— Wun-gan.

Empty — Byl-yur.

Emu— Widji; Wadji; Kya (North
dialect) ; Nurruk.

Emu feathers, ornamental tuft of —
Ngalbo; Yanji.


Emu wren ; stiputurus Malachu-
rus — Jirjil ; Jirjil-ya.

Enclose — Engallang ; Tergur.

Enough — Belak ; Gyngak ; Kaa ;

Entrance — Bunan ; Boyl.

Erect, to — Wyerow.

Erroneously — Barra.

Estuary — Darbal ; Willar.

Evening — Garrimbi.

Ever — Kal-yagal ; Wattul.

Exact — Metjil.

Exactly alike, the same — Burbur.

Examine, to, in order to recog-
nise — VV undun .

Excellent — Belli ; Gwabbalitch.

Exchange, in exchange — Bangal.

Exchange, to — Bang-al yong- a ;
Yulman yong-a.

Excrement — Konang.

Excrescence on a tree — Ngudi.

Exposed — Barnak ; Buljarra ; Kab-

Eye — Mel.

Eyebrow — Mimbat.

Eyelash — Mel-kanbar ; Ming-art ;

Eyelid — Mel nalyak ; Dok.

Eye, outer corner of — Mel naljak.


Face — Minyt ; Dtamel ; Mulyamel.

Faint, to — Yowir gwart ; Pandopen
(Northern dialect).

Fair, annual — Manjar.

Fair, light-coloured — Djitting ;

Falcon, peregrine ; Falco Melano-
genys — Gwetalbar.

Fall, to, Dtabbatkolo ; Gwardo.

Fall, to, down in a faint — Yowir-

Fame — Warda.

Family or tribe — Matta.




Far off — Bu-yang ; Urar.

Farther off — Munong.

Fasten, to — Yuttarn ; Wulangiteh.

Fastened up, applied to the hair^-

Fat (grease) — Boyn ; Mon-gor.

Fat, stout — Boyngadak ; Ilyn-ngo-
mon ; Mongoral ; Korbuil.

Father — Mamman ; Kynkar.

Father-in-law — Kan -gun.

Fatigued — Mordibang ; Bidibaba.

Fear — Darnavan.

Fear, to— Mult-chin ; Wyen.

Feathers, Idal-ya ; Nornt ; Takil.

Feathers, tuft of — Kokul-yang ;
Ngower ; Ngalbo ; Jilying.

Fern — Karbarra.

Festeri u g — Kokan win.

Fetch, to — ^gang-ow ; Katte.

Few, a — Waugat ; Maow ; Kattin

Fiery, hot — Kallak.

Fig, Hottentot, large ; Mesembry-
anthemum Equilateralis — Kol-

Fig, Hottentot, small — Manbibi ;
Majerak (Mountain dialect).

Fig, leaves of — Kolbogo Mangaro.

Fight, to — Bakadju ; Tornamagar.

Fight, a — Ballajiniu ; Bakadjin.

Fillet for the head, made of human
hair — VVundu.

Film, formed over the eye — Bam-

Fin, of a fish — Yirrila.

Finch, spotted — Estrilda ; Jiri.

Fingers — Marh-ra ; Marh-ragur.

Fingers, joint — Marh-ra bottyn.

Fire — Kalla.

Fire, stick, or brand — Kallamatta

Fire, bright, a — Initch.

Firm — Murdoin ; Balyata ; Mur-

Firmament — (iudjyt.


Fiist — Gorijat ; Gwadjat ; Gwyt-

First, part, or commencement of
anything — Mul-yak.

Fish, a— Bi.

Fish, species of — Beper ; Bepil ;
Dabardak ; Jinin ; Karduk ;
Kumbul ; Mattawit; Merdelang;
Murdar ; — Nagkan ; Tabadak ;
Tuldynang ; T-yundalar ; Wal-
gah ; Warroitch ; Yoiyu.

Five — M irh-jinbangga.

Fixed — Murduin ; Bal-yatta.

Flame — Dtallar ; Dtallap.

Flat — Ngalbarda ; Yampel.

Flea, a — Kolo.

Flee, to — Bardanbardo ; Ban-nagul
(Mountain word) ; Norndukaun.

Flesh, muscle — Ilyn.

Flesh, of animals fit to be eaten —
Dadja ; Marri.

Flounder, small fish — Bambi.

Flowers : —

Anigozanthus, tall, green-flow-
ered — Koroylbardang.

Calthamnus sanguineus — Bin-

Cenomice retisporum — Ngango-

Banksia, large — Mangyt.

Banksia, small — Dubarda.

Chorizema cordifolia — Kal-ya.

Chrysorhoe nitens — Kotyenin-

Dryandria Fraseri — Budjan ;

Dryandria species nova — Binda.

Grevillea — Ngutek.

Kennedia — Fulbarn.

Ken nedia Hardenbergii — Kur-

MyriophyUum — Nunika.

Pattersonia Occidentalis — Kom-

Pearsonia — Ngowdik.





Flowers —

Nuytsia floribunda — Mutyal.

Rhodanthe Manglesii — Ng-yame

Hovea pungens — Buyenak.

Fly, a — Nurdu.

Fly, species of — Tdurtyl ; Kangur ;

Fly, species of horse-fly — Gu-yam
gu-yam ; Gu-yalla.

Fly, very large species — War dan.

Fly catcher, fan -tailed ; Rhipidura
Lathami — Gadjinnak.

Fly-catcher, yellow-bellied ; Eop-
saltria — Bambun .

Fly catcher, glossy ; Seisura Voli-
tans — Jitting at.

Fly catcher, wag tail ; Muscicapa
— Willaring.

Fly, to — Bardang.
Foam — Dtal-yi ; Narrija.
Fog — Dul-ya ; Jindi ; Kulyir.
Foliage — Myari.
Food, animal — Dadja.
Food, vegetable — Maryn.
Food, in general — Dadjamaryn.
Food, common stock of — Gwineen.

Foolish — Balbyt ; Karne ; Yungil-

Foot — Jinna.

Forcibly — Gwi d jar.

Fording — Bardangin ; Wayre.

Forehead — Yurdo; Bigytch ; Yim-
ang Mekytch.

Foreigner — Mogang.

Forenoon — Biddurong.

Formerly, any time previous — Ka-

Four — Gudjalingudjalin.
Fresh — Milgar ; Yy-inang.
Friend — Babbin.
Friendless — Murutbarn a.
Friendly — Nagal.


Fright, fear — Darnavan.

Frighten, to — Darnavan ijow.

Frog — Wurgyl.

Frog, species of — Gudjarra.

Frog, species of — Gu-ya.

Frog, species of — Djiritmat.

Frog, species of — Kalgonak ;
Kurai ; Tdunjar ; Tuk ; Yuan-

Frost — Kurbon .

Froth — Dtal-yi ; Narrija.

Frowning — Iringwin.

Fruit. — The only things like fruit
which have been as yet dis-
covered, scarcely deserve the
name ; they are By-yu ; Dtulya ;
Kolbogo ; Kuruba ; Kamak ;
Kwonnart ; Naman ; which see.

Fruitful, having had children —
Yulang-idi ; Yulang-ara.

Fry, the, of fish — Gulyang-arra.

Full, overflowing — Waubatin.

Full, satisfied — Murada.

Fungus of the white gum, used for
tinder — Madap.

Fungus, edible — Butogo.

Fungus, edible — Dtalyil.

Fungus, edible — Bwy-ego.

Fungus, edible — Metagong.

Fungus, edible — Nogo.

Fungus, edible — Numar.

Fungus, edible, growing on the
groucd, of a sweetish taste, red-
coloured, and very juicy —
Whodo, or Korogong, or Wurdo.

Fur — Jow-yn ; Djuo.

Future, in future — Mila.


Gadfly, a species of — Gu-yalla.

Gallinule, suhst. ; Porphyrio — Gul-

Gently — Bettikbettik.

Get along with you ! — Watto.




Get up, to — Irabin.

Get up, arise — Irap.

Getting, becoming — Abbin.

Giddy, confused — Waummarap ;

Giddy, foolish — Balbyt.

Gill, of a fish — Kanba.

Girdle of opossum's hair worn by
the natives round the waist—

Girdle of human hair worn rouud
the waist — Niggara.

Girl — Mandigiira ; Bungarn ; Tdu-

Girl not betrothed — Buugyt.

Give, to — Yong-a.

Glance off, to — Yilbin.

Glass — Boryl ; Irilbarra.

Glittering — Bunjat.

Glittering as silver — Birrigon.

Go, to astray — Barrabart.

Go to — Bardo ; Gulbang ; Gulbat ;
Gulut ; Murrijo Kolo ; Kol-

Go to, on or forward — Kolbang.

Go to, on one side — Yallingbardo.

Goatsucker — Eurostopodus ; Kal-

Goatsucker, large, or hawk ; Po-
dargus Cuvieri — Gambigom.

Goatsucker, little ; iEgotheles —

Goatsucker, small black — ^got-
heles Albogularis — Kukubert.

Good — Gwabba.

Good, very — Gwabbalitch.

Grandchild — Moy -ran.

Grandfather — Moy-ran ; Tammin.

Grandmother — Moy-ran.

Granite, grey — D-jillak.

Grass — Bobo ; Jilba.

Grass, species of — Bungurt.

Grass, young, just springing after
burniug— -Jinatoug ; Kundyl.


Grasshopper — Jettyl.

Grass-tree, Blackboy ; Xanthorea
— Balga.

Grass-tree, underground — Bura-
rap ; Mimidi.

Grass-tree, tough topped — Barro.

Grave, a — Yungar-bogal ; Yal-ya.

Graze, to (to glance off) — Yilbin.

Grebe, Crested — Podiceps Cris-
tatus — Kali.

Grebe, Little — Podiceps Nestor
(Gould)— Wy-uda.

Greeu (colour) — Girip-girip ;
Kammadjar ; Tdur-dang ; Dur-
dong ; Murringmuring.

Green (alive), applied to trees —

Green Wood — Dal-yar.

Grey — Djidal.

Greyheaded — Katta-djidal.

Grinding, or pounding — Barrang-

Groin, the — Ngilgi ; Ngikil (N.E.

Ground, the — Budjor.

Ground, unburned, or ready for
burning — Narrik ; Bokyt.

Ground, burned — Nappal ; Yan-

Grow, to — Malaj.

Growl, to, as a dog — Nirran.

Grub, edible, found in trees —
Bardi ; Wulgang.

Guard-fish — Yellin.

Guilt— Wulgar.

Guilty — Wulgargadak.

Gull, little ; Xema — Djijinak.

Gum-tree, flooded ; Eucalyptus —

Gum-tree, red ; Eucalyptus resini-
fera — Gardan ; Nandap.

Gum-tree, red, flowers of — Num

Gum-tree, white ; Eucalyptus —
Wando ; Tuart.

H— 2




Gum-tree, species found near York
— Twotta ; Wurak ; Nelarak ;
Nardarak ; Morryl ; Mallat.

Gum, edible, of the Hakea — Dul-
gar; Tulga.

Gum, edible of the \^'attle-tree —

Gum, edible, of the Mang-art, or
Raspberry Jam (Acacia) —

Gum, of the Mut-yal (Xuytsia
Floribunda, or Cabbage-tree) —

Gum-resin, of the Xauthorea, pre-
pared for use by mixing it with
charcoal — Tadibi ; I'utdeba ;

Gum-resin, of the Xanthorea Ar-
borea — Xallang ; Firing.

Gum-resin, of the Tough-topped
Xanthorea — Kadjo.

Gum, of the Xauthorea flower-
stem — Nargal-ya.

Gum, of the Red Gum-tree —

Gun — Widji-bandi.


Habit (in the habit of) — Malyn.

Hair, of the head — Katta mangara.

Hair, down of the body — Dju.

Half, of anything — Bang-ga ;

Halt — Xannap.

Hammer, native — Kadjo.

Hand — Marh -ra.

Handle, of anything — Matta.

Handle, to — Marh-rabarrang; Bar-

Handsome — Gwabbalitch; Ngwor-
ryn-ngworryn ; Ngworrynyang ;

Hanging (loose) — Dowalman ;

Happen, to — Eche-na.

Hard — Murduin ; Moroyt ; Jadam.


Hard (rough) — Battiri ; Burr.
Hark ! (listen) — Nah-nah-or ;

Harmless — Manjang.

Harsh (rough to the feel, like an
unprepared kangaroo -skin) —

Hatchet — Kadjo.
Haunches — Byi.
Having (possessing) — Ga-dak.
Haunt, of an animal — ^Myar.
Hawk, Lizard-eating ; leracidia
Berigora — Kargyn.

Hawk, species of — Gudjilan ; Be-
pumer ; Kiilgur.

Hawk, Eagle ; Aquila fncosa Cu-
vieri — Wald-ja.

Hawk, Little ; Accipiter toiquatus
— eTillijilli.

He— Bal.

He (-himself)— Ballal.

Head — Katt^i.

Health — in health — Wan-gin.

Heap — Murga.

Hear, to — Kattidj.

Heart — Gurdu ; Gurt.

Hearth, where the ashes of a fire
are still remaining — Yurda.

Heavy — Gum bar ; Gun dip ; Botol-
yiing (Upper Swan dialect) ;
Kandalyang ; Bau-yadak.

Heel — Ngudang Jinnardo ; Ngar-
do ; Gurtdun.

Hen, Swamp; Forphyrio — GuUima

Hen, Little ; Zapornia ; — Warraja.

Her (-I'dss. Pronoun) — Balak.

Here — Belli belli ; N-yinya; Nidja ;
Xidjak; Xidjiilla ; N-yal; In-
yene ; Tonait ?

Here (Come here) — Yuid.

Hereafter (at some future period)
— Mila.

Hero — Wardagadak.

Hesitate, to — Kattakattak-abbin.




Hidden — Kopin.

Hide, to — Ballarijow — Dambari-
jow ; Kopiuijow.

High — Kokardar.

High up — Yirak ; Yiragan.

Hill— Katta; Warh-ro.

Hillock — Bogal ; Warh-ro.

Him, to — Buggalo.

Hip — KulgL

Hip-joint — Djul-yyn.

His — Buggalong.

Hold, to (Tjack any one from fight-
ing) — Wungan ; Garraning.

Hole — Garrab ; Jit.

Holey (full of holes) — Garrabara.

Hollow — Garrab.

Honest — Ngwidam.

Honey — Xgon-yang ; Boyn.

Honeysuckle Tree (see Banksia) —

Honeysucker, yellow - winged ;
Melliphaga NoviB Hollandiae —

Honeysucker, black-headed ; Hfe-
matops lunulatus— Banggin.

Honeysucker, yellow ; Ftilotis —

Honeysucker, noisy ; Myzantha
garrula — Bil-yagorong.

Honeysucker, least ; Acanthorhyn-
cus Superciliosus — Buljit.

Honeysucker, white-eared ; Ftilo-
tis — Duranduran.

Honeysucker, yellow-eared ; Ftilo-
tis ornata — Miamit.

Honeysucker, white - breasted ;
Glyciphila ocularis — VVyrodjud-

Horn, a (or anything resembling
it) — Jingala.

Hot — Kallang ; Kallarak.

Hottentot fig ; Mesembryanthe-
mum Equilateral is — Kolbogo.

Hottentot fig, small — Manbibi ;


House — Mya.

Hovea Pungens (a plant) — ^Bu-

Humpback — Bogal-ngudi,

Hungry — Byl-yur ; Bordan-yak
Yulap ; Baudyn.

Hunt, to (Kangaroo in a party) —

Hunting, by moonlight — Mard-

Hurt, to (pain) — Bakkan.

Husband — Kardo.

Husk — Yimba.


I — Ngadjo ; Nganya ; Adjo ; Y-jo
(Vasse riverj.

1 will — Ngadjul ; Adjul ; Y-jul
(Vasse river.)

Ibis ; Nycticorax — Ngalganning

Idle — Mandjalla.

If, if I might — Minning.

Iguana, the — Yurna.

Iguana, long-tailed — Kardara.

Iguana, a species of — Yundak ;
Manar ; iNIekil ; Tjouing ; Wundi

Iguana — Yundung.

Iguana, tailless — Bilyap.

Iguana, green — Kaldar.

Ill — Mindyt ; Ngandyn ; Mendyk ;

Immediately — llak ; Gwytch ;

Immoveable — Murduiu murduin.

Implicated as a blood-relative in an
offence or quarrel — Wulgar.

Improper — Yanbi.

In, within — Bura.

in vain — Mordo.

Inactive — Mandjalla ; Dtabbak ;
Bidi babba.

Incest — Yarbelli.

In c orrect — Yanbi .

Increase, to — Malaj,




Indeed, in very truth — Bundojil;
Kannajil ; Karnayul.

Indiscriminately — Bul-yar.

Indisposed — Wan -yurdu.

Individually — Wallakwallak.

Infant — Gudja ; Burdilyap.

Inform, to — Barnakwarrang.

Injure, to (wound) — Ngattang.

Innocent, not implicated in a
quarrel — Jidyt.

Insect, species of — Wan don a.

Interval, or open space between
two objects — Wallu.

Iron-stone — Malaga.

Island — Gurdubudjor; Bidjigurdu.

It— Bal ; Allija.

It, that is it — Allija ; Karrakarra ;

Itch — Gumburgumbur ; Jipjip.


Jacksonia-tree ; Jacksonia Stem-
borgiaua — Kapbur.

Jacksonia prostrata — Kokadang ;

Jealous — Minobin.

Jealous, to be — Minob.

Jesting — Dtallangyak.

Joints, of the fingers — Marh-

Joking — Waubbaniranwin ; Dtal-
langyak ; Waubbowin ; Waub-

Jump, to — Bardang ngiunow ;

Just now — Gori ; Gwytch.


Kangaroo, in general — Yan-gor.

Kangaroo, the male — Yowart.

Elangaroo, the female — Warru ;

Kangaroo, rock — Murorong.


Kangaroo, blue ; brush, or silver-
grey ; Macropus caeruleus —

Kangaroo (small species) — Burdi ;
Kwakar ; Woile ?

Kangaroo, Macropus elegans —

Kangaroo, young, which still re-
. sorts to its mother's pouch —

Kangaroo, sinews used for thread —

Kangaroo, Hypsiprymnus Gil-
berts — Gilgyte.

Kennedia, purple creeper ; Kenne-
dia Hardenbergia — Kurrolo.

Kernel of the Zauiia nut — Gargoin

Kick, to — Gannow.

Kidney — Djubo.

Kill, to — Dargang-an ; Warbum '

Kingia, species of — Waiyu.

Kingfisher — Halcyon Sanctus ;
Kan-yionak; Kandimak.

Kiss, to — Bimban ; Nind-yan.

Knee — Bonnit ; Djuto ; Tutamindi

Knee-cap, or knee-pan — Bebal.

Knee, Kneepan of the Kangaroo —

Knife, native — Tabba ; Bondjun ;

Knife, small — Dtarh-ra.

Knife, English — Yirriwa.

Knoll, a hillock — Warh-ro.

Knot — Betan.

Knot, a, in wood — Ngudi.

Know, to (to understand) — Kat-

Know, not — Kattidjbru or Kat-

Knowledge of, having — Nagolak.


Lake — Mulur.

Lake, small, or basin — Ngura,




Land — Budjor.

Land, property in — Kallip ; Kalla-

Land-breeze — Nandat.

Languid — Bidibaba.

Large — Ngomon.

Lark, anthus — Warrajudong.

Lark, scrub ; Calamanthus — Bul-

Last, the last of anything — Yuttok.

Lately — Gori.

Laugh, to — Goa ; Walgur,

Lay, to, anything down ; to lay
eggs — Ijow.

Layers, of a root ; as of an onion
— Mimi.

Lazy — Maudjalla ; Dtabbakan ;

Leaf— Dilbi.

Leaf, a dead — Billara ; Derer ;

Leaf ; dead leaves of the Xan-
thorea or grass tree — Min-dar.

Lean, thin — Kardidi : Kotyedak ;

Lean, in poor condition ; speaking

of game or animals — Werbal

(Upper Swan.)

Leave, to — Wanja.
Leave it ; let it alone — Bal.
Leave, left behind — Bang-al.
Leech, small kind — Bylyi.
Leech, large — Ninim.
Leg — Bandi ; Matta.

Leptospermum, sweet - scented ;

Leptospermum angustifoha —

Let (let it alone) — Bal.
Liberate, to — Yalgaranan.

Lie, to ; deceive — Dtal-yili : Gulin ;
Gul-yam ; Bartap, or Burtap ;

Lie down, to — Ngwundow; Ngera?

Lie (to sleep) — Bidjar ngwundow.

Lift up, to — Barrang djinnang.


Lift up, to, in order to examine
underneath — Billan djinnang.

Light (not heavy) «. — Byang
byang ; Biargar ; (Upper Swan).

Light, thin (as a covering) — Bar-

Light (sunlight and heat) — Monak.

Light (moonlight) — Mikang.

Light, of the morning — Waullu ;

Light (daylight) — Biryt.

Light (in colour, not dark) — Djit-
ting ; Djitto.

Light, to prepare a fire — Dukun.

Light, to, as a bird — Gargan ; Gar-

Lightning — Babbangwin ; Gelan-
gin (Upper Swan).

Like (similar to) — Mogoin; Mogin;

Likely (perhapsj — Gabbyn.

Limestone — Dardak ; Djidong
(Upper Swan).

Line, a straight mark — Bidi durgul.

Line, in a right or straight- -Wiring

Lips — Dta.

Little, short — Gorad ; Bottyn.

Little, in quantity — N-yumap.

Little while ago — Gori.

Liver — Myerri.

Living, applied to man or animals,


Living, applied to trees — Won -gin

Lizard — Jinadarra.

Lizard, a species not eaten — Wur-

Lizard, large black — Kardar.

Lizard, small species — Kattang-
irang ; Jorang.

Loins — Dinyt ; Molorn.

Loitering — IMandjalla.

Lonely — Dombart.

Long, tall — Wal-yadi.

Long time ago — Gorah,




Longing for — Gurdak.

Look, to, see — Djinnang ; Nyan-

Look, to, for — Wargat.

Look, sideways from the corner of
the eye — Nalja.-

Look carelessly on the ground ;
sauntering along — Mudjero.

Look ! Look out; mind — Graro-
djin ; Wola.

Louse — Kolo.

Lover — Gurtgadak.

Low, low down — Ngardak ; Ngar-
dal ; Borak ; Ardak ; Ardakat.

Lungs — Wal-yal.

Lying — Barrit ; Gulyaman.


Magpie, break-of-day bird ; Crac-
ticus Tibicen — Gurbat ; Korbat
(Upper Swan).

Magpie, Little — By-yu gul-yidi.

Mahogany tree ; Eucalyptus ro-
busta — Djarryl.

Maid — Bun-garn ; Bun-gyt.

Man — Mammarap.

Man, married — Kardo.

Man, young — Gulaiubiddi.

Man of renown — Wardagadak.

Man, old — Bettich.

Manna, so called — Dang-yl.

Manner, behaviour — Karra ;

Many — Bula.

Many, so — Winnir.

Many, how — Gnaman.

Marriage, in the right line of —

Marrow — Garrap ; Boyn kot-ye-ak

Marry, to — KardoV/irrang.

Marsh harrier-bird ; Circus — Dil-

Marten, hirundo — Gabbikallan-


Matter, from a sore — I'adjang ;

Me — Ngan-ya ; Anna.

Meddler, one who meddles — Marh-

Melt, to, as sugar in water ; Kol-

Membrum Virile— Meda ; Merda.

Mend, to a hole — Dtandidin ; Bap-

Menses — Myerbakkal.

Merely — Arda ; Yaga.

Meteor — Bin nar.

Mid-day — Mal-yarak.

Milk — Gu-ri ; Gu-yi.

Mind ! take care — Garrodjin ; Kat-
tidj murdoinan.

Mine — Ngan-yaluk.

Miscarry, to — Waugalan.

Miss, to, the aim — Wil-yan.

Mist — Dul-ya ; Jiudi ; Kulyir.

Misty, appearance of approaching

rain ; Ngu-yang.

Misunderstand, to — Barra-kattidj.

Mix, to — Widang; Weyang.

Mock, to; imitate — Ijan.

Moon — Miga ; ]\Iiki ; Mimak ;

Moonlight — Mikang.

Moon, waxing : — New moon —


First quarter —

Half - moon —

Second quarter

— Kabbul.
Full moon —

Gerradil katti.
Moon, waning : — Binabardok.

Three ' quart ers-

Burno wandat
Half - moon —

Jidik golang.
Quarter moon —





Monster, fabulous, of the water—
Waugal. Its supposed shape is
that of a huge winged serpent.

More — Ngatti.

Morrow ; to-morrow — Binang ;

Morh-ragadak ; Morhro-godo ;

Mosquito — Nido ; Nirrgo.
Moss — Nangatta ; N-yula.
Mother — Ngangan .
Mother-in-law — Man -gat.
Motherless — Nganganbru.
Mouldy — Min -yudo.
Mount, to — Dendang.
Mountain — Katta Murdo or Mordo
Mountain duck — Tadorma; Guraga
Mountaineer, a — Murdong; Mur-

Mourning, to go into — Murh-ro

nabbow ; Dardak nabbow.
Mouse, small burrowing kind,

eaten by the natives — Djil-yur.

Mouse, species of — Mardo ; Ngul-

Mouse, small species— Mandarda.
Mouse, large, eaten by the natives

— Nuji ; N-yuti (Upper Swan).
Mouse, small species, supposed to

be marsupial — Djirdowin.

Moustaches — ]\lun-ing.

Mouth— Dta.

Move, to — Murrij(j ; Knnow ; Gul-

bang ; Kolo.
Move, to, slowly along — Yannow.
Much, Of//. — Bula; Gi.oriuk?
Mucus of the nose — Ngoro.
Mud — Nano.

Mullet fish — Kalkada ; Ngamiler.
Mumbling food — Gulang-in.
Muscle of the bod} — Ilyn.
Muscle of the thigh — Yoyt.
Muscle, fresh-watur — Inbi ; Marel.
Mushroom — Yalle.
Musk duck, or steamer — Gatdarra.


Musk, obtained from the male
musk duck, being the oil gland
of this bird — Burdi.

My — Ngannn.


Nails of the hand — Birri ; Birrigur.

Naked — Baljarra ; Bokabart ;

Name — Kole ; Quele.

Nape of the neck — Nan-gar.

Narrow — Nulu ; Nund-yfing (Up-
per Swan word).

Navel — Bil-yi ; Ngowerit.

Navel-string — Nanna.

Near — Barduk.

Nearer — Yulang.

Neck — Wardo.

Neck, back of — Bodto.

Nectar of flowers — Ngon-yang.

Needlessly — Darrajan ; as Darra-

jan wingow, to talk on needlessly

or incessantly.

Nephew — My-ur ; Gotitkar.

Nest, birds' — Jidamya ; Jidakalla ;

Nest, white ants' — Molytch.

Neutral ; connected by blood with
two hostile parties, but not im-
plicated in the quarrels of either
— Jidyt.

New — Milgar ; Yy- inang.

News — Warda.

Niece — Giimbart.

Night — Kumbardang ; MyarcMk ;

Nipple of the breast — Bibi mulya.
No — Yuada.
Noise — Gurdor.
Noiseless — Daht ; Gutiguti.
Noiselessly — Bettikbettik.
Nol-yang — Gallinula ; Nolyang,

Nondescript, a ; any indescribable
object — Nytbi.




Nonsense, no such thing — Yaga.

Noon — M al-yarak.

North — Djerral.

Northern people — Welo.

Nose — Mulya.

Nose bone — Mulyat ; Waylmat.

Nostrils — Mul-ya bunan.

Not — Bart ; Bru ; Yuada.

Nothing — Kyan ; Yuat.

Nothing particular — Arda.

Now — Yy-i ; Winnirak ; Yy-inang

Now, just now — Gori.

Now, at this very time — Winni-
jinbar (Upper Swan word) ;
Wynikanbar (K.G.S. word).

Nut, York nut — Marda.

Nuthatch ; Sitella Melanocephalus
— Gumalbidyt.


Off, be off— Watto.

Offended — Mul-yabin.

Offensive, in smell — Bidjak.

Oh !— Nah.

Old, aged — Guragor.

Old, useless — Windo ; windang.

Once — Gyn-yang.

Once, at once — Gwytch ; Hak.

One — Gyn ; Dombart.

Only, merely, simply — Arda ; Yaga

Open, to — Yalgaranan.

Open, a clear open space without
trees — \Vaullu.

Opening, an — Bunan ; Dta.

Openly — Barnak; Bandak.

Opossum, large grey ; Phalangista
Vulpina — Kumal.

Opossum, small, squirrel-like —
Ballagar ; Ballawarra ; Madun ;

Opossum, ring-tailed ; Phalangista
Cookii — Ngora.

Opossum hair-girdle" — Nulb&rn.


Opossum band for the neck — Bu-

Opossum band worn round the
head — Kun-yi.

Or— Ka.

Orphan — Barnap ; Ngangan-bru.

Other, the — Waumma ; Bille.

Otherwise — Warba.

Our — Ngannilak ; Ngillelung.

Outside (out of doors) — Bandak ;

Overflowing — Waubatin.

Overturned — Mudjerdo.

Owl, White ; Strix Cyclops — Binar

Owl, Barking ; Athenae — Wul-

Owl, Lesser White ; Strix Delica-
tulus — Yonja.

Owl, Small Brown, or Cuckoo ;
Strix — Gurgurda ; Gugumit.

Ownerless — Barna.

Oyster— Notan (K.G.S. dialect).




Pain, to — Bakkan.

Pained (in pain) — Mendyk ; Min-

Pair, a — Gurdar.

Palatable — Mul-yit mul-yit.

Palate of the mouth — Gun-yan.

Paper-bark, or Tea-tree, which
grows on the banks of rivers,
a small species — Koll; Mudurda;

Paper bark, or Tea-tree, larger
kind, growing on swampy plains
— Modong.

Paper-bark tree, bark of — Mya.

Parasite (a plant) — Warrap.

Parasite, seed of a species of —

Parched up — Injar-injar.

Parched up ground — Gulbar.

Parrots, in general — Dammalak,




Parrots, a spccief? of — Burnungur ;
Djalyup ; Woljarbang.

Parrot, Blue-bellied ; Platycercus
— Djarrylbardang.

Parrot, Twenty-eight ; Platycercus
Zonarius — Dowarn.

Parrot, Red- breasted ; Platycercus
Icterotis — Guddan-guddan.

Parrot, Screaming ; Trichoglossus
— Kowar.

Parrot, Little Ground ; Nanodes
Venustus — Gulyidarang.

Parrot, Crested ; Nymphicus Novae
Ho llan diae — Wu ral ing.

Parrot, Mountain ; Polytelis Me-
lan ur a — Waukan - ga.

Parrot, Variegated Ground ; Pezo-
porus Formosus — Djulbatta ;

Part, a, of anything — Bang-ga ;

Parts, in — Mul-mul.

Pass, to, on one side — Yallingbart.

Pass, to, through or under — Dar-

Passion — Garrang.

Path — Bidi ; Kungo.

Patient (adjective) — Banj<tr.

Peaceable — N agal.

Pear, Native ; Xylomela Oociden-
talis — Janjin ; Dumbuag.

Pebbles — Molar.

Peep sideways, to — Nalja.

Peevish — Yetit yetit.

Pelican ; Pelecnnus Novae Hol-
landise — Budtidiang ; Nirimba.

Pendant — Dowiri Dowalman ;

Penetrate, to — Dtan.

Penis ; Membrum virile — Meda ;

People — Yung-ar.

Perceive, to — Djinnang.

Perhaps — Gabbyn.

Perspiration — Ban-ya ; Kungar,


Perspire, to^Ran-ya.

Pheasant, Colonial — Ngowo.

Pick up, to — Djnbbun.

Piddle, to — Gumbu.

Pierce, to — Dtan.

Pierce through, to — Waugartdtan.

Pig — Maggoroug.

Pigeon, Bronze-winged ; Columba

— VVodta.
Pigeon, Blue ; Graucalus — Nular-

Pinch, to — Binun ; Bettinun.
Pinion, outer, of wing — Jili.

Pit-patting, agitation, fluttering of
the heart — Badbadin.

Pitching down, lighting as a bird
— Gargan-win.

Place, to — Ijow.

Planet Venus — Julagoling.

Plant, to — Niran.

Play, to — Waubuow.

Pleased, to be — Gurdugwubba.

Plenty — Bula ; Murgyl ; Orpin.

Plover, Long-legged; Himantopus
— Djanjarak.

Plover, Black-fronted ; iEgialitis
nigrifrons — Nidul-yorong.

Pluck up, to — Maulbarrang ijow.

Pluck out feathers, to — Budjan ;
Bar-nan ; Bwonegur.

Pointed finely — Jillap.

Poise, to, a spear, preparatory to

throwing — Mirau.
Pool, of water, in a river — Monong

Pool, of water, in a rock —

Porpoise — Warranang.
Portion, or part of a thing — Karda.
Possesaiug (having) — Gadak.
1 osteriors — Byi.

Pound, to (beat to powder) — Kol-

Pounding roots, the act of— Yu-





Powerful — Murduin ; Bidimurduin

Praise, to — Yang-anan.

Pregnancy — Kobbolak.

Pregnancy, early state of — Bun-


Present, a. — N-yal.

Present, to — Yong-a.

Presently — Burda ; Burdak. (Mur-
ray R.)

Pretty — Gwabba; Ngworryn ng-

Previously — Gwadjat.

Probably — Gabbyn.

Proceed, to — Gulbang.

Produce, to, as animals having
young, or trees, fruit, &c. — Ijow.

Proper — Gwabba.

Property, personal — Bunarak,

Property, personal, of an indi-
vidual deceased — Bin-dart.

Property, landed — Myar ; Kallip ;
Kalla budjor.

Proud — Wurabubin.

Pubes, the — Mando.

Pubes, first appearance of, in youth
— Quelap.

Publicly — Barnak.

Pudenda — Babbalya ; Dardi.

Pull, to — Maulbarrang.

Purloin , to — Ngagynbarrang.

Purposely — Bandak.

Pursue, to, on a track — Balgang.

Push, to — Gurnu ; Billang ; Bil-

Put, to — Ijow.

Put, in order — Gwabbanijow.

Put, on a covering — Wolang,




Quail, brown ; Coturnix Australis,
Gould — Murit.


Quail, painted : Hemipodius Va-
rius — Murolang ; Nani (Upper

Quartz — Borryl ; Bard-ya.

Quick, quickly — Yabbra ; Getget ;
Wellang ; Welawellang ; Yira-
kal ; Y urril.

Quiet, peaceable — Nagal.

Quietly — Bettikbettik.

Quit, to — ^Vanja.




Rage — Garrang.

Rail, water rail ; Rallus — N-yanin.

Rainbow — Walgen ; N-yurdang.

Raise up, to — Wyerow.

Rapid — Yabbra ; Getget.

Rascal — Multchong.

Rase, to (to pull down) — Yutto-

Rat, Marsupial species ; Bandicoot
— Kundi ; Gwende.

Rat, water, species of ; Hydromus
Leucogasler — Murit-ya; Ngurju.

Rat, kangaroo rat — Wal-yo.

Raw — Dal-yar; Tdodak?

Rays of the sun — Nganga Batta.

Really, truly — Bundo ; Karnajil ;

Red, blood-coloured — Ngubulya ;


Reed creeper (brown) — Djardalya.

Reflect, to — Kattidj.

Regardless, careless — Wallarra.

Relate, to, to tell — Warrang-an.

Related by marriage — Noy-yang.

Relation — Murut.

Remain, to; long in a place —

Renown — Warda.

Renown, a man of — Wardagadak.

Residence, place of — Myar,




Resin of the Xanthorhea, prepared
for use by mixing it with char-
coal — Tadibi ; 1 utdeba ; Bigo.

Resin of Xanthorhea Arborea —
Nallang ; Firing.

Resin of the tough- topped Xan-
thorhea — Kadjo.

Restrain, to — Wungan.

Retaliation, in retaliation — Bang-

Retaliate, to — Bang-al buma.

Return, to — Garroyual.

Revenge, to — Bang-al buma.

Ribs, the — Ngarral ; Nimyt.

Ribs, the short — Bun-galla.

Right, proper — Gwabba.

Right arm — Ngunman.

Ring, a circle for enclosing game
— Murga.

Rise, to — Irabin.

River — Bilo.

Robber — Nagalyang.

Robin ; Petroica Multicolor —

Robin, red-crowned ; Petroica
Goodenovii — Minijidang.

Rock — Bu-yi.

Rock, crystal, species of — Wirgo.

Rocking — Binbart binbart.

Rocky — Buyi billanak.

Rogue — Multchong.

Roll, over, to (a. v.) — Billang ;


Rolling from side to side — Binbart

Roots of plants or trees — Nganga ;
Djinnara, or Jinnara ; Wannyl.

Roots, decayed — Mandju.

Roots, edible —

1. Hajmadorum Spioatuui —


2. An orchis, like a small

potato — Djubak.

3. Hsemadorum — Djakilt.


Roots, edible —

4. Ganno.

6. Gwardyn.

6. a species of

rush — Jitta.

7. Jitetgorun.

8. Kogyn.

9. Kuredjigo.

10. a large kind

of Bohn —

11. Hajmadorum Panicula-

tum — Madja.

12. Marang.

13. Nangergun.

14. Ngulya.

15. Resembling Bohn —


16. One of the Dioscorese ; a

species of yam — Warran

17. Typha angustifolia; broad-

leaf marsh flag — Yanjidi

Rope — Madji.

Rough — Batiri ; Burr.

Round about ; on the other side —

Rub, to, on, or over — Nabbow.

Rub together — Yurang yurang.

Rubbing, pounding — Barrang yur-

Rump — Byi; Kakam.

Run, to — Yugow murrijo.

Run away, to — Bardang.

Rushes in general — Gurgogo ;

Rush — Thysanotus Firabriatus ;
used by the natives in sewing
the kangaroo skins together to
form their cloaks — Batta.


Salmon— Melak ; Ngarri ; Ngarril-

Salt (xiibst.) — Gal-yarn (Eastern

word) ,




Salt (adj.) — Djallam.

Samphire — Mil-yu.

Sand, or Sandy land — Go-yatra.

Sandhills near the coast — Ngobar.

Sandal wood tree ; Sandalum Lati-
f olium — Willarak .

Sandy district — Gongaa.

Sanfoin bird ; Ophthiamura Albi-
frons — Yaba wilban.

Satin bird — Kalgong ; Wanggima.

Satisfied — Murada.

Save, to — To save the life of any
one — Barrang dordak-anan.

Saw-dust — N-yetti.

Scab — Djiri.

Scar — Barh-ran.

Scold, to — Gorang.

Scorpion — Karryma ; Konak-

Scrape to, the earth — Bian.

Scrape a spear, to point it — Gar-
bang ; Jingan.

Scraped, pointed — Garbel.

Scrapings — N-yetti.

Scratch, to — Djirang.

Scratch, to, up earth — Bian.

Scream, to — Wanga-dan.

Sea — Odern ; Mammart.

Sea-breeze — Gulam win .

Sea-shore — Walbar.

Seaweed — Nula.

Seal, the hair ; Phoca — Man-yini.

Search, to, for — Wargatta.

Seasons — The aborigines reckon
six in number.

1. Maggoro ; June and July

— Winter.

2. Jilba ; August and Sep-

tember — Spring.

3. Garabarang ; October and


4. Birok ; December and

January — Summer.


Sejisons —

5. Burnuro ; February and

March — Autumn.

6. Wun-yarang, or Geran ;

April and May.

Secret — Ballar ; Kopin.

Secrete, to — Ballar ijow ; Kopin

  • See, to — Djinnang ; N-yang-ow.

See, to, obscurely — Ngallarar djin-

Seed — Nurgo ; Kundyl.

Seed vessel of the Banksia — Bi-
ytch ; Metjo.

Seed vessel of the Eucalyptus, or
gum-tree of any sort — Durdip.

Seedling-trees — Balgor.

Semen — Djidji ; Bema.

Separate, to, violently — Jeran.

Separated by distance — Bang-al.

Separately — Wallakwallak; Kortda

Serious — Ngwidam.

Set, tOj as the sun — Dtabbat.

Set in order — Gwabbanijow ;

Seven — Marh-jin bangga-gudjir

Shade — Mallo.

Shadow — Malliji.

Shag, a bird ; Phalacrocorax —

Shake, to — Yurang yurang.

Shallow — Danjal ; Ngardyt.

Shank — Bandi ; Matta.

Share, to, or divide amongst seve-
ral persons — Wallak-yong-a.

Shark — Mundo ; Bugor (Leschen-
hault dialect).

Shark, species of — Madjit.

Sharp, sharp-edged — Ngoyang.

Sharp, pointed — Jillap.

Sharpen, to ; to point — Djinganan ;

Shavings — N -y etti.





She oak, the — A species of Casua-
rina — Gulli.

iShells, sea-shells — Korel ; Yukel.

Shells, fresh-water shells — ^Marel ;

Shells, egg-shells — Nurgo imba.
Shells, pearl oyster — Bedoan.
Shield— Wunda.
Shining — Bunjat ; Birrikon.
Shiver, to, in pieces — liardatakkan

Shiver, to, with cold or fear — Kur-

gin yugow.
Shoe, an English — Jinna nganjo.
Short ; Gorad ; Gorada..
Shorten — Goradan.
Shoulder — Munga.
Shoulder or blade-bone^ — Djardam.

Shout, to, in order to frighten and
alarm — Bumburman.

Shove, to — Gurnu.

Shower, a — Jidi.

Shut, to — Didinwanjow ; Notod-

Shy — Gulumburrin.

Sick — Mendyk ; Ngandyn ; Wau-
galan ; Mindyt ; Arndin ; Arn-
dinyang (v.)

Side, the — Bun-gal ; Narra,

Side, on this or that — Belli belli.

Side, from side to side — Ngarrak

Sidle along, to — Kandi.

Silently — Gutiguti.

SUly— Balbyt.

SUver fish ; silver herring — Colo-
nial name, Didi.

Similar to — Mogoin ; VVinnarak ;
Burbur ; Mogin.

Sinew — Gwirak.
Sing, to — Yeddigarow.
Singing — Malyangwin (North dia-

Single — D ombar t


Sink, to. as the sun — ^Dtabbat.

Sister — Djuko.

Sister, eldest — Jindam. *

Sister, middle, younger — Kowat.

Sister, youngest — Guloyn.

Sister, married sister — Mii4k.

Sister-in-law — Deni.

Sit, to — Nginnow.

Skewer — Djunong ; Balbiri ;
Djungo ; Yir.

Skilful— Boiloit.

Skin, outer covering of anything —

Skin of an animal — Ngal-yak.

Skin of a dog's tail with the fur
on — Dy-er.

Sky — Gudjyt ; Barrab.

Slate st<jne, species of — Gande.

Slay, to — Ballajau.

Sleep — Bidjar ; Kopil.

Sleep, heavy — Nogoro.

Sleep, to — Bidjar ngwundow.

Slender — Wyamak ; Wiril.

Slight— VVy-yul ; Wiril.

Slippery — Garragar.

Slow— Dtabbiik.

Slowly — Bettikbettik.

Sly— Daht.

Slyly, noiselessly — Gutiguti.

Small — Batdoin ; Bottyn ; N-yu-

map ; Kardidi.
Smear, to — Nabbow ; Yul-yaug.
Smell — Min-ya.
Smell, to (active) — Bindang.
Smoke — Bu-yu ; Gerik.
Smooth — Gun-yak.
Snake — Waugal.

Snake, species of, small — Kyargang
Snake, Carpet — Majinda.

Snake, small, white with red bands




Snake, very venomous — Dubyt ;

Kabarda ; Nona : Noma ; Kwon-

Snake, a kind much liked by the

natives — Wan -go.

Snake — a species not eaten by the
natives — VVorri ; Wye.

Snapper fish — Ijarap.

Sneeze, a sneezing — Mul-yaritch.

Sneeze, to — Mulyar-ijo.

Snore, to — Nurdurang.

So many — Winnir.

Soft, smooth — Gunyak.

Softly— Bettik.

Sole of the foot — Jinnagabbarn.

Son — Mammal.

Song— Yeddi ; Yetti.

Sorcerer — Boyl-yagadak ; Gul-yar-
ri ; Kobbalo bu-yirgadak ; Yu-

Sorcery — Boylya.

Sore — Birrga.

Sore, a — Birrgyn.

Sores, covered with — Birrga bogal.

Soul, the — Gurdumit ; Noyt ; Wu-
yun ; Kadjin ; Kwoyillang ;
Kwoggyn ; Kyn-ya ; Waug.

Sound, a — Gurdor.

South — Bu-yal ; Kauning ; Mi-
nang ; Nurdi.

South-west wind — Karing.

Sowth istle — Wau darsik.

Sparks of fire — Jitip ; Girijit ; Bi-

Speak to, so as to be understood —
Barra wan -go w.

Spear — Gidji.

Spear, glass or quartz-headed —
Boryl ; Gidjiboryl.

Spear, fishing — Garbel ; Gidjiboryl

Spaer, fishing — Garbel ; Gidjigar-

Spear, boys' — Djinjing.

Spear- wood from the hills — Malga ;


Spear-wood from the south — Bur-

Spear- wood found in swamps — Ku-

Spear, to — Gidjal ; Dtan.

Speedily — Getget ; Yabbra.

Spew, to— Kandang.

Spider — Kara.

Spill, to— Darang-a i.

Spin, to twirl round — Gorang.

Spindle, a coarge kind used by the
natives — Djinjing.

Spirit, evil— Jilgi ? Mettagong ;

Spirit, the ; the soul — Noyt.

Spit, to — Narrija gwart.

Spittle — Dtalyi ; Narrija.

Spleen, the — Maap.

Spring, the — Jilba ; Menangal.

Spring, flowing, of water — Garjyt ;
Gabbi garjyt.

Spring, small — Ngirgo (Northern

Sprinkle, to — Yirrbin.

Squeeze, to — Binun.

Squirrel, grey ; Petaurus Mairarus
— Bellogar.

Staff, woman's — Wanna.

Stale — Min-yudo.

Stamping — Narrang.

Stand, to — Yugow.

Stare, at, to— Wundun.

Stars — Mil-yarm ; Ngangar ; Tlen-
di. — Darnavan-ijow; Ngunt-

Steadfastly — ]\Iet.

Steal, to— Quippal; Ngagyn bar-
rang ; Yurjang ; Ngagyl-ya ;

Steal, to, creep on game — Ganna-
ngiunow ; Ngardang ; Kandi.

Stealthily— Gutiguti.




Steamer, musk duck ; Biziura lo-
bata— Gatdarra.

Steep — ^Mordak.

Steep, to, in water— N-yogulang.

Step, to tread— Gannow.

Step, to, on one side to avoid a
spear or a blow — Gwelganow ;
Quelkan (Upper Swan).

Stick, a, Any piece of wood — Garba.

Sticks — 1. The throwing stick — D-
yuna; Dowak; Wal-
ga ; Juwul.

2. Woman's stick or staiF —


3. Crook for pulling down

the Banksia flowers —

4. Stick or skewer for fas-

tening thecloak — Bal-
bir Bindi.

5. Peeled ornamental stick,

worn in the head at a
C( rroberry by the
dancers — Inji ; Mar-
romarro ; Jingala.

Stick, to, to stick half way, to get
jammed — Ngarran.

Stiffened, benumbed — Nan-yar.

Still, yet— Kalga.

Still, to, the wind by enchantment
— Kalbyn.

Stingray fish — Bamba.

Stingy — Guning ; N-yelingur.

Stinking — Bidjak.

Stirring up — Yurirangwin.

Stolen — Ngagyn .

Stomach — Kobbalo.

Stone — Bu-yi.

Stony — Bu-yi billanak.

Stoop, to — Darbow.

Stop ! — Nannap.

Stop up, to — Didin ; Dtandidin.

Stopped or stayed behind — Bang-

Stout — Boyn-gadak; Ilynngomon.


Straight, in a direct line — Wiring;
Durgul ; Tolol ; Kange ; Yun-

Straight, upright — Wyamak.

Strange — Mogang.

Stranger — Wurrar bo-yang ; Yy-
inang ; Mogang.

Stranger, not related — Nanning,

Stray, anything found without an
owner — Barna.

Straying, having lost one's road —

Stream, a — Bilo ; Garjyt.

Strike, to — Buma.

Strike, to, so as to stun or kill —

String — Madji.

String of a bag — Ngwonna ; Nalba.

Strong — Murduin ; Bidi murduin.

Strongly — Gwidjar.

Strutting — Wumbubin.

Stuck in — Nungurdul.

Stun, to — Dargangan.

Stunted — Gorad ; Gorada.

Sufficient — Gyn-yak ; Bel-lak.

Sugar — Ngon-yang ; this, which is
the name of a saccharine juice,
exuding from the red gum-tree,
is applied to sugar, on account
of its sweetness.

Sulky — ^Mul-yabin.

Summer — Birok.

Sun — Nganga ; Batta ; Djat.

Sunbeams — Batta mandu ; Nganga

Sun-set, time of — Garrimbi.

Sun, shine and heat — Monak.

Superfluously — Darrajan ; as Dar-
rajan Yong-a ; to give more
than is expected.

Superior (a<l/.) — Belli.
Surround, to — Engallang ; Tergur
Swallow, of the throat — Gunidi.
Swallow, to — Ngannow.





Swallow ; Hirundo — Kannamit ;
Budibring. (Upper Swan).

Swallow, wood ; Ocypterus Albo-
vittatus — Biwoen.

Swallow, white-throated ; Hinmdo

— Budibudi.
Swallow, sea ; Tern — Kaljirgang.

Swamp — Bura ; Mulyin ; Yalgor ;

Swamp, hen — Porphyrio ; Gullima

Swamp, Uttle — Zapomia ; Warraja.

Swan, black — Kuljak ; Guroyl ;

Mal-yi; Mele.
Sweat — Ban-ya.
Sweat, to — Ban-ya.
Sweep, to— Bamang ; Kaling.
Sweet — Mul-yi mul-yit.
Swim, to— Kowangow? Kowan-

Swoon, to — Yowirgwart; Pandb-
pen. (Northern dialect).


Tadpole— Gobul.

Tail — Moro ; Nindi.

Tail, skin of wild dog's— ^Dyer.

Take, to — Gang-ow.

Take off, to— Bil-yan.

Take by force, to — Yurjang.

Take up, to-Djabbun.

Take in the hand — Barrang.

Take care, look out— Garrodjin.

Talk, to— Wangow.

Tall— Wal-yadi ; Urri.

Tattoo, to, with scars — Bom ;
Ngambarn born.

Tattooing, marks of — NgambSm.

Tea- tree, small sort growing in low
grounds — Kolil.

Tea- tree, of which the spears are
made — Kubert ; Wunnara.

Tea-tree, large sort growing on the
open grounds — Modong.

Tea-tree, species of — Mudurdu ;


Teal ; Anas — Ngwol-yinaggirang.

Tear, to — Jeran.

Tear — Mingal-ya ; Mingal ; Min-
yaug. (Murray River).

Tease, to — Yetit yetitan.

Teasing, the act of teasing — Dtal-

Teeth— Nalgo.

Teeth, of the upper jaw — ^Ngardak-

Teeth, of the lo\^rer jaw — Ira-yu-

Tell, to— Warrang-an.

Temples, the — Yaba.

Terrify, to — Damavan ijow.

Terror — DS,mS.\^n.

Testicles — Yadjo; Yoytch. (Moun-
tain dialect).

That — Alia ; N-yagga ; Yalla.

That very thing— Yallabel.

Their — Balgunak ; Bullallelang.

Them — Balgup.

Then — Garro.

There — Bokojo ; Yallala ; Bungo.

These — Nin-ya, nin-ya.

They— Balgun; BuUalel.

They, two (dual) — Brothers and
sisters, or friends— Bula.

They, two (dual) — Parent and
child ; uncle and nephew, or
niece — BulS,la.

They, two (dual) — Husband and
wife — Bulen.

Thief — ; Ngagyl-ySng.

Thieve, to— Ngagylya.

Thigh— Dtowal.

Thin — Kardidi ; Kot-yelara ; Wi-
ding ; Wi-yul ; Eotyedak ; Bat-

Thine — N-gunallang ; N-ytmalak.

Thirsty — Gabbigurdak,

This— Nidja.

This way, this side — Bellibdii ;




Thistle, sow-thistle— Waudarak.

Thou— Nginni

Thou (interrogatively) — N-yndu ;

Three — Warh-rang ; Mardyn.
(North dialect)— Murtden.

Throat, neck— Wardo.

Through, pierced through — Wau-

Throw, to — Gwardo ; Gwart ;

Tlirow, to, the spear — Gidjigwart

Throw, to, off — Bil-yan.

Throwing-board for the spear —

Thrush, grey ; CoUuricincla —

Thrush, yellow-bellied ; Pachyce-
phala gutturalis — Pidilmidang.

Thunder — Malgar.

Thunder, to — Kundarnangur.

Thunder, to sound like — Edabun-

Thus — Wunnoitch ; Wuling.
Tickle, to— Djubodtan.
Tie, tu — Yuttarn ; Yudam.
Timid — Gulumburin.
Tired— Bidibaba.
Tiresome — Karradjul ; Yetit yetit
To-day— Yyi.

Toes, large toe — Ngangan ; Jina-

Toes, small — Gulang gara.
Together — Danjo ; Indat.

To-morrow — Binang ; Morh-rogo-
do ; Morh-ragadak ; Manyana.

Tongue — Dtallang; DtakundyL

Top of anything — Katta.

Topsy-Turvy — Mudjardo.

Tortoise— Bu-yi ; Ng-yakyn ; Ya-
gyn; KUung.

Track— Balgang ; Kungo.

Track, recent, of an animal —


Trackless — ^Tdurtin.

Traveller — A person constantly
on the move — Jinnang-ak.

Tread, to — Gannow.

Tree — Burnu.

Troublesome — KarradjuL

Trowsers— Matta boka.

Truly, or true — Bundo ; Karnajil ;
Karnayul ; Minam.

Tuft, ornamental, of emu feathers
— Ngalbo ; Yanji.

Tuft, ornamental, of cockatoo
feathers — Ngower.

Turkey, see Bustard — Bibil-yer ;

Turn to, or spin anything round —
Gorang ; Gorang-anan.

Turn over, to, for the purpose of
examining underneath — Billang

Turtle, sea, long-necked; Chelo-
dinia longicoUis — Bu-yi.

Turtle, snake-necked freshwater —

Twilight, evening — Ngallanang.

Twilight, morning — WauUu.

Twirl, to, round — Gorang-anan.

Two— Gudjal ; Gurdar.

Two, we {dual) — Parent and child
— Ngala.

Two, we (dual) — Brother and
sister, or two friends — Ngalli.

Two, we (dual) — Husband and
wife — Ngannik.

Two, we ((^wai)- Brothers-in-law

Two, ye (dual) Brother and sister ;
parent and child — Nubal.

Two, ye (dual)— Man and wife—

Two, they (dual) — Brothers and

sisters or friends — Bula.

Two, they (dual) — F&rent and
child ; uncle and nephew, or
niece — Bulala.

2— H




Two, they (dual) — Husband and
wife — Bulen.


Unable from any cause to do what
may be required — Mordibang.

Unanimous — Gurdu gyn-yul.

Uncle — Kangun.

Unconnected, unrelated — Nanning

Uncooked meat — Dal-yar.

Uncovered — Baljarra.

Underneath — Yendun.

Understand, to — Kattidj.

Understand, not to — Kattidjburt ;

Uneven — Dardun ; Bulgangar.

Unfasten, to — Began.

Ungainly — Wal -yadi.

Unintelligible — Bilgitti.

Unintentionally — Balluk.

Unknown, strange — Mogaug ; Bo-

Unloose, to— Bil-yan ; Began.

Unlucky in the chase — Marralak ;

Unsteady — Binbart binbart ; Ngar-

rak ngarrak.

Unwell — Mendyk ; Ngandyn ;
Bidibabba ; Mindyt.

Up, upwards -Irak.

Up, get up — Ira p.

Upright— Ira.

Upside down — Mudjardo.


Used to — Malyn.

Useless — Djul ; Windo ; Win dang.


Vain, proud — Wumbubin.
Vain, in vain — Murdo.
Valley, a — Wedin ; Burdak.
Varnish, to, with gum — Yul-yang.
Vegetable food — ^Maryn.


Vegetation — Jilba ; Bobo.

Vein — Bidi.

Venus, the planet — Julagoling.

Vermin — Kolo.

Very, super, affix — Jil ; as Gwabba,
good ; Gwabbajil, very good.

Voice — KowaV Mya.

Void, to, the excrement — Konang ;
Kona ; Nujan.

Vomit, to — Kandang.


Walk, to — Ennow ; Yannow ; Mur-

Walloby —Ban -gap.

Wander, to, from the right road —

Warbler reed ; Salicaria — Gurji-

Warbler, spotted, winged ; Seri-
cornis frontalis — Girgal.

W^arm — Kallak ; Kallarak.

Warm, applied to water — Kallang ;
Gabbikallang, warm water.

Waste, a ; barren land utterly de-
stitute of vegetation — Battardal.

Wasted, thin — Wiyul ; Batdoin ;

Water ; Gabbi ; Kypbi ; Kowin ;
Yemat ; Djam ; Djow ; Badto.

Water, fresh — Gabbidjikap ; Gab-

Water, salt, in lakes and rivers —

Water, salt, of the sea — Gabbio-

Water, running — Gabbikolo ; Gab-
by tch.

Water, standing in a pool— Gabbi

Water, standing in a well — Gnura.

Water, standing in a rock — Gnamar

Water, to make — Gumbu.

Waterfowl, species of — Wakurin ;
Winin ; Yaet.




Wattle bird ; Aiithochaera Lewi-
nii — Djang-gilug.

Wattle tree— Galyang.

Wandunu, A species of insect —

Wave of the sea — Ngy anga.
Way, a path — Bidi ; Kungo.
Way, this way — Wunno.
We — Ngannil ; Ngalata ; Ngillel.

We two (dual) between husband
ane wife — Xgauuik.

We two (dual) between parent and
child — Ngalla.

We two (dual) brother and sister,

or two friends — Ngalli.

We two (dual) brothers-in-law —

Weak — Babba ; Bidibabba.

Wear, to, or carry on the back —
Wan dang.

Weasel ; colonially, native cat —
Dasyurus Maugei ; Barrajit.

Weather, fine, sunny — Monak.

Weather, clear, calm — Budulu.

Weighty — Gumbar ; Gundipgun-
dip ; Botal-yang ; Kandal-yang

Well, good — Gwabba.

Well in health — Wan -gen.

Well recovered from sickness —
Barr-ab-ara ; Dordak.

Well, of water, native — Gnura,

Well-behaved — Karra gwabba.

West — Urdal ; Winnagal (Moun-
tain dialect).

Wet — Bal-yan ; Yalyet; Yalyuret.

Whale, a — Mimang-a.

What — Nait ; yan.

Where — Winjalla ; Winji.

Wherefore — Xaitjak.

Whinstone, species of — Gagalyang

Whirl, to, round — Goranganan.
Whirlwind — Warh-ral. ; Monno.


Whistle, to— Wardyl.

White— Wilban ; Dalbada ; Djidal

White of an egg — Mammango.
Whither — Winji.
Who — Ngan ; Nganni ; Ngando ;


Who will ?— Ngandul.

Whole — Mundang ; Bandang.

Whose — Ngannong, Enung.

Why — Naitjak.

Wide— Gabbar.

Widow — Yinang.

Widower — Yinang.

Wife— Kardo.

Wild, desolate— Battardal.

Will you ? — N-yundu ; N-yundul.

Wiiyu — OEdienemus longipennis ;

Wind— Mar.

Wind, north — Birunna.

Wind, north-west — Durga ; Dtal-

Wind, south — Wiriti.

Wind, south-east — Wirrit ; D-

Wind, south-west — Karring.

Wind, east — Nandat; Nangalar.

Wind, west — Durga.

Wind, sea-breeze — Gulamwin.

Wind, land wind — Nandat.

Windpipe — Dtagat ; Mungurdur.

Wing — Kanba.

Wing, outer pinion of — Jili.

Wink, to — Butak-butak.

Winter — Maggoro.

Witchcraft — Boyl-ya.

Withered, dried up ; applied to
wood or animals when dead —

Withered ; applied to leaves —

Within — Bura.




Without, wanting anything — Bru ;
as Boka bru, without a cloak.

Wittingly — Bandak.

Wive, to ; steal a wife — Kardo

Wizard — Boyl.ya-gadak.

Woman — Yago.

Woman, unmarried, or one who
has attained the age of puberty
— Kung-gur.

Woman who has not had children
— Mandigara.

Woman who has had children —
Yulang-idi ; Yulang ara.

Womb— Dumbu.

Wonder, to— Wundun.

Wood — burnu.

Wood, well seasoned — Mandju.

Wooded, covered with trees —
Man don.

Word — Warryn.

Worms bred in sores— Ninat.

Worms, intestinal — Ninat.

Worn out — Windo ; Windang.

Wound, to — Ngattang.

Wounded badly — Birrga ; Bilo


Wounded mortally — Kalla dtan


Wren, emu ; Stipiturus Malachu-
rus — Jirjil-ya.

Wren, ash-coloured ; Georygone
culicivorus ? — Warrylbardang.

Wren, short-billed ; Geiygone
brevirostris — Giaterbat.

Wren, brown -tailed ; Acanthiza
Tiemenensis — Djulbidjulbang.

Wren, yellow-tailed ; Acanthiza
Chrysorrhoea — J ida.

Wrist — Mardyl.

Wrong, wrongly — Barra.


Xanthorrhsea ; colonially, grass-
tree or black boy.


Xanthorrhsea arborea — Balga.

Xanthorrhsea arborea, species of —
Ballak ; Galgoyl ; Yango ;

Xanthorrhsea arborea, tough-top-
ped — Barro.

Xanthorrhsea arborea, under-
ground — Burarap ; Mimidi.

Xanthorrhsea, leaves of — Mindar.

Xanthorrhsea, stem of the flower
— Waljap.


Yawn, to — I

Ye — Nyurang.

Ye two, brother and sister, parent
and child — Nyubal.

Ye two, man and wife — Nyubin.

Yellow — Yundo.

Yellow, bright yellow — Kallama.

Yellow, dark yellow — Ngilat.

Yes — I-i ; projecting the chin for-
ward, and keeping the mouth
nearly shut, when uttering this
guttural sound — Kwa ; Ky ;
Koa ; Kya.

Yesterday — Marh-rok.


Yolk of an egg — Natdjing.

You — N -yurang.

You will — N-yundu ; N-yundul.

Young — Yyinang.

Young of anything — Nuba; No-
pyn (Mountain word^.

Younger (middle) sister — Kowat.

Younger (middle) brother — Kardi-

jit; Kardang.
Yours — Ngunallang ; N-yurangak;

Youth, young man — Gulambiddi.


Zamia tree ; Euceptal^QS ^Sfiir-
alis — ^DjirijL


Zamia tree, species of, growing
near the coast — Kundagor,

Zamia tree, fruit of — By-yu ;

Zamia tree, stone of — Gargoin.

Zamia tree, kernel of — D-yundo ;


Zamia tree, nut of, a species of —




This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 27 March, 2015 and hosted at (it was last updated on 20 April, 2024), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.