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Westralian Voices: Documents in Western Australian History

Aveling, Marion ed. 1979, Westralian Voices, UWAP.


Introduction and Acknowledgements

I The State of Society

Charles Fox, Marian Aveling

1 The colonists
2 The convicts
3 The second generation
4 The t’Othersiders

II Law and Order

Lynne Stevenson, Tom Stannage

Preamble 63
1 Property 66
2 Social outcasts 73
3 Workers 85
4 Aborigines 96

III Religion

Marian Aveling, Elizabeth Willis

Preamble 107
1 The Anglican supremacy 110
2 The coming of the sects 116
3 The personal function of religion 128
4 The social function of religion 144
5 The conscience of the state 158

IV Education

Bruce Haynes

Preamble 165
1 Early problems 167
2 Beginning a system 174
3 A system working 186


V Health

Prue Joske

1. public health
2 The doctors
3 The nurses
4 institutions

VI Women and the Family

Margaret Grellier

1 Home and hearth
2 Courtship and marriage
3 Female immigrants
4 Mistresses and servants
5 Women and poverty
6 Women and children
7 Women’s legal status
8 Women and public morality
9 Women past, present and future
Sources of documents

List of Documents


1 The Colonists

1.1 Nathaniel Ogle: The state of society (1838)
1.2 E. W. Landor: Motives for colonization (1847)s
1.3 Colonial Secretary: Letter on the death of a colonist (1831)
1.4 Lt-Governor James Stirling: Labourers’ rations (1830)
1.5 George Stokes, Carpenter: A memorial to the governor (1836)
1.6 Rev. John Wollaston: On servants (1842)
1.7 Perth Gazette: Shepherds’ Club and Mutual Protection Society (1843)
1.8 Protector of Natives: Report (1841)

2 The Convicts

1.9 Perth Gazette: Opposition to transportation (1849)
1.10 Rev. John Wollaston: On the convicts (1851)
1.11 Mechanics’ Institute Debate: The state of the colony (1855)
1.12 Police Occurrence Book, York:‘Flash’language (1862)
1.13 John McDonald, convict: Letter pleading his life (1862)
1.14 Petition to Governor Hampton: Concerning mercy (1862)
1.15 Mrs Edward Millett: A happy settler (1872)
1.16 Registrar-General: Census of the Colony of Western Australia (1870)
1.17 Police Occurrence Books, York: Old convicts (1875-81)

3 The Second Generation

1.18 E. W. Landor: ‘The Tendency of Colonization is to Deteriorate’(1848)
1.19 Mathew Hale: The Bishop’s School (1862)
1.20 Thomas Edwards, P.C.: A disturbance at York races (1863)
1.21 Police Occurrence Books, York: Edwards v. Maitland Brown (1863)
1.22 The Perth Poor House: Regulations (1877)
1.23 Mrs Edward Millett: Masters and servants (1860s)
1.24 Rev. J. B. Gribble:‘Dark Deeds in a Sunny Land’ (1886)
1.25 The Hon. John Forrest: Presidential address, AAAS (1890)
1.26 ‘T.L.’: The Western Australian‘Quasi-Aristocracy’(1892)

4 The Coming of the t’Othersiders

1.27 Daily News editorial: The Threat of Socialism (1891)
1.28 W. Aust. Unionists: Resolution to the Trades and Labour Council, Sydney (1891)
1.29 Coolgardie Miner: A new branch of the Amalgamated Workers’Association (1897)
1.30 Coolgardie Pioneer: The Anti-Asiatic League (1895)
1.31 West Australian: An anti-labour league (1904)
1.32 Canon George Moore: A sermon on the Churches and national service (1916)
1.33 M. M. Walsh: A letter to Lady Forrest (1915)


1 Property

2.1 Governor Stirling: Progress of the colony (1830)
2.2 Mary Cooke: A charge of stealing (1833)
2.3 Perth Gazette: Stealing boots (1833)
2.4 Perth Gazette: Stealing potatoes (1834)
2.5 Depositions before the justices: Stealing clothes (1833)
2.6 Will of Isaac Marks, ticket-of-leave holder (1855)
2.7 Will of George Leake, magistrate (1840)

2 Social Outcasts

2.8 Reports on the death of a baby (1830)
2.9 Extracts from Supreme Court depositions (1863)
2.10 Perth Gazette: Police news on drunkenness (Sept. 1853)
2.11 Police Department: Annual Report for 1877
2.12 Prison Record: A Chinese prisoner (1894-97)
2.13 Premier’s Department: A Muhammedan prisoner (1896)

3 Workers

2.14 Governor Stirling: Progress of the colony (1830)
2.15 Perth Gazette: Letter from an observer (1847)
2.16 Indenture of Richard Smith (1829)
2.17 Perth Gazette: Proceedings by indentured servants (1833)
2.18 Perth Gazette: Servants’ wages (1834)
2.19 Act: Relationship between masters and servants (1842)

4 Aborigines

2.20 Perth Gazette: Relations with Aborigines (Feb. 1833)
2.21 Perth Gazette: Relations with Aborigines (March 1833)
2.22 Perth Gazette: A native shot (May 1833)
2.23 Perth Gazette: Yagan proclaimed an outlaw (May 1833)
2.24 Perth Gazette: Execution of an Aborigine (May 1833)
2.25 Perth Gazette: On the legal status of Aborigines (1848)
2.26 Reports on the executions of Aborigines at Halls Creek (1891 & 1892)
2.27 E. W. Landor: The Bushman (1847)
2.28 Action by police over tribal offences (1892)


1 The Anglican Supremacy

3.1 Rev. John Wollaston: God and Nature (1841)
3.2 Rev. John Wollaston: Religion and Order (1842)
3.3 Rev. John Wollaston: Opening of St John’s at Fremantle (1843)
3.4 Rev. John Wollaston: Design for the Picton church (1841)

2 The Coming of the Sects

3.5 Western Australian Legislative Council: Act to promote building of churches and chapels (1840)
3.6 Wesleyan Body of Christians: Memorial to the governor (1840)
3.7 Thomas Farmer: Recollections of Methodism (1871)
3.8 Bishop Salvado: Miracle at New Norcia (1847)

3 The Personal Function of Religion

3.9 Inquirer: ‘Malcolm the Murderer’—an execution (1847)
3.10 Fanny Bussell: Letter on the death of her mother (1845)
3.11 Rev. John Wollaston: A letter of condolence (1855)
3.12 Mechanics Institute Debates: The nature of death (1855)
3.13 Mathew Hale: On the death of his son (1862)
3.14 The Congregational Church: Letter to Bishop Hale (1875)

4 The Social Function of Religion

3.15 Luis Guistiniani, Anglican clergyman: a petition for naturalization
3.16 Mrs E. Millett: Convicts and clergymen (1860s)
3.17 Colonial Chaplain: Report on the prison library (1855)
3.18 Rev. J. B. Gribble: Experiences as a ‘missionary-clergyman’ in the Gascoyne area (1886)
3.19 Sir John Forrest: Defending the ecclesiastical grant (1893)
3.20 Act: Termination of the ecclesiastical grant (1895)

5 Religion, the Conscience of the State

3.21 The Church of England Quarterly Magazine'. Proclamation Hymn (1890)
3.22 Rev. A. S. C. Jones: The Empire, its responsibilities and perils (1907)
3.23 West Australian: Letter on Sunday closing (1909)
3.24 Canon George Moore: Sermon to troops en route to the front (1916)
3.25 Canon Moore: Sermon on the return of the troops (1917)


1 Early Problems

4.1 Perth Gazette: Reward for recovery of stolen books (1833)
4.2 Abraham Jones: Letter to the governor on teacher’s salary (1840)
4.3 Eliza Brown (York): Letter on the education of Aborigines (1843)
4.4 Eliza Brown: Letter on the need for schooling (1844)
4.5 Eliza Brown: Letter on opportunity for schooling (1845)
4.6 Eliza Brown: Letter on limited help available with schooling (1846)
4.7 Eliza Brown: Letter expressing her hopes for her son’s future (1847)
4.8 Eliza Brown: Letter expressing a change of opinion (1849)


4.9 Thomas Brown: Letter on his son’s education (1849)
4.10 Thomas Brown: Letter on his son’s education (1850) 173

2 Beginning a System

4.11 Government Gazette: Rules and regulations for colonial schools (1846)
4.12 Inquirer: Letter on Catholic education (1847)
4.13 Inquirer: Letter on colonial education (1847)
4.14 Education Committee: Letter to master, Free Colonial School (1847)
4.15 Fremantle Education Committee: Letter to the General Board of Education dismissing a teacher (1858)
4.16 Parents at South Greenough: Petition to the governor for a school (1868)
4.17 Governor Weld: Letter to Lord Granville for a dual system (1870)
4.18 Inquirer. No priest, no parson, no church, no school at Wanneroo (1872)

3 A System Working

4.19 Headmaster, Rudd’s Gully School: Letter on accommodation to the Education Department (1896)
4.20 Education Department: Reply to Headmaster, Rudd’s Gully (1896)
4.21 Kalgoorlie Miner: Politics and the schools (1900)
4.22 John Angel, builder: Letter to the Education Department concerning the school in Dowerin (1909)
4.23 Alice Avery, teacher: Letter to the Education Department concerning the school in Dowerin (1909)
4.24 A. B. Hanrahan, teacher: Letter to the Inspector-General of Education concerning the school in Dowerin (1910)
4.25 Extract from the Claremont Teachers Training College Regulations (1912)
4.26 M. V. Peacock, teacher: Letter to the Director of Education concerning pupils at Quairading (1914)
4.27 John Kickett, an Aboriginal: Letter to the Minister for Education concerning his children’s schooling (1915)
4.28 John Kickett, an Aboriginal: Letter to the Education Department concerning his children’s schooling (1916)
4.29 Director of Education: Reply to John Kickett (1916)


4.30 Director of Education: Briefing to the Minister ior Education on the school attendance of Aboriginal children (1917)
4.31 John Kickett: Letter to Mr H. Griffiths, MLA, concerning the schooling of his children (1918)
4.32 Director of Education: Letter to Mr H. Griffiths, MLA, concerning admission of Aboriginal children (1919)
4.33 The Executive, Teachers’ Union: The Women’s Manifesto (1920)4.34 Sir Paul Hasluck: Perth Modern School, 1918-22
4.35 Claremont Teachers Training College: Extract from entrance examination (1926)
4.36 Director of Education: Memo to the Minister for Education on class sizes (1928)
4.37 Parliamentary Debates: Speech by Mr Cross, MLA, on homework (1938)
4.38 Education Department Annual Report: The education of Aboriginal children (1940)
4.39 W.A. Teachers’ Journal: Air-raid precautions in schools (1943)
4.40 Harrismith School Journal: Problems caused by the War (1943)


1 Public Health

5.1 Rev. John Wollaston: An influenza epidemic (1841)
5.2 Perth Gazette: Influenza among the Aborigines (1845)
5.3 Colonial surgeon: Disappearance of the Aboriginal race (1860)
5.4 Lady Broome: An epidemic of measles (1883)
5.5 Commission on Sanitation: Nuisances in Fremantle (1885)
5.6 Margaretta Dore: The smallpox epidemic (1895)
5.7 Western Australian House of Assembly: Venereal disease (1898)
5.8 Rev. Canon Moore: The dangers of sexual intercourse (1917)
5.9 Western Australian House of Assembly: The treatment of venereal disease (1920)
5.10 Commissioner for Public Health: Advice to schoolboys (1930s)


5.11 Western Australian House of Assembly: The Miners’ Phthisis Act (1925)
5.12 Federal Health Council Report: Tuberculosis and the Western Australian Miner (1930)

2 The Doctors

5.13 Colonial Secretary’s correspondence: Suicide of a doctor (1867)
5.14 Colonial Secretary’s Office: Registration of doctors (1870)
5.15 Colonial Secretary’s correspondence: Concerning an Aboriginal patient (1867)
5.16 District colonial surgeons: Memorial to Governor Weld on payments for post-mortems, and the Colonial Secretary’s reply (1871)
5.17 Colonial Surgeon, York: Extra-medical care of a patient (1871)
5.18 Medical practitioners of Perth: A petition for the establishment of deep drainage in Perth (1898)
5.19 Western Australian Legislative Council: Professional versus lay control (1944)
5.20 Royal Perth Hospital Journal’. The first Western Australian graduates (1962)

3 The Nurses

5.21 Henry Charles Princep’s diary: A difficult birth (1869)
5.22 J. Ferguson, Colonial Surgeon: A matron’s wages (1863)
5.23 Colonial Secretary’s correspondence: Wages for nurses (1878)
5.24 Elizabeth Agnes Sadlier: Reminiscences of nursing (1893)
5.25 William Moore: To the Select Committee on the Bubonic Plague (1906)
5.26 Western Australian Legislative Assembly Debate: Registration of nurses (1921)
5.27 Western Australian Legislative Assembly: The training of nurses (1960)
5.28 Sister M. Reid: Aboriginal nurses (1969)
5.29 West Australian: Letter on the role of nurses (1977)

4 Institutions

5.30 Colonial Secretary’s correspondence: Patients, paupers and immigrants (1862)


5.31 Government Gazette: Institutions and the Jubilee (1887)
5.32 West Australian: Proposed maternity hospital (1909)
5.33 Interview with Miss R. Bottle: The early King Edward Hospital (1910s)
5.34 Western Australian Legislative Assembly: Conditions of the insane (1918)
5.35 Royal Commission into Hospitals: Rural conditions (1922)
5.36 Western Australian Legislative Assembly: Wiluna Hospital (1924)
5.37 Royal Perth Hospital Journal: Perth Hospital (1963)


1 Home and Hearth

6.1 Emma Thompson: Concepts of home (1857)
6.2 Perth Gazette: ‘Home and its pleasures’ (1859)
6.3 Charlotte Bussell: Day-to-day running of the farm (1839-40)
6.4 Charlotte Bussell: Description of a sitting-room (1840)
6.5 Police Occurrence Books, York: Offences against women (1859)
6.6 Swan River Mechanics’ Institute debates: Discussion on women’s intellectuality (1853)

2 Courtship and Marriage

6.7 Henry Princep: Courtship of Josephine Bussell (1866)
6.8 Perth Gazette: Court report of a bigamy trial (1858)
6.9 Mary Bussell: Late marriage of a relative (1873)

3 Female Immigrants

6.10 Perth Gazette: Women convicts (1854)
6.11 Perth Gazette: Women convicts (1854)
6.12 Perth Gazette: Women convicts (1854)
6.13 Mrs E. Millett: Female immigrants (1860s)

4 Mistresses and Servants

6.14 Charlotte Bussell: The servant problem (1840)
6.15 Fanny Bussell: The servant problem (1830s)
6.16 Amelia Blagg: Treatment of a servant (1831)


5 Women and Poverty

6.17 Colonial Secretary’s Office files: Request for assistance (1862)
6.18 Colonial Secretary’s Office files: Request for assistance (1862)
6.19 Colonial Secretary’s Office files: Request for assistance (1863)
6.20 Colonial Secretary’s Office files: Request for assistance (1862)
6.21 Inquirer: Relieving the ‘undeserving’ poor (1853)
6.22 Perth Gazette: Widowhood (1852)

6 Women and Children

6.23 Mrs Richards: Memories of a goldfield’s mother (1890s)
6.24 Colonial Secretary’s Office files: Infanticide (1840)
6.25 Perth Gazette: Infanticide (1867)
6.26 Colonial Secretary’s Office files: Infanticide (1862)
6.27 Perth Gazette: Abortifacients (advertisements) (1856, 1867)
6.28 Mrs E. Millett: Employment of children (1860s)
6.29 Perth Gazette: Lost child (advertisement) (1866)
6.30 Mrs E. Millett: Lost child (undated)
6.31 Amy Hale: Lost in the bush (1850s)

7 Women’s Legal Status

6.32 Supreme Court records: Judgement, matrimonial causes (1886)
6.33 Legislative Assembly debate: Women’s suffrage (1896)
6.34 Labor Women’s Conference: First report (1912)

8 Women and Public Morality

6.35 Legislative Assembly debate: On tobacconists and brothels (1898)
6.36 Western Women: Prostitution and the ‘unfit’ (1917)
6.37 Public Health Department: Sexual information for girls (1930s)
6.38 Anglican Church Mothers’ Union: The family under threat (1921)
6.39 The Dawn: The Women’s Movement (1927)

9 Women Past, Present and Future

6.40 An interview with Irene Greenwood (1977)

Facsimile Documents

1.5 Carpenter John [George] Stoke’s memorial to Governor Stirling (1836)
1.13 Convict John McDonald’s letter, pleading his life, to Governor Hampton (12 Aug. 1862)
1.14 Petition to Governor Hampton concerning mercy for John McDonald and Andrew Miller condemned to death for robbery (13 Aug. 1862)
2.19 The opening page of 6 Vict. No V (1842) An Act to provide a summary remedy in certain cases of Breach of Contract
3.4 Rev. J. Wollaston’s design for the Picton church (1841)
3.6 The Wesleyan memorial to Governor Hutt on state aid to schools (Nov. 1840)
4.27 John Kickett’s (a half-caste) letter to the Minister for Education, pleading admission of his children to school (April 1915)
5.22 A matron’s wages: a letter by Colonial Surgeon J. Ferguson to Governor Hampton (24 July 1863)
5.37 Royal Perth Hospital: ground plan (Dec. 1863) 274
6.20 A letter to Colonial Secretary requesting assistance for Jane Hunt (1 July 1862)


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 13 October, 2022 and hosted at (it was last updated on 14 October, 2023), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.